Exemplo n.º 1
def test_pmv_collection_comfort_outputs():
    """Test the is_comfortable and thermal_condition outputs of the PMV collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                             AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header,
                                          range(20, 20 + calc_length))
    pmv_obj = PMV(air_temp, 50)

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.is_comfortable, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.is_comfortable.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.is_comfortable[0] == 0
    assert pmv_obj.is_comfortable[5] == 1
    assert pmv_obj.is_comfortable[10] == 0

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.thermal_condition, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.thermal_condition.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.thermal_condition[0] == -1
    assert pmv_obj.thermal_condition[5] == 0
    assert pmv_obj.thermal_condition[10] == 1

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.discomfort_reason, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.discomfort_reason.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.discomfort_reason[0] == -1
    assert pmv_obj.discomfort_reason[5] == 0
    assert pmv_obj.discomfort_reason[10] == 1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def data_collection_at_timestep(self,
                                    start_date=Date(1, 1),
                                    end_date=Date(12, 31)):
        """Get a ladybug DataCollection representing this schedule at a given timestep.

        Note that ladybug DataCollections always follow the "Ladybug Tools
        Interpretation" of date time values as noted in the
        ScheduleDay.values_at_timestep documentation.

            timestep: An integer for the number of steps per hour at which to make
                the resulting DataCollection.
            start_date: An optional ladybug Date object for when to start the
                DataCollection. Default: 1 Jan on a non-leap year.
            end_date: An optional ladybug Date object for when to end the
                DataCollection. Default: 31 Dec on a non-leap year.
        a_period = AnalysisPeriod(start_date.month, start_date.day, 0,
                                  end_date.month, end_date.day, 23, timestep,
        data_type, unit = self._get_lb_data_type_and_unit()
        header = Header(data_type,
                        metadata={'schedule': self.name})
        values = self.values_at_timestep(timestep, start_date, end_date)
        return HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_init_pmv_collection():
    """Test the initialization of the PMV collection and basic outputs."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                             AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header, [24] * calc_length)
    pmv_obj = PMV(air_temp, 50)

    assert pmv_obj.comfort_model == 'Predicted Mean Vote'
    assert pmv_obj.calc_length == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj._hr_calculated is False
    assert pmv_obj._hr_comfort_required is False
    str(pmv_obj)  # test that the string representaiton is ok

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.air_temperature, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.air_temperature.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.air_temperature[0] == 24
    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.rel_humidity, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.rel_humidity.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.rel_humidity[0] == 50

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote[0] == pytest.approx(-0.0535, rel=1e-2)
    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.percentage_people_dissatisfied,
    assert len(pmv_obj.percentage_people_dissatisfied.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.percentage_people_dissatisfied[0] == pytest.approx(5.0594,
    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.standard_effective_temperature,
    assert len(pmv_obj.standard_effective_temperature.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.standard_effective_temperature[0] == pytest.approx(25.0694,
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_pmv_collection_defaults():
    """Test the default inputs assigned to the PMV collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                             AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header, [24] * calc_length)
    pmv_obj = PMV(air_temp, 50)

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.rad_temperature, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.rad_temperature.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.rad_temperature[0] == pmv_obj.air_temperature[0]

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.air_speed, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.air_speed.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.air_speed[0] == 0.1

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.met_rate, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.met_rate.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.met_rate[0] == 1.1

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.clo_value, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.clo_value.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.clo_value[0] == 0.7

