Exemplo n.º 1
def setTorrentPath(result):
    logger.debug('Deluge: Setting download path')
    if not any(delugeweb_auth):

    if lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download'):
        post_data = json.dumps({"method": "core.set_torrent_move_completed",
                                "params": [result['hash'], True],
                                "id": 7})
        post_data = post_data.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        _ = requests.post(delugeweb_url, data=post_data, cookies=delugeweb_auth, headers=headers)

        move_to = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download')

        if not os.path.exists(move_to):
            logger.debug('Deluge: %s directory doesn\'t exist, let\'s create it' % move_to)
        post_data = json.dumps({"method": "core.set_torrent_move_completed_path",
                                "params": [result['hash'], move_to],
                                "id": 8})
        post_data = post_data.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        response = requests.post(delugeweb_url, data=post_data, cookies=delugeweb_auth, headers=headers)

        return not json.loads(response.text)['error']

    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def addTorrent(link, directory=None):
    method = 'torrent-add'
    if directory is None:
        directory = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download')
    arguments = {'filename': link, 'download-dir': directory}

    response = torrentAction(method, arguments)  # type: dict

    if not response:
        return False

    if response['result'] == 'success':
        if 'torrent-added' in response['arguments']:
            retid = response['arguments']['torrent-added']['id']
        elif 'torrent-duplicate' in response['arguments']:
            retid = response['arguments']['torrent-duplicate']['id']
            retid = False

        logger.debug("Torrent sent to Transmission successfully")
        return retid

        logger.debug('Transmission returned status %s' % response['result'])
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def addTorrent(link, directory=None):
    method = 'torrent-add'
    # print type(link), link
    # if link.endswith('.torrent'):
    #    with open(link, 'rb') as f:
    #        metainfo = str(base64.b64encode(f.read()))
    #    arguments = {'metainfo': metainfo }
    # else:
    if directory is None:
        directory = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download')
    arguments = {'filename': link, 'download-dir': directory}

    response = torrentAction(method, arguments)

    if not response:
        return False

    if response['result'] == 'success':
        if 'torrent-added' in response['arguments']:
            retid = response['arguments']['torrent-added']['id']
        elif 'torrent-duplicate' in response['arguments']:
            retid = response['arguments']['torrent-duplicate']['id']
            retid = False

        logger.debug(u"Torrent sent to Transmission successfully")
        return retid

        logger.debug('Transmission returned status %s' % response['result'])
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def addTorrent(link, hashid):
    logger.debug('addTorrent(%s)' % link)

    qbclient = qbittorrentclient()
    args = {'savepath': lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download')}
    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['QBITTORRENT_LABEL']:
        if 6 < qbclient.api < 10:
            args['label'] = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['QBITTORRENT_LABEL']
        elif qbclient.api >= 10:
            args['category'] = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['QBITTORRENT_LABEL']
    logger.debug('addTorrent args(%s)' % args)
    args['urls'] = link
    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    if qbclient._command('command/download', args, 'multipart/form-data'):
        return True
    # sometimes returns "Fails." when it hasn't failed, so look if hashid was added correctly
    logger.debug("qBittorrent: addTorrent thinks it failed")
    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    torrents = qbclient._get_list()
    if hashid.upper() in str(torrents).upper():
            "qBittorrent: hashid found in torrent list, assume success")
        return True
        "qBittorrent: hashid not found in torrent list, addTorrent failed")
    return False
Exemplo n.º 5
def addTorrent(link):
    logger.debug('addTorrent(%s)' % link)

    qbclient = qbittorrentclient()
    args = {'urls': link, 'savepath': lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download')}
    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['QBITTORRENT_LABEL']:
        args['label'] = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['QBITTORRENT_LABEL']
    return qbclient._command('command/download', args,
Exemplo n.º 6
def DirectDownloadMethod(bookid=None, tor_title=None, tor_url=None, bookname=None):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    downloadID = False
    Source = "DIRECT"
    full_url = tor_url  # keep the url as stored in "wanted" table

    request = urllib2.Request(ur'%s' % tor_url)
    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['PROXY_HOST']:
        request.set_proxy(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['PROXY_HOST'], lazylibrarian.CONFIG['PROXY_TYPE'])
    request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
    request.add_header('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=90)
        if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
            buf = StringIO(response.read())
            f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
            fdata = f.read()
            fdata = response.read()
        bookname = '.'.join(bookname.rsplit(' ', 1))  # last word is the extension
        logger.debug("File download got %s bytes for %s/%s" % (len(fdata), tor_title, bookname))
        destdir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download'), tor_title)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno is not 17:  # directory already exists is ok. Using errno because of different languages
                logger.debug("Error creating directory %s, %s" % (destdir, e.strerror))

        destfile = os.path.join(destdir, bookname)
            with open(destfile, 'wb') as bookfile:
            downloadID = True
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("Error writing book to %s, %s" % (destfile, str(e)))

    except socket.timeout:
        logger.warn('Timeout fetching file from url: %s' % tor_url)
        return False
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        logger.warn('Error fetching file from url: %s, %s' % (tor_url, e.reason))
        return False

    if downloadID:
        logger.debug(u'File %s has been downloaded from %s' % (tor_title, tor_url))
        myDB.action('UPDATE books SET status = "Snatched" WHERE BookID="%s"' % bookid)
        myDB.action('UPDATE wanted SET status = "Snatched", Source = "%s", DownloadID = "%s" WHERE NZBurl="%s"' %
                    (Source, downloadID, full_url))
        return True
        logger.error(u'Failed to download file @ <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (full_url, tor_url))
        myDB.action('UPDATE wanted SET status = "Failed" WHERE NZBurl="%s"' % full_url)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 7
def DirectDownloadMethod(bookid=None, tor_title=None, tor_url=None, bookname=None, library='eBook'):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    downloadID = False
    Source = "DIRECT"

    logger.debug("Starting Direct Download for [%s]" % bookname)
    proxies = proxyList()
    headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}
        r = requests.get(tor_url, headers=headers, timeout=90, proxies=proxies)
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
        logger.warn('Timeout fetching file from url: %s' % tor_url)
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
            logger.warn('%s fetching file from url: %s, %s' % (type(e).__name__, tor_url, e.reason))
            logger.warn('%s fetching file from url: %s, %s' % (type(e).__name__, tor_url, str(e)))
        return False

    bookname = '.'.join(bookname.rsplit(' ', 1))  # last word is the extension
    logger.debug("File download got %s bytes for %s/%s" % (len(r.content), tor_title, bookname))
    destdir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download'), tor_title)
    except OSError as e:
        if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
            logger.debug("Error creating directory %s, %s" % (destdir, e))

    destfile = os.path.join(destdir, bookname)
        with open(destfile, 'wb') as bookfile:
        downloadID = True
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("%s writing book to %s, %s" % (type(e).__name__, destfile, e))

    if downloadID:
        logger.debug('File %s has been downloaded from %s' % (tor_title, tor_url))
        if library == 'eBook':
            myDB.action('UPDATE books SET status="Snatched" WHERE BookID=?', (bookid,))
        elif library == 'AudioBook':
            myDB.action('UPDATE books SET audiostatus="Snatched" WHERE BookID=?', (bookid,))
        myDB.action('UPDATE wanted SET status="Snatched", Source=?, DownloadID=? WHERE NZBurl=?',
                    (Source, downloadID, tor_url))
        return True
        logger.error('Failed to download file @ <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (tor_url, tor_url))
        myDB.action('UPDATE wanted SET status="Failed" WHERE NZBurl=?', (tor_url,))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 8
def bookRename(bookid):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    cmd = 'select AuthorName,BookName,BookFile from books,authors where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and bookid=?'
    exists = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
    if not exists:
        logger.debug("Invalid bookid in bookRename %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    f = exists['BookFile']
    if not f:
        logger.debug("No filename for %s in BookRename %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    r = os.path.dirname(f)
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        calibreid = r.rsplit('(', 1)[1].split(')')[0]
        if not calibreid.isdigit():
            calibreid = ''
    except IndexError:
        calibreid = ''

