Exemplo n.º 1
    def setupOutputs(self):
        self._memmap = None # Closes the file
        filepath = self.FilePath.value
        filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1]
        # Infer the dimensions by parsing the filename
        # We split on . and - characters
        shape = ()
        for s in re.split('\.|-', filename):
                shape += (int(s),)
            except ValueError:
        if not ( 3 <= len(shape) <= 5 ):
            raise OpRawBinaryFileReader.DatasetReadError( "Binary filename does not include a valid shape: {}".format(filename) )
        # Uint8 by default, but search for an explicit type in the filename
        dtype = numpy.uint8
        for d in 'uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int8 int16 int32 int64 float32 float64'.split():
            if d in filename:
                dtype = numpy.dtype(d).type

            self._memmap = numpy.memmap(filepath, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, mode='r')
            raise OpRawBinaryFileReader.DatasetReadError( "Unable to open numpy dataset: {}".format( filepath ) )

        axisorder = get_default_axisordering(shape)

        self.Output.meta.dtype = dtype
        self.Output.meta.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(axisorder)
        self.Output.meta.shape = shape
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setupOutputs(self):
        # Read the dataset meta-info from the HDF5 dataset
        self._h5N5File = self.H5N5File.value
        internalPath = self.InternalPath.value

        if internalPath not in self._h5N5File:
            raise OpStreamingH5N5Reader.DatasetReadError(internalPath)

        dataset = self._h5N5File[internalPath]

            # Read the axistags property without actually importing the data
            # Throws KeyError if 'axistags' can't be found
            axistagsJson = self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs["axistags"]
            axistags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON(axistagsJson)
            axisorder = "".join(tag.key for tag in axistags)
            if "?" in axisorder:
                raise KeyError("?")
        except KeyError:
            # No axistags found.
            if "axes" in dataset.attrs:
                axisorder = "".join(dataset.attrs["axes"][::-1]).lower()
                axisorder = get_default_axisordering(dataset.shape)
            axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axisorder))

        assert len(axistags) == len(
        ), f"Mismatch between shape {dataset.shape} and axisorder {axisorder}"

        # Configure our slot meta-info
        self.OutputImage.meta.dtype = dataset.dtype.type
        self.OutputImage.meta.shape = dataset.shape
        self.OutputImage.meta.axistags = axistags

        # If the dataset specifies a datarange, add it to the slot metadata
        if "drange" in self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.drange = tuple(

        # Same for display_mode
        if "display_mode" in self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.display_mode = str(

        total_volume = numpy.prod(
        chunks = self._h5N5File[internalPath].chunks
        if not chunks and total_volume > 1e8:
            self.OutputImage.meta.inefficient_format = True
                f"This dataset ({self._h5N5File.filename}{internalPath}) is NOT chunked. "
                f"Performance for 3D access patterns will be bad!")
        if chunks:
            self.OutputImage.meta.ideal_blockshape = chunks
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, *, preloaded_array: numpy.ndarray, axistags: AxisTags = None, nickname: str = "", **info_kwargs):
     self.preloaded_array = vigra.taggedView(
         preloaded_array, axistags or get_default_axisordering(preloaded_array.shape)
         nickname=nickname or "preloaded-{}-array".format(self.preloaded_array.dtype.name),
Exemplo n.º 4
    def from_h5_group(cls, data: h5py.Group, params: Dict = None):
        laneShape = tuple(data["shape"])
        default_tags = get_default_axisordering(laneShape)

        params = params or {}
        if "laneShape" not in params:
            params["laneShape"] = laneShape
        if "default_tags" not in params:
            params["default_tags"] = default_tags
        if "laneDtype" not in params:
            params["laneDtype"] = numpy.uint8
        return super().from_h5_group(data, params)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setupOutputs(self):
        # Read the dataset meta-info from the HDF5 dataset
        self._hdf5File = self.Hdf5File.value
        internalPath = self.InternalPath.value

        if internalPath not in self._hdf5File:
            raise OpStreamingHdf5Reader.DatasetReadError(internalPath)

        dataset = self._hdf5File[internalPath]