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.external_work, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(pmv_obj.external_work.values) == calc_length
    assert pmv_obj.external_work[0] == 0

    assert isinstance(pmv_obj.comfort_parameter, PMVParameter)
    default_par = PMVParameter()
    assert pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.ppd_comfort_thresh == default_par.ppd_comfort_thresh
    assert pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.humid_ratio_upper == default_par.humid_ratio_upper
    assert pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.humid_ratio_lower == default_par.humid_ratio_lower
    assert pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.still_air_threshold == default_par.still_air_threshold
Exemplo n.º 5
def rad_to_ill(data):
    """Change the data type of an input collection from irradiane to illuminance."""
    head = data.header
    new_header = Header(Illuminance(), 'lux', head.analysis_period, head.metadata)
    return HourlyContinuousCollection(new_header, data.values) if \
        isinstance(data, HourlyContinuousCollection) else \
        data.__class__(new_header, data.values, data.datetimes)
def test_data_by_outputs():
    """Test the data_by_output command."""
    runner = CliRunner()
    sql_path = './tests/result/eplusout_hourly.sql'

    out_names1 = [
        'Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy',
        'Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy'
    result = runner.invoke(data_by_outputs, [sql_path] + out_names1)
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_list = json.loads(result.output)
    assert len(data_list) == 2
    assert len(data_list[0]) == 7
    assert all(
                   HourlyContinuousCollection) for dc in data_list[0])

    out_names2 = [
        'Zone Lights Total Heating Energy', 'Chiller Electric Energy'
    result = runner.invoke(data_by_outputs, [sql_path] + out_names2)
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_list = json.loads(result.output)
    assert len(data_list) == 2
    assert len(data_list[0]) == 0

    input_args = [sql_path, json.dumps(out_names1), json.dumps(out_names2)]
    result = runner.invoke(data_by_outputs, input_args)
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_list = json.loads(result.output)
    assert len(data_list) == 2
    assert len(data_list[0]) == 14
    assert len(data_list[1]) == 0
def fract_exposed_from_mtx(person_sun_int_matrix, day_pattern):
    """Get a Data Collection of fraction exposed values from an intersection matrix.

        person_sun_int_matrix: An intersection matrix of 0s and 1s for the points
            of a single person.
        day_pattern: A list of 8760 booleans indicating whether the sun is
            up (True) or down (Fasle).

         A data collection for the fraction of body exposed.
    pt_count = len(person_sun_int_matrix)
    fract_per_sun = [
        sum(pt_int_ar) / pt_count for pt_int_ar in zip(*person_sun_int_matrix)
    fract_exp_vals = []
    per_sun_i = 0
    for is_sun in day_pattern:
        if is_sun:
            per_sun_i += 1
    meta_dat = {'type': 'Fraction of Body Exposed to Direct Sun'}
    fract_exp_head = Header(Fraction(), 'fraction', AnalysisPeriod(), meta_dat)
    return HourlyContinuousCollection(fract_exp_head, fract_exp_vals)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_pmv_collection_immutability():
    """Test that the PMV collection is immutable."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                             AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header, [24] * calc_length)
    pmv_obj = PMV(air_temp, 50)

    # check that editing the original collection does not mutate the object
    air_temp[0] = 26
    assert pmv_obj.air_temperature[0] == 24

    # check that editing collection properties does not mutate the object
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.air_temperature[0] = 26
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.air_temperature.values = [26] * calc_length
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote[0] = 0.5
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote.values = [0.5] * calc_length
    pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.ppd_comfort_thresh = 15
    assert pmv_obj.comfort_parameter.ppd_comfort_thresh == 10

    # check that properties cannot be edited directly
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.air_temperature = air_temp
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.predicted_mean_vote = air_temp
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        pmv_obj.comfort_parameter = PMVParameter()
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_bounds():
    """Test the bounds method."""
    header1 = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(xrange(8760))
    dc1 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header1, values)
    min, max = dc1.bounds
    assert min == 0
    assert max == 8759
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_monthlychart_init():
    """Test the initialization of MonthlyChart and basic properties."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = [i / 365 for i in range(8760)]
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    month_chart = MonthlyChart([data_coll])

    str(month_chart)  # test the string representation
    assert isinstance(month_chart.data_collections, tuple)
    assert isinstance(month_chart.data_collections[0], HourlyContinuousCollectionImmutable)
    assert isinstance(month_chart.legend_parameters, LegendParameters)
    assert month_chart.base_point == Point2D(0, 0)
    assert month_chart.x_dim == 10
    assert month_chart.y_dim == 40
    assert not month_chart.stack
    assert month_chart.percentile == 34

