Exemplo n.º 1
def NewzNabPlus(book=None,
    Generic NewzNabplus query function
    takes in host+key+type and returns the result set regardless of who
    based on site running NewzNab+
    ref http://usenetreviewz.com/nzb-sites/

    host = provider['HOST']
    api_key = provider['API']
        '[NewzNabPlus] searchType [%s] with Host [%s] mode [%s] using api [%s] for item [%s]'
        % (searchType, host, searchMode, api_key, str(book)))

    results = []

    params = ReturnSearchTypeStructure(provider, api_key, book, searchType,

    if params:
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        if host[-1:] == '/':
            host = host[:-1]
        URL = host + '/api?' + urllib.urlencode(params)

        sterm = makeUnicode(book['searchterm'])

        rootxml = None
        logger.debug("[NewzNabPlus] URL = %s" % URL)
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)

        if test:
            if result.startswith('<') and result.endswith(
                    '/>') and "error code" in result:
                result = result[1:-2]
                success = False
            if not success:
            return success

        if success:
                rootxml = ElementTree.fromstring(result)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Error parsing data from %s: %s %s' %
                             (host, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                rootxml = None
            if not result or result == "''":
                result = "Got an empty response"
            logger.error('Error reading data from %s: %s' % (host, result))
            # maybe the host doesn't support the search type
            cancelled = cancelSearchType(searchType, result, provider)
            if not cancelled:  # it was some other problem
                BlockProvider(provider['HOST'], result)

        if rootxml is not None:
            # to debug because of api
            logger.debug('Parsing results from <a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                         (URL, host))

            if rootxml.tag == 'error':
                errormsg = rootxml.get('description', default='unknown error')
                logger.error("%s - %s" % (host, errormsg))
                # maybe the host doesn't support the search type
                cancelled = cancelSearchType(searchType, errormsg, provider)
                if not cancelled:  # it was some other problem
                    BlockProvider(provider['HOST'], errormsg)
                resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('item')
                nzbcount = 0
                maxage = check_int(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['USENET_RETENTION'], 0)
                for nzb in resultxml:
                        thisnzb = ReturnResultsFieldsBySearchType(
                            book, nzb, host, searchMode,
                        if not maxage:
                            nzbcount += 1
                            # example nzbdate format: Mon, 27 May 2013 02:12:09 +0200
                            nzbdate = thisnzb['nzbdate']
                                parts = nzbdate.split(' ')
                                nzbdate = ' '.join(
                                    parts[:5])  # strip the +0200
                                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                    "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").timetuple()
                                nzbage = age(
                                    '%04d-%02d-%02d' %
                                    (dt.tm_year, dt.tm_mon, dt.tm_mday))
                            except Exception as e:
                                    'Unable to get age from [%s] %s %s' %
                                    (thisnzb['nzbdate'], type(e).__name__,
                                nzbage = 0
                            if nzbage <= maxage:
                                nzbcount += 1
                                logger.debug('%s is too old (%s day%s)' %
                                             (thisnzb['nzbtitle'], nzbage,

                    except IndexError:
                        logger.debug('No results from %s for %s' %
                                     (host, sterm))
                logger.debug('Found %s nzb at %s for: %s' %
                             (nzbcount, host, sterm))
            logger.debug('No data returned from %s for %s' % (host, sterm))
    return results
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_capabilities(provider):
    query provider for caps if none loaded yet, or if config entry is too old and not set manually. 
    match = False
    if len(provider['UPDATED']) == 10: # any stored values?
        match = True
        if (formatter.age(provider['UPDATED']) > lazylibrarian.CACHE_AGE) and not provider['MANUAL']:
            logger.debug('Stored capabilities for %s are too old' % provider['HOST'])
            match = False

