def T2DS1ME() : print("Testing traj2d with one stage with mixed engines (T2DS1ME)") tname = "T2DS1ME" tfile = ksp.pthut(tname + ".pkl") do_generate = not os.access(tfile, os.F_OK) stage_1 = ksp.Stage() stage_1.loadJSON(ksp.pthut(tname + "_stage1.json")) # stage_1.dumpInfo( ) def fthrottle( t, y ) : return 1.0 def falpha( t, y, flyer ) : m, r, th, vr, om = y vth = om/r if r < (flyer.R+7.5E3) : n = (1.0, 0.0) elif vth == 0.0 : n = (1.0, 0.0) else : v,n = mpm.v_and_dir(y) return n flyer = ksp.FlyingStage(stage_1, "Stage 1", "Kerbin", fthrottle, falpha) flyer.launch( ) # Fly until crash flyer.flyTo( 30000 ) if do_generate : with open( tfile, 'wb' ) as f : pickle.dump( flyer.soln, f ) else : with open( tfile, 'rb' ) as f : soln_compare = pickle.load( f ) cmp.compare_datasets(flyer.soln, soln_compare, tolfrac=1E-8) print("SUCCESS") if True : import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() plots = [flyer.sample()] plot_opts = [{"marker":"o"}] bbox = mpt.square_plot_bounds(plots) plots.append(mpt.sample_circle(flyer.R, 100)) plot_opts.append(None) plots.append(mpt.sample_circle(flyer.R+70, 100)) plot_opts.append(None) mpt.square_plots(ax, plots, bbox, plot_opts) flyer.dumpTraj( )
import mpl_tools as mpt if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ksp.augmentBodyDbs() ksp.processBodyDbs() rw = ct.RowWriter([40]) plots = [] plot_opts = [] # Stage we will be flying s1 = ksp.Stage() s1.loadJSON("TestLFE1.json") s1.dumpInfo() def fthrottle(t, y): return 1.0 def falpha(t, y, flyer): m, r, th, vr, om = y vth = om / r #if r < (flyer.R+7.5E3) : n = (1.0, 0.0) #else : # v,n = mpm.v_and_dir(y) return n
cmd_test.add_argument("case_file", help="Name of the case file") args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == "inst": for line in instructions: print(line) exit(0) if args.command == "test": case_data = None with open(args.case_file, "rt") as f: case_data = json.load(f) stage = ksp.Stage() stage.loadJSON(ksp.pthdat("drag_tests/" + case_data["stage file"])) flyer = ksp.FlyingStage(stage, "stage", "Kerbin", fthrottle, falpha) htarget = case_data["htarget"] crash_time = case_data["crash time"] itrial = 1 def trial(X): global itrial if X[0] < 1.0 or \ X[0] > 10.0 or \ X[1] < 5.0 or \ X[1] > 200.0 or \
def T2DS2ME() : # KSP Flight # # 50s stage # 30km track orbit # # Max alt: # Crash Time: # print("Testing traj2d with two stages with mixed engines (T2DS2ME)") tname = "T2DS2ME" tfile = ksp.pthut(tname + ".pkl") do_generate = not os.access(tfile, os.F_OK) stage_1 = ksp.Stage() stage_1.loadJSON(ksp.pthut(tname + "_stage1.json")) # stage_1.dumpInfo( ) stage_2 = ksp.Stage() stage_2.loadJSON(ksp.pthut(tname + "_stage2.json")) # stage_2.dumpInfo( ) def fthrottle( t, y ) : return 1.0 def falpha( t, y, flyer ) : r = y[1] if r < (flyer.R+30.0E3) : n = (1.0, 0.0) else : v, n = mpm.v_and_dir(y) return n fly_s1 = ksp.FlyingStage( stage_1, "Stage 1", "Kerbin", fthrottle, falpha ) fly_s1.launch( ) fly_s1.flyTo( 84.00 ) fly_s2 = ksp.FlyingStage( stage_2, "Stage 2", "Kerbin", fthrottle, falpha ) fly_s2.launch( sm1 = fly_s1, t0 = 84.00 ) fly_s2.flyTo( 30000 ) t = 0.0 DV = [] while t <= fly_s2.solnt[-1] : Y, crashed, flyer = fly_s2.flyTo( t ) m, r, th, vr, om = Y craft_asl_dvremain = flyer.dv_at_m( m, ksp.C_p0 ) craft_dvremain = flyer.dv_at_m( m,[0] ) stage_asl_dvremain = flyer.stage.dv_at_m( m, ksp.C_p0 ) DV.append( (craft_asl_dvremain, craft_dvremain, stage_asl_dvremain) ) t += 10 if do_generate : with open( tfile, 'wb' ) as f : data = { "stage1" : fly_s1.soln, "stage2" : fly_s2.soln, "DV" : DV } pickle.dump( data, f ) else : with open( tfile, 'rb' ) as f : soln_compare = pickle.load( f ) cmp.compare_datasets( fly_s1.soln, soln_compare["stage1"], tolfrac=1E-3 ) cmp.compare_datasets( fly_s2.soln, soln_compare["stage2"], tolfrac=1E-3 ) cmp.compare_datasets( DV, soln_compare["DV"], tolfrac=1E-3 ) print("SUCCESS") if True : import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() plots = [fly_s2.sample(t0=0.0, dt=10.0)] plot_opts = [{"marker":"o"}] bbox = mpt.square_plot_bounds(plots) plots.append(mpt.sample_circle(fly_s2.R, 100)) plot_opts.append(None) plots.append(mpt.sample_circle(fly_s2.R+70, 100)) plot_opts.append(None) mpt.square_plots(ax, plots, bbox, plot_opts) flyer.dumpTraj()
import mks_polar_motion as mpm import mpl_tools as mpt if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ksp.augmentBodyDbs() ksp.processBodyDbs() rw = ct.RowWriter([40]) plots = [] plot_opts = [] s1 = ksp.Stage() s1.loadJSON("minmus_express_2_s1.json") s1.dumpInfo() s2 = ksp.Stage() s2.loadJSON("minmus_express_2_s2.json") s2.dumpInfo() s3 = ksp.Stage() s3.loadJSON("minmus_express_2_s3.json") s3.dumpInfo() t1 = 300.0 t2 = 400.0 t3 = 10000.0
import mpl_tools as mpt if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ksp.augmentBodyDbs() ksp.processBodyDbs() rw = ct.RowWriter([40]) plots = [] plot_opts = [] # Stage we will be flying s2 = ksp.Stage() s2.loadJSON("stage_2.json") s2.dumpInfo() rw.print("Analysis...") # Mun mun_r_m = ksp.dInterp("R('Mun')") # Plot Mun mun_XY = mpt.sample_circle(mun_r_m, 10000) plots.append(mun_XY) plot_opts.append(None) # A FlyingStage is used when there are non-central forces acting on the stage. def fthrottle(t, y): m, r, th, vr, om = y