Exemplo n.º 1
def test_all_inf():
    cost = np.empty((5, 5), dtype=float)
    cost[:] = np.inf
    with raises(ValueError):
    with raises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_all_inf():
    cost = np.empty((5, 5), dtype=float)
    cost[:] = np.inf
    with raises(ValueError):
    with raises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_inf_row():
    cost = np.array(
        [[0., 0., 0., 0., np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, 0., 0., 0.],
         [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf],
         [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., np.inf, np.inf]],
    with raises(ValueError):
        ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_inf_row():
    cost = np.array([[0.,     0.,     0.,     0.,     np.inf],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, 0.,     0.,     0.],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0.,     0.],
                     [0.,     0.,     0., np.inf,  np.inf]], dtype=float)
    with raises(ValueError):
        ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_inf_unique():
    cost = np.array([[1000, 4, 1], [1, 1000, 3], [5, 1, 1000]])
    cost_ext = np.empty((4, 4))
    cost_ext[:] = np.inf
    cost_ext[:3, :3] = cost
    cost_ext[3, 3] = 0
    with raises(ValueError):
        ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost_ext))
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost_ext))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == 3.
    assert np.all(ret[1] == [2, 0, 1, 3])
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_inf_unique():
    cost = np.array([[1000, 4, 1],
                     [1, 1000, 3],
                     [5, 1, 1000]])
    cost_ext = np.empty((4, 4))
    cost_ext[:] = np.inf
    cost_ext[:3, :3] = cost
    cost_ext[3, 3] = 0
    with raises(ValueError):
        ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost_ext))
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost_ext))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == 3.
    assert np.all(ret[1] == [2, 0, 1, 3])
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_dense_100x100_int(dense_100x100_int):
    cost, opt = dense_100x100_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_dense_100x100_int(dense_100x100_int):
    cost, opt = dense_100x100_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_dense_1kx1k_int_hard(dense_1kx1k_int_hard):
    cost, opt = dense_1kx1k_int_hard
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_dense_1kx1k_int_hard(dense_1kx1k_int_hard):
    cost, opt = dense_1kx1k_int_hard
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_sparse_4kx4k_int(sparse_4kx4k_int):
    cost, mask, opt = sparse_4kx4k_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost, mask))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    cost[~mask] = get_platform_maxint()
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_sparse_4kx4k_int(sparse_4kx4k_int):
    cost, mask, opt = sparse_4kx4k_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost, mask))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
    cost[~mask] = get_platform_maxint()
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == lapjv_ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_square(cost, expected):
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == len(expected)
    assert cost[range(cost.shape[0]), ret[1]].sum() == ret[0]
    assert cost[ret[2], range(cost.shape[1])].sum() == ret[0]
    assert ret[0] == expected[0]
    assert np.all(ret[1] == expected[1])
    assert np.all(ret[2] == expected[2])
    dense_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == dense_ret[0]
    assert np.all(ret[1] == dense_ret[1])
    assert np.all(ret[2] == dense_ret[2])
def linker(Nparticles, Cs):
    """Link a set of detections."""
    assert all(Cs.A > 0)
    assert all(isfinite(Cs.A))
    assert all(isnan(Cs.A) == False)
    vals, kk, offsets = Cs.convert()
    _, start = array(
        lapmod(2 * Nparticles, vals, offsets, kk, return_cost=False))
    end = arange(start.size)
    linkinds = (start < Nparticles) & (end < Nparticles)
    S, E = start[linkinds], end[linkinds]
    return S, E
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_sparse_square(cost, expected):
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == len(expected)
    assert cost[range(cost.shape[0]), ret[1]].sum() == ret[0]
    assert cost[ret[2], range(cost.shape[1])].sum() == ret[0]
    assert ret[0] == expected[0]
    assert np.all(ret[1] == expected[1])
    assert np.all(ret[2] == expected[2])
    dense_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert ret[0] == dense_ret[0]
    assert np.all(ret[1] == dense_ret[1])
    assert np.all(ret[2] == dense_ret[2])
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_infs_unsolvable():
    cost = np.array([[0.,     0.,     0.,     np.inf, np.inf],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0.,     0.],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0.,     0.],
                     [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0.,     0.],
                     [0.,     0.,     0.,     np.inf, np.inf]], dtype=float)
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert lapjv_ret[0] == np.inf
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf

