Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ipfp_no_values():
    # 6, 12, 18
    along_a = ndtest([(3, 'b')], start=1) * 6
    # 6, 12, 18
    along_b = ndtest([(3, 'a')], start=1) * 6
    r = ipfp([along_a, along_b])
    assert_array_equal(r, [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [2.0, 4.0, 6.0], [3.0, 6.0, 9.0]])

    along_a = Array([2, 1], Axis(2, 'b'))
    along_b = Array([1, 2], Axis(2, 'a'))
    r = ipfp([along_a, along_b])
    assert_array_equal(r, [[2 / 3, 1 / 3], [4 / 3, 2 / 3]])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_arrays():
    h = ndtest(2)
    _h = ndtest(3)

    # exclude private arrays
    s = arrays()
    s_expected = Session([('e', e), ('e2', e2), ('f', f), ('g', g), ('h', h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)

    # all arrays
    s = arrays(include_private=True)
    s_expected = Session([('_e', _e), ('_h', _h), ('e', e), ('e2', e2), ('f', f), ('g', g), ('h', h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_local_arrays():
    h = ndtest(2)
    _h = ndtest(3)

    # exclude private local arrays
    s = local_arrays()
    s_expected = Session([('h', h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)

    # all local arrays
    s = local_arrays(include_private=True)
    s_expected = Session([('h', h), ('_h', _h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_local_arrays():
    h = ndtest(2)
    _h = ndtest(3)

    # exclude private local arrays
    s = local_arrays()
    s_expected = Session([('h', h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)

    # all local arrays
    s = local_arrays(include_private=True)
    s_expected = Session([('h', h), ('_h', _h)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_local_arrays(self):
        local_arr1 = ndtest(2)
        _local_arr2 = ndtest(3)

        # exclude private local arrays
        s = local_arrays()
        s_expected = Session([('local_arr1', local_arr1)])
        assert s.equals(s_expected)

        # all local arrays
        s = local_arrays(include_private=True)
        s_expected = Session([('local_arr1', local_arr1),
                              ('_local_arr2', _local_arr2)])
        assert s.equals(s_expected)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_arrays():
    i = ndtest(2)
    _i = ndtest(3)

    # exclude private arrays
    s = arrays()
    s_expected = Session([('e', e), ('f', f), ('g', g), ('h', h), ('i', i),
                          ('k', k)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)

    # all arrays
    s = arrays(include_private=True)
    s_expected = Session([('_e', _e), ('_i', _i), ('e', e), ('f', f), ('g', g),
                          ('h', h), ('i', i), ('k', k)])
    assert s.equals(s_expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_h5_io(tmpdir, session, meta):
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, 'test_session.h5')
    session.meta = meta

    s = Session()
    # HDF does *not* keep ordering (ie, keys are always sorted +
    # read Axis objects, then Groups objects and finally LArray objects)
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'a01', 'b12', 'e', 'f', 'g']
    assert s.meta == meta

    # update a Group + an Axis + an array (overwrite=False)
    a2 = Axis('a=0..2')
    a2_01 = a2['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a2, 'b=b0..b2'))
    Session(a=a2, a01=a2_01, e=e2).save(fpath, overwrite=False)
    s = Session()
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'a01', 'b12', 'e', 'f', 'g']
    assert s['a'].equals(a2)
    assert all(s['a01'] == a2_01)
    assert_array_nan_equal(s['e'], e2)
    assert s.meta == meta

    # load only some objects
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, names=['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f'])
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_xlsx_pandas_io(tmpdir, session, meta):
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, 'test_session.xlsx')
    session.meta = meta
    session.save(fpath, engine='pandas_excel')

    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='pandas_excel')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'a01', 'b12', 'e', 'g', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta

    # update a Group + an Axis + an array
    # XXX: overwrite is not taken into account by the pandas_excel engine
    a2 = Axis('a=0..2')
    a2_01 = a2['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a2, 'b=b0..b2'))
    Session(a=a2, a01=a2_01, e=e2, meta=meta).save(fpath, engine='pandas_excel')
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='pandas_excel')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'a01', 'e']
    assert s['a'].equals(a2)
    assert all(s['a01'] == a2_01)
    assert_array_nan_equal(s['e'], e2)
    assert s.meta == meta

    # load only some objects
    session.save(fpath, engine='pandas_excel')
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, names=['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f'], engine='pandas_excel')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_xlsx_xlwings_io(tmpdir, session, meta):
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, 'test_session_xw.xlsx')
    session.meta = meta
    # test save when Excel file does not exist
    session.save(fpath, engine='xlwings_excel')

    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='xlwings_excel')
    # ordering is only kept if the file did not exist previously (otherwise the ordering is left intact)
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'a01', 'b12', 'e', 'g', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta

