Exemplo n.º 1
def remove_pyc_files(dev, branch):
    Clean *.pyc
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands(['find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \;', ],
Exemplo n.º 2
def restart_services(dev, branch):
    Reload nginx and the supervisor
    command_list = ['sudo supervisorctl reload',
                    'sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload', ]
    # NOTE: don't forget to allow www-data run this in sudoers file
    return run_commands(command_list)
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_repo(dev, branch):
    Update the branch's repository
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands(['git fetch origin',
                          'git pull origin %s' % branch_object.branch, ],
Exemplo n.º 4
def install_branch(dev, branch):
    If we want a branch different of master, download it.
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    if 'master' == branch:
        return '{nothing_to_do, "branch == master"}'
    command_list = ['git fetch origin',
                    'git checkout -b %s origin/%s' % (branch, branch), ]
    return run_commands(command_list, directory=branch_object.code_dir)
Exemplo n.º 5
def install_repo(dev, branch):
    Create the directory and clone the repo. if it doesn't exist
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    command_list = ['mkdir -p %s' % branch_object.directory,
                    'git clone %s %s' % (branch_object.git_repo,
                                         branch_object.code_dir), ]
    # NOTE: git clone mkdir and rmdir by itself
    return run_commands(command_list)
Exemplo n.º 6
def install_rabbit_vhost(dev, branch):
    Create a RabbitMQ vhost and set permissions for the lab user
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    rabbit_vhost = 'sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost %s'
    rabbit_perm = "sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p %s lab '.*' '.*' '.*'"
    # NOTE: remember to allow www-data to run rabbitmqctl in sudoers file
    return run_commands(
        [rabbit_vhost % branch_object.broker_vhost,
         rabbit_perm % branch_object.broker_vhost, ])
Exemplo n.º 7
def install_pip_requirements(dev, branch):
    Install all the packages cited in requirements.pip in the virtual
    NOTE: Sometimes this step crashes because pip can not download the pkgs
    NOTE: Sometimes the name of the pkg changes
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    requirements_file = join(branch_object.code_dir, 'dowant/requirements.pip')
    return run_commands(
        ['pip install --timeout=60 -E %s -r %s' % (branch_object.virtualenv_dir,
                                      requirements_file), ])
Exemplo n.º 8
def install_virtualenv(dev, branch):
    Prepare an empty virtualenv
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    # NOTE Var. in postactivate script
    activate_path = join(branch_object.virtualenv_dir, 'bin/postactivate')
    command_list = [
        'virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % branch_object.virtualenv_dir, ]
    for key in django_settings.ENVIRONMENT_VARS.keys():
        fields = (key,
        command_list.append('echo \'export %s=%s\' >> %s' % fields)
    return run_commands(command_list)
Exemplo n.º 9
def install_dir_struct_post_repo(dev, branch):
    Create _/data/ directory.
    Replace symlinks to global dirs. with different direcories for each branch
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    fields = (branch_object.log_dir,
              join(branch_object.directory, 'log'))
    command_list = ['rm -rf code/dowant/media/compressed',
                    'mkdir code/dowant/media/compressed',
                    'rm -rf code/dowant/media/restaurant_logos',
                    'mkdir code/dowant/media/restaurant_logos',
                    'rm -rf code/dowant/media/uploads',
                    'mkdir code/dowant/media/uploads',
                    'rm -rf code/dowant/media/img/company_logos',
                    'mkdir code/dowant/media/img/company_logos',
                    'ln -s %s %s' % fields, ]
    return run_commands(command_list, directory=branch_object.directory)
Exemplo n.º 10
def use_prefab_database(db_name):
    Assigns a databse for the branch.
    If there is a prefab. one, it uses it, if not,
    it creates a new one, taking dowant_test as template
    (prefab_db_name, output) = look_for_prefab_database(db_name)

    if prefab_db_name is None:
        # no prefab available, create one (sloooow)
        sql_command = 'CREATE DATABASE %s WITH TEMPLATE dowant_test;'
        sql = sql_command % db_name
        # prefab available, change name (fast!)
        sql_command = 'ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s;'
        sql = sql_command % (prefab_db_name, db_name)
    output += run_commands(['psql -U dowant_test -c \"%s\"' % sql, ])