    if calibreid:
        msg = '[%s] looks like a calibre directory: not renaming book' % os.path.basename(r)
        return f

    seriesinfo = seriesInfo(bookid)
    dest_path = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER'].replace(
        '$Author', exists['AuthorName']).replace(
        '$Title', exists['BookName']).replace(
        '$Series', seriesinfo['Full']).replace(
        '$SerName', seriesinfo['Name']).replace(
        '$SerNum', seriesinfo['Num']).replace(
        '$$', ' ')
    dest_path = ' '.join(dest_path.split()).strip()
    dest_path = replace_all(dest_path, __dic__)
    dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
    dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_path)

    if r != dest_path:
            dest_path = safe_move(r, dest_path)
            r = dest_path
        except Exception as why:
            if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
                logger.error('Unable to create directory %s: %s' % (dest_path, why))

    book_basename, prefextn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))
    new_basename = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_DEST_FILE']

    seriesinfo = seriesInfo(bookid)
    new_basename = new_basename.replace(
        '$Author', exists['AuthorName']).replace(
        '$Title', exists['BookName']).replace(
        '$Series', seriesinfo['Full']).replace(
        '$SerName', seriesinfo['Name']).replace(
        '$SerNum', seriesinfo['Num']).replace(
        '$$', ' ')
    new_basename = ' '.join(new_basename.split()).strip()

    # replace all '/' not surrounded by whitespace with '_' as '/' is a directory separator
    slash = new_basename.find('/')
    while slash > 0:
        if new_basename[slash - 1] != ' ':
            if new_basename[slash + 1] != ' ':
                new_basename = new_basename[:slash] + '_' + new_basename[slash + 1:]
        slash = new_basename.find('/', slash + 1)

    if ' / ' in new_basename:  # used as a separator in goodreads omnibus
        logger.warn("bookRename [%s] looks like an omnibus? Not renaming %s" % (new_basename, book_basename))
        new_basename = book_basename

    if book_basename != new_basename:
        # only rename bookname.type, bookname.jpg, bookname.opf, not cover.jpg or metadata.opf
        for fname in os.listdir(makeBytestr(r)):
            fname = makeUnicode(fname)
            extn = ''
            if is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype='ebook'):
                extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
            elif fname.endswith('.opf') and not fname == 'metadata.opf':
                extn = '.opf'
            elif fname.endswith('.jpg') and not fname == 'cover.jpg':
                extn = '.jpg'
            if extn:
                ofname = os.path.join(r, fname)
                nfname = os.path.join(r, new_basename + extn)
                    nfname = safe_move(ofname, nfname)
                    logger.debug("bookRename %s to %s" % (ofname, nfname))
                    if ofname == exists['BookFile']:  # if we renamed the preferred filetype, return new name
                        f = nfname
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error('Unable to rename [%s] to [%s] %s %s' %
                                 (ofname, nfname, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
    return f
Exemplo n.º 9
def calibredb(cmd=None, prelib=None, postlib=None):
    """ calibre-server needs to be started with --enable-auth and needs user/password to add/remove books
        only basic features are available without auth. calibre_server should look like  http://address:port/#library
        default library is used if no #library in the url
        or calibredb can talk to the database file as long as there is no running calibre """

    if not lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB']:
        return "No calibredb set in config", '', 1

    params = [lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB'], cmd]
    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USE_SERVER']:
        dest_url = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_SERVER']
        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USER'] and lazylibrarian.CONFIG[
                '--username', lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USER'],
                '--password', lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_PASS']
        dest_url = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
    if prelib:

    if cmd != "--version":
        params.extend(['--with-library', '%s' % dest_url])
    if postlib:
    res = ''

        p = Popen(params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        res, err = p.communicate()
        rc = p.returncode
        if rc:
            if 'Errno 111' in err:
                logger.debug("calibredb returned %s: Connection refused" % rc)
                logger.debug("calibredb returned %s: res[%s] err[%s]" %
                             (rc, res, err))
    except Exception as e:
        err = "calibredb exception: %s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e))
        rc = 1

    if rc and dest_url.startswith('http') and not res.startswith('Forbidden'):
        # if not forbidden (auth issue), might be no server running, retry using file
        params = [lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB'], cmd]
        if prelib:
        dest_url = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
        params.extend(['--with-library', dest_url])
        if postlib:
            q = Popen(params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
            res, err = q.communicate()
            rc = q.returncode
            if rc:
                logger.debug("calibredb retry returned %s: res[%s] err[%s]" %
                             (rc, res, err))
        except Exception as e:
            err = "calibredb retry exception: %s %s" % (type(e).__name__,
            rc = 1
    if rc:
        return res, err, rc
        return res, dest_url, 0
Exemplo n.º 10
def DirectDownloadMethod(bookid=None,
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    downloadID = False
    Source = "DIRECT"

    logger.debug("Starting Direct Download for [%s]" % dl_title)
    proxies = proxyList()
    headers = {'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}
        r = requests.get(dl_url, headers=headers, timeout=90, proxies=proxies)
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
        logger.warn('Timeout fetching file from url: %s' % dl_url)
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
            logger.warn('%s fetching file from url: %s, %s' %
                        (type(e).__name__, dl_url, e.reason))
            logger.warn('%s fetching file from url: %s, %s' %
                        (type(e).__name__, dl_url, str(e)))
        return False

    if not str(r.status_code).startswith('2'):
        logger.debug("Got a %s response for %s" % (r.status_code, dl_url))
    elif len(r.content) < 1000:
        logger.debug("Only got %s bytes for %s, rejecting" %
                     (len(r.content), dl_title))
        extn = ''
        basename = ''
        if ' ' in dl_title:
            basename, extn = dl_title.rsplit(
                ' ', 1)  # last word is often the extension - but not always...
        if extn and extn in getList(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_TYPE']):
            dl_title = '.'.join(dl_title.rsplit(' ', 1))
        elif magic:
            mtype = magic.from_buffer(r.content)
            if 'EPUB' in mtype:
                extn = '.epub'
            elif 'Mobipocket' in mtype:  # also true for azw and azw3, does it matter?
                extn = '.mobi'
            elif 'PDF' in mtype:
                extn = '.pdf'
                logger.debug("magic reports %s" % mtype)
            basename = dl_title
            logger.warn("Don't know the filetype for %s" % dl_title)
            basename = dl_title

        logger.debug("File download got %s bytes for %s" %
                     (len(r.content), dl_title))
        destdir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download'), basename)
        # destdir = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Download'), '%s LL.(%s)' % (basename, bookid))
        if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
            _ = mymakedirs(destdir)

            hashid = dl_url.split("md5=")[1].split("&")[0]
        except IndexError:
            hashid = sha1(encode(dl_url)).hexdigest()

        destfile = os.path.join(destdir, basename + extn)
            with open(destfile, 'wb') as bookfile:
            downloadID = hashid
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("%s writing book to %s, %s" %
                         (type(e).__name__, destfile, e))

    if downloadID:
        logger.debug('File %s has been downloaded from %s' %
                     (dl_title, dl_url))
        if library == 'eBook':
            myDB.action('UPDATE books SET status="Snatched" WHERE BookID=?',
                        (bookid, ))
        elif library == 'AudioBook':
                'UPDATE books SET audiostatus="Snatched" WHERE BookID=?',
                (bookid, ))
            'UPDATE wanted SET status="Snatched", Source=?, DownloadID=? WHERE NZBurl=?',
            (Source, downloadID, dl_url))
        return True
        logger.error('Failed to download file @ <a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                     (dl_url, dl_url))
        myDB.action('UPDATE wanted SET status="Failed" WHERE NZBurl=?',
                    (dl_url, ))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 11
def bookRename(bookid):
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    cmd = 'select AuthorName,BookName,BookFile from books,authors where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and bookid=?'
    exists = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
    if not exists:
        logger.debug("Invalid bookid in bookRename %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    f = exists['BookFile']
    if not f:
        logger.debug("No filename for %s in BookRename %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    r = os.path.dirname(f)
    if not lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_RENAME']:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            calibreid = r.rsplit('(', 1)[1].split(')')[0]
            if not calibreid.isdigit():
                calibreid = ''
        except IndexError:
            calibreid = ''