    # update a Group + an Axis + an array (overwrite=False)
    a2 = Axis('a=0..2')
    a2_01 = a2['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a2, 'b=b0..b2'))
    Session(a=a2, a01=a2_01, e=e2).save(fpath, engine='xlwings_excel', overwrite=False)
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='xlwings_excel')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'a01', 'b12', 'e', 'g', 'f']
    assert s['a'].equals(a2)
    assert all(s['a01'] == a2_01)
    assert_array_nan_equal(s['e'], e2)
    assert s.meta == meta

    # load only some objects
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, names=['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f'], engine='xlwings_excel')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_pickle_io(tmpdir, session, meta):
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, 'test_session.pkl')
    session.meta = meta

    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='pickle')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['b', 'a', 'b12', 'a01', 'e', 'g', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta

    # update a Group + an Axis + an array (overwrite=False)
    a2 = Axis('a=0..2')
    a2_01 = a2['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a2, 'b=b0..b2'))
    Session(a=a2, a01=a2_01, e=e2).save(fpath, overwrite=False)
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine='pickle')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['b', 'a', 'b12', 'a01', 'e', 'g', 'f']
    assert s['a'].equals(a2)
    assert isinstance(a2_01, Group)
    assert isinstance(s['a01'], Group)
    assert s['a01'].eval() == a2_01.eval()
    assert_array_nan_equal(s['e'], e2)
    assert s.meta == meta

    # load only some objects
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, names=['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f'], engine='pickle')
    assert list(s.keys()) == ['a', 'a01', 'e', 'f']
    assert s.meta == meta
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_ipfp_3d(self):
        initial = ndtest((2, 2, 2))
        initial_axes = initial.axes

        # array sums already match target sums
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) for axis in initial.axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial)
        assert_array_equal(r, initial)
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)

        # array sums do not match target sums (ie the usual case)
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) + 1 for axis in initial.axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial)
            r, [[[0.0, 2.0], [2.688963210702341, 3.311036789297659]],
                [[4.551453540217585, 5.448546459782415],
                 [6.450132391879964, 7.549867608120035]]])
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)

        # same as above but using a more precise threshold
        r = ipfp(targets, initial, threshold=0.01)
        assert_array_equal(r, [[[0.0, 1.9999999999999998],
                                [2.994320023433978, 3.0056799765660225]],
                               [[4.990248916408187, 5.009751083591813],
                                [6.009541632308118, 7.990458367691883]]])
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_setitem(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            # sheet did not exist, str value
            wb['sheet1'] = 'sheet1 content'
            wb['sheet2'] = 'sheet2 content'
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2']

            # sheet did exist, str value
            wb['sheet2'] = 'sheet2 content v2'
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2']
            assert wb['sheet2']['A1'].value == 'sheet2 content v2'

            # sheet did not exist, Sheet value
            wb['sheet3'] = wb['sheet1']
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3']
            assert wb['sheet3']['A1'].value == 'sheet1 content'

            # sheet did exist, Sheet value
            wb['sheet2'] = wb['sheet1']
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3']
            assert wb['sheet2']['A1'].value == 'sheet1 content'

            with open_excel(visible=False, app="new") as wb2:
                with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
                    wb2['sheet1'] = wb['sheet1']
                assert e_info.value.args[
                    0] == "cannot copy a sheet from one instance of Excel to another"

            # group key
            arr = ndtest((3, 3))
            for label in arr.b:
                wb[label] = arr[label].dump()
                assert arr[label].equals(wb[label].load())
Exemplo n.º 13
def _test_io(tmpdir, session, meta, engine, ext):
    filename = f"test_{engine}.{ext}" if 'csv' not in engine else f"test_{engine}{ext}"
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, filename)

    is_excel_or_csv = 'excel' in engine or 'csv' in engine

    kind = Array if is_excel_or_csv else (Axis, Group,
                                          Array) + _supported_scalars_types
    session = session.filter(kind=kind)

    session.meta = meta

    # save and load
    session.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    # use Session.names instead of Session.keys because CSV, Excel and HDF do *not* keep ordering
    assert s.names == session.names
    assert s.equals(session)
    if not is_excel_or_csv:
        for key in s.filter(kind=Axis).keys():
            assert s[key].dtype == session[key].dtype
    if engine != 'pandas_excel':
        assert s.meta == meta

    # update a Group + an Axis + an array (overwrite=False)
    a4 = Axis('a=0..3')
    a4_01 = a3['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a4, 'b=b0..b2'))
    h2 = full_like(h, fill_value=10)
    Session(a=a4, a01=a4_01, e=e2, h=h2).save(fpath,
    s = Session()
    s.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    if engine == 'pandas_excel':
        # Session.save() via engine='pandas_excel' always overwrite the output Excel files
        assert s.names == ['e', 'h']
    elif is_excel_or_csv:
        assert s.names == ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
        assert s.names == session.names
        assert s['a'].equals(a4)
        assert s['a01'].equals(a4_01)
    assert_array_nan_equal(s['e'], e2)
    if engine != 'pandas_excel':
        assert s.meta == meta