            # Read the axistags property without actually importing the data
            axistagsJson = self._hdf5File[internalPath].attrs[
                'axistags']  # Throws KeyError if 'axistags' can't be found
            axistags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON(axistagsJson)
            axisorder = ''.join(tag.key for tag in axistags)
            if '?' in axisorder:
                raise KeyError('?')
        except KeyError:
            # No axistags found.
            axisorder = get_default_axisordering(dataset.shape)
            axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axisorder))

        assert len(axistags) == len( dataset.shape ),\
            "Mismatch between shape {} and axisorder {}".format( dataset.shape, axisorder )

        # Configure our slot meta-info
        self.OutputImage.meta.dtype = dataset.dtype.type
        self.OutputImage.meta.shape = dataset.shape
        self.OutputImage.meta.axistags = axistags

        # If the dataset specifies a datarange, add it to the slot metadata
        if 'drange' in self._hdf5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.drange = tuple(

        # Same for display_mode
        if 'display_mode' in self._hdf5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.display_mode = str(

        total_volume = numpy.prod(
        chunks = self._hdf5File[internalPath].chunks
        if not chunks and total_volume > 1e8:
            self.OutputImage.meta.inefficient_format = True
                "This dataset ({}{}) is NOT chunked.  "
                "Performance for 3D access patterns will be bad!".format(
                    self._hdf5File.filename, internalPath))
        if chunks:
            self.OutputImage.meta.ideal_blockshape = chunks
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setupOutputs(self):
        Load the file specified via our input slot and present its data on the output slot.
        if self._memmapFile is not None:
        fileName = self.FileName.value

            # Load the file in read-only "memmap" mode to avoid reading it from disk all at once.
            rawLoadedNumpyObject = numpy.load(str(fileName),
        except (ValueError, IOError):
            raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError(
                "Unable to open numpy dataset: {}".format(fileName))

        # .npy files:
        if isinstance(rawLoadedNumpyObject, numpy.ndarray):
            rawNumpyArray = rawLoadedNumpyObject
            self._memmapFile = rawNumpyArray._mmap
        # .npz files:
        elif isinstance(rawLoadedNumpyObject, numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile):
            if self.InternalPath.ready():
                    rawNumpyArray = rawLoadedNumpyObject[
                except KeyError:
                    raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError(
                        "InternalPath not found in file. Unable to open numpy npz dataset: "
                        "{fileName}: {internalPath}".format(
                raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError(
                    "InternalPath not given. Unable to open numpy npz dataset: {fileName}"

        shape = rawNumpyArray.shape

        axisorder = get_default_axisordering(shape)

        # Cast to vigra array
        self._rawVigraArray = rawNumpyArray.view(vigra.VigraArray)
        self._rawVigraArray.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(axisorder)

        self.Output.meta.dtype = self._rawVigraArray.dtype.type
        self.Output.meta.axistags = copy.copy(self._rawVigraArray.axistags)
        self.Output.meta.shape = self._rawVigraArray.shape
Exemplo n.º 7
    def setupOutputs(self):
        # Read the dataset meta-info from the HDF5 dataset
        self._h5N5File = self.H5N5File.value
        internalPath = self.InternalPath.value

        if internalPath not in self._h5N5File:
            raise OpStreamingH5N5Reader.DatasetReadError(internalPath)

        dataset = self._h5N5File[internalPath]

            # Read the axistags property without actually importing the data
            # Throws KeyError if 'axistags' can't be found
            axistagsJson = self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs["axistags"]
            axistags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON(axistagsJson)
            axisorder = "".join(tag.key for tag in axistags)
            if "?" in axisorder:
                raise KeyError("?")
        except KeyError:
            # No axistags found.
            axisorder = get_default_axisordering(dataset.shape)
            axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axisorder))

        assert len(axistags) == len(dataset.shape), f"Mismatch between shape {dataset.shape} and axisorder {axisorder}"

        # Configure our slot meta-info
        self.OutputImage.meta.dtype = dataset.dtype.type
        self.OutputImage.meta.shape = dataset.shape
        self.OutputImage.meta.axistags = axistags

        # If the dataset specifies a datarange, add it to the slot metadata
        if "drange" in self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.drange = tuple(self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs["drange"])