        if calibreid:
            msg = '[%s] looks like a calibre directory: not renaming book' % os.path.basename(r)
            return f

    reject = multibook(r)
    if reject:
        logger.debug("Not renaming %s, found multiple %s" % (f, reject))
        return f

    seriesinfo = nameVars(bookid)
    dest_path = seriesinfo['FolderName']
    dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
    dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_path)
    dest_path = stripspaces(dest_path)
    oldpath = r

    if oldpath != dest_path:
            dest_path = safe_move(oldpath, dest_path)
        except Exception as why:
            if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
                logger.error('Unable to create directory %s: %s' % (dest_path, why))

    book_basename, prefextn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))
    new_basename = seriesinfo['BookFile']

    if ' / ' in new_basename:  # used as a separator in goodreads omnibus
        logger.warn("bookRename [%s] looks like an omnibus? Not renaming %s" % (new_basename, book_basename))
        new_basename = book_basename

    if book_basename != new_basename:
        # only rename bookname.type, bookname.jpg, bookname.opf, not cover.jpg or metadata.opf
        for fname in os.listdir(makeBytestr(dest_path)):
            fname = makeUnicode(fname)
            extn = ''
            if is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype='ebook'):
                extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
            elif fname.endswith('.opf') and not fname == 'metadata.opf':
                extn = '.opf'
            elif fname.endswith('.jpg') and not fname == 'cover.jpg':
                extn = '.jpg'
            if extn:
                ofname = os.path.join(dest_path, fname)
                nfname = os.path.join(dest_path, new_basename + extn)
                if ofname != nfname:
                        nfname = safe_move(ofname, nfname)
                        logger.debug("bookRename %s to %s" % (ofname, nfname))
                        oldname = os.path.join(oldpath, fname)
                        if oldname == exists['BookFile']:  # if we renamed/moved the preferred file, return new name
                            f = nfname
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.error('Unable to rename [%s] to [%s] %s %s' %
                                     (ofname, nfname, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
    return f
Exemplo n.º 12
def magazineScan():
    lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 1
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        mag_path = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DEST_FOLDER']
        mag_path = mag_path.split('$')[0]

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_RELATIVE']:
            if mag_path[0] not in '._':
                mag_path = '_' + mag_path
            mag_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook'), mag_path)

        mag_path = mag_path.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['FULL_SCAN']:
            mags = myDB.select('select * from Issues')
            # check all the issues are still there, delete entry if not
            for mag in mags:
                title = mag['Title']
                issuedate = mag['IssueDate']
                issuefile = mag['IssueFile']

                if issuefile and not os.path.isfile(issuefile):
                    myDB.action('DELETE from Issues where issuefile=?',
                                (issuefile, ))
                    logger.info('Issue %s - %s deleted as not found on disk' %
                                (title, issuedate))
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "LastAcquired": None,  # clear magazine dates
                        "IssueDate": None,  # we will fill them in again later
                        "LatestCover": None,
                        "Skipped"  # assume there are no issues now
                    myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                    logger.debug('Magazine %s details reset' % title)

            mags = myDB.select('SELECT * from magazines')
            # now check the magazine titles and delete any with no issues
            for mag in mags:
                title = mag['Title']
                count = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT COUNT(Title) as counter FROM issues WHERE Title=?',
                    (title, ))
                issues = count[0]['counter']
                if not issues:
                    logger.debug('Magazine %s deleted as no issues found' %
                    myDB.action('DELETE from magazines WHERE Title=?',
                                (title, ))

        logger.info(' Checking [%s] for magazines' % mag_path)

        matchString = ''
        for char in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DEST_FILE']:
            matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
        # massage the MAG_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
        # with regular expression matching
        booktypes = ''
        count = -1
        booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_TYPE'])
        for book_type in booktype_list:
            count += 1
            if count == 0:
                booktypes = book_type
                booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
        match = matchString.replace(
            "\\$\\I\\s\\s\\u\\e\\D\\a\\t\\e", "(?P<issuedate>.*?)").replace(
                "(?P<title>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        title_pattern = re.compile(match, re.VERBOSE)
        match = matchString.replace(
            "\\$\\I\\s\\s\\u\\e\\D\\a\\t\\e", "(?P<issuedate>.*?)").replace(
                "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        date_pattern = re.compile(match, re.VERBOSE)

        # try to ensure startdir is str as os.walk can fail if it tries to convert a subdir or file
        # to utf-8 and fails (eg scandinavian characters in ascii 8bit)
        for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(makeBytestr(mag_path)):
            rootdir = makeUnicode(rootdir)
            filenames = [makeUnicode(item) for item in filenames]
            for fname in filenames:
                # maybe not all magazines will be pdf?
                if is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype='mag'):
                    issuedate = ''
                    # noinspection PyBroadException
                        match = title_pattern.match(fname)
                        if match:
                            issuedate = match.group("issuedate")
                            title = match.group("title")
                            match = True
                            match = False
                    except Exception:
                        match = False

                    if not match:
                            match = date_pattern.match(fname)
                            if match:
                                issuedate = match.group("issuedate")
                                title = os.path.basename(rootdir)
                                logger.debug("Pattern match failed for [%s]" %
                        except Exception as e:
                            logger.debug("Invalid name format for [%s] %s %s" %
                                         (fname, type(e).__name__, str(e)))

                    logger.debug("Found %s Issue %s" % (title, fname))

                    issuefile = os.path.join(rootdir,
                                             fname)  # full path to issue.pdf
                    mtime = os.path.getmtime(issuefile)
                    iss_acquired = datetime.date.isoformat(

                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}

                    # is this magazine already in the database?
                    mag_entry = myDB.match(
                        'SELECT LastAcquired, IssueDate, MagazineAdded from magazines WHERE Title=?',
                        (title, ))
                    if not mag_entry:
                        # need to add a new magazine to the database
                        newValueDict = {
                            "Reject": None,
                            "Status": "Active",
                            "MagazineAdded": None,
                            "LastAcquired": None,
                            "LatestCover": None,
                            "IssueDate": None,
                            "IssueStatus": "Skipped",
                            "Regex": None
                        logger.debug("Adding magazine %s" % title)
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,
                        magissuedate = None
                        magazineadded = None
                        maglastacquired = mag_entry['LastAcquired']
                        magissuedate = mag_entry['IssueDate']
                        magazineadded = mag_entry['MagazineAdded']
                        magissuedate = str(magissuedate).zfill(4)

                    issuedate = str(issuedate).zfill(
                        4)  # for sorting issue numbers

                    # is this issue already in the database?
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title, "IssueDate": issuedate}
                    issue_id = create_id("%s %s" % (title, issuedate))
                    iss_entry = myDB.match(
                        'SELECT Title from issues WHERE Title=? and IssueDate=?',
                        (title, issuedate))
                    if not iss_entry:
                        newValueDict = {
                            "IssueAcquired": iss_acquired,
                            "IssueID": issue_id,
                            "IssueFile": issuefile
                        myDB.upsert("Issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                        logger.debug("Adding issue %s %s" % (title, issuedate))

                        issuefile, title, issuedate, issue_id)