    # load only some objects
    session.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    s = Session()
    names_to_load = ['e', 'f'] if is_excel_or_csv else [
        'a', 'a01', 'a2', 'anonymous', 'e', 'f', 's_bool', 's_int'
    s.load(fpath, names=names_to_load, engine=engine)
    assert s.names == names_to_load
    if engine != 'pandas_excel':
        assert s.meta == meta

    return fpath
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_create_model():
    # data = None --> empty array with shape (0,0) is generated
    model = ArrayModel()
    assert model.get_data_2D().shape == (0, 0)

    # data = scalar
    model = ArrayModel(LArray(5))
    assert model.get_data_2D().shape == (1, 1)

    # data = 1D array --> reshaped to 2D array with dim (1, len(data))
    model = ArrayModel(ndtest(5))
    assert model.get_data_2D().shape == (1, 5)

    # data = 3D array --> reshaped to 2D array with dim (axis1*axis2, axis3)
    model = ArrayModel(ndtest((5, 5, 5)))
    assert model.get_data_2D().shape == (5 * 5, 5)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_setitem(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            # sheet did not exist, str value
            wb['sheet1'] = 'sheet1 content'
            wb['sheet2'] = 'sheet2 content'
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2']

            # sheet did exist, str value
            wb['sheet2'] = 'sheet2 content v2'
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2']
            assert wb['sheet2']['A1'].value == 'sheet2 content v2'

            # sheet did not exist, Sheet value
            wb['sheet3'] = wb['sheet1']
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3']
            assert wb['sheet3']['A1'].value == 'sheet1 content'

            # sheet did exist, Sheet value
            wb['sheet2'] = wb['sheet1']
            assert wb.sheet_names() == ['sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3']
            assert wb['sheet2']['A1'].value == 'sheet1 content'

            with open_excel(visible=False, app="new") as wb2:
                assert wb.app != wb2.app
                with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
                    wb2['sheet1'] = wb['sheet1']
                assert e_info.value.args[0] == "cannot copy a sheet from one instance of Excel to another"

            # group key
            arr = ndtest((3, 3))
            for label in arr.b:
                wb[label] = arr[label].dump()
                assert arr[label].equals(wb[label].load())
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_setattr_cs(checkedsession):
    cs = checkedsession

    # only change values of an array -> OK
    cs.h = zeros_like(h)

    # trying to add an undeclared variable -> prints a warning message
    with must_warn(UserWarning, msg=f"'i' is not declared in '{cs.__class__.__name__}'"):
        cs.i = ndtest((3, 3))

    # trying to set a variable with an object of different type -> should fail
    # a) type given explicitly
    # -> Axis
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="instance of Axis expected"):
        cs.a = 0
    # -> CheckedArray
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="Expected object of type 'Array' or a scalar for the variable 'h' but got "
                                   "object of type 'ndarray'"):
        cs.h = h.data
    # b) type deduced from the given default value
    with must_raise(TypeError, msg="instance of Axis expected"):
        cs.b = ndtest((3, 3))

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using a scalar -> OK
    cs.h = 5

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using an array with axes in different order -> OK
    cs.h = h.transpose()
    assert cs.h.axes.names == h.axes.names

    # broadcasting (missing axis) is allowed
    cs.h = ndtest(a3)
    assert_array_nan_equal(cs.h['b0'], cs.h['b1'])

    # trying to set a CheckedArray variable using an array with wrong axes -> should fail
    # a) extra axis
    with must_raise(ValueError, msg="Array 'h' was declared with axes {a, b} but got array with axes {a, b, c} "
                                    "(unexpected {c} axis)"):
        cs.h = ndtest((a3, b2, 'c=c0..c2'))
    # b) incompatible axis
    msg = """\
Incompatible axis for array 'h':
Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4'], 'a')
Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'], 'a')"""
    with must_raise(ValueError, msg=msg):
        cs.h = h.append('a', 0, 'a4')
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_repr(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res = repr(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert res == """\
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_sub(session):
    sess = session

    # session - session
    other = Session({'e': e, 'f': f})
    other['e'] = e - 1
    other['f'] = ones_like(f)
    diff = sess - other
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['e'], np.full((2, 3), 1, dtype=np.int32))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['f'], f - ones_like(f))
    assert isnan(diff['g']).all()
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.c is c

    # session - scalar
    diff = sess - 2
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['e'], e - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['f'], f - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['g'], g - 2)
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.c is c

    # session - dict(Array and scalar)
    other = {'e': ones_like(e), 'f': 1}
    diff = sess - other
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['e'], e - ones_like(e))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['f'], f - 1)
    assert isnan(diff['g']).all()
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.c is c