    if match:
        logger.debug('Using stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
        host = provider['HOST']
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        URL = host + '/api?t=caps&apikey=' + provider['API']
        logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)
        request = urllib2.Request(URL)
        if lazylibrarian.PROXY_HOST:
            request.set_proxy(lazylibrarian.PROXY_HOST, lazylibrarian.PROXY_TYPE)
        request.add_header('User-Agent', common.USER_AGENT)
        resp = ""
            resp = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30)  # don't get stuck
        except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout) as e:
            logger.debug("Error getting capabilities: %s" % e)
            resp = ""
        if resp:
            if str(resp.getcode()).startswith("2"):  # (200 OK etc)
                logger.debug(u"Got capabilities for %s" % request.get_full_url())
                    source_xml = resp.read()  # .decode('utf-8')
                    data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
                    logger.debug(u"Error getting xml from %s" % URL)
                    data = None
                if len(data):
                    logger.debug(u"Parsing xml for capabilities of %s" % URL)
                    # book search isn't mentioned in the caps xml returned by
                    # nzbplanet,jackett,oznzb,usenet-crawler, so we can't use it as a test
                    # but the newznab+ ones usually support t=book and categories in 7000 range
                    # whereas nZEDb ones don't support t=book and use categories in 8000 range
                    # also some providers give searchtype but no supportedparams, so we still
                    # can't tell what queries will be accepted
                    # also category names can be lowercase or Mixed, magazine subcat name isn't
                    # consistent, and subcat can be just subcat or category/subcat subcat > lang
                    # eg "Magazines" "Mags" or "Books/Magazines" "Mags > French" 
                    # Load all languages for now as we don't know which the user might want
                    #  set some defaults
                    provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = ''
                    provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
                    provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
                    provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                    provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
                    search = data.find('searching/search')
                    if search is not None:
                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                            if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes': 
                                provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'    
                    categories = data.getiterator('category')
                    for cat in categories:
                        if 'name' in cat.attrib:
                            if cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'books':
                                bookcat = cat.attrib['id'] # keep main bookcat for later
                                provider['BOOKCAT'] = bookcat
                                provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                                if provider['BOOKCAT'] == '7000':
                                    # looks like newznab+, should support book-search
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'books'
                                    # but check in case
                                    search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                                    if search is not None:
                                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                            if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes': 
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'books'    
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                    # looks like nZEDb, probably no book-search
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                    # but check in case
                                    search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                                    if search is not None:
                                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                            if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes': 
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'books'    
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                                for subcat in subcats:
                                    if 'ebook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                        provider['BOOKCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (provider['BOOKCAT'],subcat.attrib['id'])
                                    if  'magazines' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower() or 'mags' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                        if provider['MAGCAT']:
                                            provider['MAGCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (provider['MAGCAT'],subcat.attrib['id'])
                                            provider['MAGCAT'] = subcat.attrib['id']
                                # if no specific magazine subcategory, use books
                                if not provider['MAGCAT']:
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = bookcat
                    logger.debug("Categories: Books %s : Mags %s" % (provider['BOOKCAT'], provider['MAGCAT']))
                    provider['UPDATED'] = formatter.today()
                    logger.warn(u"Unable to get capabilities for %s: No data returned" % URL)
                logger.warn(u"Unable to get capabilities for %s: Got %s" % (URL, resp.getcode()))
    return provider
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_capabilities(provider, force=False):
    query provider for caps if none loaded yet, or if config entry is too old and not set manually.
    if not force and len(provider['UPDATED']) == 10:  # any stored values?
        match = True
        if (age(provider['UPDATED']) >
                lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CACHE_AGE']) and not provider['MANUAL']:
            logger.debug('Stored capabilities for %s are too old' %
            match = False
        match = False

    if match:
        logger.debug('Using stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
        host = provider['HOST']
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        if host[-1:] == '/':
            host = host[:-1]
        URL = host + '/api?t=caps'

        # most providers will give you caps without an api key
        logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)
        source_xml, success = fetchURL(URL)
        # If it failed, retry with api key
        if not success:
            if provider['API']:
                URL = URL + '&apikey=' + provider['API']
                logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)
                source_xml, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
            except ElementTree.ParseError:
                data = ''
                logger.debug("Error parsing xml from %s, %s" %
                             (URL, source_xml))
            logger.debug("Error getting xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
            data = ''
        if len(data):
            logger.debug("Parsing xml for capabilities of %s" % URL)