                    # see if this issues date values are useful
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}
                    if not mag_entry:  # new magazine, this is the only issue
                        newValueDict = {
                            "MagazineAdded": iss_acquired,
                            "LastAcquired": iss_acquired,
                            os.path.splitext(issuefile)[0] + '.jpg',
                            "IssueDate": issuedate,
                            "IssueStatus": "Open"
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,
                        # Set magazine_issuedate to issuedate of most recent issue we have
                        # Set latestcover to most recent issue cover
                        # Set magazine_added to acquired date of earliest issue we have
                        # Set magazine_lastacquired to acquired date of most recent issue we have
                        # acquired dates are read from magazine file timestamps
                        newValueDict = {"IssueStatus": "Open"}
                        if not magazineadded or iss_acquired < magazineadded:
                            newValueDict["MagazineAdded"] = iss_acquired
                        if not maglastacquired or iss_acquired > maglastacquired:
                            newValueDict["LastAcquired"] = iss_acquired
                        if not magissuedate or issuedate >= magissuedate:
                            newValueDict["IssueDate"] = issuedate
                            newValueDict["LatestCover"] = os.path.splitext(
                                issuefile)[0] + '.jpg'
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,

        magcount = myDB.match("select count(*) from magazines")
        isscount = myDB.match("select count(*) from issues")

        logger.info("Magazine scan complete, found %s magazine%s, %s issue%s" %
                    (magcount['count(*)'], plural(magcount['count(*)']),
                     isscount['count(*)'], plural(isscount['count(*)'])))
        lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 0

    except Exception:
        lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 0
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in magazineScan: %s' %
Exemplo n.º 13
def magazineScan(title=None):
    lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 1

    # noinspection PyBroadException
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        onetitle = title
        if onetitle:
            mag_path = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DEST_FOLDER'].replace(
                '$Title', onetitle)
            mag_path = os.path.dirname(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DEST_FOLDER'])

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_RELATIVE']:
            mag_path = os.path.join(lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook'), mag_path)
        if PY2:
            mag_path = mag_path.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['FULL_SCAN'] and not onetitle:
            mags = myDB.select('select * from Issues')
            # check all the issues are still there, delete entry if not
            for mag in mags:
                title = mag['Title']
                issuedate = mag['IssueDate']
                issuefile = mag['IssueFile']

                if issuefile and not os.path.isfile(issuefile):
                    myDB.action('DELETE from Issues where issuefile=?',
                                (issuefile, ))
                    logger.info('Issue %s - %s deleted as not found on disk' %
                                (title, issuedate))
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "LastAcquired": None,  # clear magazine dates
                        "IssueDate": None,  # we will fill them in again later
                        "LatestCover": None,
                        "Skipped"  # assume there are no issues now
                    myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                    logger.debug('Magazine %s details reset' % title)

            # now check the magazine titles and delete any with no issues
            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DELFOLDER']:
                mags = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT Title,count(Title) as counter from issues group by Title'
                for mag in mags:
                    title = mag['Title']
                    issues = mag['counter']
                    if not issues:
                        logger.debug('Magazine %s deleted as no issues found' %
                        myDB.action('DELETE from magazines WHERE Title=?',
                                    (title, ))

        logger.info(' Checking [%s] for magazines' % mag_path)

        matchString = ''
        for char in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_DEST_FILE']:
            matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
        # massage the MAG_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
        # with regular expression matching
        booktypes = ''
        count = -1
        booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_TYPE'])
        for book_type in booktype_list:
            count += 1
            if count == 0:
                booktypes = book_type
                booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
        match = matchString.replace(
            "\\$\\I\\s\\s\\u\\e\\D\\a\\t\\e", "(?P<issuedate>.*?)").replace(
                "(?P<title>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        title_pattern = re.compile(match, re.VERBOSE)
        match = matchString.replace(
            "\\$\\I\\s\\s\\u\\e\\D\\a\\t\\e", "(?P<issuedate>.*?)").replace(
                "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        date_pattern = re.compile(match, re.VERBOSE)

        # try to ensure startdir is str as os.walk can fail if it tries to convert a subdir or file
        # to utf-8 and fails (eg scandinavian characters in ascii 8bit)
        for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(makeBytestr(mag_path)):
            rootdir = makeUnicode(rootdir)
            filenames = [makeUnicode(item) for item in filenames]
            for fname in filenames:
                # maybe not all magazines will be pdf?
                if is_valid_booktype(fname, booktype='mag'):
                    issuedate = ''
                    # noinspection PyBroadException
                        match = title_pattern.match(fname)
                        if match:
                            title = match.group("title")
                            issuedate = match.group("issuedate")
                            if lazylibrarian.LOGLEVEL & lazylibrarian.log_magdates:
                                logger.debug("Title pattern [%s][%s]" %
                                             (title, issuedate))
                            match = True
                                "Title pattern match failed for [%s]" % fname)
                    except Exception:
                        match = False

                    if not match:
                        # noinspection PyBroadException
                            match = date_pattern.match(fname)
                            if match:
                                issuedate = match.group("issuedate")
                                title = os.path.basename(rootdir)
                                if lazylibrarian.LOGLEVEL & lazylibrarian.log_magdates:
                                    logger.debug("Date pattern [%s][%s]" %
                                                 (title, issuedate))
                                match = True
                                    "Date pattern match failed for [%s]" %
                        except Exception:
                            match = False

                    if not match:
                        title = os.path.basename(rootdir)
                        issuedate = ''

                    dic = {
                        '.': ' ',
                        '-': ' ',
                        '/': ' ',
                        '+': ' ',
                        '_': ' ',
                        '(': '',
                        ')': '',
                        '[': ' ',
                        ']': ' ',
                        '#': '# '
                    if issuedate:
                        exploded = replace_all(issuedate, dic).split()
                        regex_pass, issuedate, year = lazylibrarian.searchmag.get_issue_date(
                        if lazylibrarian.LOGLEVEL & lazylibrarian.log_magdates:
                            logger.debug("Date regex [%s][%s][%s]" %
                                         (regex_pass, issuedate, year))
                        if not regex_pass:
                            issuedate = ''

                    if not issuedate:
                        exploded = replace_all(fname, dic).split()
                        regex_pass, issuedate, year = lazylibrarian.searchmag.get_issue_date(
                        if lazylibrarian.LOGLEVEL & lazylibrarian.log_magdates:
                            logger.debug("File regex [%s][%s][%s]" %
                                         (regex_pass, issuedate, year))
                        if not regex_pass:
                            issuedate = ''

                    if not issuedate:
                        logger.warn("Invalid name format for [%s]" % fname)

                    issuefile = os.path.join(rootdir,
                                             fname)  # full path to issue.pdf
                    mtime = os.path.getmtime(issuefile)
                    iss_acquired = datetime.date.isoformat(

                    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MAG_RENAME']:
                        filedate = issuedate
                        if issuedate and issuedate.isdigit():
                            if len(issuedate) == 8:
                                if check_year(issuedate[:4]):
                                    filedate = 'Issue %d %s' % (int(
                                        issuedate[4:]), issuedate[:4])
                                    filedate = 'Vol %d Iss %d' % (int(
                                        issuedate[:4]), int(issuedate[4:]))
                            elif len(issuedate) == 12:
                                filedate = 'Vol %d Iss %d %s' % (int(
                                    issuedate[4:8]), int(
                                        issuedate[8:]), issuedate[:4])
                                filedate = str(issuedate).zfill(4)

                        extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
                        newfname = lazylibrarian.CONFIG[
                            'MAG_DEST_FILE'].replace('$Title', title).replace(
                                '$IssueDate', filedate)
                        newfname = newfname + extn
                        if newfname and newfname != fname:
                            logger.debug("Rename %s -> %s" % (fname, newfname))
                            newissuefile = os.path.join(rootdir, newfname)
                            newissuefile = safe_move(issuefile, newissuefile)
                            if os.path.exists(issuefile.replace(extn, '.jpg')):
                                safe_move(issuefile.replace(extn, '.jpg'),
                                          newissuefile.replace(extn, '.jpg'))
                            if os.path.exists(issuefile.replace(extn, '.opf')):
                                safe_move(issuefile.replace(extn, '.opf'),
                                          newissuefile.replace(extn, '.opf'))
                            issuefile = newissuefile

                    logger.debug("Found %s Issue %s" % (title, issuedate))
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}