    # session - array
    axes = [a, b]
    other = Session([('a', a), ('a01', a01), ('c', c), ('e', ndtest((a, b))),
                     ('f', full((a, b), fill_value=3)),
                     ('g', ndtest('c=c0..c2'))])
    diff = other - ones(axes)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['e'], other['e'] - ones(axes))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['f'], other['f'] - ones(axes))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff['g'], other['g'] - ones(axes))
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.c is c
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_asarray(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res1 = np.asarray(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert np.array_equal(res1, arr1.data)
            assert res1.dtype == arr1.dtype

            arr1 = ndtest([Axis(2), Axis(3)])
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res1 = asarray(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert res1.equals(arr1)
            assert res1.dtype == arr1.dtype
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_repr(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res = repr(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert res == """\
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_aggregate(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res = sheet['A1:C2'].sum()
            assert res == 15
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_aggregate(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res = sheet['A1:C2'].sum()
            assert res == 15
Exemplo n.º 23
 def setUp(self):
     self.a = Axis([], 'a')
     self.b = Axis([], 'b')
     self.c = 'c'
     self.d = {}
     self.e = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (3, 'a1')])
     self.e2 = ndtest(('a=a0..a2', 'b=b0..b2'))
     self.f = ndtest([(3, 'a0'), (2, 'a1')])
     self.g = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (4, 'a1')])
     self.session = Session([
         ('b', self.b),
         ('a', self.a),
         ('c', self.c),
         ('d', self.d),
         ('e', self.e),
         ('g', self.g),
         ('f', self.f),
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_aslarray(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest([Axis(2), Axis(3)])
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res1 = aslarray(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert res1.equals(arr1)
            assert res1.dtype == arr1.dtype
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_array_method(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            # normal test array
            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            sheet['A1'] = arr1.dump()
            res1 = sheet.array('B2:D3', 'A2:A3', 'B1:D1', names=['a', 'b'])
            assert arr1.equals(res1)

            # array with int labels
            arr2 = ndtest('0..1;0..2')
            sheet['A1'] = arr2.dump()
            res2 = sheet.array('B2:D3', 'A2:A3', 'B1:D1')
            # larray_equal passes even if the labels are floats...
            assert arr2.equals(res2)
            # so we check the dtype explicitly
            assert res2.axes[0].labels.dtype == arr2.axes[0].labels.dtype
            assert res2.axes[1].labels.dtype == arr2.axes[1].labels.dtype
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_asarray(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            # no header so that we have an uniform dtype for the whole sheet
            sheet['A1'] = arr1
            res1 = np.asarray(sheet['A1:C2'])
            assert np.array_equal(res1, arr1.data)
            assert res1.dtype == arr1.dtype
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_array_method(self):
        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]

            # normal test array
            arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
            sheet['A1'] = arr1.dump()
            res1 = sheet.array('B2:D3', 'A2:A3', 'B1:D1', names=['a', 'b'])
            assert arr1.equals(res1)

            # array with int labels
            arr2 = ndtest('0..1;0..2')
            sheet['A1'] = arr2.dump()
            res2 = sheet.array('B2:D3', 'A2:A3', 'B1:D1')
            # larray_equal passes even if the labels are floats...
            assert arr2.equals(res2)
            # so we check the dtype explicitly
            assert res2.axes[0].labels.dtype == arr2.axes[0].labels.dtype
            assert res2.axes[1].labels.dtype == arr2.axes[1].labels.dtype
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_getitem_lgroup():
    axis = Axis("a=a0,a1")
    assert axis['a0'][0] == 'a'
    assert axis['a0'][1] == '0'
    assert axis['a0':'a1'][1] == 'a1'
    assert axis[:][1] == 'a1'
    assert list(axis[:][0:2]) == ['a0', 'a1']
    assert list((axis[:][[1, 0]])) == ['a1', 'a0']
    assert axis[['a0', 'a1', 'a0']][2] == 'a0'
    assert axis[('a0', 'a1', 'a0')][2] == 'a0'
    assert axis[ndtest("a=a0,a1,a0")][2] == 2
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_getitem(self):
     axis = Axis("a=a0,a1")
     assert axis['a0'][0] == 'a'
     assert axis['a0'][1] == '0'
     assert axis['a0':'a1'][1] == 'a1'
     assert axis[:][1] == 'a1'
     assert list(axis[:][0:2]) == ['a0', 'a1']
     assert list((axis[:][[1, 0]])) == ['a1', 'a0']
     assert axis[['a0', 'a1', 'a0']][2] == 'a0'
     assert axis[('a0', 'a1', 'a0')][2] == 'a0'
     assert axis[ndtest("a=a0,a1,a0")][2] == 2
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_get_and_set_item(self):
        arr = ndtest((2, 3))

        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]
            # set a few values
            sheet['A1'] = 1.5
            sheet['A2'] = 2
            sheet['A3'] = True
            sheet['A4'] = 'toto'
            # array without header
            sheet['A5'] = arr
            # array with header
            sheet['A8'] = arr.dump()

            # object array with a *numpy* NaN (dc2019 infamous 65535 bug)
            obj_arr = ndtest((2, 3)).astype(object)
            obj_arr['a0', 'b1'] = np.float64('nan')

            assert type(obj_arr['a0', 'b1']) is np.float64

            obj_arr_dump = obj_arr.dump()
            # [['a\\b', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2'], ['a0', 0, nan, 2], ['a1', 3, 4, 5]]

