Exemplo n.º 1
    def test2d(self):

        #generate random 2D points
        M = 2
        N = 1000
        R = quasirand(M, N, type='sobol', spherical=False)

        assert R.shape == (M, N)
        assert R.max() <= 1.0
        assert R.min() >= 0.0

        plt.plot(R[0, :].squeeze(), R[1, :].squeeze(), 'ro')

        #generate random 3D points on a sphere
        M = 3
        N = 1000
        R = quasirand(M, N, type='sobol', spherical=True)

        assert R.shape == (M, N)
        assert R.max() <= 1.0
        assert R.min() >= -1.0

        #ensure that all points lie on the surface of a sphere
        Rnorm = np.sqrt((R**2).sum(axis=0))
        for k in range(N):
            print Rnorm[k]
            assert (Rnorm[k] - 1.0) < 1e-6

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(R[0, :], R[1, :], R[2, :])

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test2d(self):

        #generate random 2D points
        M = 2
        N = 1000
        R = quasirand(M, N, type='sobol', spherical=False)

        assert R.shape == (M, N)
        assert R.max() <= 1.0
        assert R.min() >= 0.0

        plt.plot(R[0, :].squeeze(), R[1, :].squeeze(), 'ro')

        #generate random 3D points on a sphere
        M = 3
        N = 1000
        R = quasirand(M, N, type='sobol', spherical=True)

        assert R.shape == (M, N)
        assert R.max() <= 1.0
        assert R.min() >= -1.0

        #ensure that all points lie on the surface of a sphere
        Rnorm = np.sqrt((R**2).sum(axis=0))
        for k in range(N):
            print Rnorm[k]
            assert (Rnorm[k] - 1.0) < 1e-6

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(R[0, :], R[1, :], R[2, :])

Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_mean_envelope(s, nsamps=1000):
    """ Use random sampling to compute the mean envelope of a multi-dimensional signal.

        s (np.ndarray): an NxT matrix describing a multi-variate signal. N is the number of channels, T is the number of time points.
        nsamps (int): the number of N dimensional projections to use in computing the multi-variate envelope.

        env (np.ndarray): an NxT matrix giving the multi-dimensional envelope of s.

    N,T = s.shape

    #pre-allocate the mean envelope matrix
    mean_env = np.zeros([N, T])

    #generate quasi-random points on an N-dimensional sphere
    #stime = time.time()
    R = quasirand(N, nsamps, spherical=True)
    #etime = time.time() - stime
    #print 'Elapsed time for quasirand: %d seconds' % int(etime)

    stime = time.time()
    for k in range(nsamps):
        #istime = time.time()
        r = R[:, k].squeeze()

        #print 'k=%d, s.shape=%s, r.shape=%s' % (k, str(s.shape), str(r.shape))

        #project s onto a scalar time series using random vector
        #dtime = time.time()
        p = np.dot(s.T, r)
        #detime = time.time() - dtime
        #print '\t[%d] Time to do dot %0.6f s' % (k, detime)

        #print 'p.shape=',p.shape

        #identify minima and maxima of projection
        #eetime = time.time()
        mini_p,maxi_p = find_extrema(p)
        #eeetime = time.time() - eetime
        #print '\t[%d] time to find extrema: %0.6fs' % (k, eeetime)

        #for each signal dimension, fit maxima with cubic spline to produce envelope

        t = np.arange(T)
        for n in range(N):
            #sptime = time.time()
            mini = copy.copy(mini_p)
            maxi = copy.copy(maxi_p)
            if len(mini) < 4 or len(maxi) < 4:
                return None

            #extrapolate edges using mirroring
            lower_env_spline, upper_env_spline = create_mirrored_spline(mini, maxi, s[n, :].squeeze())
            if lower_env_spline is None or upper_env_spline is None:
                return None

            #evaluate upper and lower envelopes
            upper_env = splev(t, upper_env_spline)
            lower_env = splev(t, lower_env_spline)

            #compute the envelope for this projected dimension
            env = (upper_env + lower_env) / 2.0

            #update the mean envelope for this dimension in an online way
            delta = env - mean_env[n, :]
            mean_env[n, :] += delta / (k+1)
            #esptime = time.time() - sptime
            #print '\t[%d] time for spline iteration on dimension %d: %0.6fs' % (k, n, esptime)
        #ietime = time.time() - istime
        #print '\t[%d] took %0.6f seconds' % (k, ietime)

    etime = time.time() - stime
    #print '%d samples took %0.6f seconds' % (nsamps, etime)

    return mean_env
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_mean_envelope(s, nsamps=1000):
    """ Use random sampling to compute the mean envelope of a multi-dimensional signal.

        s (np.ndarray): an NxT matrix describing a multi-variate signal. N is the number of channels, T is the number of time points.
        nsamps (int): the number of N dimensional projections to use in computing the multi-variate envelope.

        env (np.ndarray): an NxT matrix giving the multi-dimensional envelope of s.

    N, T = s.shape

    #pre-allocate the mean envelope matrix
    mean_env = np.zeros([N, T])

    #generate quasi-random points on an N-dimensional sphere
    #stime = time.time()
    R = quasirand(N, nsamps, spherical=True)
    #etime = time.time() - stime
    #print 'Elapsed time for quasirand: %d seconds' % int(etime)

    stime = time.time()
    for k in range(nsamps):
        #istime = time.time()
        r = R[:, k].squeeze()

        #print 'k=%d, s.shape=%s, r.shape=%s' % (k, str(s.shape), str(r.shape))

        #project s onto a scalar time series using random vector
        #dtime = time.time()
        p = np.dot(s.T, r)
        #detime = time.time() - dtime
        #print '\t[%d] Time to do dot %0.6f s' % (k, detime)

        #print 'p.shape=',p.shape

        #identify minima and maxima of projection
        #eetime = time.time()
        mini_p, maxi_p = find_extrema(p)
        #eeetime = time.time() - eetime
        #print '\t[%d] time to find extrema: %0.6fs' % (k, eeetime)

        #for each signal dimension, fit maxima with cubic spline to produce envelope

        t = np.arange(T)
        for n in range(N):
            #sptime = time.time()
            mini = copy.copy(mini_p)
            maxi = copy.copy(maxi_p)
            if len(mini) < 4 or len(maxi) < 4:
                return None

            #extrapolate edges using mirroring
            lower_env_spline, upper_env_spline = create_mirrored_spline(
                mini, maxi, s[n, :].squeeze())
            if lower_env_spline is None or upper_env_spline is None:
                return None

            #evaluate upper and lower envelopes
            upper_env = splev(t, upper_env_spline)
            lower_env = splev(t, lower_env_spline)

            #compute the envelope for this projected dimension
            env = (upper_env + lower_env) / 2.0

            #update the mean envelope for this dimension in an online way
            delta = env - mean_env[n, :]
            mean_env[n, :] += delta / (k + 1)
            #esptime = time.time() - sptime
            #print '\t[%d] time for spline iteration on dimension %d: %0.6fs' % (k, n, esptime)
        #ietime = time.time() - istime
        #print '\t[%d] took %0.6f seconds' % (k, ietime)

    etime = time.time() - stime
    #print '%d samples took %0.6f seconds' % (nsamps, etime)

    return mean_env