    cost = np.array([[19.,     22.,     16.,    np.inf, np.inf],
                     [np.inf,  np.inf,  np.inf, 4.,     13.],
                     [np.inf,  np.inf,  np.inf, 3.,     14.],
                     [np.inf,  np.inf,  np.inf, 10.,    12.],
                     [11.,     14.,     13.,    np.inf, np.inf]], dtype=float)
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert lapjv_ret[0] == np.inf
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_infs_unsolvable():
    cost = np.array(
        [[0., 0., 0., np.inf, np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0., 0.],
         [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0., 0.], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0., 0.],
         [0., 0., 0., np.inf, np.inf]],
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert lapjv_ret[0] == np.inf
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf

    cost = np.array(
        [[19., 22., 16., np.inf, np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 4., 13.],
         [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 3., 14.], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 10., 12.],
         [11., 14., 13., np.inf, np.inf]],
    lapjv_ret = lapjv(cost)
    assert lapjv_ret[0] == np.inf
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == np.inf
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_lapmod_arr_loop():
    shape = (7, 3)
    cc = np.array([
        2.593883482138951146e-01, 3.080381437461217620e-01,
        1.976243020727339317e-01, 2.462740976049606068e-01,
        4.203993396282833528e-01, 4.286184525458427985e-01,
        1.706431415909629434e-01, 2.192929371231896185e-01,
        2.117769622802734286e-01, 2.604267578125001315e-01])
    ii = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6])
    jj = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1])
    cost_limit = 1e3
    cc, ii, kk = prepare_sparse_cost(shape, cc, ii, jj, cost_limit)
    opt, ind1, ind0 = lapmod(len(ii)-1, cc, ii, kk, return_cost=True)
    ind1[ind1 >= shape[1]] = -1
    ind0[ind0 >= shape[0]] = -1
    ind1 = ind1[:shape[0]]
    ind0 = ind0[:shape[1]]
    assert opt == approx(4000.8455356917416, 1e-10)
    assert np.all(ind0 == [5, 1, 2]) or np.all(ind0 == [1, 5, 2])
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _link(self, search_radius=15,params=[],**kwargs):
        Helper function : link adjecent frames using JV lap.

        TODO: extend for a general cost function. make class of cost functions that returns shape, cc, ii, jj
        params : [(channel,weight)] list of tuples
        search_radius : [25]

        #ch = NucChannel
        #if ch is None:
        #    ch = self.channels[0]
        #    print('No channel provided, using '+ch)
        cents = self.centroid_um
        nums = self.num

        if params:
            Cp = [p[0] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            Wp = [p[1] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            ints = {}

        for i in np.arange(nums.shape[0]-1):

            sys.stdout.write("\r"+'linking frame '+ str(i))

            T = KDTree(cents[i+1])
            #We calculate points in centroid(n+1) that are less than distance_upper_bound from points in centroid(n)
            dists, idx = T.query(cents[i], k=12, distance_upper_bound=search_radius)

            dists = [r[r<1E308] for r in dists]

            idx = [r[r<cents[i+1].shape[0]] for r in idx]

            #possible matches in n+1
            jj = np.concatenate(idx)

            #possible correspondence in n
            for r in idx:
            ii = np.concatenate(ii)

                        #ii jj cc are now sparse matrix in COO format
            eps = 10**-72
            for cp, wp in zip(Cp, Wp):
                ints = self.ninetyint(cp)
                ampRatio = ampRatio + wp*(np.array(eps+np.maximum(list(ints[i][ii]), list(ints[i+1][jj])))/np.array(eps+np.minimum(list(ints[i][ii]), list(ints[i+1][jj])))-1)

