Exemplo n.º 1
def sunpath_from_location(
    lat, lon, tz, north, folder, name, log_file, start_date, start_time, end_date,
        end_time, timestep, leap_year, reverse_vectors):
    """Generate a non climate-based sunpath for a location.

    This command also generates a mod file which includes all the modifiers in sunpath.
    mod file is usually used with rcontrib command to indicate the list of modifiers.
    Since rcontrib command has a hard limit of 10,000 modifiers in a single run the files
    will be broken down into multiple files if number of modifiers is more than 10000
    location = Location()
    location.latitude = lat
    location.longitude = lon
    location.time_zone = tz
        sp = Sunpath(location, north)
        hoys = get_hoys(start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, timestep, leap_year)
        sp_files = sp.to_file(
            folder, name, hoys=hoys, leap_year=leap_year, reverse_vectors=reverse_vectors

        files = [
            {'path': os.path.relpath(path, folder), 'full_path': path}
            for path in sp_files['suns']

    except Exception:
        _logger.exception('Failed to generate sunpath.')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_json_methods(self):
        """Test JSON serialization functions"""
        city = 'Tehran'
        country = 'Iran'
        latitude = 36
        longitude = 34
        time_zone = 3.5
        elevation = 54

        loc = Location(city=city, country=country, latitude=latitude,
                       longitude=longitude, time_zone=time_zone,

        assert loc.to_json() == {"city": city, "country": country, "latitude": latitude,
                                 "longitude": longitude, "time_zone": time_zone,
                                 "elevation": elevation}

        loc_from_json = Location.from_json(loc.to_json())

        assert loc_from_json.city == city
        assert loc_from_json.latitude == latitude
        assert loc_from_json.longitude == longitude
        assert loc_from_json.time_zone == time_zone
        assert loc_from_json.elevation == elevation
        assert loc_from_json.country == country
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_dict_methods():
    """Test JSON serialization functions"""
    city = 'Tehran'
    country = 'Iran'
    latitude = 36
    longitude = 34
    time_zone = 3.5
    elevation = 54

    loc = Location(city=city, country=country, latitude=latitude,
                   longitude=longitude, time_zone=time_zone,

    assert loc.to_dict() == {"city": city, "state": '-', "country": country,
                             "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude,
                             "time_zone": time_zone, "elevation": elevation,
                             "station_id": None, "source": None}

    loc_from_dict = Location.from_dict(loc.to_dict())

    assert loc_from_dict.city == city
    assert loc_from_dict.latitude == latitude
    assert loc_from_dict.longitude == longitude
    assert loc_from_dict.time_zone == time_zone
    assert loc_from_dict.elevation == elevation
    assert loc_from_dict.country == country
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_json_methods(self):
        """Test JSON serialization functions"""
        city = 'Tehran'
        country = 'Iran'
        latitude = 36
        longitude = 34
        time_zone = 3.5
        elevation = 54

        loc = Location(city=city,

        assert loc.to_json() == {
            "city": city,
            "country": country,
            "latitude": latitude,
            "longitude": longitude,
            "time_zone": time_zone,
            "elevation": elevation

        loc_from_json = Location.from_json(loc.to_json())

        assert loc_from_json.city == city
        assert loc_from_json.latitude == latitude
        assert loc_from_json.longitude == longitude
        assert loc_from_json.time_zone == time_zone
        assert loc_from_json.elevation == elevation
        assert loc_from_json.country == country
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_north_south_pole():
    """Test to be sure we don't get a math domain error at the poles."""
    loc = Location("Santa's House", None, 'North Pole', 90, 0, 0, 0)
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)
    suns = sp.hourly_analemma_suns()
    assert len(suns) == 24

    loc = Location("Santa's Other House", None, 'South Pole', -90, 0, 0, 0)
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)
    suns = sp.hourly_analemma_suns()
    assert len(suns) == 24
Exemplo n.º 6
def extract_location(climate_file, time_zone=None):
    """Extract a Ladybug Location object from the data in the CSV.
        climate_file: file path to the NCDC .csv file.
        time_zone: Optional integer for the time zone. If None, it will be
            estimated from the longitude in the file.
    with open(climate_file) as station_file:
        station_file.readline()  # Skip header row

