def run_scenario(lambda_client, iam_resource, basic_file, calculator_file,
    Runs the scenario.

    :param lambda_client: A Boto3 Lambda client.
    :param iam_resource: A Boto3 IAM resource.
    :param basic_file: The name of the file that contains the basic Lambda handler.
    :param calculator_file: The name of the file that contains the calculator Lambda handler.
    :param lambda_name: The name to give resources created for the scenario, such as the
                        IAM role and the Lambda function.
                        format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')

    print('-' * 88)
    print("Welcome to the AWS Lambda getting started with functions demo.")
    print('-' * 88)

    wrapper = LambdaWrapper(lambda_client, iam_resource)

    print("Checking for IAM role for Lambda...")
    iam_role, should_wait = wrapper.create_iam_role_for_lambda(lambda_name)
    if should_wait:"Giving AWS time to create resources...")

    print(f"Looking for function {lambda_name}...")
    function = wrapper.get_function(lambda_name)
    if function is None:
        print("Zipping the Python script into a deployment package...")
        deployment_package = wrapper.create_deployment_package(
            basic_file, f"{lambda_name}.py")
        print(f"...and creating the {lambda_name} Lambda function.")
        wrapper.create_function(lambda_name, f'{lambda_name}.lambda_handler',
                                iam_role, deployment_package)
        print(f"Function {lambda_name} already exists.")
    print('-' * 88)

    print(f"Let's invoke {lambda_name}. This function increments a number.")
    action_params = {
        'action': 'increment',
        'number': q.ask("Give me a number to increment: ", q.is_int)
    print(f"Invoking {lambda_name}...")
    response = wrapper.invoke_function(lambda_name, action_params)
    print(f"Incrementing {action_params['number']} resulted in "
    print('-' * 88)

    print(f"Let's update the function to an arithmetic calculator.")
    q.ask("Press Enter when you're ready.")
    print("Creating a new deployment package...")
    deployment_package = wrapper.create_deployment_package(
        calculator_file, f"{lambda_name}.py")
    print(f"...and updating the {lambda_name} Lambda function.")
    update_waiter = UpdateFunctionWaiter(lambda_client)
    wrapper.update_function_code(lambda_name, deployment_package)
        f"This function uses an environment variable to control logging level."
    print(f"Let's set it to DEBUG to get the most logging.")
        lambda_name, {'LOG_LEVEL': logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG)})

    actions = ['plus', 'minus', 'times', 'divided-by']
    want_invoke = True
    while want_invoke:
        print(f"Let's invoke {lambda_name}. You can invoke these actions:")
        for index, action in enumerate(actions):
            print(f"{index + 1}: {action}")
        action_params = {}
        action_index = q.ask(
            "Enter the number of the action you want to take: ", q.is_int,
            q.in_range(1, len(actions)))
        action_params['action'] = actions[action_index - 1]
        print(f"You've chosen to invoke 'x {action_params['action']} y'.")
        action_params['x'] = q.ask("Enter a value for x: ", q.is_int)
        action_params['y'] = q.ask("Enter a value for y: ", q.is_int)
        print(f"Invoking {lambda_name}...")
        response = wrapper.invoke_function(lambda_name, action_params, True)
            f"Calculating {action_params['x']} {action_params['action']} {action_params['y']} "
            f"resulted in {json.load(response['Payload'])}")
        q.ask("Press Enter to see the logs from the call.")
        want_invoke = q.ask("That was fun. Shall we do it again? (y/n) ",
    print('-' * 88)

    if q.ask("Do you want to list all of the functions in your account? (y/n) "
    print('-' * 88)

    if q.ask("Ready to delete the function and role? (y/n) ", q.is_yesno):
        for policy in iam_role.attached_policies.all():
        print(f"Deleted role {lambda_name}.")
        print(f"Deleted function {lambda_name}.")

    print("\nThanks for watching!")
    print('-' * 88)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_create_lambda_deployment_package(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(zipfile.ZipFile, 'write', lambda x, y, z: None)
    wrapper = LambdaWrapper(None, None)

    got_package = wrapper.create_deployment_package('test-file', 'other-file')
    assert got_package is not None