            #costs of match
            cc = np.concatenate(dists)*ampRatio

            shape = (nums[i], nums[i+1])

            cc, ii, kk = prepare_sparse_cost(shape, cc, ii, jj, cost_limit=300)
            ind1, ind0 = lap.lapmod(len(ii)-1, cc, ii, kk, return_cost=False)
            ind1[ind1 >= shape[1]] = -1
            ind0[ind0 >= shape[0]] = -1
            #inds in n+1 that match inds (1:N) in n
            ind1 = ind1[:shape[0]]
            #inds in n that match inds (1:N) in n+1
            ind0 = ind0[:shape[1]]
            self.framelabels[i].link1in2 = ind1
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _split(self, search_radius=20, params=[],maxAmpRatio=5, **kwargs):

        Helper function : find splits using JV lap.

        params : [(channel,weight)] list of tuples
        maxAmpRatio : [5] max allowd ratio of amplitudes for linking
        search_radius : [40] search radius
        #if ch is None:
        #    ch = self.channels[0]

        if params:
            Cp = [p[0] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            Wp = [p[1] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            ints = {}
            for cp in Cp:
                ints[cp] = self.ninetyint(cp)

        trackbits = self.trackinds

        cents = self.centroid_um
        relatives = [[]]*len(trackbits)

        while notdoneflag:

            trackstarts = np.array([np.where(~np.isnan(r.astype('float')))[0][0] for r in trackbits])
            trackends = np.array([np.where(~np.isnan(r.astype('float')))[0] for r in trackbits])

#             dtmat = np.expand_dims(trackstarts,1)-np.expand_dims(trackends,0)
#             dt1array = np.zeros_like(dtmat)
#             for (x, y), element in np.ndenumerate(dtmat):
#                 try:
#                     dt1array[x,y] = np.nonzero(element==1)[0][0]
#                 except:
#                     dt1array[x,y] = None

#             possiblelinks = np.transpose(np.where(dt1array!=None))

            possiblelinks = np.empty((0, 2), int)
            for J in np.unique(trackstarts):
                link_a = np.where(trackstarts==J)
                link_b = np.where(list(map(lambda x: np.any(x==J-1), trackends)))
                if np.any(link_a):
                    f = lambda x: np.pad(link_b,((1,0),(0,0)), constant_values=x)
                    d = np.transpose(np.hstack(list(map(f, link_a[0]))))
                    possiblelinks = np.concatenate((possiblelinks,d))

            ii = []
            jj = []
            cc = []
            for i in np.arange(len(possiblelinks)):
                # frame1 - end of possible to link
                frame2 = trackstarts[possiblelinks[i][0]]
                # frame1 - end of possible to link
                frame1 = frame2-1
                # cell label in frame 1 to link
                ind1 = trackbits[possiblelinks[i][1]][frame1]
                # cell label in frame 2 to link
                ind2 = trackbits[possiblelinks[i][0]][frame2]

                dr = np.linalg.norm(cents[frame1][ind1]-cents[frame2][ind2])

                if dr <= search_radius:
                    for cp, wp in zip(Cp, Wp):
                        da = da + wp*(np.maximum(ints[cp][frame1][ind1], ints[cp][frame2][ind2])/np.minimum(ints[cp][frame1][ind1], ints[cp][frame2][ind2])-1)
                    if da<=maxAmpRatio:

                        #maybe one day we'll change this somehow. Not sure how rn
                        cost = dr*da

            ii = np.array(ii)
            jj = np.array(jj)
            cc = np.array(cc)

            if len(ii)==0:
                print('\nFinished finding splits')

            shape = (len(trackbits),len(trackbits))
            cc, ii, kk = prepare_sparse_cost(shape,cc,ii,jj, 1000)
            match1, _ = lap.lapmod(len(ii)-1, cc, ii, kk, return_cost=False)
            match1[match1 >= shape[1]] = -1
            #inds in n+1 that match inds (1:N) in n
            match1 = np.array(match1[:shape[0]])

            trackindstofill = np.nonzero(match1+1)[0]
            trackindstoadd = match1[np.nonzero(match1+1)]

            fa = {trackindstofill[i]: trackindstoadd[i] for i in range(len(trackindstoadd))}

            for i in fa:
                sf = trackstarts[i]
                ef = trackstarts[fa[i]]