            # book search isn't mentioned in the caps xml returned by
            # nzbplanet,jackett,oznzb,usenet-crawler, so we can't use it as a test
            # but the newznab+ ones usually support t=book and categories in 7000 range
            # whereas nZEDb ones don't support t=book and use categories in 8000 range
            # also some providers give searchtype but no supportedparams, so we still
            # can't tell what queries will be accepted
            # also category names can be lowercase or Mixed, magazine subcat name isn't
            # consistent, and subcat can be just subcat or category/subcat subcat > lang
            # eg "Magazines" "Mags" or "Books/Magazines" "Mags > French"
            # Load all languages for now as we don't know which the user might want
            #  set some defaults
            provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
            provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
            provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
            provider['AUDIOCAT'] = ''
            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
            provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
            provider['AUDIOSEARCH'] = ''
            search = data.find('searching/search')
            if search is not None:
                # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                if 'available' in search.attrib:
                    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                    if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                        provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            categories = data.getiterator('category')
            for cat in categories:
                if 'name' in cat.attrib:
                    if cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'audio':
                        provider['AUDIOCAT'] = cat.attrib['id']
                        subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                        for subcat in subcats:
                            if 'audiobook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                provider['AUDIOCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (
                                    provider['AUDIOCAT'], subcat.attrib['id'])

                    elif cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'books':
                        bookcat = cat.attrib[
                            'id']  # keep main bookcat for starting magazines later
                        provider['BOOKCAT'] = bookcat
                        provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                        # set default booksearch
                        if provider['BOOKCAT'] == '7000':
                            # looks like newznab+, should support book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                            # looks like nZEDb, probably no book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                        # but check in case we got some settings back
                        search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                        if search:
                            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                            if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                                if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''

                        subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                        for subcat in subcats:
                            if 'ebook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                provider['BOOKCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (
                                    provider['BOOKCAT'], subcat.attrib['id'])
                            if 'magazines' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower(
                            ) or 'mags' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                if provider['MAGCAT']:
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = subcat.attrib['id']
                        # if no specific magazine subcategory, use books
                        if not provider['MAGCAT']:
                            provider['MAGCAT'] = bookcat
            logger.debug("Categories: Books %s : Mags %s : Audio %s" %
                         (provider['BOOKCAT'], provider['MAGCAT'],
            provider['UPDATED'] = today()
            threadname = threading.currentThread().name
            threading.currentThread().name = threadname
            logger.warn("Unable to get capabilities for %s: No data returned" %
    return provider
Exemplo n.º 4
def NewzNabPlus(book=None, provider=None, searchType=None, searchMode=None):
    Generic NewzNabplus query function
    takes in host+key+type and returns the result set regardless of who
    based on site running NewzNab+
    ref http://usenetreviewz.com/nzb-sites/

    host = provider['HOST']
    api_key = provider['API']
        '[NewzNabPlus] searchType [%s] with Host [%s] mode [%s] using api [%s] for item [%s]'
        % (searchType, host, searchMode, api_key, str(book)))

    results = []

    params = ReturnSearchTypeStructure(provider, api_key, book, searchType,

    if params:
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        if host[-1:] == '/':
            host = host[:-1]
        URL = host + '/api?' + urllib.urlencode(params)

        sterm = book['searchterm']
        if isinstance(sterm, str) and hasattr(sterm, "decode"):
            sterm = sterm.decode('utf-8')

        rootxml = None
        logger.debug("[NewzNabPlus] URL = %s" % URL)
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                rootxml = ElementTree.fromstring(result)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Error parsing data from %s: %s %s' %
                             (host, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                rootxml = None
            if not result or result == "''":
                result = "Got an empty response"
            logger.error('Error reading data from %s: %s' % (host, result))
            BlockProvider(host, result)

        if rootxml is not None:
            # to debug because of api
            logger.debug('Parsing results from <a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                         (URL, host))