        # Same for display_mode
        if "display_mode" in self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs:
            self.OutputImage.meta.display_mode = str(self._h5N5File[internalPath].attrs["display_mode"])

        total_volume = numpy.prod(numpy.array(self._h5N5File[internalPath].shape))
        chunks = self._h5N5File[internalPath].chunks
        if not chunks and total_volume > 1e8:
            self.OutputImage.meta.inefficient_format = True
                f"This dataset ({self._h5N5File.filename}{internalPath}) is NOT chunked. "
                f"Performance for 3D access patterns will be bad!"
        if chunks:
            self.OutputImage.meta.ideal_blockshape = chunks
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, *, inner_path: str, project_file: h5py.File, nickname: str = "", **info_kwargs):
     self.inner_path = inner_path
     self.project_file = project_file
     self.dataset = project_file[inner_path]
     if "axistags" in self.dataset.attrs:
         default_tags = vigra.AxisTags.fromJSON(self.dataset.attrs["axistags"])
         default_tags = vigra.defaultAxistags(get_default_axisordering(self.dataset.shape))
         nickname=nickname or os.path.split(self.inner_path)[-1],
     self.legacy_datasetId = Path(inner_path).name
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setupOutputs(self):
        Load the file specified via our input slot and present its data on the output slot.
        if self._memmapFile is not None:
        fileName = self.FileName.value

            # Load the file in read-only "memmap" mode to avoid reading it from disk all at once.
            rawLoadedNumpyObject = numpy.load(str(fileName), mmap_mode="r", allow_pickle=False)
        except (ValueError, IOError):
            raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError("Unable to open numpy dataset: {}".format(fileName))

        # .npy files:
        if isinstance(rawLoadedNumpyObject, numpy.ndarray):
            rawNumpyArray = rawLoadedNumpyObject
            self._memmapFile = rawNumpyArray._mmap
        # .npz files:
        elif isinstance(rawLoadedNumpyObject, numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile):
            if self.InternalPath.ready():
                    rawNumpyArray = rawLoadedNumpyObject[self.InternalPath.value]
                except KeyError:
                    raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError(
                        "InternalPath not found in file. Unable to open numpy npz dataset: "
                        "{fileName}: {internalPath}".format(fileName=fileName, internalPath=self.InternalPath.value)
                raise OpNpyFileReader.DatasetReadError(
                    "InternalPath not given. Unable to open numpy npz dataset: " "{fileName}".format(fileName=fileName)

        shape = rawNumpyArray.shape

        axisorder = get_default_axisordering(shape)

        # Cast to vigra array
        self._rawVigraArray = rawNumpyArray.view(vigra.VigraArray)
        self._rawVigraArray.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(axisorder)

        self.Output.meta.dtype = self._rawVigraArray.dtype.type
        self.Output.meta.axistags = copy.copy(self._rawVigraArray.axistags)
        self.Output.meta.shape = self._rawVigraArray.shape
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setupOutputs(self):
        self._filepath = self.Filepath.value
        with tifffile.TiffFile(self._filepath) as tiff_file:
            series = tiff_file.series[0]
            if len(tiff_file.series) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Don't know how to read TIFF files with more than one image series.\n"
                    "(Your image has {} series".format(len(tiff_file.series)))

            axes = series.axes
            shape = series.shape
            pages = series.pages
            first_page = pages[0]

            dtype_code = first_page.dtype
            if first_page.is_palette:
                # For now, we don't support colormaps.
                # Drop the (last) channel axis
                # (Yes, there can be more than one :-/)
                last_C_pos = axes.rfind('C')
                assert axes[last_C_pos] == 'C'
                axes = axes[:last_C_pos] + axes[last_C_pos + 1:]
                shape = shape[:last_C_pos] + shape[last_C_pos + 1:]

                # first_page.dtype refers to the type AFTER colormapping.
                # We want the original type.
                key = (first_page.sample_format, first_page.bits_per_sample)
                dtype_code = self._dtype = tifffile.TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES.get(
                    key, None)

            # From the tifffile.TiffPage code:
            # -----
            # The internal, normalized '_shape' attribute is 6 dimensional:
            # 0. number planes  (stk)
            # 1. planar samples_per_pixel
            # 2. image_depth Z  (sgi)
            # 3. image_length Y
            # 4. image_width X
            # 5. contig samples_per_pixel