                    # is this magazine already in the database?
                    mag_entry = myDB.match(
                        'SELECT LastAcquired,IssueDate,MagazineAdded,CoverPage from magazines WHERE Title=?',
                        (title, ))
                    if not mag_entry:
                        # need to add a new magazine to the database
                        newValueDict = {
                            "Reject": None,
                            "Status": "Active",
                            "MagazineAdded": None,
                            "LastAcquired": None,
                            "LatestCover": None,
                            "IssueDate": None,
                            "IssueStatus": "Skipped",
                            "Regex": None,
                            "CoverPage": 1
                        logger.debug("Adding magazine %s" % title)
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,
                        magissuedate = None
                        magazineadded = None
                        maglastacquired = None
                        magcoverpage = 1
                        maglastacquired = mag_entry['LastAcquired']
                        magissuedate = mag_entry['IssueDate']
                        magazineadded = mag_entry['MagazineAdded']
                        magissuedate = str(magissuedate).zfill(4)
                        magcoverpage = mag_entry['CoverPage']

                    issuedate = str(issuedate).zfill(
                        4)  # for sorting issue numbers

                    # is this issue already in the database?
                    issue_id = create_id("%s %s" % (title, issuedate))
                    iss_entry = myDB.match(
                        'SELECT Title,IssueFile from issues WHERE Title=? and IssueDate=?',
                        (title, issuedate))
                    new_entry = False
                    if not iss_entry or iss_entry['IssueFile'] != issuefile:
                        new_entry = True  # new entry or name changed
                        if not iss_entry:
                            logger.debug("Adding issue %s %s" %
                                         (title, issuedate))
                            logger.debug("Updating issue %s %s" %
                                         (title, issuedate))
                        controlValueDict = {
                            "Title": title,
                            "IssueDate": issuedate
                        newValueDict = {
                            "IssueAcquired": iss_acquired,
                            "IssueID": issue_id,
                            "IssueFile": issuefile
                        myDB.upsert("Issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    ignorefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(issuefile),
                    with open(ignorefile, 'a'):
                        os.utime(ignorefile, None)


                    # see if this issues date values are useful
                    controlValueDict = {"Title": title}
                    if not mag_entry:  # new magazine, this is the only issue
                        newValueDict = {
                            "MagazineAdded": iss_acquired,
                            "LastAcquired": iss_acquired,
                            os.path.splitext(issuefile)[0] + '.jpg',
                            "IssueDate": issuedate,
                            "IssueStatus": "Open"
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,
                        # Set magazine_issuedate to issuedate of most recent issue we have
                        # Set latestcover to most recent issue cover
                        # Set magazine_added to acquired date of earliest issue we have
                        # Set magazine_lastacquired to acquired date of most recent issue we have
                        # acquired dates are read from magazine file timestamps
                        newValueDict = {"IssueStatus": "Open"}
                        if not magazineadded or iss_acquired < magazineadded:
                            newValueDict["MagazineAdded"] = iss_acquired
                        if not maglastacquired or iss_acquired > maglastacquired:
                            newValueDict["LastAcquired"] = iss_acquired
                        if not magissuedate or issuedate >= magissuedate:
                            newValueDict["IssueDate"] = issuedate
                            newValueDict["LatestCover"] = os.path.splitext(
                                issuefile)[0] + '.jpg'
                        myDB.upsert("magazines", newValueDict,

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['FULL_SCAN'] and not onetitle:
            magcount = myDB.match("select count(*) from magazines")
            isscount = myDB.match("select count(*) from issues")
                "Magazine scan complete, found %s magazine%s, %s issue%s" %
                (magcount['count(*)'], plural(magcount['count(*)']),
                 isscount['count(*)'], plural(isscount['count(*)'])))
            logger.info("Magazine scan complete")
        lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 0

    except Exception:
        lazylibrarian.MAG_UPDATE = 0
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in magazineScan: %s' %
Exemplo n.º 14
def calibredb(cmd=None, prelib=None, postlib=None):
    """ calibre-server needs to be started with --enable-auth and needs user/password to add/remove books
        only basic features are available without auth. calibre_server should look like  http://address:port/#library
        default library is used if no #library in the url
        or calibredb can talk to the database file as long as there is no running calibre """

    if not lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB']:
        return "No calibredb set in config", '', 1

    params = [lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB'], cmd]
    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USE_SERVER']:
        dest_url = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_SERVER']
        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USER'] and lazylibrarian.CONFIG[
                '--username', lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_USER'],
                '--password', lazylibrarian.CONFIG['CALIBRE_PASS']
        dest_url = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
    if prelib:

    if cmd != "--version":
        params.extend(['--with-library', '%s' % dest_url])
    if postlib:
    res = ''
    err = ''
        p = Popen(params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        res, err = p.communicate()
        rc = p.returncode
        logger.debug("calibredb rc %s" % rc)
        # strip linefeeds etc from calibre response
        wsp = re.escape(string.whitespace)
        res = makeUnicode(res)
        err = makeUnicode(err)
        nres = re.sub(r'[' + wsp + ']', ' ', res)
        nerr = re.sub(r'[' + wsp + ']', ' ', err)
        logger.debug("calibredb res %d[%s]" % (len(nres), nres))
        logger.debug("calibredb err %d[%s]" % (len(nerr), nerr))
        if rc:
            if 'Errno 111' in err:
                logger.warn("calibredb returned Errno 111: Connection refused")
            elif 'Errno 13' in err:
                logger.warn("calibredb returned Errno 13: Permission denied")
            elif cmd == 'list_categories' and len(res):
                rc = 0  # false error return of 1 on v2.xx calibredb
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("calibredb exception: %s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)))
        rc = 1

    # if rc and dest_url.startswith('http') and not res.startswith('Forbidden'):
    #     # if not forbidden (auth issue), might be no server running, retry using file
    #     params = [lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_CALIBREDB'], cmd]
    #     if prelib:
    #        params.extend(prelib)
    #    dest_url = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('eBook')
    #    params.extend(['--with-library', dest_url])
    #    if postlib:
    #        params.extend(postlib)
    #    logger.debug(str(params))
    #    try:
    #        q = Popen(params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    #        res, err = q.communicate()
    #        res = makeUnicode(res)
    #        err = makeUnicode(err)
    #        rc = q.returncode
    #        if rc:
    #            logger.debug("calibredb retry returned %s: res[%s] err[%s]" % (rc, res, err))
    #    except Exception as e:
    #        logger.error("calibredb retry exception: %s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)))
    #        rc = 1

    if rc:
        return res, err, rc
        return res, dest_url, 0
Exemplo n.º 15
def audioRename(bookid):
    for item in ['$Part', '$Title']:
        if item not in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['AUDIOBOOK_DEST_FILE']:
            logger.error("Unable to audioRename, check AUDIOBOOK_DEST_FILE")
            return ''

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    cmd = 'select AuthorName,BookName,AudioFile from books,authors where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and bookid=?'
    exists = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
    if exists:
        book_filename = exists['AudioFile']
        if book_filename:
            r = os.path.dirname(book_filename)
            logger.debug("No filename for %s in audioRename %s" % bookid)
            return ''
        logger.debug("Invalid bookid in audioRename %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    if not TinyTag:
        logger.warn("TinyTag library not available")
        return ''

    cnt = 0
    parts = []
    author = ''
    book = ''
    total = 0
    audio_file = ''
    for f in os.listdir(makeBytestr(r)):
        f = makeUnicode(f)
        if is_valid_booktype(f, booktype='audiobook'):
            cnt += 1
            audio_file = f
                id3r = TinyTag.get(os.path.join(r, f))
                performer = id3r.artist
                composer = id3r.composer
                book = id3r.album
                track = id3r.track
                total = id3r.track_total

                track = check_int(track, 0)
                total = check_int(total, 0)

                if composer:  # if present, should be author
                    author = composer
                elif performer:  # author, or narrator if composer == author
                    author = performer
                if author and book:
                    parts.append([track, book, author, f])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("tinytag %s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)))

    logger.debug("%s found %s audiofile%s" % (exists['BookName'], cnt, plural(cnt)))

    if cnt == 1 and not parts:  # single file audiobook
        parts = [1, exists['BookName'], exists['AuthorName'], audio_file]

    if cnt != len(parts):
        logger.warn("%s: Incorrect number of parts (found %i from %i)" % (exists['BookName'], len(parts), cnt))
        return book_filename

    if total and total != cnt:
        logger.warn("%s: Reported %i parts, got %i" % (exists['BookName'], total, cnt))
        return book_filename