        # get the pattern of data within the file
        dat_line = station_file.readline().strip().split(',')

        # parse all of the info from the file
        station_id = dat_line[0].replace('"', '')
        city = dat_line[6].replace('"', '')
        latitude = float(dat_line[3].replace('"', ''))
        longitude = float(dat_line[4].replace('"', ''))
        elevation = float(dat_line[5].replace('"', ''))

        # estimate or parse time zone.
        if time_zone:
            assert -12 <= time_zone <= 14, ' time_zone must be between -12 and '\
                ' 14. Got {}.'.format(time_zone)
            time_zone = time_zone
            time_zone = int((longitude / 180) * 12)

        # build the location object
        location = Location(
            city=city, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
            time_zone=time_zone, elevation=elevation,
            station_id=station_id, source='NCDC')
    return location, time_zone
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_to_urbanopt_electric_network():
    """Test the Model.to.urbanopt method with an ElectricNetwork."""
    model_json = './tests/json/buffalo_test_district.dfjson'
    with open(model_json) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
    model = Model.from_dict(data)

    network_json = './tests/json/buffalo_electric_grid.json'
    with open(network_json) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
    network = ElectricalNetwork.from_dict(data)

    # create the urbanopt folder
    location = Location('Buffalo', 'NY', 'USA', 42.813153, -78.852466)
    sim_folder = './tests/urbanopt_model_buffalo'
    geojson, hb_model_jsons, hb_models = \
        model.to.urbanopt(model, location, electrical_network=network, folder=sim_folder)

    # check that the appropriate files were generated
    assert os.path.isfile(geojson)
    for model_json in hb_model_jsons:
        assert os.path.isfile(model_json)
    for h_model in hb_models:
        assert isinstance(h_model, hb_model.Model)
    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sim_folder, 'electrical_database.json'))

    # clean up the files
    nukedir(sim_folder, True)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def from_json(cls, rec_json):
        """Create the solar access recipe from json.
              "id": "solar_access",
              "type": "gridbased",
              "location": null, // a honeybee location - see below
              "hoys": [], // list of hours of the year
              "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces
              "analysis_grids": [] // list of analysis grids
              "sun_vectors": [] // list of sun vectors if location is not provided
        hoys = rec_json["hoys"]
        if 'sun_vectors' not in rec_json or not rec_json['sun_vectors']:
            # create sun vectors from location inputs
            loc = Location.from_json(rec_json['location'])
            sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)
            suns = (sp.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hoy) for hoy in hoys)
            sun_vectors = tuple(s.sun_vector for s in suns if s.is_during_day)
            sun_vectors = rec_json['sun_vectors']

        analysis_grids = \
            tuple(AnalysisGrid.from_json(ag) for ag in rec_json["analysis_grids"])
        hb_objects = tuple(HBSurface.from_json(srf) for srf in rec_json["surfaces"])
        return cls(sun_vectors, hoys, analysis_grids, 1, hb_objects)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_daylight_saving():
    """Test the applicaiton of daylight saving time."""
    nyc = Location('New_York', country='USA', latitude=40.72, longitude=-74.02,
    daylight_saving = AnalysisPeriod(st_month=3, st_day=8, st_hour=2,
                                     end_month=11, end_day=1, end_hour=2)
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(nyc, daylight_saving_period=daylight_saving)
    dt1 = DateTime(6, 21, 12, 0)
    dt2 = DateTime(12, 21, 12, 0)
    dt3 = DateTime(6, 21, 0)
    dt4 = DateTime(12, 21, 0)