            # float and *not* np.float64, otherwise it gets converted to 65535 when written to Excel
            assert type(obj_arr_dump[1][2]) is float

            sheet['A12'] = obj_arr_dump

            # read them back
            assert sheet['A1'].value == 1.5
            assert sheet['A2'].value == 2
            assert sheet['A3'].value is True
            assert sheet['A4'].value == 'toto'
            # array without header
            assert np.array_equal(sheet['A5:C6'].value, arr.data)
            # array with header
            assert sheet['A8:D10'].load().equals(arr)
            assert sheet['A12:D14'].load().equals(obj_arr, nans_equal=True)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_ipfp_3d_with_axes(self):
        initial = ndtest((2, 2, 2))
        initial_axes = initial.axes

        # array sums already match target sums (first axes)
        axes = (X.a, X.b)
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) for axis in axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial, axes=axes)
        assert_array_equal(r, initial)
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)

        # array sums already match target sums (other axes)
        axes = (X.a, X.c)
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) for axis in axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial, axes=axes)
        assert_array_equal(r, initial)
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)

        # array sums do not match target sums (ie the usual case) (first axes)
        axes = (X.a, X.b)
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) + 1 for axis in axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial, axes=axes)
            r, [[[0.0, 1.3059701492537312], [3.0, 3.6940298507462686]],
                [[4.680851063829787, 5.603448275862069],
                 [6.319148936170213, 7.3965517241379315]]])
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)
        # check that the result is the same as N 2D ipfp calls
                           ipfp([t['c0'] for t in targets], initial['c0']))
                           ipfp([t['c1'] for t in targets], initial['c1']))

        # array sums do not match target sums (ie the usual case) (other axes)
        axes = (X.a, X.c)
        targets = [initial.sum(axis) + 1 for axis in axes]
        r = ipfp(targets, initial, axes=axes)
            r, [[[0.0, 2.0], [2.432432432432432, 3.567567567567567]],
                [[4.615384615384615, 5.384615384615385],
                 [6.539792387543252, 7.460207612456748]]])
        self.assertEqual(r.axes, initial_axes)
        # check that the result is the same as N 2D ipfp calls
                           ipfp([t['b0'] for t in targets], initial['b0']))
                           ipfp([t['b1'] for t in targets], initial['b1']))
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_set_options_as_global():
    original_ops = larray.get_options()
    arr = larray.ndtest((500, 100))
    larray.set_options(display_width=40, display_maxlines=10)
    expected = """\
 a\\b     b0     b1  ...    b98    b99
  a0      0      1  ...     98     99
  a1    100    101  ...    198    199
  a2    200    201  ...    298    299
  a3    300    301  ...    398    399
  a4    400    401  ...    498    499
 ...    ...    ...  ...    ...    ...
a495  49500  49501  ...  49598  49599
a496  49600  49601  ...  49698  49699
a497  49700  49701  ...  49798  49799
a498  49800  49801  ...  49898  49899
a499  49900  49901  ...  49998  49999"""
    assert str(arr) == expected
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_set_options_as_global():
    original_ops = larray.get_options()
    arr = larray.ndtest((500, 100))
    larray.set_options(display_width=40, display_maxlines=10)
    expected = """\
 a\\b     b0     b1  ...    b98    b99
  a0      0      1  ...     98     99
  a1    100    101  ...    198    199
  a2    200    201  ...    298    299
  a3    300    301  ...    398    399
  a4    400    401  ...    498    499
 ...    ...    ...  ...    ...    ...
a495  49500  49501  ...  49598  49599
a496  49600  49601  ...  49698  49699
a497  49700  49701  ...  49798  49799
a498  49800  49801  ...  49898  49899
a499  49900  49901  ...  49998  49999"""
    assert str(arr) == expected
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_get_and_set_item(self):
        arr = ndtest((2, 3))

        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]
            # set a few values
            sheet['A1'] = 1.5
            sheet['A2'] = 2
            sheet['A3'] = True
            sheet['A4'] = 'toto'
            # array without header
            sheet['A5'] = arr
            # array with header
            sheet['A8'] = arr.dump()

            # read them back
            assert sheet['A1'].value == 1.5
            assert sheet['A2'].value == 2
            assert sheet['A3'].value == True
            assert sheet['A4'].value == 'toto'
            # array without header
            assert np.array_equal(sheet['A5:C6'].value, arr.data)
            # array with header
            assert arr.equals(sheet['A8:D10'].load())
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_get_and_set_item(self):
        arr = ndtest((2, 3))

        with open_excel(visible=False) as wb:
            sheet = wb[0]
            # set a few values
            sheet['A1'] = 1.5
            sheet['A2'] = 2
            sheet['A3'] = True
            sheet['A4'] = 'toto'
            # array without header
            sheet['A5'] = arr
            # array with header
            sheet['A8'] = arr.dump()