    # check all parts have the same author and title
    if len(parts) > 1:
        for part in parts:
            if part[1] != book:
                logger.warn("%s: Inconsistent title: [%s][%s]" % (exists['BookName'], part[1], book))
                return book_filename
            if part[2] != author:
                logger.warn("%s: Inconsistent author: [%s][%s]" % (exists['BookName'], part[2], author))
                return book_filename

    # do we have any track info (value is 0 if not)
    if parts[0][0] == 0:
        tokmatch = ''
        # try to extract part information from filename. Search for token style of part 1 in this order...
        for token in [' 001.', ' 01.', ' 1.', ' 001 ', ' 01 ', ' 1 ', '01']:
            if tokmatch:
            for part in parts:
                if token in part[3]:
                    tokmatch = token
        if tokmatch:  # we know the numbering style, get numbers for the other parts
            cnt = 0
            while cnt < len(parts):
                cnt += 1
                if tokmatch == ' 001.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt).zfill(3)
                elif tokmatch == ' 01.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                elif tokmatch == ' 1.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt)
                elif tokmatch == ' 001 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt).zfill(3)
                elif tokmatch == ' 01 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                elif tokmatch == ' 1 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt)
                    pattern = '%s' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                # standardise numbering of the parts
                for part in parts:
                    if pattern in part[3]:
                        part[0] = cnt
    # check all parts are present
    cnt = 0
    found = True
    while found and cnt < len(parts):
        found = False
        cnt += 1
        for part in parts:
            trk = part[0]
            if trk == cnt:
                found = True
        if not found:
            logger.warn("%s: No part %i found" % (exists['BookName'], cnt))
            return book_filename

    # if we get here, looks like we have all the parts needed to rename properly
    seriesinfo = seriesInfo(bookid)
    dest_path = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_DEST_FOLDER'].replace(
        '$Author', author).replace(
        '$Title', book).replace(
        '$Series', seriesinfo['Full']).replace(
        '$SerName', seriesinfo['Name']).replace(
        '$SerNum', seriesinfo['Num']).replace(
        '$$', ' ')
    dest_path = ' '.join(dest_path.split()).strip()
    dest_path = replace_all(dest_path, __dic__)
    dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Audio')
    dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_path)
    if r != dest_path:
            dest_path = safe_move(r, dest_path)
            r = dest_path
        except Exception as why:
            if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
                logger.error('Unable to create directory %s: %s' % (dest_path, why))

    for part in parts:
        pattern = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['AUDIOBOOK_DEST_FILE']
        seriesinfo = seriesInfo(bookid)
        pattern = pattern.replace(
            '$Author', author).replace(
            '$Title', book).replace(
            '$Part', str(part[0]).zfill(len(str(len(parts))))).replace(
            '$Total', str(len(parts))).replace(
            '$Series', seriesinfo['Full']).replace(
            '$SerName', seriesinfo['Name']).replace(
            '$SerNum', seriesinfo['Num']).replace(
            '$$', ' ')
        pattern = ' '.join(pattern.split()).strip()

        n = os.path.join(r, pattern + os.path.splitext(part[3])[1])
        o = os.path.join(r, part[3])
        if o != n:
                n = safe_move(o, n)
                if part[0] == 1:
                    book_filename = n  # return part 1 of set
                logger.debug('%s: audioRename [%s] to [%s]' % (exists['BookName'], o, n))

            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Unable to rename [%s] to [%s] %s %s' % (o, n, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
    return book_filename
Exemplo n.º 16
def LibraryScan(startdir=None):
    """ Scan a directory tree adding new books into database
        Return how many books you added """
        destdir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Destination')
        if not startdir:
            if not destdir:
                logger.warn('Cannot find destination directory: %s. Not scanning' % destdir)
                return 0
            startdir = destdir

        if not os.path.isdir(startdir):
            logger.warn('Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' % startdir)
            return 0

        if not internet():
            logger.warn('Libraryscan: No internet connection')
            return 0

        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        # keep statistics of full library scans
        if startdir == destdir:
            myDB.action('DELETE from stats')
            try:  # remove any extra whitespace in authornames
                authors = myDB.select('SELECT AuthorID,AuthorName FROM authors WHERE AuthorName like "%  %"')
                if authors:
                    logger.info('Removing extra spaces from %s authorname%s' % (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
                    for author in authors:
                        authorid = author["AuthorID"]
                        authorname = ' '.join(author['AuthorName'].split())
                        # Have we got author name both with-and-without extra spaces? If so, merge them
                        duplicate = myDB.match(
                            'Select AuthorID,AuthorName FROM authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname)
                        if duplicate:
                            myDB.action('DELETE from authors where authorname="%s"' % author['AuthorName'])
                            if author['AuthorID'] != duplicate['AuthorID']:
                                myDB.action('UPDATE books set AuthorID="%s" WHERE AuthorID="%s"' %
                                            (duplicate['AuthorID'], author['AuthorID']))
                                'UPDATE authors set AuthorName="%s" WHERE AuthorID="%s"' % (authorname, authorid))
            except Exception as e:
                logger.info('Error: ' + str(e))

        logger.info('Scanning ebook directory: %s' % startdir)

        new_book_count = 0
        modified_count = 0
        rescan_count = 0
        rescan_hits = 0
        file_count = 0
        author = ""

        if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['FULL_SCAN']:
            cmd = 'select AuthorName, BookName, BookFile, BookID from books,authors'
            cmd += ' where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and books.Status="Open"'
            if not startdir == destdir:
                cmd += ' and BookFile like "' + startdir + '%"'
            books = myDB.select(cmd)
            status = lazylibrarian.CONFIG['NOTFOUND_STATUS']
            logger.info('Missing books will be marked as %s' % status)
            for book in books:
                bookID = book['BookID']
                bookfile = book['BookFile']

                if not (bookfile and os.path.isfile(bookfile)):
                    myDB.action('update books set Status="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (status, bookID))
                    myDB.action('update books set BookFile="" where BookID="%s"' % bookID)
                    logger.warn('Book %s - %s updated as not found on disk' % (book['AuthorName'], book['BookName']))

        # to save repeat-scans of the same directory if it contains multiple formats of the same book,
        # keep track of which directories we've already looked at
        processed_subdirectories = []
        warned = False  # have we warned about no new authors setting
        matchString = ''
        for char in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_DEST_FILE']:
            matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
        # massage the EBOOK_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
        # with regular expression matching
        booktypes = ''
        count = -1
        booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.CONFIG['EBOOK_TYPE'])
        for book_type in booktype_list:
            count += 1
            if count == 0:
                booktypes = book_type
                booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
        matchString = matchString.replace("\\$\\A\\u\\t\\h\\o\\r", "(?P<author>.*?)").replace(
            "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "(?P<book>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
        pattern = re.compile(matchString, re.VERBOSE)

        for r, d, f in os.walk(startdir):
            for directory in d[:]:
                # prevent magazine being scanned
                if directory.startswith("_") or directory.startswith("."):

            for files in f:
                file_count += 1

                if isinstance(r, str):
                    r = r.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                subdirectory = r.replace(startdir, '')
                # Added new code to skip if we've done this directory before.
                # Made this conditional with a switch in config.ini
                # in case user keeps multiple different books in the same subdirectory
                if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['IMP_SINGLEBOOK'] and (subdirectory in processed_subdirectories):
                    logger.debug("[%s] already scanned" % subdirectory)
                    # If this is a book, try to get author/title/isbn/language
                    # if epub or mobi, read metadata from the book
                    # If metadata.opf exists, use that allowing it to override
                    # embedded metadata. User may have edited metadata.opf
                    # to merge author aliases together
                    # If all else fails, try pattern match for author/title
                    # and look up isbn/lang from LT or GR later
                    match = 0
                    if is_valid_booktype(files):