    assert sp.is_daylight_saving_hour(dt1)
    assert not sp.is_daylight_saving_hour(dt2)
    assert sp.is_daylight_saving_hour(dt3)
    assert not sp.is_daylight_saving_hour(dt4)

    sun1ds = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt1)
    sun2ds = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt2)
    sun3ds = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt3)
    sun4ds = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt4)

    sp.daylight_saving_period = None

    assert sun1ds != sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt1)
    assert sun3ds != sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt3)
    assert sun1ds.altitude == \
        approx(sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt1.sub_hour(1)).altitude, rel=1e-2)
    assert sun3ds.altitude == \
        approx(sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt3.sub_hour(1)).altitude, rel=1e-2)

    sun2 = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt2)
    sun4 = sp.calculate_sun_from_date_time(dt4)
    assert sun2 == sun2ds
    assert sun4 == sun4ds
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_from_geojson_units_test():
    """Test the Model from_geojson method with non-meter units."""

    # Load test geojson
    geojson_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests', 'geojson')
    geo_fp = os.path.join(geojson_folder, 'TestGeoJSON.geojson')
    location = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366151, -71.019357)

    model, loc = Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, location=location, units='Feet')

    # Check the first building
    bldg1 = [bldg for bldg in model.buildings
             if bldg.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'][0]

    # Check properties
    assert bldg1.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'
    assert bldg1.display_name == 'ResidenceBuilding'

    # Check if area is in feet square
    m2ft = 1 / hb_model.Model.conversion_factor_to_meters('Feet')
    sm2sft = m2ft * m2ft
    assert (600.0 * sm2sft) == pytest.approx(bldg1.floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert (200.0 * sm2sft) == pytest.approx(bldg1.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldg1.story_count == 3

    # Check story
    assert bldg1.story_count == 3
    assert len(bldg1.unique_stories) == 1
    for story in bldg1.unique_stories:
        assert (3.0) == pytest.approx(story.floor_to_floor_height, abs=1e-10)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def from_json(cls, loc_json):
        """Create sky form json.
          "location": {}, // honeybee (or actually ladybug location schema)
          "day": 1, // an integer between 1-31
          "month": 1, // an integer between 1-12
          "hour": 12.0, // a float number between 0-23
          "north": 0, // degree for north if not Y axis
          "sky_type": 0 // A number between 0-5 --  0: sunny sky

        location schema
          "city": "",
          "latitude": 0,
          "longitude": 0,
          "time_zone": 0,
          "elevation": 0
        data = loc_json
        location = Location.from_json(data["location"])
        return cls(location,
Exemplo n.º 12
    def from_json(cls, rec_json):
        """Create the solar access recipe from json.
              "id": "solar_access",
              "type": "gridbased",
              "location": null, // a honeybee location - see below
              "hoys": [], // list of hours of the year
              "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces
              "analysis_grids": [] // list of analysis grids
              "sun_vectors": [] // list of sun vectors if location is not provided
        raise NotImplementedError()
        hoys = rec_json["hoys"]
        if 'sun_vectors' not in rec_json or not rec_json['sun_vectors']:
            # create sun vectors from location inputs
            loc = Location.from_json(rec_json['location'])
            sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)
            suns = (sp.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hoy) for hoy in hoys)
            sun_vectors = tuple(s.sun_vector for s in suns if s.is_during_day)
            sun_vectors = rec_json['sun_vectors']

        analysis_grids = \
            tuple(AnalysisGrid.from_json(ag) for ag in rec_json["analysis_grids"])
        hb_objects = tuple(
            HBSurface.from_json(srf) for srf in rec_json["surfaces"])
        return cls(sun_vectors, hoys, analysis_grids, 1, hb_objects)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_init():
    """Test if the command correctly creates location based on individual values"""
    # This is totally a real place! It's in Wales, check it out!
    city = 'Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch'
    country = 'United Kingdom'
    latitude = 53.2225252
    longitude = -4.2211707
    time_zone = 1
    elevation = 12
    station_id = 'SomeInventedStation'
    source = 'SomeNoneExistentSource'

