Exemplo n.º 1
 def parse_response(self, response):
     headers = dict((k.upper(), v) for k, v in response.getheaders())
     jsonwsp_response = JSONWSPResponse(response.status, response.reason,
     jsonwsp_charset = probe_charset(jsonwsp_response.headers)
     content_type = response.getheader('content-type')
     content_type = content_type.replace('\n', '')
     multipart_match = rx_detect_multipart.findall(content_type)
     if len(multipart_match):
         multipart = multipart_match[0]
         boundary_match = rx_detect_boundary.findall(content_type)
         if len(boundary_match):
             boundary = boundary_match[0]
             mpr = MultiPartReader(20000, boundary.encode(jsonwsp_charset),
             while not mpr.eos:
             for cid, cinfo in mpr.attachments_by_id.items():
                     cid, jsonwsp_charset)] = attachment(
                         open(cinfo['path'], 'rb'), cinfo['size'],
                         cinfo['headers'], jsonwsp_charset)
             resdata = mpr.interface_request
             jsonwsp_response.response_body = resdata
         resdata = response.read()
         jsonwsp_response.response_body = resdata
     return jsonwsp_response
Exemplo n.º 2
 def download(self, name):
     response = File()
     response.name = name
     filename = join(RES_PATH, response.name)
     response.data = attachment(open(filename, 'rb'))
     return response
Exemplo n.º 3
 def secure_download(self, token, name):
     if not Authenticate().user.token == token:
         raise Unauthorized("Wrong token")
     response = File()
     response.name = name
     filename = join(RES_PATH, response.name)
     response.data = attachment(open(filename, 'rb'))
     return response
Exemplo n.º 4
	def check_attachment(self,val):
		global rx_detect_attachment_ref
		if type(val) == PORTABLE_STRING:
			m = rx_detect_attachment_ref.match(val)
			if m and m.groups()[0] in self.attachments:
				a = self.attachments[m.groups()[0]]
				attachment_copy = attachment(open(a.bufferobj.name,'rb'),a.size,a.headers,None)
				self.dict_attachments += [attachment_copy]
				return attachment_copy
		return None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def multi_download(self, names):
     responses = []
     for name in names:
         response = File()
         response.name = name
         filename = join(RES_PATH, response.name)
         response.data = attachment(open(filename, 'rb'))
     return responses
Exemplo n.º 6
 def download_multi(self, name):
     responses = []
     for idx in xrange(3):
         response = File()
         response.name = "{}-{}.txt".format(name, idx + 1)
         filename = join(RES_PATH, response.name)
         response.data = attachment(open(filename, 'rb'))
     return responses
Exemplo n.º 7
 def check_attachment(self, val):
     global rx_detect_attachment_ref
     if type(val) == PORTABLE_STRING:
         m = rx_detect_attachment_ref.match(val)
         if m and m.groups()[0] in self.attachments:
             a = self.attachments[m.groups()[0]]
             attachment_copy = attachment(open(a.bufferobj.name, 'rb'),
                                          a.size, a.headers, None)
             self.dict_attachments += [attachment_copy]
             return attachment_copy
     return None
Exemplo n.º 8
	def download(self,names):
		Download multiple files at once. For each name in the <b>names</b> the service
		attempts to find a file in service/upload that matches it. If a name does not
		have a matching file it is ignored.
		@param names: A list of the file names
		@rtype: Returns a list of File objects
		global upload_dir
		response = []
		for name in names:
			f = File()
			f.name = name
			f.data = attachment(open(join(upload_dir,name),'rb'))
			response += [f]
		return response
Exemplo n.º 9
    def download(self, names):
		Download multiple files at once. For each name in the <b>names</b> the service
		attempts to find a file in service/upload that matches it. If a name does not
		have a matching file it is ignored.
		@param names: A list of the file names
		@rtype: Returns a list of File objects
        global upload_dir
        response = []
        for name in names:
            f = File()
            f.name = name
            f.data = attachment(open(join(upload_dir, name), "rb"))
            response += [f]
        return response
Exemplo n.º 10
	def parse_response(self,response):
		headers = dict((k.upper(), v) for k, v in response.getheaders())
		jsonwsp_response = JSONWSPResponse(response.status, response.reason, headers)
		jsonwsp_charset = probe_charset(jsonwsp_response.headers)
		content_type = response.getheader('content-type')
		content_type = content_type.replace('\n','')
		multipart_match = rx_detect_multipart.findall(content_type)
		if len(multipart_match):
			multipart = multipart_match[0]
			boundary_match = rx_detect_boundary.findall(content_type)
			if len(boundary_match):
				boundary = boundary_match[0]
				mpr = MultiPartReader(20000,boundary.encode(jsonwsp_charset),response)
				while not mpr.eos:
				for cid,cinfo in mpr.attachments_by_id.items():
					jsonwsp_response.attachments[PORTABLE_STRING(cid,jsonwsp_charset)] = attachment(open(cinfo['path'],'rb'),cinfo['size'],cinfo['headers'],jsonwsp_charset)
				resdata = mpr.interface_request
				jsonwsp_response.response_body = resdata
			resdata = response.read()
			jsonwsp_response.response_body = resdata
		return jsonwsp_response