            # read them back
            assert sheet['A1'].value == 1.5
            assert sheet['A2'].value == 2
            assert sheet['A3'].value == True
            assert sheet['A4'].value == 'toto'
            # array without header
            assert np.array_equal(sheet['A5:C6'].value, arr.data)
            # array with header
            assert arr.equals(sheet['A8:D10'].load())
Exemplo n.º 36
# arr2.i[0, 0, 0, 0] = np.inf
# arr2.i[0, 0, 1, 1] = -np.inf
# arr2 = [0.0000111, 0.0000222]
# arr2 = [0.00001, 0.00002]
# edit(arr2, minvalue=-99, maxvalue=25.123456)
# print(arr2[0, 'A11', :, 'P01'])

# arr2 = la.random.normal(0, 10, axes="d0=0..4999;d1=0..19")
# edit(arr2)

# view(['a', 'bb', 5599])
# view(np.arange(12).reshape(2, 3, 2))
# view([])

data3 = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(2, 15))
arr3 = la.ndtest((30, sex))
# data4 = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(2, 15))
# arr4 = la.Array(data4, axes=(sex, lipro))

# arr4 = arr3.copy()
# arr4['F'] /= 2
arr4 = arr3.min(sex)
arr5 = arr3.max(sex)
arr6 = arr3.mean(sex)

# test isssue #35
arr7 = la.from_lists(
    [['a', 1, 2, 3],
     ['', 1664780726569649730, -9196963249083393206, -7664327348053294350]])

Exemplo n.º 37
def test_astype():
    arr = ndtest(Axis('time=2015..2020,total')).drop('total')
    time = arr.time
    assert time.dtype.kind == 'U'
    time = time.astype(int)
    assert time.dtype.kind == 'i'
Exemplo n.º 38
    import xlwings as xw
except ImportError:
    xw = None

def equal(o1, o2):
    if isinstance(o1, LArray) or isinstance(o2, LArray):
        return o1.equals(o2)
    elif isinstance(o1, Axis) or isinstance(o2, Axis):
        return o1.equals(o2)
        return o1 == o2

global_arr1 = ndtest((2, 2))
_global_arr2 = ndtest((3, 3))

class TestSession(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.a = Axis([], 'a')
        self.b = Axis([], 'b')
        self.c = 'c'
        self.d = {}
        self.e = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (3, 'a1')])
        self.e2 = ndtest(('a=a0..a2', 'b=b0..b2'))
        self.f = ndtest([(3, 'a0'), (2, 'a1')])
        self.g = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (4, 'a1')])
        self.session = Session([
            ('b', self.b),
Exemplo n.º 39
def data():
    return ndtest((5, 5, 5, 5))
Exemplo n.º 40
    for e1, e2 in zip(got, expected):
        assert equal(e1, e2), f"{e1} != {e2}"

a = Axis('a=a0..a2')
a2 = Axis('a=a0..a4')
a3 = Axis('a=a0..a3')
anonymous = Axis(4)
a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01'
ano01 = a['a0,a1']
b = Axis('b=0..4')
b2 = Axis('b=b0..b4')
b024 = b[[0, 2, 4]] >> 'b024'
c = 'c'
d = {}
e = ndtest([(2, 'a'), (3, 'b')])
_e = ndtest((3, 3))
f = ndtest((Axis(3), Axis(2)), dtype=float)
g = ndtest([(2, 'a'), (4, 'b')])
h = ndtest((a3, b2))
k = ndtest((3, 3))

# ########################### #
#           SESSION           #
# ########################### #

def session():
    return Session([('b', b), ('b024', b024), ('a', a), ('a2', a2),
                    ('anonymous', anonymous), ('a01', a01), ('ano01', ano01),
Exemplo n.º 41
        return o1 == o2

def assertObjListEqual(got, expected):
    assert len(got) == len(expected)
    for e1, e2 in zip(got, expected):
        assert equal(e1, e2), "{} != {}".format(e1, e2)

a = Axis('a=a0..a2')
a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01'
b = Axis('b=b0..b2')
b12 = b['b1,b2'] >> 'b12'
c = 'c'
d = {}
e = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (3, 'a1')])
_e = ndtest((3, 3))
e2 = ndtest(('a=a0..a2', 'b=b0..b2'))
f = ndtest([(3, 'a0'), (2, 'a1')])
g = ndtest([(2, 'a0'), (4, 'a1')])

def session():
    return Session([('b', b), ('b12', b12), ('a', a), ('a01', a01),
                    ('c', c), ('d', d), ('e', e), ('g', g), ('f', f)])

def test_init_session(meta):
    s = Session(b, b12, a, a01, c=c, d=d, e=e, f=f, g=g)
    assert s.names == ['a', 'a01', 'b', 'b12', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_sub_cs(checkedsession):
    cs = checkedsession
    session_cls = cs.__class__