            (N, P, D, Y, X, S) = first_page._shape
            assert N == 1, "Don't know how to handle any number of planes except 1 (per page)"
            assert P == 1, "Don't know how to handle any number of planar samples per pixel except 1 (per page)"
            assert D == 1, "Don't know how to handle any image depth except 1"

            if S == 1:
                self._page_shape = (Y, X)
                self._page_axes = 'yx'
                assert shape[-3:] == (Y, X, S)
                self._page_shape = (Y, X, S)
                self._page_axes = 'yxc'
                assert 'C' not in axes, \
                    "If channels are in separate pages, then each page can't have multiple channels itself.\n"\
                    "(Don't know how to weave multi-channel pages together.)"

            self._non_page_shape = shape[:-len(self._page_shape)]
            assert shape == self._non_page_shape + self._page_shape
            assert self._non_page_shape or len(pages) == 1

            axes = axes.lower().replace('s', 'c')
            if 'i' in axes:
                for k in 'tzc':
                    if k not in axes:
                        axes = axes.replace('i', k)
                if 'i' in axes:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Image has an 'I' axis, and I don't know what it represents. "
                        "(Separate T,Z,C axes already exist.)")

            if 'q' in axes:
                # in case of unknown axes, assume default axis order TZYXC
                if not all(elem == 'q' for elem in axes):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Image has SOME unknown ('Q') axes, which is currently not supported. "
                    'Unknown axistags detected - assuming default axis order.')
                axes = get_default_axisordering(shape)

            self.Output.meta.shape = shape
            self.Output.meta.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axes))
            self.Output.meta.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype_code).type
            self.Output.meta.ideal_blockshape = (
                (1, ) * len(self._non_page_shape)) + self._page_shape
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testValidShapes(self):
     testshapes = [((10, 20), "yx"), ((10, 20, 30), "zyx"),
                   ((10, 20, 30, 3), "zyxc"), ((5, 10, 20, 30, 3), "tzyxc")]
     for shape, expected_axes_string in testshapes:
         default_axes = helpers.get_default_axisordering(shape)
         assert default_axes == expected_axes_string
Exemplo n.º 12
    def setupOutputs(self):
        datasetInfo = self.Dataset.value

            # Data only comes from the project file if the user said so AND it exists in the project
            datasetInProject = (
                datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal)
            datasetInProject &= self.ProjectFile.ready()
            if datasetInProject:
                internalPath = self.ProjectDataGroup.value + '/' + datasetInfo.datasetId
                datasetInProject &= internalPath in self.ProjectFile.value

            # If we should find the data in the project file, use a dataset reader
            if datasetInProject:
                opReader = OpStreamingH5N5Reader(parent=self)
                providerSlot = opReader.OutputImage
            elif datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.PreloadedArray:
                preloaded_array = datasetInfo.preloaded_array
                assert preloaded_array is not None
                if not hasattr(preloaded_array, 'axistags'):
                    axisorder = get_default_axisordering(preloaded_array.shape)
                    preloaded_array = vigra.taggedView(preloaded_array,

                opReader = OpArrayPiper(parent=self)
                providerSlot = opReader.Output
                if datasetInfo.realDataSource:
                    # Use a normal (filesystem) reader
                    opReader = OpInputDataReader(parent=self)
                    if datasetInfo.subvolume_roi is not None:
                    # Use fake reader: allows to run the project in a headless
                    # mode without the raw data
                    opReader = OpZeroDefault(parent=self)
                    opReader.MetaInput.meta = MetaDict(
                providerSlot = opReader.Output

            # Inject metadata if the dataset info specified any.
            # Also, inject if if dtype is uint8, which we can reasonably assume has drange (0,255)
            metadata = {}
            metadata['display_mode'] = datasetInfo.display_mode
            role_name = self.RoleName.value
            if 'c' not in providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape():
                num_channels = 0
                num_channels = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()['c']
            if num_channels > 1:
                metadata['channel_names'] = [
                    "{}-{}".format(role_name, i) for i in range(num_channels)
                metadata['channel_names'] = [role_name]