    meshes = month_chart.data_meshes
    assert isinstance(meshes[0], Mesh2D)
    assert len(meshes[0].faces) == 24 * 12
    plines = month_chart.data_polylines
    assert isinstance(plines[0], Polyline2D)
    assert len(plines) == 3 * 12

    border = month_chart.chart_border
    assert isinstance(border, Polyline2D)
    assert len(border.segments) == 4

    y_txt = month_chart.y_axis_labels1
    assert all(isinstance(txt, str) for txt in y_txt)
    y_lines = month_chart.y_axis_lines
    y_pts = month_chart.y_axis_label_points1
    assert len(y_lines) == len(y_txt) == len(y_pts) == 11
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment2D) for line in y_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point2D) for pt in y_pts)
    assert isinstance(month_chart.y_axis_title_text1, str)
    assert 'Temperature' in month_chart.y_axis_title_text1
    assert isinstance(month_chart.y_axis_title_location1, Plane)

    assert month_chart.y_axis_labels2 is None
    assert month_chart.y_axis_label_points2 is None
    assert month_chart.y_axis_title_text2 is None
    assert month_chart.y_axis_title_location2 is None

    month_txt = month_chart.month_labels
    assert all(isinstance(txt, str) for txt in month_txt)
    month_lines = month_chart.month_lines
    month_pts = month_chart.month_label_points
    assert len(month_txt) == len(month_pts) == 12
    assert len(month_lines) == 11
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment2D) for line in month_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point2D) for pt in month_pts)

    assert isinstance(month_chart.legend, Legend)

    assert isinstance(month_chart.title_text, str)
    assert isinstance(month_chart.lower_title_location, Plane)
    assert isinstance(month_chart.upper_title_location, Plane)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_init_pmv_collection_full_collection_input():
    """Test initialization of the PMV collection will all inputs as collections."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header, [24] * calc_length)
    rel_humid_header = Header(RelativeHumidity(), '%', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    rel_humid = HourlyContinuousCollection(rel_humid_header, [50] * calc_length)
    rad_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    rad_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(rad_temp_header, [22] * calc_length)
    air_speed_header = Header(AirSpeed(), 'm/s', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_speed = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_speed_header, [0.5] * calc_length)
    met_header = Header(MetabolicRate(), 'met', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    met_rate = HourlyContinuousCollection(met_header, [1.2] * calc_length)
    clo_header = Header(ClothingInsulation(), 'clo', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    clo_level = HourlyContinuousCollection(clo_header, [0.85] * calc_length)
    work_header = Header(MetabolicRate(), 'met', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    ext_work = HourlyContinuousCollection(work_header, [0.1] * calc_length)

    pmv_obj = PMV(air_temp, rel_humid, rad_temp, air_speed, met_rate, clo_level, ext_work)

    assert pmv_obj.air_temperature[0] == 24
    assert pmv_obj.rel_humidity[0] == 50
    assert pmv_obj.rad_temperature[0] == 22
    assert pmv_obj.air_speed[0] == 0.5
    assert pmv_obj.met_rate[0] == 1.2
    assert pmv_obj.clo_value[0] == 0.85
    assert pmv_obj.external_work[0] == 0.1
Exemplo n.º 12
def model_occ_schedules(model_json, threshold, period, output_file):
    """Translate a Model's occupancy schedules into a JSON of 0/1 values.

        model_json: Full path to a Model JSON file.
        # re-serialize the Model
        with open(model_json) as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
        model = Model.from_dict(data)

        # loop through the rooms and collect all unique occupancy schedules
        scheds, room_occupancy = [], {}
        for room in model.rooms:
            people = room.properties.energy.people
            if people is not None:
                    people.occupancy_schedule, scheds)
                room_occupancy[room.identifier] = people.occupancy_schedule.identifier
                room_occupancy[room.identifier] = None

