Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        See :class:`~lab.reports.Report` for inherited parameters.

        You can filter and modify runs for a report with
        :py:class:`filters <.Report>`. For example, you can include only
        a subset of algorithms or compute new attributes. If you provide
        a list for *filter_algorithm*, it will be used to determine the
        order of algorithms in the report.

        >>> # Use a filter function to select algorithms.
        >>> def only_blind_and_lmcut(run):
        ...     return run['algorithm'] in ['blind', 'lmcut']
        >>> report = PlanningReport(filter=only_blind_and_lmcut)

        >>> # Use "filter_algorithm" to select and *order* algorithms.
        >>> r = PlanningReport(filter_algorithm=['lmcut', 'blind'])

        :py:class:`Filters <.Report>` can be very helpful so we
        recommend reading up on them to use their full potential.

        # Set non-default options for some attributes.
        attributes = tools.make_list(kwargs.get('attributes') or [])
        kwargs['attributes'] = [
            self._prepare_attribute(attr) for attr in attributes

        # Remember the order of algorithms if it is given as a keyword argument filter.
        self.filter_algorithm = tools.make_list(
            kwargs.get('filter_algorithm', []))

        Report.__init__(self, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, derived_properties=None, **kwargs):
        See :py:class:`Report <lab.reports.Report>` for inherited parameters.

        *derived_properties* must be a function or a list of functions taking a
        single argument. This argument is a list of problem runs i.e. it contains
        one run-dictionary for each config in the experiment. The function is
        called for every problem in the suite. A function that computes the
        IPC score based on the results of the experiment is added automatically
        to the *derived_properties* list and serves as an example here:

        .. literalinclude:: ../downward/reports/__init__.py
           :pyobject: quality

        You can include only specific domains or configurations by using
        :py:class:`filters <.Report>`.
        If you provide a list for *filter_config* or *filter_config_nick*, it
        will be used to determine the order of configurations in the report. ::

            # Use a filter function.
            def only_blind_and_lmcut(run):
                return run['config'] in ['WORK-blind', 'WORK-lmcut']

            # Filter with a list and set the order of the configs.
            PlanningReport(filter_config=['WORK-lmcut', 'WORK-blind'])
            PlanningReport(filter_config_nick=['lmcut', 'blind'])

        Tip: When you append ``_relative`` to an attribute, you will get a table
        containing the attribute's values of each configuration relative to the
        leftmost column.

        # Allow specifying a single property or a list of properties.
        if hasattr(derived_properties, '__call__'):
            derived_properties = [derived_properties]
        self.derived_properties = derived_properties or []

        # Set non-default options for some attributes.
        attributes = tools.make_list(kwargs.get('attributes') or [])
        kwargs['attributes'] = [self._prepare_attribute(attr) for attr in attributes]


        # Remember the order of the configs if it is given as a key word argument filter.
        self.filter_config = tools.make_list(kwargs.get('filter_config') or [])
        self.filter_config_nick = tools.make_list(kwargs.get('filter_config_nick') or [])

        Report.__init__(self, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        See :class:`~lab.reports.Report` for inherited parameters.

        You can filter and modify runs for a report with
        :py:class:`filters <.Report>`. For example, you can include only
        a subset of algorithms or compute new attributes. If you provide
        a list for *filter_algorithm*, it will be used to determine the
        order of algorithms in the report.

        >>> # Use a filter function to select algorithms.
        >>> def only_blind_and_lmcut(run):
        ...     return run["algorithm"] in ["blind", "lmcut"]
        >>> report = PlanningReport(filter=only_blind_and_lmcut)

        >>> # Use "filter_algorithm" to select and *order* algorithms.
        >>> report = PlanningReport(filter_algorithm=["lmcut", "blind"])

        :py:class:`Filters <.Report>` can be very helpful so we
        recommend reading up on them to use their full potential.

        Subclasses can use the member variable ``problem_runs`` to access the
        experiment data. It is a dictionary mapping from tasks (i.e.,
        ``(domain, problem)`` pairs) to the runs for that task. Each run is a
        dictionary that maps from attribute names to values.

        >>> class MinRuntimePerTask(PlanningReport):
        ...     def get_text(self):
        ...         map = {}
        ...         for (domain, problem), runs in self.problem_runs.items():
        ...             times = [run.get("planner_time") for run in runs]
        ...             times = [t for t in times if t is not None]
        ...             map[(domain, problem)] = min(times) if times else None
        ...         return str(map)

        # Set non-default options for some attributes.
        attributes = tools.make_list(kwargs.get("attributes"))
        kwargs["attributes"] = [
            self._prepare_attribute(attr) for attr in attributes

        # Remember the order of algorithms if it is given as a keyword argument filter.
        self.filter_algorithm = tools.make_list(kwargs.get("filter_algorithm"))

        Report.__init__(self, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     Report.__init__(self, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Report.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)