            if datasetInfo.drange is not None:
                metadata['drange'] = datasetInfo.drange
            elif providerSlot.meta.dtype == numpy.uint8:
                # SPECIAL case for uint8 data: Provide a default drange.
                # The user can always override this herself if she wants.
                metadata['drange'] = (0, 255)
            if datasetInfo.normalizeDisplay is not None:
                metadata['normalizeDisplay'] = datasetInfo.normalizeDisplay
            if datasetInfo.axistags is not None:
                if len(datasetInfo.axistags) != len(providerSlot.meta.shape):
                    ts = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
                    if 'c' in ts and 'c' not in datasetInfo.axistags and len(
                            datasetInfo.axistags) + 1 == len(ts):
                        # provider has no channel axis, but template has => add channel axis to provider
                        # fixme: Optimize the axistag guess in BatchProcessingApplet instead of hoping for the best here
                        metadata['axistags'] = vigra.defaultAxistags(
                            ''.join(datasetInfo.axistags.keys()) + 'c')
                        # This usually only happens when we copied a DatasetInfo from another lane,
                        # and used it as a 'template' to initialize this lane.
                        # This happens in the BatchProcessingApplet when it attempts to guess the axistags of
                        # batch images based on the axistags chosen by the user in the interactive images.
                        # If the interactive image tags don't make sense for the batch image, you get this error.
                        raise Exception(
                            "Your dataset's provided axistags ({}) do not have the "
                            "correct dimensionality for your dataset, which has {} dimensions."
                                        for tag in datasetInfo.axistags),
                    metadata['axistags'] = datasetInfo.axistags
            if datasetInfo.original_axistags is not None:
                metadata['original_axistags'] = datasetInfo.original_axistags

            if datasetInfo.subvolume_roi is not None:
                metadata['subvolume_roi'] = datasetInfo.subvolume_roi

                # FIXME: We are overwriting the axistags metadata to intentionally allow
                #        the user to change our interpretation of which axis is which.
                #        That's okay, but technically there's a special corner case if
                #        the user redefines the channel axis index.
                #        Technically, it invalidates the meaning of meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel.
                #        For most use-cases, that won't really matter, which is why I'm not worrying about it right now.

            opMetadataInjector = OpMetadataInjector(parent=self)
            providerSlot = opMetadataInjector.Output


            # make sure that x and y axes are present in the selected axis order
            if 'x' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags or 'y' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags:
                raise DatasetConstraintError(
                    "Data must always have at leaset the axes x and y for ilastik to work."

            if self.forceAxisOrder:
                assert isinstance(self.forceAxisOrder, list), \
                    "forceAxisOrder should be a *list* of preferred axis orders"

                # Before we re-order, make sure no non-singleton
                #  axes would be dropped by the forced order.
                tagged_provider_shape = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
                minimal_axes = [
                    k_v for k_v in list(tagged_provider_shape.items())
                    if k_v[1] > 1
                minimal_axes = set(k for k, v in minimal_axes)

                # Pick the shortest of the possible 'forced' orders that
                # still contains all the axes of the original dataset.
                candidate_orders = list(self.forceAxisOrder)
                candidate_orders = [
                    order for order in candidate_orders
                    if minimal_axes.issubset(set(order))

                if len(candidate_orders) == 0:
                    msg = "The axes of your dataset ({}) are not compatible with any of the allowed"\
                          " axis configurations used by this workflow ({}). Please fix them."\
                          .format(providerSlot.meta.getAxisKeys(), self.forceAxisOrder)
                    raise DatasetConstraintError("DataSelection", msg)

                output_order = sorted(candidate_orders,
                                      key=len)[0]  # the shortest one
                output_order = "".join(output_order)
                # No forced axisorder is supplied. Use original axisorder as
                # output order: it is assumed by the export-applet, that the
                # an OpReorderAxes operator is added in the beginning
                output_order = "".join(
                    [x for x in providerSlot.meta.axistags.keys()])

            op5 = OpReorderAxes(parent=self)
            providerSlot = op5.Output

            # If the channel axis is missing, add it as last axis
            if 'c' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags:
                op5 = OpReorderAxes(parent=self)
                keys = providerSlot.meta.getAxisKeys()

                # Append
                providerSlot = op5.Output

            # Connect our external outputs to the internal operators we chose


            # If the reading operator provides a nickname, use it.
            if self.Image.meta.nickname is not None:
                datasetInfo.nickname = self.Image.meta.nickname

            imageName = datasetInfo.nickname
            if imageName == "":
                imageName = datasetInfo.filePath

Exemplo n.º 13
 def testValidShapes(self):
     testshapes = [((10, 20), "yx"), ((10, 20, 30), "zyx"), ((10, 20, 30, 3), "zyxc"), ((5, 10, 20, 30, 3), "tzyxc")]
     for shape, expected_axes_string in testshapes:
         default_axes = helpers.get_default_axisordering(shape)
         assert default_axes == expected_axes_string
Exemplo n.º 14
    def setupOutputs(self):
        datasetInfo = self.Dataset.value