    # session - session
    other = session_cls(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, e=e - 1, g=zeros_like(g), f=zeros_like(f), h=ones_like(h))
    diff = cs - other
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- array variables ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, np.full((2, 3), 1, dtype=np.int32))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, g)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.f, f)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - ones_like(h))

    # session - scalar
    diff = cs - 2
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, e - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, g - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.f, f - 2)
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - 2)

    # session - dict(Array and scalar)
    other = {'e': ones_like(e), 'h': 1}
    diff = cs - other
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, e - ones_like(e))
    assert isnan(diff.g).all()
    assert isnan(diff.f).all()
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, h - 1)

    # session - array
    axes = cs.h.axes
    cs.e = ndtest(axes)
    cs.g = ones_like(cs.h)
    diff = cs - ones(axes)
    assert isinstance(diff, session_cls)
    # --- non-array variables ---
    assert diff.b is b
    assert diff.b024 is b024
    assert diff.a is a
    assert diff.a2 is a2
    assert diff.anonymous is anonymous
    assert diff.a01 is a01
    assert diff.ano01 is ano01
    assert diff.c is c
    assert diff.d is d
    # --- non constant arrays ---
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.e, cs.e - ones(axes))
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.g, cs.g - ones(axes))
    assert isnan(diff.f).all()
    assert_array_nan_equal(diff.h, cs.h - ones(axes))
Exemplo n.º 43
def _test_io_cs(tmpdir, meta, engine, ext):
    filename = f"test_{engine}.{ext}" if 'csv' not in engine else f"test_{engine}{ext}"
    fpath = tmp_path(tmpdir, filename)

    is_excel_or_csv = 'excel' in engine or 'csv' in engine

    # Save and load
    # -------------

    # a) - all typed variables have a defined value
    #    - no extra variables are added
    csession = TestCheckedSession(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, d=d, e=e, g=g, f=f, h=h, meta=meta)
    csession.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    cs = TestCheckedSession()
    cs.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    # --- keys ---
    assert list(cs.keys()) == list(csession.keys())
    # --- variables with default values ---
    assert cs.b.equals(b)
    assert cs.b024.equals(b024)
    assert cs.anonymous.equals(anonymous)
    assert cs.ano01.equals(ano01)
    assert cs.d == d
    # --- typed variables ---
    # Array is support by all formats
    assert cs.e.equals(e)
    assert cs.g.equals(g)
    assert cs.f.equals(f)
    assert cs.h.equals(h)
    # Axis and Group are not supported by the Excel and CSV formats
    if is_excel_or_csv:
        assert isinstance(cs.a, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)
        assert cs.a.equals(a)
        assert cs.a2.equals(a2)
        assert cs.a01.equals(a01)
    # --- dtype of Axis variables ---
    if not is_excel_or_csv:
        for key in cs.filter(kind=Axis).keys():
            assert cs[key].dtype == csession[key].dtype
    # --- metadata ---
    if engine != 'pandas_excel':
        assert cs.meta == meta

    # b) - not all typed variables have a defined value
    #    - no extra variables are added
    csession = TestCheckedSession(a=a, d=d, e=e, h=h, meta=meta)
    if 'csv' in engine:
        import shutil
    csession.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    cs = TestCheckedSession()
    cs.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    # --- keys ---
    assert list(cs.keys()) == list(csession.keys())
    # --- variables with default values ---
    assert cs.b.equals(b)
    assert cs.b024.equals(b024)
    assert cs.anonymous.equals(anonymous)
    assert cs.ano01.equals(ano01)
    assert cs.d == d
    # --- typed variables ---
    # Array is support by all formats
    assert cs.e.equals(e)
    assert isinstance(cs.g, NotLoaded)
    assert isinstance(cs.f, NotLoaded)
    assert cs.h.equals(h)
    # Axis and Group are not supported by the Excel and CSV formats
    if is_excel_or_csv:
        assert isinstance(cs.a, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)
        assert cs.a.equals(a)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)

    # c) - all typed variables have a defined value
    #    - extra variables are added
    i = ndtest(6)
    j = ndtest((3, 3))
    k = ndtest((2, 2))
    csession = TestCheckedSession(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, d=d, e=e, g=g, f=f, h=h, k=k, j=j, i=i, meta=meta)
    csession.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    cs = TestCheckedSession()
    cs.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    # --- names ---
    # we do not use keys() since order of undeclared variables
    # may not be preserved (at least for the HDF format)
    assert cs.names == csession.names
    # --- extra variable ---
    assert cs.i.equals(i)
    assert cs.j.equals(j)
    assert cs.k.equals(k)