    return output
Exemplo n.º 11
def install_dir_struct_pre_repo(dev, branch):
    Create _branch_/ _branch_/log/ and _branch_/data/ directory
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)

    command_list = ['mkdir -p %s' % branch_object.directory,
                    'mkdir -p %s' % branch_object.log_dir, ]

    data_dirs = ('data/', 'data/billing/', 'data/bloomsburys/',
                 'data/faxes/', 'data/faxes/retarus/',
                 'data/compressed/', 'data/orders/', )
    for one_dir in data_dirs:
        command_list.append('mkdir %s' %
                            join(branch_object.directory, one_dir), )

    return run_commands(command_list)
Exemplo n.º 12
def install_django_stuff(dev, branch):
    3 steps: install db schema mods., compress the JS (FIX: sure?) and
    compile the *.po i18n files

    NOTE: DB migrations are interactive with the user. If there is,
    the step crashes
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    dowant_dir = join(branch_object.code_dir, 'dowant/')
    environment = env_to_str(branch_object)
    migrate = '%s python manage.py migrate --delete-ghost-migrations'
    # FIXME list comprenhension
    commands_list = [
        migrate % environment,
        '%s python manage.py lh_synccompress' % environment,
        '%s python manage.py compilemessages' % environment, ]
    # '%s python manage.py test -s'%environment, ]
    return run_commands(commands_list,
Exemplo n.º 13
def look_for_prefab_database(db_name):
    prefab_db_name = None
    output = ''
    # Look for a existing prefab DB
    # FIXME don't hardcode the numbers
    for no_copy in range(1, 6):
        test_name = 'dowant_prefab_%s' % str(no_copy)
        # NOTE: api_apikey is faster than django_session
        sql_command = 'SELECT * FROM api_apikey LIMIT 1;'
        # NOTE: '-o -' is necessary to avoid the pager that
        # psql launches and stucks the process
        # Another option would be 'psql -l'
        command = '/usr/bin/psql -U dowant_test -t -d %s -c \"%s\" -o -'
            output += run_commands(
                [command % (test_name, sql_command), ], pty=True, shell=False)
            prefab_db_name = test_name
        except RunCommandsException:
    return (prefab_db_name, output)
Exemplo n.º 14
def install_config_files(dev, branch):
    Fulfill the templates for config files and push them to the server
    branch_object = Branch.objects.get(dev=dev, branch=branch)

    # Prepare data for templates
    context = fill_in_the_templates(branch_object)

    # Create dirs and install templates
    supervisor_path = join(branch_object.config_dir, 'supervisor/')
    nginx_path = join(branch_object.config_dir, 'nginx/')
    command_list = ['mkdir -p %s' % branch_object.config_dir,
                    'mkdir -p %s' % supervisor_path,
                    'mkdir -p %s' % nginx_path, ]
    output = run_commands(command_list)
    with fabric_settings(host_string=django_settings.FABRIC_HOST, warn_only=True):
        template_list = django_settings.SUPERVISOR_TEMPLATE_LIST
        for (template_path, target, ignore) in template_list:
            source = join(django_settings.SUPERVISOR_TEMPLATE_PATH, template_path)
            dest = join(branch_object.directory, target)
            upload_template(source, dest, context=context, backup=False)
            output += '%s is uploaded\n' % dest
    return output
Exemplo n.º 15
def remove_directory(dev, branch):
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands(['rm -rf %s' % branch_object.directory, ])
Exemplo n.º 16
def remove_virtualenv(dev, branch):
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands(['rm -rf %s' % branch_object.virtualenv_dir, ])
Exemplo n.º 17
def remove_database(dev, branch):
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands([
            'psql -U dowant_test -c "DROP DATABASE %s;"'  % branch_object.db_name,])
Exemplo n.º 18
def remove_rabbit_vhost(dev, branch):
    branch_object = retrieve_branch(dev=dev, branch=branch)
    return run_commands([
            'sudo rabbitmqctl delete_vhost %s' % branch_object.broker_vhost,])