            # Data only comes from the project file if the user said so AND it exists in the project
            datasetInProject = (datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.ProjectInternal)
            datasetInProject &= self.ProjectFile.ready()
            if datasetInProject:
                internalPath = self.ProjectDataGroup.value + '/' + datasetInfo.datasetId
                datasetInProject &= internalPath in self.ProjectFile.value

            # If we should find the data in the project file, use a dataset reader
            if datasetInProject:
                opReader = OpStreamingH5N5Reader(parent=self)
                providerSlot = opReader.OutputImage
            elif datasetInfo.location == DatasetInfo.Location.PreloadedArray:
                preloaded_array = datasetInfo.preloaded_array
                assert preloaded_array is not None
                if not hasattr(preloaded_array, 'axistags'):
                    axisorder = get_default_axisordering(preloaded_array.shape)
                    preloaded_array = vigra.taggedView(preloaded_array, axisorder)

                opReader = OpArrayPiper(parent=self)
                providerSlot = opReader.Output
                if datasetInfo.realDataSource:
                    # Use a normal (filesystem) reader
                    opReader = OpInputDataReader(parent=self)
                    if datasetInfo.subvolume_roi is not None:
                    # Use fake reader: allows to run the project in a headless
                    # mode without the raw data
                    opReader = OpZeroDefault(parent=self)
                    opReader.MetaInput.meta = MetaDict(
                    opReader.MetaInput.setValue(numpy.zeros(datasetInfo.laneShape, dtype=datasetInfo.laneDtype))
                providerSlot = opReader.Output

            # Inject metadata if the dataset info specified any.
            # Also, inject if if dtype is uint8, which we can reasonably assume has drange (0,255)
            metadata = {}
            metadata['display_mode'] = datasetInfo.display_mode
            role_name = self.RoleName.value
            if 'c' not in providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape():
                num_channels = 0
                num_channels = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()['c']
            if num_channels > 1:
                metadata['channel_names'] = ["{}-{}".format(role_name, i) for i in range(num_channels)]
                metadata['channel_names'] = [role_name]

            if datasetInfo.drange is not None:
                metadata['drange'] = datasetInfo.drange
            elif providerSlot.meta.dtype == numpy.uint8:
                # SPECIAL case for uint8 data: Provide a default drange.
                # The user can always override this herself if she wants.
                metadata['drange'] = (0, 255)
            if datasetInfo.normalizeDisplay is not None:
                metadata['normalizeDisplay'] = datasetInfo.normalizeDisplay
            if datasetInfo.axistags is not None:
                if len(datasetInfo.axistags) != len(providerSlot.meta.shape):
                    ts = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
                    if 'c' in ts and 'c' not in datasetInfo.axistags and len(datasetInfo.axistags) + 1 == len(ts):
                        # provider has no channel axis, but template has => add channel axis to provider
                        # fixme: Optimize the axistag guess in BatchProcessingApplet instead of hoping for the best here
                        metadata['axistags'] = vigra.defaultAxistags(''.join(datasetInfo.axistags.keys()) + 'c')
                        # This usually only happens when we copied a DatasetInfo from another lane,
                        # and used it as a 'template' to initialize this lane.
                        # This happens in the BatchProcessingApplet when it attempts to guess the axistags of
                        # batch images based on the axistags chosen by the user in the interactive images.
                        # If the interactive image tags don't make sense for the batch image, you get this error.
                        raise Exception("Your dataset's provided axistags ({}) do not have the "
                                        "correct dimensionality for your dataset, which has {} dimensions."
                                        .format("".join(tag.key for tag in datasetInfo.axistags),
                    metadata['axistags'] = datasetInfo.axistags
            if datasetInfo.original_axistags is not None:
                metadata['original_axistags'] = datasetInfo.original_axistags

            if datasetInfo.subvolume_roi is not None:
                metadata['subvolume_roi'] = datasetInfo.subvolume_roi

                # FIXME: We are overwriting the axistags metadata to intentionally allow
                #        the user to change our interpretation of which axis is which.
                #        That's okay, but technically there's a special corner case if
                #        the user redefines the channel axis index.
                #        Technically, it invalidates the meaning of meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel.
                #        For most use-cases, that won't really matter, which is why I'm not worrying about it right now.

