Exemplo n.º 1
class ConnectionFactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(ConnectionFactoryTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.session = Session(FakeSession(TestCoreService()))
        self.sf = ConnectionFactory(session=self.session)
        self.test_service_class = self.sf.construct_for('test')

    def test__check_method_params(self):
        _cmp = self.test_service_class()._check_method_params
        op_params = [
                'var_name': 'queue_name',
                'api_name': 'QueueName',
                'required': True,
                'type': 'string',
                'var_name': 'attributes',
                'api_name': 'Attributes',
                'required': False,
                'type': 'map',
        # Missing the required ``queue_name`` parameter.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, _cmp, op_params)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, _cmp, op_params, attributes=1)

        # All required params present.
        self.assertEqual(_cmp(op_params, queue_name='boo'), None)
        self.assertEqual(_cmp(op_params, queue_name='boo', attributes=1), None)

    def test__build_service_params(self):
        _bsp = self.test_service_class()._build_service_params
        op_params = [
                'var_name': 'queue_name',
                'api_name': 'QueueName',
                'required': True,
                'type': 'string',
                'var_name': 'attributes',
                'api_name': 'Attributes',
                'required': False,
                'type': 'map',
        self.assertEqual(_bsp(op_params, queue_name='boo'), {
            'queue_name': 'boo',
        self.assertEqual(_bsp(op_params, queue_name='boo', attributes=1), {
            'queue_name': 'boo',
            'attributes': 1,

    def test__create_operation_method(self):
        func = self.sf._create_operation_method('test', {
            'method_name': 'test',
            'api_name': 'Test',
            'docs': 'This is a test.',
            'params': [],
            'output': True,
        self.assertEqual(func.__name__, 'test')
            'This is a test.\n:' + \
            'returns: The response data received\n' + \
            ':rtype: dict\n'

    def test__check_for_errors(self):
        cfe = self.test_service_class()._check_for_errors

        # Make sure a success call doesn't throw an exception.
        cfe((None, {'success': True}))

        # With an empty list of errors (S3-style success.
        cfe((None, {'Errors': [], 'success': True}))

        # With a list of errors.
        with self.assertRaises(ServerError) as cm:
            cfe((None, {'Errors': [{'Message': 'Not much.'}]}))

        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'ConnectionError')
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Not much.')
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.full_response, {
            'Errors': [{'Message': 'Not much.'}]

        # With a single, detailed error.
        with self.assertRaises(ServerError) as cm:
            cfe((None, {
                'Errors': {
                    'Code': 'FellApart',
                    'Message': 'The robot serving the request fell apart.'

        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'FellApart')
            'The robot serving the request fell apart.'

        # With an error string.
        with self.assertRaises(ServerError) as cm:
            cfe((None, {'Errors': 'Sadness.'}))

        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'ConnectionError')
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Sadness.')

    def test__post_process_results(self):
        ppr = self.test_service_class()._post_process_results
        self.assertEqual(ppr('whatever', {}, (None, True)), True)
        self.assertEqual(ppr('whatever', {}, (None, False)), False)
        self.assertEqual(ppr('whatever', {}, (None, 'abc')), 'abc')
        self.assertEqual(ppr('whatever', {}, (None, ['abc', 1])), [
        self.assertEqual(ppr('whatever', {}, (None, {'abc': 1})), {
            'abc': 1,

    def test_integration(self):
        # Essentially testing ``_build_methods``.
        # This is a painful integration test. If the other methods don't work,
        # this will certainly fail.
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.test_service_class, 'create_queue'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.test_service_class, 'delete_queue'))

        ts = self.test_service_class()

        # Missing required parameters.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ts, 'create_queue')
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ts, 'delete_queue')

        # Successful calls.
        self.assertEqual(ts.create_queue(queue_name='boo'), {
            'QueueUrl': 'http://example.com'
        self.assertEqual(ts.delete_queue(queue_name='boo'), {'success': True})

        # Test the params.
        create_queue_params = ts._get_operation_params('create_queue')
            [param['var_name'] for param in create_queue_params],
            ['queue_name', 'attributes']

        # Check the docstring.
            ':param queue_name: The name' in ts.create_queue.__doc__
            ':type queue_name: string' in ts.create_queue.__doc__

    def test_late_binding(self):
        # If the ``ConnectionDetails`` data changes, it should be reflected in
        # the dynamic methods.
        ts = self.test_service_class()

        # Successful calls.
        self.assertEqual(ts.create_queue(queue_name='boo'), {
            'QueueUrl': 'http://example.com'

        # Now the required params change underneath us.
        # This is ugly/fragile, but also unlikely.
        sd = ts._details._loaded_service_data
        sd['create_queue']['params'][1]['required'] = True

        # Now this call should fail, since there's a new required parameter.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ts, 'create_queue')