    loc = Location(city=city,

    str(loc)  # test the string representation
    assert loc.city == city
    assert loc.country == country
    assert loc.latitude == latitude
    assert loc.longitude == longitude
    assert loc.time_zone == time_zone
    assert loc.elevation == elevation
    assert loc.station_id == station_id
    assert loc.source == source
    assert loc.meridian == -15
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_day_arc_geometry():
    """Test the day_arc3d method."""
    nyc = Location('New_York',
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(nyc)

    radius = 100

    arc_geo = sp.day_arc3d(3, 21, radius=radius)
    assert isinstance(arc_geo, Arc3D)
    assert arc_geo.length == approx(math.pi * radius, rel=1e-2)

    arc_geo = sp.day_polyline2d(3, 21, radius=radius)
    assert isinstance(arc_geo, Polyline2D)

    arc_geo = sp.monthly_day_arc3d(radius=radius)
    assert len(arc_geo) == 12
    for pline in arc_geo:
        assert isinstance(pline, Arc3D)

    arc_geo = sp.monthly_day_polyline2d(radius=radius)
    assert len(arc_geo) == 12
    for pline in arc_geo:
        assert isinstance(pline, Polyline2D)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_init_horizontal_solarcal_collection():
    """Test the initialization of the HorizontalSolarCal collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    irr_header = Header(Irradiance(), 'W/m2',
                        AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    dir_norm = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [300] * calc_length)
    diff_horiz = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [100] * calc_length)
    solarcal_obj = HorizontalSolarCal(Location(), dir_norm, diff_horiz, 24)

    assert solarcal_obj.comfort_model == 'Horizontal SolarCal'
    assert solarcal_obj.calc_length == calc_length
    str(solarcal_obj)  # test that the string representation is ok

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.direct_horizontal_solar[12] == 300
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.diffuse_horizontal_solar[12] == 100

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.effective_radiant_field[12] == pytest.approx(79.35027,
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.mrt_delta, HourlyContinuousCollection)
    assert len(solarcal_obj.mrt_delta.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.mrt_delta[12] == pytest.approx(18.20503, rel=1e-3)
    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.mean_radiant_temperature[12] == pytest.approx(42.20503,
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_horizontal_solarcal_collection_defaults():
    """Test the default inputs assigned to the HorizontalSolarCal collection."""
    calc_length = 24
    irr_header = Header(Irradiance(), 'W/m2',
                        AnalysisPeriod(end_month=1, end_day=1))
    dir_norm = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [500] * calc_length)
    diff_horiz = HourlyContinuousCollection(irr_header, [200] * calc_length)
    solarcal_obj = HorizontalSolarCal(Location(), dir_norm, diff_horiz, 24)

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.fraction_body_exposed,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.fraction_body_exposed.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.fraction_body_exposed[12] == 1

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.floor_reflectance,
    assert len(solarcal_obj.floor_reflectance.values) == calc_length
    assert solarcal_obj.floor_reflectance[12] == 0.25

    assert isinstance(solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter, SolarCalParameter)
    default_par = SolarCalParameter()
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.posture == default_par.posture
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.sharp == default_par.sharp
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_azimuth == default_par.body_azimuth
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_absorptivity == default_par.body_absorptivity
    assert solarcal_obj.solarcal_body_parameter.body_emissivity == default_par.body_emissivity
Exemplo n.º 17
 def from_lat_long(cls, city, latitude, longitude, timezone, elevation,
                   month, day, hour, direct_radiation, diffuse_radiation,
                   north=0, suffix=None):
     """Create sky from latitude and longitude."""
     loc = Location(city, None, latitude, longitude, timezone, elevation)
     return cls(loc, month, day, hour, direct_radiation, diffuse_radiation, north,
Exemplo n.º 18
    def from_json(cls, loc_json):
        """Create sky form json.
          "location": {}, // honeybee (or actually ladybug location schema)
          "day": 1, // an integer between 1-31
          "month": 1, // an integer between 1-12
          "hour": 12.0, // a float number between 0-23
          "north": 0, // degree for north if not Y axis
          "sky_type": 0 // A number between 0-5 --  0: sunny sky