        self.relatives = relatives
        self.trackinds = trackbits
def lat_var(xp, sims, n_similar, n_repeats, batch_size, asym):
    Run the matching in the E-step of the latent-variable model.
    :param xp: numpy or cupy, depending whether we run on CPU or GPU.
    :param xw: the xw matrix
    :param zw: the zw matrix
    :param sims: an matrix of shape (src_size, trg_size) where the similarity values
                 between each source word and target words are stored
    :param best_sim_forward: an array of shape (src_size), which stores the best similarity
                             scores for each
    :param n_similar:
    :param n_repeats:
    :param batch_size:
    :param asym:
    src_size = sims.shape[0]
    cc = np.empty(
        src_size * n_similar
    )  # 1D array of all finite elements of the assignement cost matrix
    kk = np.empty(
        src_size * n_similar
    )  # 1D array of the column indices. Must be sorted within one row.
    ii = np.empty((src_size * n_repeats + 1, ),
                  dtype=int)  # 1D array of indices of the row starts in cc.
    ii[0] = 0
    # if each src id should be matched to trg id, then we need to double the source indices
    for i in range(1, src_size * n_repeats + 1):
        ii[i] = ii[i - 1] + n_similar
    for i in range(0, src_size, batch_size):
        # j = min(x.shape[0], i + batch_size)
        j = min(i + batch_size, src_size)
        sim = sims[i:j]

        trg_indices = xp.argpartition(
            sim, -n_similar)[:,
                             -n_similar:]  # get indices of n largest elements
        if xp != np:
            trg_indices = xp.asnumpy(trg_indices)
        trg_indices.sort()  # sort the target indices

        trg_indices = trg_indices.flatten()
        row_indices = np.array([[i] * n_similar
                                for i in range(j - i)]).flatten()
        sim_scores = sim[row_indices, trg_indices]
        costs = 1 - sim_scores
        if xp != np:
            costs = xp.asnumpy(costs)
        cc[i * n_similar:j * n_similar] = costs
        kk[i * n_similar:j * n_similar] = trg_indices
    if n_repeats > 1:
        # duplicate costs and target indices
        new_cc = cc
        new_kk = kk
        for i in range(1, n_repeats):
            new_cc = np.concatenate([new_cc, cc], axis=0)
            if asym == '1:2':
                # for 1:2, we don't duplicate the target indices
                new_kk = np.concatenate([new_kk, kk], axis=0)
                # update target indices so that they refer to new columns
                new_kk = np.concatenate([new_kk, kk + src_size * i], axis=0)
        cc = new_cc
        kk = new_kk
    # trg indices are targets assigned to each row id from 0-(n_rows-1)
    cost, trg_indices, _ = lapmod(src_size * n_repeats, cc, ii, kk)
    src_indices = np.concatenate([np.arange(src_size)] * n_repeats, 0)
    src_indices, trg_indices = xp.asarray(src_indices), xp.asarray(trg_indices)

    # remove the pairs in which a source word was connected to a target
    # which was not one of its k most similar words
    wrong_inds = []
    for i, trgind in enumerate(trg_indices):
        krow = ii[i]
        candidates = kk[krow:krow + n_similar]
        if trgind not in candidates:
    trg_indices = np.delete(trg_indices, wrong_inds)
    src_indices = np.delete(src_indices, wrong_inds)

    for i in range(len(src_indices)):
        src_idx, trg_idx = src_indices[i], trg_indices[i]
        # we do this if args.n_repeats > 0 to assign the target
        # indices in the cost matrix to the correct idx
        while trg_idx >= src_size:
            # if we repeat, we have indices that are > n_rows
            trg_idx -= src_size
            trg_indices[i] = trg_idx
    return src_indices, trg_indices
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_sparse_100x100_int(sparse_100x100_int):
    cost, mask, opt = sparse_100x100_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost, mask))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_eps(dense_eps):
    cost, opt = dense_eps
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_eps(dense_eps):
    cost, opt = dense_eps
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_dense(cost))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_sparse_100x100_int(sparse_100x100_int):
    cost, mask, opt = sparse_100x100_int
    ret = lapmod(*sparse_from_masked(cost, mask))
    assert len(ret) == 3
    assert ret[0] == opt
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _closegaps(self, maxStep=10, params=[],maxAmpRatio=5,maxTimeJump=4, mintracklength=30, **kwargs):