                        logger.debug("[%s] Now scanning subdirectory %s" % (startdir, subdirectory))

                        language = "Unknown"
                        isbn = ""
                        book = ""
                        author = ""
                        gr_id = ""
                        gb_id = ""
                        extn = os.path.splitext(files)[1]

                        # if it's an epub or a mobi we can try to read metadata from it
                        if (extn == ".epub") or (extn == ".mobi"):
                            book_filename = os.path.join(r, files).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

                                res = get_book_info(book_filename)
                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' % (book_filename, str(e)))
                                res = {}
                            # title and creator are the minimum we need
                            if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:
                                book = res['title']
                                author = res['creator']
                                if book and len(book) > 2 and author and len(author) > 2:
                                    match = 1
                                if 'language' in res:
                                    language = res['language']
                                if 'identifier' in res:
                                    isbn = res['identifier']
                                if 'type' in res:
                                    extn = res['type']
                                logger.debug("book meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                             (isbn, language, author, book, extn))
                            if not match:
                                logger.debug("Book meta incomplete in %s" % book_filename)

                        # calibre uses "metadata.opf", LL uses "bookname - authorname.opf"
                        # just look for any .opf file in the current directory since we don't know
                        # LL preferred authorname/bookname at this point.
                        # Allow metadata in file to override book contents as may be users pref

                        metafile = opf_file(r)
                            res = get_book_info(metafile)
                        except Exception as e:
                            logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' % (metafile, str(e)))
                            res = {}
                        # title and creator are the minimum we need
                        if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:
                            book = res['title']
                            author = res['creator']
                            if book and len(book) > 2 and author and len(author) > 2:
                                match = 1
                            if 'language' in res:
                                language = res['language']
                            if 'identifier' in res:
                                isbn = res['identifier']
                            if 'gr_id' in res:
                                gr_id = res['gr_id']
                            logger.debug("file meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" % (isbn, language, author, book, gr_id))
                        if not match:
                            logger.debug("File meta incomplete in %s" % metafile)

                        if not match:  # no author/book from metadata file, and not embedded either
                            match = pattern.match(files)
                            if match:
                                author = match.group("author")
                                book = match.group("book")
                                if len(book) <= 2 or len(author) <= 2:
                                    match = 0
                            if not match:
                                logger.debug("Pattern match failed [%s]" % files)

                        if match:
                            # flag that we found a book in this subdirectory

                            # If we have a valid looking isbn, and language != "Unknown", add it to cache
                            if language != "Unknown" and is_valid_isbn(isbn):
                                logger.debug("Found Language [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbn))
                                # we need to add it to language cache if not already
                                # there, is_valid_isbn has checked length is 10 or 13
                                if len(isbn) == 10:
                                    isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                                    isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' % isbnhead)
                                if not match:
                                    myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' % (isbnhead, language))
                                    logger.debug("Cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbnhead))
                                    logger.debug("Already cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" % (language, isbnhead))

                            author, authorid, new = addAuthorNameToDB(author)  # get the author name as we know it...

                            if author:
                                # author exists, check if this book by this author is in our database
                                # metadata might have quotes in book name
                                # some books might be stored under a different author name
                                # eg books by multiple authors, books where author is "writing as"
                                # or books we moved to "merge" authors
                                book = book.replace("'", "")

                                # First try and find it under author and bookname
                                # as we may have it under a different bookid or isbn to goodreads/googlebooks
                                # which might have several bookid/isbn for the same book
                                bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, author, book)

                                if not bookid:
                                    # Title or author name might not match or multiple authors
                                    # See if the gr_id, gb_id is already in our database
                                    if gr_id:
                                        bookid = gr_id
                                    elif gb_id:
                                        bookid = gb_id
                                        bookid = ""

                                    if bookid:
                                        match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID FROM books where BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                                        if not match:
                                            msg = 'Unable to find book %s by %s in database, trying to add it using '
                                            if bookid == gr_id:
                                                msg += "GoodReads ID " + gr_id
                                            if bookid == gb_id:
                                                msg += "GoogleBooks ID " + gb_id
                                            logger.debug(msg % (book, author))
                                            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads" and gr_id:
                                                GR_ID = GoodReads(gr_id)
                                                GR_ID.find_book(gr_id, None)
                                            elif lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks" and gb_id:
                                                GB_ID = GoogleBooks(gb_id)
                                                GB_ID.find_book(gb_id, None)
                                            # see if it's there now...
                                            match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID from books where BookID="%s"' % bookid)
                                            if not match:
                                                logger.debug("Unable to add bookid %s to database" % bookid)
                                                bookid = ""

                                if not bookid and isbn:
                                    # See if the isbn is in our database
                                    match = myDB.match('SELECT BookID FROM books where BookIsbn = "%s"' % isbn)
                                    if match:
                                        bookid = match['BookID']

                                if not bookid:
                                    # get author name from parent directory of this book directory
                                    newauthor = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(r))
                                    # calibre replaces trailing periods with _ eg Smith Jr. -> Smith Jr_
                                    if newauthor.endswith('_'):
                                        newauthor = newauthor[:-1] + '.'
                                    if author.lower() != newauthor.lower():
                                        logger.debug("Trying authorname [%s]" % newauthor)
                                        bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, newauthor, book)
                                        if bookid:
                                            logger.warn("%s not found under [%s], found under [%s]" %
                                                        (book, author, newauthor))

                                # at this point if we still have no bookid, it looks like we
                                # have author and book title but no database entry for it
                                if not bookid:
                                    if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads":
                                        # Either goodreads doesn't have the book or it didn't match language prefs
                                        # Since we have the book anyway, try and reload it ignoring language prefs
                                        rescan_count += 1
                                        base_url = 'http://www.goodreads.com/search.xml?q='
                                        params = {"key": lazylibrarian.CONFIG['GR_API']}
                                        if author[1] in '. ':
                                            surname = author
                                            forename = ''
                                            while surname[1] in '. ':
                                                forename = forename + surname[0] + '.'
                                                surname = surname[2:].strip()
                                            if author != forename + ' ' + surname:
                                                logger.debug('Stripped authorname [%s] to [%s %s]' %
                                                            (author, forename, surname))
                                                author = forename + ' ' + surname

                                        author = ' '.join(author.split())  # ensure no extra whitespace

                                        searchname = author + ' ' + book
                                        searchname = cleanName(unaccented(searchname))
                                        searchterm = urllib.quote_plus(searchname.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING))
                                        set_url = base_url + searchterm + '&' + urllib.urlencode(params)
                                            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(set_url)
                                            if not len(rootxml):
                                                logger.debug("Error requesting results from GoodReads")
                                                resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('work')
                                                for item in resultxml:
                                                    booktitle = item.find('./best_book/title').text
                                                    book_fuzz = fuzz.token_set_ratio(booktitle, book)
                                                    if book_fuzz >= 98:
                                                        logger.debug("Rescan found %s : %s" % (booktitle, language))
                                                        rescan_hits += 1
                                                        bookid = item.find('./best_book/id').text
                                                        GR_ID = GoodReads(bookid)
                                                        GR_ID.find_book(bookid, None)
                                                        if language and language != "Unknown":
                                                            # set language from book metadata
                                                            logger.debug("Setting language from metadata %s : %s" % (booktitle, language))
                                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books SET BookLang="%s" WHERE BookID="%s"' %
                                                                        (language, bookid))
                                                if not bookid:
                                                    logger.warn("GoodReads doesn't know about %s" % book)
                                        except Exception as e:
                                            logger.error("Error finding rescan results: %s" % str(e))