        # process the run period if it is supplied
        if period is not None and period != '' and period != 'None':
            a_per = AnalysisPeriod.from_string(period)
            start = Date(a_per.st_month, a_per.st_day)
            end = Date(a_per.end_month, a_per.end_day)
            a_period = AnalysisPeriod(start.month, start.day, 0, end.month, end.day, 23)
            timestep = a_per.timestep
            a_per = a_period = AnalysisPeriod()
            start, end, timestep = Date(1, 1), Date(12, 31), 1

        # convert occupancy schedules to lists of 0/1 values
        schedules = {}
        for sch in scheds:
            values = []
            for val in sch.values(timestep, start, end):
                is_occ = 0 if val < threshold else 1
            header = Header(Fraction(), 'fraction', a_period)
            schedules[sch.identifier] = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
        if a_per.st_hour != 0 or a_per.end_hour != 23:
            schedules = {key: data.filter_by_analysis_period(a_per)
                         for key, data in schedules.items()}
        schedules = {key: data.values for key, data in schedules.items()}

        # write out the JSON file
        occ_dict = {'schedules': schedules, 'room_occupancy': room_occupancy}
    except Exception as e:
        _logger.exception('Model translation failed.\n{}'.format(e))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_init_adaptive_collection_full_collection_input():
    """Test initialization of the Adaptive collection with inputs as collections."""
    calc_length = 24
    prevail_header = Header(PrevailingOutdoorTemperature(), 'C',
                            AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    prevail_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(prevail_header,
                                              [22] * calc_length)
    op_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                            AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    op_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(op_temp_header, [26] * calc_length)
    air_speed_header = Header(AirSpeed(), 'm/s',
                              AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_speed = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_speed_header,
                                           [0.7] * calc_length)
    adapt_obj = Adaptive(prevail_temp, op_temp, air_speed)

    assert adapt_obj.operative_temperature[0] == 26
    assert adapt_obj.air_speed[0] == 0.7
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_utci_collection_comfort_outputs():
    """Test the is_comfortable and thermal_condition outputs of the UTCI collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                             AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header,
                                          range(5, 5 + calc_length))
    utci_obj = UTCI(air_temp, 50)

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.is_comfortable, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(utci_obj.is_comfortable.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.is_comfortable[0] == 0
    assert utci_obj.is_comfortable[12] == 1
    assert utci_obj.is_comfortable[23] == 0

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.thermal_condition, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(utci_obj.thermal_condition.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition[0] == -1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition[12] == 0
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition[23] == 1

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.thermal_condition_five_point,
    assert len(utci_obj.thermal_condition_five_point.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_five_point[0] == -1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_five_point[12] == 0
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_five_point[23] == 1

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.thermal_condition_seven_point,
    assert len(utci_obj.thermal_condition_seven_point.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_seven_point[0] == -1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_seven_point[12] == 0
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_seven_point[23] == 1

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point,
    assert len(utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point[0] == -1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point[12] == 0
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point[22] == 1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_nine_point[23] == 2

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point,
    assert len(utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point[0] == -1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point[12] == 0
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point[22] == 1
    assert utci_obj.thermal_condition_eleven_point[23] == 2

    assert isinstance(utci_obj.original_utci_category,
    assert len(utci_obj.original_utci_category.values) == calc_length
    assert utci_obj.original_utci_category[0] == 4
    assert utci_obj.original_utci_category[12] == 5
    assert utci_obj.original_utci_category[23] == 6
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_average_median():
    """Test the average and median methods."""
    header1 = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(xrange(8760))
    dc = HourlyContinuousCollection(header1, values)
    assert dc.average == dc.median == 4379.5
    dc[0] = -10000
    assert dc.average == pytest.approx(4378.35844, rel=1e-3)
    assert dc.median == 4379.5
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_horizontal_solarcal_collection_full_input():
    """Test the initialization of the HorizontalSolarCal collection will all inputs."""
    calc_length = 24
    irr_header = Header(Irradiance(), 'W/m2',
                        AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    dir_norm = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [500] * calc_length)
    diff_horiz = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [200] * calc_length)
    custom_par = SolarCalParameter('seated', None, 45, 0.65, 0.97)
    solarcal_obj = HorizontalSolarCal(Location(), dir_norm, diff_horiz, 24,
                                      0.6, 0.35, custom_par)