            if rootxml.tag == 'error':
                errormsg = rootxml.get('description', default='unknown error')
                logger.error("%s - %s" % (host, errormsg))
                # maybe the host doesn't support the search type
                match = False
                if (provider['BOOKSEARCH'] and searchType in ["book", "shortbook"]) or \
                        (provider['AUDIOSEARCH'] and searchType in ["audio", "shortaudio"]):
                    errorlist = [
                        'no such function', 'unknown parameter',
                        'unknown function', 'bad request',
                        'incorrect parameter', 'does not support'
                    for item in errorlist:
                        if item in errormsg.lower():
                            match = True
                    if match:
                        count = 0
                        if searchType in ["book", "shortbook"]:
                            msg = 'BOOKSEARCH'
                        elif searchType in ["audio", "shortaudio"]:
                            msg = 'AUDIOSEARCH'
                            msg = ''
                        if not msg:
                                'Error trying to disable searchtype [%s] for %s'
                                % (searchType, host))
                            while count < len(lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_PROV):
                                if lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB_PROV[count][
                                        'HOST'] == provider['HOST']:
                                    if str(provider['MANUAL']) == 'False':
                                        logger.error("Disabled %s=%s for %s" %
                                                     (msg, provider[msg],
                                            msg] = ""
                                        threadname = threading.currentThread(
                                        ).name = threadname
                                            "Unable to disable %s for %s [MANUAL=%s]"
                                            % (msg, provider['HOST'],
                                count += 1
                if not match:
                    BlockProvider(provider['HOST'], errormsg)
                resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('item')
                nzbcount = 0
                maxage = check_int(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['USENET_RETENTION'], 0)
                for nzb in resultxml:
                        thisnzb = ReturnResultsFieldsBySearchType(
                            book, nzb, host, searchMode,
                        if not maxage:
                            nzbcount += 1
                            # example nzbdate format: Mon, 27 May 2013 02:12:09 +0200
                            nzbdate = thisnzb['nzbdate']
                                parts = nzbdate.split(' ')
                                nzbdate = ' '.join(
                                    parts[:5])  # strip the +0200
                                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                    "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").timetuple()
                                nzbage = age(
                                    '%04d-%02d-%02d' %
                                    (dt.tm_year, dt.tm_mon, dt.tm_mday))
                            except Exception as e:
                                    'Unable to get age from [%s] %s %s' %
                                    (thisnzb['nzbdate'], type(e).__name__,
                                nzbage = 0
                            if nzbage <= maxage:
                                nzbcount += 1
                                logger.debug('%s is too old (%s day%s)' %
                                             (thisnzb['nzbtitle'], nzbage,

                    except IndexError:
                        logger.debug('No results from %s for %s' %
                                     (host, sterm))
                logger.debug('Found %s nzb at %s for: %s' %
                             (nzbcount, host, sterm))
            logger.debug('No data returned from %s for %s' % (host, sterm))
    return results
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_capabilities(provider):
    query provider for caps if none loaded yet, or if config entry is too old and not set manually. 
    match = False
    if len(provider['UPDATED']) == 10:  # any stored values?
        match = True
        if (formatter.age(provider['UPDATED']) >
                lazylibrarian.CACHE_AGE) and not provider['MANUAL']:
            logger.debug('Stored capabilities for %s are too old' %
            match = False

    if match:
        logger.debug('Using stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
        host = provider['HOST']
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        URL = host + '/api?t=caps&apikey=' + provider['API']
        logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)

        request = urllib2.Request(URL)
        if lazylibrarian.PROXY_HOST:
        request.add_header('User-Agent', common.USER_AGENT)
        resp = ""
            resp = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30)  # don't get stuck
        except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout) as e:
            logger.debug("Error getting capabilities: %s" % e)
            resp = ""
        if resp:
            if str(resp.getcode()).startswith("2"):  # (200 OK etc)
                logger.debug(u"Got capabilities for %s" %
                    source_xml = resp.read()  # .decode('utf-8')
                    data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
                    logger.debug(u"Error getting xml from %s" % URL)
                    data = None
                if len(data):
                    logger.debug(u"Parsing xml for capabilities of %s" % URL)