        location schema
          "city": "",
          "latitude": 0,
          "longitude": 0,
          "time_zone": 0,
          "elevation": 0
        data = loc_json
        location = Location.from_json(data["location"])
        return cls(location, month=data["month"],
                   day=data["day"], hour=data["hour"], north=data["north"],
Exemplo n.º 19
    def from_idf(cls, design_days=None, sizing_parameter=None, location=None):
        """Create a SizingParameter object from an EnergyPlus IDF text string.

            design_days: An array of of IDF SizingPeriod:DesignDay strings that
                represent the criteria for which the HVAC systems will be sized.
                If None, no sizing criteria will be included. Default: None.
            sizing_parameter: A text string for an EnergyPlus Sizing:Parameters
                definition. If None, defaults of 1.25 anf 1.15 will be used.
                Default: None.
            location: An optional Ladybug Location object, which gets assigned
                to the DesignDay objects in order to interpret their SkyConditions.
                This object is not used in the export to IDF. If None, the
                intersection of the equator with the prime meridian will be used.
                Default: None.
        # process the input design_days
        des_day_objs = None
        if design_days is not None:
            location = Location() if location is None else location
            des_day_objs = [DesignDay.from_idf(dday, location) for dday in design_days]

        # process the sizing_parameter
        heating_factor = 1.25
        cooling_factor = 1.15
        if sizing_parameter is not None:
                ep_strs = parse_idf_string(sizing_parameter, 'Sizing:Parameters,')
                heating_factor = ep_strs[0] if ep_strs[0] != '' else 1.25
                cooling_factor = ep_strs[1] if ep_strs[1] != '' else 1.15
            except IndexError:
                pass  # shorter SizingParameters definition

        return cls(des_day_objs, heating_factor, cooling_factor)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_from_location():
    """Test the initialization of Sunpath from a Location."""
    sydney = Location('Sydney', 'AUS', latitude=-33.87, longitude=151.22,
    sunpath = Sunpath.from_location(sydney)
    assert sunpath.latitude == -33.87
    assert sunpath.longitude == 151.22
    assert sunpath.time_zone == 10
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_vs_noaa_new_york():
    """Test to be sure that the sun positions align with the NOAA formula."""
    nyc = Location('New_York', 'USA', latitude=40.72, longitude=-74.02,
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(nyc)
    sun = sp.calculate_sun(month=9, day=15, hour=11.0)
    assert round(sun.altitude, 2) == 50.35
    assert round(sun.azimuth, 2) == 159.72
Exemplo n.º 22
def getSunVector(input_address, input_month, input_day, input_hour):
    geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="UrbanInsight")
    location = geolocator.geocode(input_address)

    tf = TimezoneFinder()
    utc = pytz.utc

    def offset(target):
        today = datetime.now()
        tz_target = timezone(
            tf.certain_timezone_at(lat=target['lat'], lng=target['lng']))
        # ATTENTION: tz_target could be None! handle error case
        today_target = tz_target.localize(
            datetime(2016, input_month, input_day))
        today_utc = utc.localize(datetime(2016, input_month, input_day))
        return (today_utc - today_target).total_seconds() / 60

    # Create location. You can also extract location data from an epw file.
    lati = location.latitude
    long = location.longitude

    timez = dict({'lat': lati, 'lng': long})
    tz = (offset(timez) / 60)
    # print(tz)

    city = Location('City',

    # Initiate sunpath
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(city)
    sun = sp.calculate_sun(month=input_month, day=input_day, hour=input_hour)

