Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_empty_wheel_cache(self):
     A pip cache dir with an empty wheel cache returns no packages.
     with tempcache() as pipcache:
         extractor = WheelCacheExtractor(pipcache.path)
         self.assertEqual(list(extractor.iter_cache()), [])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_missing_wheel_cache(self):
     A pip cache dir with no wheel cache returns no packages.
     with tempdir() as basedir:
         pip_cache_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "pipcache")
         extractor = WheelCacheExtractor(pip_cache_dir)
         self.assertEqual(list(extractor.iter_cache()), [])
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_pip_cache_with_wheels(self):
     A pip wheel cache with wheels in it returns some packages.
     with tempcache() as pipcache:
         wheel1 = pipcache.write_wheel("ab/cd/ef/ghij/foo.whl")
         wheel2 = pipcache.write_wheel("12/34/56/7890/bar.whl")
         extractor = WheelCacheExtractor(pipcache.path)
             sorted([cw.filepath for cw in extractor.iter_cache()]),
             sorted([wheel1, wheel2]))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_wheel_content(self):
     Any file ending with .whl is assumed to be a valid wheel.
     with tempcache() as pipcache:
         pipcache.write_wheel("ab/cd/ef/ghij/foo.whl", b"round")
         extractor = WheelCacheExtractor(pipcache.path)
         [cached_wheel] = extractor.iter_cache()
         self.assertEqual(cached_wheel.can_symlink, True)
         self.assertEqual(cached_wheel.is_package, True)
         self.assertEqual(cached_wheel.package_filename, "foo.whl")
         self.assertEqual(cached_wheel.get_package_data(), b"round")