    # Update a Group + an Axis + an array (overwrite=False)
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    csession = TestCheckedSession(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, d=d, e=e, g=g, f=f, h=h, meta=meta)
    csession.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    a4 = Axis('a=0..3')
    a4_01 = a3['0,1'] >> 'a01'
    e2 = ndtest((a4, 'b=b0..b2'))
    h2 = full_like(h, fill_value=10)
    TestCheckedSession(a=a4, a01=a4_01, e=e2, h=h2).save(fpath, overwrite=False, engine=engine)
    cs = TestCheckedSession()
    cs.load(fpath, engine=engine)
    # --- variables with default values ---
    assert cs.b.equals(b)
    assert cs.b024.equals(b024)
    assert cs.anonymous.equals(anonymous)
    assert cs.ano01.equals(ano01)
    # --- typed variables ---
    # Array is support by all formats
    assert cs.e.equals(e2)
    assert cs.h.equals(h2)
    if engine == 'pandas_excel':
        # Session.save() via engine='pandas_excel' always overwrite the output Excel files
        # arrays 'g' and 'f' have been dropped
        assert isinstance(cs.g, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.f, NotLoaded)
        # Axis and Group are not supported by the Excel and CSV formats
        assert isinstance(cs.a, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)
    elif is_excel_or_csv:
        assert cs.g.equals(g)
        assert cs.f.equals(f)
        # Axis and Group are not supported by the Excel and CSV formats
        assert isinstance(cs.a, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)
        assert list(cs.keys()) == list(csession.keys())
        assert cs.a.equals(a4)
        assert cs.a2.equals(a2)
        assert cs.a01.equals(a4_01)
        assert cs.g.equals(g)
        assert cs.f.equals(f)
    if engine != 'pandas_excel':
        assert cs.meta == meta

    # Load only some objects
    # ----------------------
    csession = TestCheckedSession(a=a, a2=a2, a01=a01, d=d, e=e, g=g, f=f, h=h, meta=meta)
    csession.save(fpath, engine=engine)
    cs = TestCheckedSession()
    names_to_load = ['e', 'h'] if is_excel_or_csv else ['a', 'a01', 'a2', 'e', 'h']
    cs.load(fpath, names=names_to_load, engine=engine)
    # --- keys ---
    assert list(cs.keys()) == list(csession.keys())
    # --- variables with default values ---
    assert cs.b.equals(b)
    assert cs.b024.equals(b024)
    assert cs.anonymous.equals(anonymous)
    assert cs.ano01.equals(ano01)
    assert cs.d == d
    # --- typed variables ---
    # Array is support by all formats
    assert cs.e.equals(e)
    assert isinstance(cs.g, NotLoaded)
    assert isinstance(cs.f, NotLoaded)
    assert cs.h.equals(h)
    # Axis and Group are not supported by the Excel and CSV formats
    if is_excel_or_csv:
        assert isinstance(cs.a, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a2, NotLoaded)
        assert isinstance(cs.a01, NotLoaded)
        assert cs.a.equals(a)
        assert cs.a2.equals(a2)
        assert cs.a01.equals(a01)

    return fpath
Exemplo n.º 44
def generate_tests_files():
    tests = {
        '1d': 3,
        '2d': "a=1..3; b=b0,b1",
        '2d_classic': "a=a0..a2;b=b0..b2",
        '3d': "a=1..3; b=b0,b1; c=c0..c2",
        'int_labels': "a=0..2; b=0..2; c=0..2",
        'missing_values': "a=1..3; b=b0,b1; c=c0..c2",
        'unsorted': "a=3..1; b=b1,b0; c=c2..c0",
        'position': "a=1..3; b=b0,b1; c=c0..c2"

    wb = open_excel(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'test.xlsx'), overwrite_file=True)
    wb_narrow = open_excel(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'test_narrow.xlsx'),

    for name, dim in tests.items():
        arr = ndtest(dim)
        if name == '2d_classic':
            df = arr.to_frame(fold_last_axis_name=False)
            # wide format
            df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}.csv'),
            wb[name] = ''
            wb[name]['A1'].options().value = df
            # narrow format
            df = arr.to_series(name='value')
            df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}_narrow.csv'),
            wb_narrow[name] = ''
            wb_narrow[name]['A1'].options().value = df
        elif name == 'missing_values':
            df = arr.to_frame(fold_last_axis_name=True)
            # wide format
            df = df.drop([(2, 'b0'), (3, 'b1')])
            df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}.csv'),
            wb[name] = ''
            wb[name]['A1'].options().value = df
            # narrow format
            df = arr.to_series(name='value')
            df = df.drop([(2, 'b0'), (2, 'b1', 'c1'), (3, 'b1')])
            df.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}_narrow.csv'),
            wb_narrow[name] = ''
            wb_narrow[name]['A1'].options().value = df
        elif name == 'position':
            # wide format
            wb[name] = ''
            wb[name]['D3'] = arr.dump()
            # narrow format
            wb_narrow[name] = ''
            wb_narrow[name]['D3'] = arr.dump(wide=False)
            # wide format
            arr.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}.csv'))
            wb[name] = arr.dump()
            # narrow format
            arr.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f'test{name}_narrow.csv'),
            wb_narrow[name] = arr.dump(wide=False)

Exemplo n.º 45
def data():
    return la.ndtest((5, 5, 5, 5))