    assert solarcal_obj.fraction_body_exposed[12] == 0.6
    assert solarcal_obj.floor_reflectance[0] == 0.35
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.posture == 'seated'
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.sharp is None
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_azimuth == 45
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_absorptivity == 0.65
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_emissivity == 0.97
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_init_utci_collection_full_collection_input():
    """Test initialization of the UTCI collection will all inputs as collections."""
    calc_length = 24
    air_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    air_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(air_temp_header, [24] * calc_length)
    rel_humid_header = Header(RelativeHumidity(), '%', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    rel_humid = HourlyContinuousCollection(rel_humid_header, [50] * calc_length)
    rad_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    rad_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(rad_temp_header, [22] * calc_length)
    wind_speed_header = Header(AirSpeed(), 'm/s', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    wind_speed = HourlyContinuousCollection(wind_speed_header, [0.5] * calc_length)

    utci_obj = UTCI(air_temp, rel_humid, rad_temp, wind_speed)

    assert utci_obj.air_temperature[0] == 24
    assert utci_obj.rel_humidity[0] == 50
    assert utci_obj.rad_temperature[0] == 22
    assert utci_obj.wind_speed[0] == 0.5
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _match_face_input(self, surface_flow_data, rooms):
        """Match a an array of input data collections to input rooms.

            surface_flow_data: An array of input data collections for surface
                energy flow.
            rooms: An array of input honeybee Rooms.
        # match the data collections to the rooms
        if surface_flow_data is None or len(surface_flow_data) == 0:
            return None, None, None, None
        base_data = surface_flow_data[0]
        values = [0 for val in range(len(base_data))]

        # compute the total values of the load
        window_vals, wall_vals, roof_vals, floor_vals = (values[:]
                                                         for i in range(4))
        for room in rooms:
            mult = room.multiplier
            match_objs = match_faces_to_data(surface_flow_data, room.faces)
            for obj in match_objs:
                if not isinstance(obj[0].boundary_condition,
                                  (Surface, Adiabatic)):
                    if isinstance(obj[0], (Aperture, Door)):
                        for i, val in enumerate(obj[1].values):
                            window_vals[i] += val * mult
                    elif isinstance(obj[0].type, Wall):
                        for i, val in enumerate(obj[1].values):
                            wall_vals[i] += val * mult
                    elif isinstance(obj[0].type, RoofCeiling):
                        for i, val in enumerate(obj[1].values):
                            roof_vals[i] += val * mult
                    elif isinstance(obj[0].type, Floor):
                        for i, val in enumerate(obj[1].values):
                            floor_vals[i] += val * mult

