Exemplo n.º 1
    def decrypt_3des(decoded_item, master_password, global_salt):
        User master key is also encrypted (if provided, the master_password could be used to encrypt it)
        # See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
        pbeAlgo = str(decoded_item[0][0][0])
        if pbeAlgo == '1.2.840.113549.':  # pbeWithSha1AndTripleDES-CBC
            entry_salt = decoded_item[0][0][1][0].asOctets()
            cipher_t = decoded_item[0][1].asOctets()

            # See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
            hp = sha1(global_salt + master_password).digest()
            pes = entry_salt + convert_to_byte('\x00') * (20 - len(entry_salt))
            chp = sha1(hp + entry_salt).digest()
            k1 = hmac.new(chp, pes + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
            tk = hmac.new(chp, pes, sha1).digest()
            k2 = hmac.new(chp, tk + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
            k = k1 + k2
            iv = k[-8:]
            key = k[:24]
            return triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(cipher_t)

        # New version
        elif pbeAlgo == '1.2.840.113549.1.5.13':  # pkcs5 pbes2

            assert str(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][0]) == '1.2.840.113549.1.5.12'
            assert str(
                decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][3][0]) == '1.2.840.113549.2.9'
            assert str(
                decoded_item[0][0][1][1][0]) == '2.16.840.'
            # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8018#page-23
            entry_salt = decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][0].asOctets()
            iteration_count = int(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][1])
            key_length = int(decoded_item[0][0][1][0][1][2])
            assert key_length == 32

            k = sha1(global_salt + master_password).digest()
            key = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',

            # https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/rev/fc636973ad06392d11597620b602779b4af312f6#l6.49
            iv = b'\x04\x0e' + decoded_item[0][0][1][1][1].asOctets()
            # 04 is OCTETSTRING, 0x0e is length == 14
            encrypted_value = decoded_item[0][1].asOctets()
            aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv)
            cleartxt = b"".join([
                aes.decrypt(encrypted_value[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE])
                for i in range(0, len(encrypted_value), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)

            return cleartxt
Exemplo n.º 2
 def decrypt_3des(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt, encrypted_data):
     User master key is also encrypted (if provided, the master_password could be used to encrypt it)
     # See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
     hp = sha1(global_salt + convert_to_byte(master_password)).digest()
     pes = entry_salt + convert_to_byte('\x00') * (20 - len(entry_salt))
     chp = sha1(hp + entry_salt).digest()
     k1 = hmac.new(chp, pes + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
     tk = hmac.new(chp, pes, sha1).digest()
     k2 = hmac.new(chp, tk + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
     k = k1 + k2
     iv = k[-8:]
     key = k[:24]
     return triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(encrypted_data)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def decrypt_3des(global_salt, master_password, entry_salt, encrypted_data):
     User master key is also encrypted (if provided, the master_password could be used to encrypt it)
     # See http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/key3.html
     hp = sha1(global_salt + master_password.encode()).digest()
     pes = entry_salt + convert_to_byte('\x00') * (20 - len(entry_salt))
     chp = sha1(hp + entry_salt).digest()
     k1 = hmac.new(chp, pes + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
     tk = hmac.new(chp, pes, sha1).digest()
     k2 = hmac.new(chp, tk + entry_salt, sha1).digest()
     k = k1 + k2
     iv = k[-8:]
     key = k[:24]
     return triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(encrypted_data)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def decrypt(self, key, iv, ciphertext):
     Decrypt ciphered data (user / password) using the key previously found
     data = triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(ciphertext)
     return self.remove_padding(data)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def decrypt(self, key, iv, ciphertext):
     Decrypt ciphered data (user / password) using the key previously found
     data = triple_des(key, CBC, iv).decrypt(ciphertext)
     return self.remove_padding(data)