Exemplo n.º 1
def update_fields(db_object, values):
    """ Creates a query that updates `db_object` fields with the
    given values.

        db_object (DbObject): The DB object being updated.
        values (dict): Maps Fields to new values. All Fields
            must be legit fields in `db_object`.
        (query_string, query_parameters)
    type_name = db_object.type_name()
    id_param = "%sId" % type_name
    values_str = " ".join("%s: $%s" % (field.graphql_name, field.graphql_name)
                          for field, _ in values.items())
    params = {
        field.graphql_name: (value, field)
        for field, value in values.items()
    params[id_param] = (db_object.uid, Entity.uid)

    query_str = """mutation update%sPyApi%s{update%s(
        where: {id: $%s} data: {%s}) {%s}} """ % (
        utils.title_case(type_name), format_param_declaration(params),
        type_name, id_param, values_str, results_query_part(type(db_object)))

    return query_str, {name: value for name, (value, _) in params.items()}
Exemplo n.º 2
def bulk_delete(db_objects, use_where_clause):
    """ Generates a query that bulk-deletes the given `db_objects` from the

        db_objects (list): A list of DB objects of the same type.
        use_where_clause (bool): If the object IDs should be passed to the
            mutation in a `where` clause or directly as a mutation value.
    type_name = db_objects[0].type_name()
    if use_where_clause:
        query_str = "mutation delete%ssPyApi{delete%ss(where: {%sIds: [%s]}){id}}"
        query_str = "mutation delete%ssPyApi{delete%ss(%sIds: [%s]){id}}"
    query_str = query_str % (
        utils.title_case(type_name), utils.title_case(type_name),
        utils.camel_case(type_name), ", ".join('"%s"' % db_object.uid
                                               for db_object in db_objects))
    return query_str, {}
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_relationship(a, b, relationship, update):
    """ Updates the relationship in DB object `a` to connect or disconnect
    DB object `b`.

        a (DbObject): The object being updated.
        b (DbObject): Object on the other side of the relationship.
        relationship (Relationship): The relationship from `a` to `b`.
        update (str): The type of update. Must be either `connect` or
        (query_string, query_parameters)
    to_one_disconnect = update == "disconnect" and \
        relationship.relationship_type == Relationship.Type.ToOne

    a_uid_param = utils.camel_case(type(a).type_name()) + "Id"

    if not to_one_disconnect:
        b_uid_param = utils.camel_case(type(b).type_name()) + "Id"
        param_declr = "($%s: ID!, $%s: ID!)" % (a_uid_param, b_uid_param)
        b_query = "{id: $%s}" % b_uid_param
        param_declr = "($%s: ID!)" % a_uid_param
        b_query = "true"

    query_str = """mutation %s%sAnd%sPyApi%s{update%s(
        where: {id: $%s} data: {%s: {%s: %s}}) {id}} """ % (
        utils.title_case(update), type(a).type_name(), type(b).type_name(),
        param_declr, utils.title_case(type(a).type_name()), a_uid_param,
        relationship.graphql_name, update, b_query)

    if to_one_disconnect:
        params = {a_uid_param: a.uid}
        params = {a_uid_param: a.uid, b_uid_param: b.uid}

    return query_str, params
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """ Updates this DB object with new values. Values should be
        passed as key-value arguments with field names as keys:
            >>> db_object.update(name="New name", title="A title")

            Key-value arguments defining which fields should be updated
            for which values. Keys must be field names in this DB object's
            InvalidAttributeError: if there exists a key in `kwargs`
                that's not a field in this object type.
        values = {self.field(name): value for name, value in kwargs.items()}
        invalid_fields = set(values) - set(self.fields())
        if invalid_fields:
            raise InvalidAttributeError(type(self), invalid_fields)

        query_string, params = query.update_fields(self, values)
        res = self.client.execute(query_string, params)
        res = res["update%s" % utils.title_case(self.type_name())]
Exemplo n.º 5
def relationship(source, relationship, where, order_by):
    """ Constructs a query that fetches all items from a -to-many
    relationship. To be used like:
        >>> project = ...
        >>> query_str, params = relationship(Project, "datasets", Dataset)
        >>> datasets = PaginatedCollection(
            client, query_str, params, ["project", "datasets"],

    The resulting query is intended to be used for pagination, it contains
    two python-string int-placeholders (%d) for 'skip' and 'first'
    pagination parameters.

        source (DbObject or type): If a `DbObject` then the source of the
            relationship (the query originates from that particular object).
            If `type`, then the source of the relationship is implicit, even
            without the ID. Used for expanding from Organization.
        relationship (Relationship): The relationship.
        where (Comparison, LogicalExpression or None): The `where` clause
            for filtering.
        order_by (None or (Field, Field.Order): The `order_by` clause for
            sorting results.
        (str, dict) tuple that is the query string and parameters.
    check_where_clause(relationship.destination_type, where)
    check_order_by_clause(relationship.destination_type, order_by)
    to_many = relationship.relationship_type == Relationship.Type.ToMany
    subquery = Query(relationship.graphql_name, relationship.destination_type,
                     where, to_many, order_by)
    query_where = type(source).uid == source.uid if isinstance(source, Entity) \
        else None
    query = Query(utils.camel_case(source.type_name()), subquery, query_where)
    return query.format_top("Get" + source.type_name() +
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_title():
    assert utils.title_case(SNAKE) == TITLE
    assert utils.title_case(TITLE) == TITLE
    assert utils.title_case(CAMEL) == TITLE
    assert utils.title_case(MIXED) == TITLE