def mutate_model(model, circuit, database): #"mutate: circuit is %s", circuit) nmodel = Graph() nmodel += model i = choice(range(len(circuit))) #"mutate: replacing part %d: %s", i, circuit[i]) try: part = replace_part(nmodel, circuit, i, database) except Exception as e: dump_graph(model) raise e ncircuit = circuit.copy() ncircuit[i] = part ## fixup the "next" linkage for RBS if exists(nmodel, (part, GCC["next"], None)): _, _, next = get_one(nmodel, (part, GCC["next"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(nmodel, (circuit[i + 1], GCC["part"], None)) nmodel.remove((part, GCC["next"], next)) nmodel.add((part, GCC["next"], label)) #"mutate: repacement part is %s", circuit[i]) return (nmodel, ncircuit)
def compile_stage2(ir, debug=False, **kw): """ Translate the transitive closure of data, model under inference rules into a simple python dictionary that can be dealt with by Jinja2 """"stage2: generating python representation") ir2 = {"circuits": []} model, _, _ = get_one(ir, (None, RDF["type"], RBMO["Model"])) _, _, prefix = get_one(ir, (model, RBMC["prefix"], None)) ir2["prefix"] = prefix.toPython() for _, _, parts in ir.triples((model, RBMC["linear"], None)): circuit = list( map(lambda x: describe_part(ir, x), Collection(ir, parts))) ir2["circuits"].append({"topology": "linear", "parts": circuit}) for _, _, parts in ir.triples((model, RBMC["circular"], None)): circuit = list( map(lambda x: describe_part(ir, x), Collection(ir, parts))) ir2["circuits"].append({"topology": "circular", "parts": circuit}) logging.debug("=" * 80) logging.debug("stage2: output") logging.debug("-" * 80) from pprint import pformat for line in pformat(ir2).split("\n"): logging.debug(line) logging.debug("=" * 80) return ir2
def parts(): for _, _, pl in g.triples((m, GCC["linear"], None)): ps = Collection(g, pl) for p in ps: _, _, label = get_one(g, (p, GCC["part"], None)) yield str(label) for _, _, pl in g.triples((m, GCC["circular"], None)): ps = Collection(g, pl) for p in ps: _, _, label = get_one(g, (p, GCC["part"], None)) yield str(label)
def gen_model(model, database): circuit = extract_circuit(model, database) proto = extract_proto(model) ## the "next" linkage for RBS needs to be fixed up in the model. for i in range(len(circuit)): part = circuit[i] if exists(model, (part, GCC["next"], None)): _, _, next = get_one(model, (part, GCC["next"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(model, (circuit[i + 1], GCC["part"], None)) model.remove((part, GCC["next"], next)) model.add((part, GCC["next"], label)) return (model, circuit)
def add_defaults(g, part): for _, _, kind in g.triples((URIRef(part["uri"]), RDF["type"], None)): for _, _, token in g.triples((kind, RBMC["tokens"], None)): try: _, _, label = get_one(g, (token, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("could not find label for %s" % token) raise if label.toPython() in part: continue if exists(g, (token, RBMC["default"], None)): _, _, default = get_one(g, (token, RBMC["default"], None)) part[label.toPython()] = default.toPython() return part
def extract_proto(model): """ Extract circuit prototype -- the list of part types that make up the circuit """ mid, _, _ = get_one(model, (None, RDF["type"], RBMO["Model"])) if (mid, GCC["linear"], None) in model: _, _, cid = get_one(model, (mid, GCC["linear"], None)) elif (mid, GCC["circular"], None) in model: _, _, cid = get_one(model, (mid, GCC["circular"], None)) proto = [] for part in Collection(model, cid): _, _, kind = get_one(model, (part, RDF["type"], None)) proto.append(kind) return proto
def describe_operators(g, oplist): operators = [] oplist = Collection(g, oplist) for desc in oplist: state = {} if exists(g, (desc, RDF["type"], RBMO["BoundState"])): state["bound"] = True elif exists(g, (desc, RDF["type"], RBMO["UnboundState"])): state["bound"] = False if exists(g, (desc, RBMO["stateOf"], None)): _, _, operator = get_one(g, (desc, RBMO["stateOf"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(g, (operator, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) state["site"] = label.toPython() operators.append(state) return operators