        # create the new totalled data collection
        new_header = base_data.header.duplicate()
        if 'Surface' in new_header.metadata:
            del new_header.metadata['Surface']
        window_head, wall_head, roof_head, floor_head = \
            (new_header.duplicate() for i in range(4))
        window_head.metadata['type'] = 'Window Energy Flow'
        wall_head.metadata['type'] = 'Wall Conduction'
        roof_head.metadata['type'] = 'Roof Conduction'
        floor_head.metadata['type'] = 'Floor Conduction'
        all_headers = [window_head, wall_head, roof_head, floor_head]
        all_values = [window_vals, wall_vals, roof_vals, floor_vals]
        all_data = []
        for head, vals in zip(all_headers, all_values):
            if isinstance(base_data, HourlyContinuousCollection):
                all_data.append(HourlyContinuousCollection(head, vals))
            else:  # it's one of the data collections that needs datetimes
                    base_data.__class__(head, vals, base_data.datetimes))
        return all_data
def serialize_data(data_dicts):
    """Reserialize a list of collection dictionaries."""
    if len(data_dicts) == 0:
        return []
    elif data_dicts[0]['type'] == 'HourlyContinuousCollection':
        return [HourlyContinuousCollection.from_dict(data) for data in data_dicts]
    elif data_dicts[0]['type'] == 'MonthlyCollection':
        return [MonthlyCollection.from_dict(data) for data in data_dicts]
    elif data_dicts[0]['type'] == 'DailyCollection':
        return [DailyCollection.from_dict(data) for data in data_dicts]
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_filter_collections_by_statement():
    """Test the method to filter collections by conditional statement."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    values1 = list(xrange(24))
    values2 = [12] * 24
    values3 = list(xrange(12, 36))
    dc1 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values1)
    dc2 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values2)
    dc3 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values3)

    filt_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection.filter_collections_by_statement(
        [dc1, dc2, dc3], 'a >= 12 and c <= 30')

    assert len(filt_coll) == 3
    assert len(filt_coll[0]) == len(filt_coll[1]) == len(filt_coll[2]) == 7
    assert filt_coll[0].values == (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)
    assert filt_coll[1].values == (12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12)
    assert filt_coll[2].values == (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)
    assert isinstance(filt_coll[0], HourlyDiscontinuousCollection)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def data_collection(self):
     """DataCollection of schedule values at this schedule's start_date and timestep.
     end_dt = self.end_date_time
     a_period = AnalysisPeriod(self.start_date.month, self.start_date.day, 0,
                               end_dt.month, end_dt.day, end_dt.hour, self.timestep,
     data_type, unit = self._get_lb_data_type_and_unit()
     header = Header(data_type, unit, a_period, metadata={'schedule': self.identifier})
     return HourlyContinuousCollection(header, self._values)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_set():
    runner = CliRunner()
    input_epw = './tests/epw/chicago.epw'

    result = runner.invoke(
        set_, [input_epw, '--exclude-wind', '--exclude-sun', '--json'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_dict = json.loads(result.output)
    set_data = HourlyContinuousCollection.from_dict(data_dict)
    assert len(set_data) == 8760
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_heating_degree_time_collection():
    """Test the heat_index function with Data Collections."""
    calc_length = 8760
    relative_path = './tests/epw/chicago.epw'
    epw = EPW(relative_path)

    hourly_hi = HourlyContinuousCollection.compute_function_aligned(
        heat_index, [epw.dry_bulb_temperature, epw.relative_humidity],
        Temperature(), 'C')

    assert isinstance(hourly_hi, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(hourly_hi.values) == calc_length
    assert hourly_hi[4000] == pytest.approx(30.89833, rel=1e-3)

    hourly_category = HourlyContinuousCollection.compute_function_aligned(
        heat_index_warning_category, [hourly_hi], ThermalCondition(),
    assert isinstance(hourly_category, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(hourly_category.values) == calc_length
    assert hourly_category[4000] == 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_init_horizontal_ref_solarcal_collection():
    """Test the initialization of the HorizontalRefSolarCal collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    irr_header = Header(Irradiance(), 'W/m2',
                        AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    dir_norm = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [300] * calc_length)
    diff_horiz = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [100] * calc_length)
    ref_horiz = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [100] * calc_length)
    solarcal_obj = HorizontalRefSolarCal(Location(), dir_norm, diff_horiz,
                                         ref_horiz, 24)

    assert solarcal_obj.comfort_model == 'Horizontal Reflected SolarCal'
    assert solarcal_obj.calc_length == calc_length
    str(solarcal_obj)  # test that the string representation is ok

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar[12] == 300
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar[12] == 100
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.reflected_horizontal_solar,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.reflected_horizontal_solar.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.reflected_horizontal_solar[12] == 100