        Helper function : close gaps between open stubs using JV lap.

        todo: split. When a stub that starts in the middle has a plausible link, make a compound track
        #NucChannel : ['DeepBlue']
        params : [(channel,weight)] list of tuples
        maxAmpRatio : [2] max allowd ratio of amplitudes for linking
        mintracklength : [30] final minimum length of a track
        #if ch is None:
        #    ch = self.channels[0]

        if params:
            Cp = [p[0] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            Wp = [p[1] for p in params if p[0] in self.channels]
            ints = {}
            for cp in Cp:
                ints[cp] = self.ninetyint(cp)

        trackbits = self._getAllContinuousTrackSegs(**kwargs)

        cents = self.centroid_um

        while notdoneflag:

            trackstarts = np.array([np.where(~np.isnan(r.astype('float')))[0][0] for r in trackbits])
            trackends = np.array([np.where(~np.isnan(r.astype('float')))[0][-1] for r in trackbits])

            dtmat = np.expand_dims(trackstarts,1)-np.expand_dims(trackends,0)
            possiblelinks = np.transpose(np.nonzero((dtmat>0)*(dtmat<maxTimeJump)))
            ii = []
            jj = []
            cc = []
            for i in np.arange(len(possiblelinks)):
                # frame1 - end of possible to link
                frame1 = trackends[possiblelinks[i][1]]
                # frame2 - beginning of possible link
                frame2 = trackstarts[possiblelinks[i][0]]
                # cell label in frame 1 to link
                ind1 = trackbits[possiblelinks[i][1]][frame1]
                # cell label in frame 2 to link
                ind2 = trackbits[possiblelinks[i][0]][frame2]
                dt = frame2-frame1
                dr = np.linalg.norm(cents[frame1][ind1]-cents[frame2][ind2])

                for cp, wp in zip(Cp, Wp):
                    da = da + wp*((eps+np.maximum(ints[cp][frame1][ind1], ints[cp][frame2][ind2]))/(eps+np.minimum(ints[cp][frame1][ind1], ints[cp][frame2][ind2]))-1)

                if dr <= (np.sqrt(dt)*maxStep):
                    if da<=maxAmpRatio:

                        #maybe one day we'll change this somehow. Not sure how rn
                        cost = dr*da*dt

            ii = np.array(ii)
            jj = np.array(jj)
            cc = np.array(cc)

            if len(ii)==0:
                print('\nFinished connecting tracks')

            shape = (len(trackbits),len(trackbits))
            cc, ii, kk = prepare_sparse_cost(shape,cc,ii,jj, 1000)
            match1, _ = lap.lapmod(len(ii)-1, cc, ii, kk, return_cost=False)
            match1[match1 >= shape[1]] = -1
            #inds in n+1 that match inds (1:N) in n
            match1 = np.array(match1[:shape[0]])

            trackindstofill = np.nonzero(match1+1)[0]
            trackindstoadd = match1[np.nonzero(match1+1)]

            fa = {trackindstofill[i]: trackindstoadd[i] for i in range(len(trackindstoadd))}

            for i in fa:
                sf = trackstarts[fa[i]]
                ef = trackends[fa[i]]+1

                #add nans in gaps
                #eef = trackends[i]+1

            #remove lines that are all Nones
            trackbits = trackbits[[any(~np.isnan(r.astype('float'))) for r in trackbits]]

        trackbits = trackbits[np.array([sum(~np.isnan(r.astype('float'))) for r in trackbits])>=mintracklength]

        sortind = np.lexsort((np.arange(len(trackbits)) ,[np.sum(np.isnan(r.astype('float'))) for r in trackbits] ,[np.sum(r==None) for r in trackbits]))
        self.trackinds = trackbits[sortind]