def extract_circuit(model, database): """ Extract the list of parts that make up the circuit, filling in any that are identified with blank nodes randomly. """ mid, _, _ = get_one(model, (None, RDF["type"], RBMO["Model"])) if (mid, GCC["linear"], None) in model: _, _, cid = get_one(model, (mid, GCC["linear"], None)) elif (mid, GCC["circular"], None) in model: _, _, cid = get_one(model, (mid, GCC["circular"], None)) circuit = list(Collection(model, cid)) for i in range(len(circuit)): part = circuit[i] if isinstance(part, BNode): circuit[i] = replace_part(model, circuit, i, database) return circuit
def describe_part(g, parturi): """ Emit a Python dictionary with a description of a single part, used by the second-stage compiler. """ def literal(v): v = v.toPython() if isinstance(v, str): return v return "%.16f" % v part = {"uri": parturi.toPython()} try: _, _, template = get_one(g, (parturi, RBMC["kappaTemplate"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find template" % (parturi, )) raise e part["template"] = template.toPython() for _, _, replace in g.triples((parturi, RBMC["replace"], None)): try: _, _, token = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["string"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find replacement token" % (parturi, )) raise e try: _, _, value = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["value"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find value for %s" % (parturi, token)) raise if isinstance(value, Literal): part[token.toPython()] = literal(value) continue if exists(g, (value, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)): _, _, label = get_one(g, (value, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) part[token.toPython()] = label.toPython() continue ## if we are here, we are concerned with the states of operators data = {} replace = value _, _, value = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["value"], None)) data["value"] = literal(value) if exists(g, (replace, RBMC["upstream"], None)): _, _, oplist = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["upstream"], None)) data["upstream"] = list(reversed(describe_operators(g, oplist))) if exists(g, (replace, RBMC["downstream"], None)): _, _, oplist = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["downstream"], None)) data["downstream"] = describe_operators(g, oplist) data["upstream_size"] = len(data.get("upstream", [])) data["downstream_size"] = len(data.get("downstream", [])) data["context_size"] = data["upstream_size"] + data[ "downstream_size"] + 1 part.setdefault(token.toPython(), []).append(data) return add_defaults(g, part)
def compile_stage5(g, docs, **kw): """ Derive initialisation for genetic circuits present in the model """ model, _, _ = get_one(g, (None, RDF["type"], RBMO["Model"])) for _, _, inc in g.triples((model, RBMC["include"], None)):"stage5: including %s" % inc) fp = create_input_source(inc.toPython()).getByteStream() doc = fp.close() docs.insert(0, doc) return docs
def name_model(g): m, _, _ = get_one(g, (None, RDF["type"], RBMO["Model"])) def parts(): for _, _, pl in g.triples((m, GCC["linear"], None)): ps = Collection(g, pl) for p in ps: _, _, label = get_one(g, (p, GCC["part"], None)) yield str(label) for _, _, pl in g.triples((m, GCC["circular"], None)): ps = Collection(g, pl) for p in ps: _, _, label = get_one(g, (p, GCC["part"], None)) yield str(label) name = "_".join(parts()) return name
def replace_part(model, circuit, idx, database): """ Replace the part in the model at the given index """ part = circuit[idx] #dump_graph(model) _, _, kind = get_one(model, (part, RDF["type"], None)) sremove = list(model.triples((part, None, None))) oreplace = list(model.triples((None, None, part))) for triple in sremove: model.remove(triple) for triple in oreplace: model.remove(triple) pid_ = get_random_part(database, kind) pid = URIRef(pid_ + ascii_letters[idx]) ## put in statements with renamed new part as subject ## and alpha-rename any blank nodes bnodes = {} for s, p, o in cbd(database, (pid_, None, None)): if s == pid_: s = pid elif isinstance(s, BNode): if s not in bnodes: bnodes[s] = BNode() s = bnodes[s] if p == GCC["part"]: o = Literal(o + ascii_letters[idx]) elif p == RBMO["stateOf"]: ### fix to support multi-operators o = circuit[idx - 1] if isinstance(o, BNode): if o not in bnodes: bnodes[o] = BNode() o = bnodes[o] model.add((s, p, o)) ## link in to statements referring to old part for s, p, _ in oreplace: model.add((s, p, pid)) return pid