                    # book search isn't mentioned in the caps xml returned by
                    # nzbplanet,jackett,oznzb,usenet-crawler, so we can't use it as a test
                    # but the newznab+ ones usually support t=book and categories in 7000 range
                    # whereas nZEDb ones don't support t=book and use categories in 8000 range
                    # also some providers give searchtype but no supportedparams, so we still
                    # can't tell what queries will be accepted
                    # also category names can be lowercase or Mixed, magazine subcat name isn't
                    # consistent, and subcat can be just subcat or category/subcat subcat > lang
                    # eg "Magazines" "Mags" or "Books/Magazines" "Mags > French"
                    # Load all languages for now as we don't know which the user might want
                    #  set some defaults
                    provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = ''
                    provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
                    provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
                    provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                    provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
                    search = data.find('searching/search')
                    if search is not None:
                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                            if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                                provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
                    categories = data.getiterator('category')
                    for cat in categories:
                        if 'name' in cat.attrib:
                            if cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'books':
                                bookcat = cat.attrib[
                                    'id']  # keep main bookcat for later
                                provider['BOOKCAT'] = bookcat
                                provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                                if provider['BOOKCAT'] == '7000':
                                    # looks like newznab+, should support book-search
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                    # but check in case
                                    search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                                    if search is not None:
                                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                            if search.attrib[
                                                    'available'] == 'yes':
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                    # looks like nZEDb, probably no book-search
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                    # but check in case
                                    search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                                    if search is not None:
                                        if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                            if search.attrib[
                                                    'available'] == 'yes':
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                                subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                                for subcat in subcats:
                                    if 'ebook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower(
                                        provider['BOOKCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (
                                    if 'magazines' in subcat.attrib[
                                            ) or 'mags' in subcat.attrib[
                                        if provider['MAGCAT']:
                                            provider['MAGCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (
                                            provider['MAGCAT'] = subcat.attrib[
                                # if no specific magazine subcategory, use books
                                if not provider['MAGCAT']:
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = bookcat
                    logger.debug("Categories: Books %s : Mags %s" %
                                 (provider['BOOKCAT'], provider['MAGCAT']))
                    provider['UPDATED'] = formatter.today()
                        u"Unable to get capabilities for %s: No data returned"
                        % URL)
                logger.warn(u"Unable to get capabilities for %s: Got %s" %
                            (URL, resp.getcode()))
    return provider
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_capabilities(provider):
    query provider for caps if none loaded yet, or if config entry is too old and not set manually.
    match = False
    if len(provider['UPDATED']) == 10:  # any stored values?
        match = True
        if (age(provider['UPDATED']) > lazylibrarian.CACHE_AGE) and not provider['MANUAL']:
            logger.debug('Stored capabilities for %s are too old' % provider['HOST'])
            match = False

    if match:
        logger.debug('Using stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
        host = provider['HOST']
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        URL = host + '/api?t=caps&apikey=' + provider['API']
        logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)

        source_xml, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
            data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
            logger.debug(u"Error getting xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
            data = ''
        if len(data):
            logger.debug(u"Parsing xml for capabilities of %s" % URL)

            # book search isn't mentioned in the caps xml returned by
            # nzbplanet,jackett,oznzb,usenet-crawler, so we can't use it as a test
            # but the newznab+ ones usually support t=book and categories in 7000 range
            # whereas nZEDb ones don't support t=book and use categories in 8000 range
            # also some providers give searchtype but no supportedparams, so we still
            # can't tell what queries will be accepted
            # also category names can be lowercase or Mixed, magazine subcat name isn't
            # consistent, and subcat can be just subcat or category/subcat subcat > lang
            # eg "Magazines" "Mags" or "Books/Magazines" "Mags > French"
            # Load all languages for now as we don't know which the user might want
            #  set some defaults
            provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
            provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
            provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
            provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
            search = data.find('searching/search')
            if search is not None:
                if 'available' in search.attrib:
                    if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                        provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            categories = data.getiterator('category')
            for cat in categories:
                if 'name' in cat.attrib:
                    if cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'books':
                        bookcat = cat.attrib['id']  # keep main bookcat for later
                        provider['BOOKCAT'] = bookcat
                        provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                        if provider['BOOKCAT'] == '7000':
                            # looks like newznab+, should support book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                            # but check in case
                            search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                            if search is not None:
                                if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                    if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                                        provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                        provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                            # looks like nZEDb, probably no book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                            # but check in case
                            search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                            if search is not None:
                                if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                    if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                                        provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                        provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                        subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                        for subcat in subcats:
                            if 'ebook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                provider['BOOKCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (provider['BOOKCAT'], subcat.attrib['id'])
                            if 'magazines' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower() or 'mags' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                if provider['MAGCAT']:
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = "%s,%s" % (provider['MAGCAT'], subcat.attrib['id'])
                                    provider['MAGCAT'] = subcat.attrib['id']
                        # if no specific magazine subcategory, use books
                        if not provider['MAGCAT']:
                            provider['MAGCAT'] = bookcat
            logger.debug("Categories: Books %s : Mags %s" % (provider['BOOKCAT'], provider['MAGCAT']))
            provider['UPDATED'] = today()
            logger.warn(u"Unable to get capabilities for %s: No data returned" % URL)
    return provider
Exemplo n.º 7
def NewzNabPlus(book=None, provider=None, searchType=None, searchMode=None, test=False):
    Generic NewzNabplus query function
    takes in host+key+type and returns the result set regardless of who
    based on site running NewzNab+
    ref http://usenetreviewz.com/nzb-sites/