    # print('altitude: {}, azimuth: {}'.format(sun.altitude, sun.azimuth))

    _year_ = 2016
    _minute_ = 0

    mydate = DateTime(input_month, input_day, input_hour)

    altitude = sun.altitude_in_radians
    azimuth = sun.azimuth_in_radians
    is_solar_time = "false"
    is_daylight_saving = "false"
    north_angle = 0
    sn = Sun(DateTime,
    # print(sun.sun_vector)
    vector = str(sun.sun_vector)

    return vector
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_origin_long_lat_from_location():
    """Test the origin_long_lat_from_location method."""
    lat = 42.0
    lon = -70.0
    loc = Location(latitude=lat, longitude=lon)
    o_lon, o_lat = origin_long_lat_from_location(loc, Point2D(10, 10))

    assert lat == pytest.approx(o_lat, rel=1e-5)
    assert lon == pytest.approx(o_lon, rel=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_from_individual_values(self):
        """Test if the command correctly creates location based on individual values"""
        loc = Location()

        new_latitude = 31.4234953
        new_longitude = 72.9492158
        new_time_zone = 5
        new_elevation = 20

        loc.latitude = new_latitude
        loc.longitude = new_longitude
        loc.time_zone = new_time_zone
        loc.elevation = new_elevation

        assert loc.latitude == new_latitude
        assert loc.longitude == new_longitude
        assert loc.time_zone == new_time_zone
        assert loc.elevation == new_elevation
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_from_location(self):
     sydney = Location('Sydney',
     sunpath = Sunpath.from_location(sydney)
     self.assertEqual(sunpath.latitude, -33.87)
     self.assertEqual(sunpath.longitude, 151.22)
     self.assertEqual(sunpath.time_zone, 10)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_from_location(self):
     sydney = Location('Sydney',
     sunpath = Sunpath.from_location(sydney)
     assert sunpath.latitude == -33.87
     assert sunpath.longitude == 151.22
     assert sunpath.time_zone == 10
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_vs_noaa_new_york(self):
     nyc = Location('New_York',
     sp = Sunpath.from_location(nyc)
     sun = sp.calculate_sun(month=9, day=15, hour=11.0)
     assert round(sun.altitude, 2) == 50.35
     assert round(sun.azimuth, 2) == 159.72
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, location=None, month=9, day=21, hour=12, north=0, suffix=None):
        """Create sky."""

        self.location = location or Location()
        assert hasattr(self.location, 'isLocation'), \
            '{} is not a Ladybug Location.'.format(self.location)
        self._datetime = DateTime(month, day, hour)
        self.north = float(north % 360)
        self.suffix = suffix or ''
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_default_values():
    """Test if the command correctly creates a location."""
    loc = Location()
    assert loc.city == '-'
    assert loc.country == '-'
    assert loc.latitude == 0
    assert loc.longitude == 0
    assert loc.time_zone == 0
    assert loc.station_id is None
    assert loc.source is None
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_vs_noaa_sydney(self):
     sydney = Location('Sydney',
     sp = Sunpath.from_location(sydney)
     sun = sp.calculate_sun(month=11, day=15, hour=11.0)
     assert round(sun.altitude, 2) == 72.26
     assert round(sun.azimuth, 2) == 32.37
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_solar_time():
    """Test to be sure that solar time is being computed correctly."""
    loc = Location('SHANGHAI', None, 'HONGQIAO', 31.17, 121.43, 8.0, 7.00)
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)

    sun = sp.calculate_sun(3, 21, 12, True)
    assert sun.azimuth == approx(180, rel=1e-2)
    sun = sp.calculate_sun(3, 21, 6, True)
    assert sun.azimuth == approx(90, rel=1e-2)
    sun = sp.calculate_sun(3, 21, 18, True)
    assert sun.azimuth == approx(270, rel=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_design_day_hourly_data():
    """Test hourly data properties of a standard ddy."""
    location = Location('Test City', '-', 'USA', 34.20, -118.35, -8, 226)
    date = Date(8, 21)
    des_day = DesignDay.from_design_day_properties('Test Day',
                                                   'SummerDesignDay', location,
                                                   date, 36.8, 13.2, 'Wetbulb',
                                                   20.5, 98639, 3.9, 170,
                                                   'ASHRAETau', [0.436, 2.106])
    # dry bulb values
    db_data_collect = des_day.hourly_dry_bulb
    assert db_data_collect[5] == approx(23.6, rel=1e-1)
    assert db_data_collect[14] == approx(36.8, rel=1e-1)

