Exemplo n.º 1
 def stage(self) -> None:
     talk("What is displayed on the module?")
     scramble = ask.str_from_regex(r"[a-z]{6}")
     while set(scramble) not in [set(w) for w in self.words]:
         talk("Those letters don't correspond to a known word.")
         talk("What is displayed on the module?")
         scramble = ask.str_from_regex(r"[a-z]{6}")
     answer = [w for w in self.words if set(w) == set(scramble)][0]
     talk(f'Type in the word "{answer}".')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def stage(self) -> None:
     while True:
         possible_words: List[str] = list(self.valid_words)
         for column_index in range(5):
             talk(f"What letters are in column {column_index + 1}?")
             letters = ask.str_from_regex(r"[a-z]{6}")
             while len(set(letters)) != 6:  #all letters should be unique
                 talk("There should be 6 unique letters in the column.")
                 talk(f"What letters are in column {column_index + 1}?")
                 letters = ask.str_from_regex(r"[a-z]{6}")
             possible_words = [
                 word for word in possible_words
                 if word[column_index] in letters
             ]  #filter
             if len(possible_words) == 1:
                 answer = possible_words[0].upper()
                 talk(f'Enter the password "{answer}".')
             if len(possible_words) == 0:
         #no valid word or multiple valid words
         talk("Something went wrong. Let's start over.")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def stage(self) -> None:
     talk("What number is on the display?")
     display = int(ask.str_from_regex(r'[1-4]'))
     talk("What numbers are on the buttons, in reading order?")
     buttons = ask.str_from_regex(r'[1-4]{4}')
     while any(c not in buttons for c in '1234'):
         talk("There should be one of each number on the buttons.")
         talk("What numbers are on the buttons, in reading order?")
         buttons = ask.str_from_regex(r'[1-4]{4}')
     item: _MemoryItem
     if self.current_stage == 1:
         item = self._stage_1(display, buttons)
     elif self.current_stage == 2:
         item = self._stage_2(display, buttons)
     elif self.current_stage == 3:
         item = self._stage_3(display, buttons)
     elif self.current_stage == 4:
         item = self._stage_4(display, buttons)
     else:  #self.current_stage == 5
         item = self._stage_5(display, buttons)
     talk(f"Press the button labeled {item.label}.")
Exemplo n.º 4
def ask_coord(*, alpha: bool = True) -> Coord:
    """Get a coordinate point from the user. If alpha is set (the default), the
    expected form is like "A5", otherwise, row and column are asked separately."""
    col: int
    row: int
    if alpha:
        talk('(Submit a coordinate like "B4", where the letter is the column')
        talk("and the number is the row.)")
        alpha_coord = ask.str_from_regex(r"[a-z][1-9][0-9]*")
        col = ascii_lowercase.index(alpha_coord[0]) + 1
        row = int(alpha_coord[1:])
        talk("Row number:")
        row = ask.positive_int()
        talk("Column number:")
        col = ask.positive_int()
    return Coord(row - 1, col - 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def stage(self) -> None:  #pylint: disable=too-many-branches #can't help it
     talk("What color wires are on the module, from top to bottom?")
         "Type R for red, Y for yellow, B for blue, W for white, and K for black."
     wirelist = ask.str_from_regex(r"[rybwk]{3,6}").lower()
     wire: str
     if len(wirelist) == 3:
         if 'r' not in wirelist:
             wire = "second"
         elif wirelist[-1] == 'w':
             wire = "last"
         elif wirelist.count('b') > 1:
             wire = "last blue"
             wire = "last"
     elif len(wirelist) == 4:
         if wirelist.count('r') > 1 and self.bomb.serial_odd:
             wire = "last red"
         elif wirelist[-1] == 'y' and 'r' not in wirelist:
             wire = "first"
         elif wirelist.count('b') == 1:
             wire = "first"
         elif wirelist.count('y') > 1:
             wire = "last"
             wire = "second"
     elif len(wirelist) == 5:
         if wirelist[-1] == 'k' and self.bomb.serial_odd:
             wire = "fourth"
         elif wirelist.count('r') == 1 and wirelist.count('y') > 1:
             wire = "first"
         elif 'k' not in wirelist:
             wire = "second"
             wire = "first"
     elif len(wirelist) == 6:
         if 'y' not in wirelist and self.bomb.serial_odd:
             wire = "third"
         elif wirelist.count('y') == 1 and wirelist.count('w') > 1:
             wire = "fourth"
         elif 'r' not in wirelist:
             wire = "last"
             wire = "fourth"
     talk(f"Cut the {wire} wire.")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _get_batteries(self, batteries: Optional[int]) -> None:
     if batteries is not None and batteries >= 0:
         self.batteries = batteries
     elif EdgeFlag.BATTERIES in self._required_edgework_flag:
         talk("How many batteries are on the bomb?")
         self.batteries = int(ask.str_from_regex(r'[0-9]+'))