    host = provider['HOST']
    api_key = provider['API']
    logger.debug('[NewzNabPlus] searchType [%s] with Host [%s] mode [%s] using api [%s] for item [%s]' % (
        searchType, host, searchMode, api_key, str(book)))

    results = []

    params = ReturnSearchTypeStructure(provider, api_key, book, searchType, searchMode)

    if params:
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        if host[-1:] == '/':
            host = host[:-1]
        URL = host + '/api?' + urlencode(params)

        sterm = makeUnicode(book['searchterm'])

        rootxml = None
        logger.debug("[NewzNabPlus] URL = %s" % URL)
        result, success = fetchURL(URL, raw=True)

        if test:
                result = result.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                result = result.decode('latin-1')
            except AttributeError:

            if result.startswith('<') and result.endswith('/>') and "error code" in result:
                result = result[1:-2]
                success = False
            if not success:
            return success, result

        if success:
                rootxml = ElementTree.fromstring(result)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Error parsing data from %s: %s %s' % (host, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                rootxml = None
                result = result.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                result = result.decode('latin-1')
            except AttributeError:

            if not result or result == "''":
                result = "Got an empty response"
            logger.error('Error reading data from %s: %s' % (host, result))
            # maybe the host doesn't support the search type
            cancelled = cancelSearchType(searchType, result, provider)
            if not cancelled:  # it was some other problem
                BlockProvider(provider['HOST'], result)

        if rootxml is not None:
            # to debug because of api
            logger.debug('Parsing results from <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (URL, host))

            if rootxml.tag == 'error':
                errormsg = rootxml.get('description', default='unknown error')
                logger.error("%s - %s" % (host, errormsg))
                # maybe the host doesn't support the search type
                cancelled = cancelSearchType(searchType, errormsg, provider)
                if not cancelled:  # it was some other problem
                    BlockProvider(provider['HOST'], errormsg)
                resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('item')
                nzbcount = 0
                maxage = check_int(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['USENET_RETENTION'], 0)
                for nzb in resultxml:
                        thisnzb = ReturnResultsFieldsBySearchType(book, nzb, host, searchMode, provider['DLPRIORITY'])
                        thisnzb['dispname'] = provider['DISPNAME']
                        if not maxage:
                            nzbcount += 1
                            # example nzbdate format: Mon, 27 May 2013 02:12:09 +0200
                            nzbdate = thisnzb['nzbdate']
                                parts = nzbdate.split(' ')
                                nzbdate = ' '.join(parts[:5])  # strip the +0200
                                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(nzbdate, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").timetuple()
                                nzbage = age('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (dt.tm_year, dt.tm_mon, dt.tm_mday))
                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.warn('Unable to get age from [%s] %s %s' %
                                            (thisnzb['nzbdate'], type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                                nzbage = 0
                            if nzbage <= maxage:
                                nzbcount += 1
                                logger.debug('%s is too old (%s day%s)' % (thisnzb['nzbtitle'], nzbage, plural(nzbage)))

                    except IndexError:
                        logger.debug('No results from %s for %s' % (host, sterm))
                logger.debug('Found %s nzb at %s for: %s' % (nzbcount, host, sterm))
            logger.debug('No data returned from %s for %s' % (host, sterm))
    return results
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_capabilities(provider, force=False):
    query provider for caps if none loaded yet, or if config entry is too old and not set manually.
    if not force and len(provider['UPDATED']) == 10:  # any stored values?
        match = True
        if (age(provider['UPDATED']) > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CACHE_AGE']) and not provider['MANUAL']:
            logger.debug('Stored capabilities for %s are too old' % provider['HOST'])
            match = False
        match = False

    if match:
        logger.debug('Using stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
        host = provider['HOST']
        if not str(host)[:4] == "http":
            host = 'http://' + host
        if host[-1:] == '/':
            host = host[:-1]
        URL = host + '/api?t=caps'