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field[12] == pytest.approx(79.35027,
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.mrt_delta, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(solarcal_obj.mrt_delta.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.mrt_delta[12] == pytest.approx(18.20503, rel=1e-3)
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature[12] == pytest.approx(42.20503,
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_pmv_by_room():
    runner = CliRunner()
    input_sql = './tests/sql/eplusout.sql'

    result = runner.invoke(pmv_by_room, [input_sql])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_dicts = json.loads(result.output)
    pmv_data = [
        HourlyContinuousCollection.from_dict(dat) for dat in data_dicts
    assert len(pmv_data) == 2
    assert len(pmv_data[0]) == 8760
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_adaptive_by_room():
    runner = CliRunner()
    input_sql = './tests/sql/eplusout.sql'
    input_epw = './tests/epw/chicago.epw'

    result = runner.invoke(adaptive_by_room,
                           [input_sql, input_epw, '-v', '0.65'])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    data_dicts = json.loads(result.output)
    ad_data = [HourlyContinuousCollection.from_dict(dat) for dat in data_dicts]
    assert len(ad_data) == 2
    assert len(ad_data[0]) == 8760
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_init_adaptive_collection_full_input():
    """Test the initialization of the Adaptive collection will all inputs."""
    calc_length = 24
    prevail_header = Header(PrevailingOutdoorTemperature(), 'C',
                            AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    prevail_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(prevail_header,
                                              [22] * calc_length)
    op_temp_header = Header(Temperature(), 'C',
                            AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    op_temp = HourlyContinuousCollection(op_temp_header, [26] * calc_length)
    custom_par = AdaptiveParameter(True, 2, False, False, 15, 0.25)
    adapt_obj = Adaptive(prevail_temp, op_temp, 0.7, custom_par)

    assert adapt_obj.operative_temperature[0] == 26
    assert adapt_obj.air_speed[0] == 0.7
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.ashrae55_or_en15251 is True
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.neutral_offset == 2
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.avg_month_or_running_mean is False
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.discrete_or_continuous_air_speed is False
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.cold_prevail_temp_limit == 15
    assert adapt_obj.comfort_parameter.conditioning == 0.25
Exemplo n.º 28
def _values_to_data(values, base_period, data_type, data_units):
    """Load an array of values to a data collection.

        values: An array of numbers.
        base_period: An AnalysisPeriod to be used for data collection.
        data_type: The class of the data type for the values.
        data_units: The units of the values.
    if isinstance(values, list):
        header = Header(data_type(), data_units, base_period)
        return HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    return values
def test_get_aligned_collection_continuous():
    """Test the method for getting an aligned continuous collection."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    values = list(xrange(24))
    dc1 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    dc2 = dc1.get_aligned_collection(50, RelativeHumidity(), '%')
    assert dc2.header.data_type.name == 'Relative Humidity'
    assert dc2.header.unit == '%'
    assert isinstance(dc2, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert dc2.is_mutable is True

    dc3 = dc1.get_aligned_collection(50, RelativeHumidity(), '%', mutable=False)
    assert dc3.header.data_type.name == 'Relative Humidity'
    assert dc3.header.unit == '%'
    assert isinstance(dc3, HourlyContinuousCollectionImmutable)
    assert dc3.is_mutable is False

    dc4 = dc1.get_aligned_collection(50, RelativeHumidity(), '%', mutable=True)
    assert dc4.header.data_type.name == 'Relative Humidity'
    assert dc4.header.unit == '%'
    assert isinstance(dc4, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert dc4.is_mutable is True
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_init_continuous():
    """Test the init methods for continuous collections"""
    # Setup temperature data collection
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(xrange(8760))
    dc1 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)

    assert len(dc1.datetimes) == 8760
    assert list(dc1.values) == list(xrange(8760))
    assert dc1.average == 4379.5
    assert dc1.is_continuous is True
    str(dc1)  # Test the string representation of the collection
    str(dc1.header)  # Test the string representation of the header