    # dew point values
    dpt_data_collect = des_day.hourly_dew_point
    assert dpt_data_collect[0] == approx(11.296, rel=1e-1)
    assert dpt_data_collect[-1] == approx(11.296, rel=1e-1)

    # relative humidity values
    rh_data_collect = des_day.hourly_relative_humidity
    assert rh_data_collect[5] == approx(45.896, rel=1e-1)
    assert rh_data_collect[14] == approx(21.508, rel=1e-1)

    # barometric pressure values
    bp_data_collect = des_day.hourly_barometric_pressure
    assert bp_data_collect[0] == approx(98639, rel=1e-1)
    assert bp_data_collect[-1] == approx(98639, rel=1e-1)

    # wind speed values
    ws_data_collect = des_day.hourly_wind_speed
    assert -0.1 < ws_data_collect[0] - 3.9 < 0.1
    assert -0.1 < ws_data_collect[-1] - 3.9 < 0.1

    # wind direction values
    wd_data_collect = des_day.hourly_wind_direction
    assert wd_data_collect[0] == approx(170, rel=1e-1)
    assert wd_data_collect[-1] == approx(170, rel=1e-1)

    # radiation values
    direct_normal_rad, diffuse_horizontal_rad, global_horizontal_rad = \
    assert direct_normal_rad[0] == 0
    assert direct_normal_rad[11] == approx(891.46, rel=1e-1)
    assert diffuse_horizontal_rad[0] == 0
    assert diffuse_horizontal_rad[11] == approx(165.32, rel=1e-1)
    assert global_horizontal_rad[0] == 0
    assert global_horizontal_rad[11] == approx(985.05, rel=1e-1)

    # sky cover values
    sc_data_collect = des_day.hourly_sky_cover

    # sky cover values
    hi_data_collect = des_day.hourly_horizontal_infrared
Exemplo n.º 33
    def from_json(cls, inp):
        """Create a SunMatrix from a dictionary."""
        keys = ('location', 'solar_values', 'sun_up_hours', 'hoys')
        for key in keys:
            assert key in inp, '%s is missing from input dictionary' % key

        location = Location.from_json(inp['location'])
        solar_values = inp['solar_values']
        sun_up_hours = inp['sun_up_hours']
        hoys = inp['hoys']
        return cls(location, solar_values, sun_up_hours, hoys)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_exact_solar_noon():
    """Test to be sure we don't get a math domain error at solar noon."""
    loc = Location('SHANGHAI', None, 'HONGQIAO', 31.17, 121.43, 8.0, 7.00)
    sp = Sunpath.from_location(loc)

    suns = []
    for i in range(1, 13):
        sun = sp.calculate_sun(i, 21, 12, True)
        assert sun.azimuth == approx(180, rel=1e-2)
    assert len(suns) == 12
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_from_location(self):
        """Test the from_location() class method"""
        city = 'Tehran'
        country = 'Iran'
        latitude = 36
        longitude = 34
        time_zone = 3.5
        elevation = 54

        loc = Location(city=city, country=country, latitude=latitude,
                       longitude=longitude, time_zone=time_zone,

        loc_from_loc = Location.from_location(loc)

        assert loc_from_loc.city == city
        assert loc_from_loc.country == country
        assert loc_from_loc.latitude == latitude
        assert loc_from_loc.longitude == longitude
        assert loc_from_loc.time_zone == time_zone
        assert loc_from_loc.elevation == elevation