        # most providers will give you caps without an api key
        logger.debug('Requesting capabilities for %s' % URL)
        source_xml, success = fetchURL(URL, raw=True)
        data = None
        if not success:
            logger.debug("Error getting xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
                data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
                if data.tag == 'error':
                    logger.debug("Unable to get capabilities: %s" % data.attrib)
                    success = False
            except (ElementTree.ParseError, UnicodeEncodeError):
                logger.debug("Error parsing xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
                success = False
        if not success:
            # If it failed, retry with api key
            if provider['API']:
                URL = URL + '&apikey=' + provider['API']
                logger.debug('Retrying capabilities with apikey for %s' % URL)
                source_xml, success = fetchURL(URL, raw=True)
                if not success:
                    logger.debug("Error getting xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
                        data = ElementTree.fromstring(source_xml)
                        if data.tag == 'error':
                            logger.debug("Unable to get capabilities: %s" % data.attrib)
                            success = False
                    except (ElementTree.ParseError, UnicodeEncodeError):
                        logger.debug("Error parsing xml from %s, %s" % (URL, source_xml))
                        success = False
                logger.debug('Unable to retry capabilities, no apikey for %s' % URL)

        if not success:
            logger.warn("Unable to get capabilities for %s: No data returned" % URL)
            # might be a temporary error
            if provider['BOOKCAT'] or provider['MAGCAT'] or provider['AUDIOCAT']:
                logger.debug('Using old stored capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
                # or might be provider doesn't do caps
                logger.debug('Using default capabilities for %s' % provider['HOST'])
                provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
                provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
                provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
                provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
                provider['AUDIOCAT'] = ''
                provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
                provider['AUDIOSEARCH'] = ''
                provider['UPDATED'] = today()
        elif data is not None:
            logger.debug("Parsing xml for capabilities of %s" % URL)
            # book search isn't mentioned in the caps xml returned by
            # nzbplanet,jackett,oznzb,usenet-crawler, so we can't use it as a test
            # but the newznab+ ones usually support t=book and categories in 7000 range
            # whereas nZEDb ones don't support t=book and use categories in 8000 range
            # also some providers give searchtype but no supportedparams, so we still
            # can't tell what queries will be accepted
            # also category names can be lowercase or Mixed, magazine subcat name isn't
            # consistent, and subcat can be just subcat or category/subcat subcat > lang
            # eg "Magazines" "Mags" or "Books/Magazines" "Mags > French"
            # Load all languages for now as we don't know which the user might want
            #  set some defaults
            provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            provider['EXTENDED'] = '1'
            provider['BOOKCAT'] = ''
            provider['MAGCAT'] = ''
            provider['AUDIOCAT'] = ''
            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
            provider['MAGSEARCH'] = ''
            provider['AUDIOSEARCH'] = ''
            search = data.find('searching/search')
            if search is not None:
                # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                if 'available' in search.attrib:
                    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                    if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                        provider['GENERALSEARCH'] = 'search'
            categories = data.getiterator('category')
            for cat in categories:
                if 'name' in cat.attrib:
                    if cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'audio':
                        provider['AUDIOCAT'] = cat.attrib['id']
                        subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                        for subcat in subcats:
                            if 'audiobook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                provider['AUDIOCAT'] = subcat.attrib['id']

                    elif cat.attrib['name'].lower() == 'books':
                        provider['BOOKCAT'] = cat.attrib['id']
                        # if no specific magazine subcategory, use books
                        provider['MAGCAT'] = cat.attrib['id']
                        # set default booksearch
                        if provider['BOOKCAT'] == '7000':
                            # looks like newznab+, should support book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                            # looks like nZEDb, probably no book-search
                            provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''
                        # but check in case we got some settings back
                        search = data.find('searching/book-search')
                        if search:
                            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                            if 'available' in search.attrib:
                                # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
                                if search.attrib['available'] == 'yes':
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = 'book'
                                    provider['BOOKSEARCH'] = ''

                        # subcategories override main category (not in addition to)
                        # but allow multile subcategories (mags->english, mags->french)
                        subcats = cat.getiterator('subcat')
                        ebooksubs = ''
                        magsubs = ''
                        for subcat in subcats:
                            if 'ebook' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                if ebooksubs:
                                    ebooksubs = ebooksubs + ','
                                ebooksubs = ebooksubs + subcat.attrib['id']
                            if 'magazines' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower() or 'mags' in subcat.attrib['name'].lower():
                                if magsubs:
                                    magsubs = magsubs + ','
                                magsubs = magsubs + subcat.attrib['id']
                        if ebooksubs:
                            provider['BOOKCAT'] = ebooksubs
                        if magsubs:
                            provider['MAGCAT'] = magsubs
            logger.info("Categories: Books %s : Mags %s : Audio %s : BookSearch '%s'" %
                        (provider['BOOKCAT'], provider['MAGCAT'], provider['AUDIOCAT'], provider['BOOKSEARCH']))
            provider['UPDATED'] = today()
    return provider