            opMetadataInjector = OpMetadataInjector(parent=self)
            providerSlot = opMetadataInjector.Output


            # make sure that x and y axes are present in the selected axis order
            if 'x' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags or 'y' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags:
                raise DatasetConstraintError("DataSelection",
                                             "Data must always have at leaset the axes x and y for ilastik to work.")

            if self.forceAxisOrder:
                assert isinstance(self.forceAxisOrder, list), \
                    "forceAxisOrder should be a *list* of preferred axis orders"

                # Before we re-order, make sure no non-singleton
                #  axes would be dropped by the forced order.
                tagged_provider_shape = providerSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
                minimal_axes = [k_v for k_v in list(tagged_provider_shape.items()) if k_v[1] > 1]
                minimal_axes = set(k for k, v in minimal_axes)

                # Pick the shortest of the possible 'forced' orders that
                # still contains all the axes of the original dataset.
                candidate_orders = list(self.forceAxisOrder)
                candidate_orders = [order for order in candidate_orders if minimal_axes.issubset(set(order))]

                if len(candidate_orders) == 0:
                    msg = "The axes of your dataset ({}) are not compatible with any of the allowed"\
                          " axis configurations used by this workflow ({}). Please fix them."\
                          .format(providerSlot.meta.getAxisKeys(), self.forceAxisOrder)
                    raise DatasetConstraintError("DataSelection", msg)

                output_order = sorted(candidate_orders, key=len)[0]  # the shortest one
                output_order = "".join(output_order)
                # No forced axisorder is supplied. Use original axisorder as
                # output order: it is assumed by the export-applet, that the
                # an OpReorderAxes operator is added in the beginning
                output_order = "".join([x for x in providerSlot.meta.axistags.keys()])

            op5 = OpReorderAxes(parent=self)
            providerSlot = op5.Output

            # If the channel axis is missing, add it as last axis
            if 'c' not in providerSlot.meta.axistags:
                op5 = OpReorderAxes(parent=self)
                keys = providerSlot.meta.getAxisKeys()

                # Append
                providerSlot = op5.Output

            # Connect our external outputs to the internal operators we chose


            # If the reading operator provides a nickname, use it.
            if self.Image.meta.nickname is not None:
                datasetInfo.nickname = self.Image.meta.nickname

            imageName = datasetInfo.nickname
            if imageName == "":
                imageName = datasetInfo.filePath

Exemplo n.º 15
    def setupOutputs(self):
        self._filepath = self.Filepath.value
        with tifffile.TiffFile(self._filepath) as tiff_file:
            series = tiff_file.series[0]
            if len(tiff_file.series) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Don't know how to read TIFF files with more than one image series.\n"
                    "(Your image has {} series".format(len(tiff_file.series))

            axes = series.axes
            shape = series.shape
            pages = series.pages
            first_page = pages[0]

            dtype_code = first_page.dtype
            if first_page.is_palette:
                # For now, we don't support colormaps.
                # Drop the (last) channel axis
                # (Yes, there can be more than one :-/)
                last_C_pos = axes.rfind("C")
                assert axes[last_C_pos] == "C"
                axes = axes[:last_C_pos] + axes[last_C_pos + 1 :]
                shape = shape[:last_C_pos] + shape[last_C_pos + 1 :]

                # first_page.dtype refers to the type AFTER colormapping.
                # We want the original type.
                key = (first_page.sample_format, first_page.bits_per_sample)
                dtype_code = self._dtype = tifffile.TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES.get(key, None)

            # From the tifffile.TiffPage code:
            # -----
            # The internal, normalized '_shape' attribute is 6 dimensional:
            # 0. number planes  (stk)
            # 1. planar samples_per_pixel
            # 2. image_depth Z  (sgi)
            # 3. image_length Y
            # 4. image_width X
            # 5. contig samples_per_pixel

            (N, P, D, Y, X, S) = first_page._shape
            assert N == 1, "Don't know how to handle any number of planes except 1 (per page)"
            assert P == 1, "Don't know how to handle any number of planar samples per pixel except 1 (per page)"
            assert D == 1, "Don't know how to handle any image depth except 1"

            if S == 1:
                self._page_shape = (Y, X)
                self._page_axes = "yx"
                assert shape[-3:] == (Y, X, S)
                self._page_shape = (Y, X, S)
                self._page_axes = "yxc"
                assert "C" not in axes, (
                    "If channels are in separate pages, then each page can't have multiple channels itself.\n"
                    "(Don't know how to weave multi-channel pages together.)"

            self._non_page_shape = shape[: -len(self._page_shape)]
            assert shape == self._non_page_shape + self._page_shape
            assert self._non_page_shape or len(pages) == 1

            axes = axes.lower().replace("s", "c")
            if "i" in axes:
                for k in "tzc":
                    if k not in axes:
                        axes = axes.replace("i", k)
                if "i" in axes:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Image has an 'I' axis, and I don't know what it represents. "
                        "(Separate T,Z,C axes already exist.)"

            if "q" in axes:
                # in case of unknown axes, assume default axis order TZYXC
                if not all(elem == "q" for elem in axes):
                    raise RuntimeError("Image has SOME unknown ('Q') axes, which is currently not supported. ")
                logger.warning("Unknown axistags detected - assuming default axis order.")
                axes = get_default_axisordering(shape)

            self.Output.meta.shape = shape
            self.Output.meta.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axes))
            self.Output.meta.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype_code).type
            self.Output.meta.ideal_blockshape = ((1,) * len(self._non_page_shape)) + self._page_shape
Exemplo n.º 16
    def setupOutputs(self):
        self._filepath = self.Filepath.value
        with tifffile.TiffFile(self._filepath) as tiff_file:
            series = tiff_file.series[0]
            if len(tiff_file.series) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Don't know how to read TIFF files with more than one image series.\n"
                    "(Your image has {} series".format(len(tiff_file.series)))

            axes = series.axes
            shape = series.shape
            pages = series.pages
            first_page = pages[0]

            dtype_code = first_page.dtype
            if first_page.photometric == tifffile.TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC.PALETTE:
                # For now, we don't support colormaps.
                # Drop the (last) channel axis
                # (Yes, there can be more than one :-/)
                last_C_pos = axes.rfind("C")
                assert axes[last_C_pos] == "C"
                axes = axes[:last_C_pos] + axes[last_C_pos + 1:]
                shape = shape[:last_C_pos] + shape[last_C_pos + 1:]

                # first_page.dtype refers to the type AFTER colormapping.
                # We want the original type.
                key = (first_page.sample_format, first_page.bits_per_sample)
                dtype_code = self._dtype = tifffile.TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES.get(
                    key, None)

            # From the tifffile.TiffPage code:
            # shaped : tuple of int
            #     Normalized 5-dimensional shape of the image in IFD:
            #     0 : separate samplesperpixel or 1.
            #     1 : imagedepth Z or 1.
            #     2 : imagelength Y.
            #     3 : imagewidth X.
            #     4 : contig samplesperpixel or 1.

            (P, D, Y, X, S) = first_page.shaped
            assert P == 1, "Don't know how to handle any number of planar samples per pixel except 1 (per page)"
            assert D == 1, "Don't know how to handle any image depth except 1"

            if S == 1:
                self._page_shape = (Y, X)
                self._page_axes = "yx"
                assert shape[-3:] == (Y, X, S)
                self._page_shape = (Y, X, S)
                self._page_axes = "yxc"
                assert "C" not in axes, (
                    "If channels are in separate pages, then each page can't have multiple channels itself.\n"
                    "(Don't know how to weave multi-channel pages together.)")

            self._non_page_shape = shape[:-len(self._page_shape)]
            assert shape == self._non_page_shape + self._page_shape
            assert self._non_page_shape or len(pages) == 1

            axes = axes.lower().replace("s", "c")
            if "i" in axes:
                for k in "tzc":
                    if k not in axes:
                        axes = axes.replace("i", k)
                if "i" in axes:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Image has an 'I' axis, and I don't know what it represents. "
                        "(Separate T,Z,C axes already exist.)")

            if "q" in axes:
                old_axes = axes
                axes = get_default_axisordering(shape)
                    f"Unknown axistags detected - assuming default axis order. Guessed {axes} from {old_axes}."

            self.Output.meta.shape = shape
            self.Output.meta.axistags = vigra.defaultAxistags(str(axes))
            self.Output.meta.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype_code).type
            self.Output.meta.ideal_blockshape = (
                (1, ) * len(self._non_page_shape)) + self._page_shape