                                    elif lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks":
                                        # if we get here using googlebooks it's because googlebooks
                                        # doesn't have the book. No point in looking for it again.
                                        logger.warn("GoogleBooks doesn't know about %s" % book)

                                # see if it's there now...
                                if bookid:
                                    cmd = 'SELECT books.Status, BookFile, AuthorName, BookName from books,authors '
                                    cmd += 'where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and BookID="%s"' % bookid
                                    check_status = myDB.match(cmd)

                                    if not check_status:
                                        logger.debug('Unable to find bookid %s in database' % bookid)
                                        if check_status['Status'] != 'Open':
                                            # we found a new book
                                            new_book_count += 1
                                                'UPDATE books set Status="Open" where BookID="%s"' % bookid)

                                        # store book location so we can check if it gets removed
                                        book_filename = os.path.join(r, files)
                                        if not check_status['BookFile']:  # no previous location
                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                                        (book_filename, bookid))
                                        # location may have changed since last scan
                                        elif book_filename != check_status['BookFile']:
                                            modified_count += 1
                                            logger.warn("Updating book location for %s %s from %s to %s" %
                                                        (author, book, check_status['BookFile'], book_filename))
                                            logger.debug("%s %s matched %s BookID %s, [%s][%s]" %
                                                        (author, book, check_status['Status'], bookid,
                                                        check_status['AuthorName'], check_status['BookName']))
                                            myDB.action('UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                                        (book_filename, bookid))

                                        # update cover file to cover.jpg in book folder (if exists)
                                        bookdir = os.path.dirname(book_filename)
                                        coverimg = os.path.join(bookdir, 'cover.jpg')
                                        if os.path.isfile(coverimg):
                                            cachedir = lazylibrarian.CACHEDIR
                                            cacheimg = os.path.join(cachedir, 'book', bookid + '.jpg')
                                            copyfile(coverimg, cacheimg)
                                        "Failed to match book [%s] by [%s] in database" % (book, author))
                                if not warned and not lazylibrarian.CONFIG['ADD_AUTHOR']:
                                    logger.warn("Add authors to database is disabled")
                                    warned = True

        logger.info("%s/%s new/modified book%s found and added to the database" %
                    (new_book_count, modified_count, plural(new_book_count + modified_count)))
        logger.info("%s file%s processed" % (file_count, plural(file_count)))

        if startdir == destdir:
            # On full library scans, check for missing workpages
            # and books with unknown language
            nolang = myDB.match(
                "select count('BookID') as counter from Books where status='Open' and BookLang='Unknown'")
            nolang = nolang['counter']
            if nolang:
                logger.warn("Found %s book%s in your library with unknown language" % (nolang, plural(nolang)))
                # show stats if new books were added
            stats = myDB.match(
                "SELECT sum(GR_book_hits), sum(GR_lang_hits), sum(LT_lang_hits), sum(GB_lang_change), \
                    sum(cache_hits), sum(bad_lang), sum(bad_char), sum(uncached), sum(duplicates) FROM stats")

            st= {'GR_book_hits': stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'], 'GB_book_hits': stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'],
                 'GR_lang_hits': stats['sum(GR_lang_hits)'], 'LT_lang_hits': stats['sum(LT_lang_hits)'],
                 'GB_lang_change': stats['sum(GB_lang_change)'], 'cache_hits': stats['sum(cache_hits)'],
                 'bad_lang': stats['sum(bad_lang)'], 'bad_char': stats['sum(bad_char)'],
                 'uncached': stats['sum(uncached)'], 'duplicates': stats['sum(duplicates)']}

            for item in st.keys():
                if st[item] is None:
                    st[item] = 0

            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoogleBooks":
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks was hit %s time%s for books" %
                             (st['GR_book_hits'], plural(st['GR_book_hits'])))
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks language was changed %s time%s" %
                             (st['GB_lang_change'], plural(st['GB_lang_change'])))
            if lazylibrarian.CONFIG['BOOK_API'] == "GoodReads":
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for books" %
                             (st['GR_book_hits'], plural(st['GR_book_hits'])))
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                             (st['GR_lang_hits'], plural(st['GR_lang_hits'])))
            logger.debug("LibraryThing was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                         (st['LT_lang_hits'], plural(st['LT_lang_hits'])))
            logger.debug("Language cache was hit %s time%s" %
                         (st['cache_hits'], plural(st['cache_hits'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted language removed %s book%s" %
                         (st['bad_lang'], plural(st['bad_lang'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted characters removed %s book%s" %
                         (st['bad_char'], plural(st['bad_char'])))
            logger.debug("Unable to cache language for %s book%s with missing ISBN" %
                         (st['uncached'], plural(st['uncached'])))
            logger.debug("Found %s duplicate book%s" %
                         (st['duplicates'], plural(st['duplicates'])))
            logger.debug("Rescan %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                         (rescan_hits, plural(rescan_hits), rescan_count - rescan_hits))
            logger.debug("Cache %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                         (lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT, plural(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT), lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS))
            cachesize = myDB.match("select count('ISBN') as counter from languages")
            logger.debug("ISBN Language cache holds %s entries" % cachesize['counter'])

            # Cache any covers and images
            images = myDB.select('select bookid, bookimg, bookname from books where bookimg like "http%"')
            if len(images):
                logger.info("Caching cover%s for %i book%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
                for item in images:
                    bookid = item['bookid']
                    bookimg = item['bookimg']
                    # bookname = item['bookname']
                    newimg, success = cache_img("book", bookid, bookimg)
                    if success:
                        myDB.action('update books set BookImg="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (newimg, bookid))

            images = myDB.select('select AuthorID, AuthorImg, AuthorName from authors where AuthorImg like "http%"')
            if len(images):
                logger.info("Caching image%s for %i author%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
                for item in images:
                    authorid = item['authorid']
                    authorimg = item['authorimg']
                    # authorname = item['authorname']
                    newimg, success = cache_img("author", authorid, authorimg)
                    if success:
                        myDB.action('update authors set AuthorImg="%s" where AuthorID="%s"' % (newimg, authorid))

            # On full scan, update bookcounts for all authors, not just new ones - refresh may have located
            # new books for existing authors especially if switched provider gb/gr or changed wanted languages
            authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors')
            # On single author/book import, just update bookcount for that author
            authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors where AuthorName = "%s"' % author.replace('"', '""'))

        logger.debug('Updating bookcounts for %i author%s' % (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
        for author in authors:

        logger.info('Library scan complete')
        return new_book_count

    except Exception:
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in libraryScan: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
Exemplo n.º 17
def audioProcess(bookid, rename=False, playlist=False):
    :param bookid: book to process
    :param rename: rename to match audiobook filename pattern
    :param playlist: generate a playlist for popup
    :return: filename of part 01 of the audiobook
    for item in ['$Part', '$Title']:
        if rename and item not in lazylibrarian.CONFIG['AUDIOBOOK_DEST_FILE']:
            logger.error("Unable to audioProcess, check AUDIOBOOK_DEST_FILE")
            return ''

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    cmd = 'select AuthorName,BookName,AudioFile from books,authors where books.AuthorID = authors.AuthorID and bookid=?'
    exists = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
    if exists:
        book_filename = exists['AudioFile']
        if book_filename:
            r = os.path.dirname(book_filename)
            logger.debug("No filename for %s in audioProcess" % bookid)
            return ''
        logger.debug("Invalid bookid in audioProcess %s" % bookid)
        return ''

    if not TinyTag:
        logger.warn("TinyTag library not available")
        return ''

    cnt = 0
    parts = []
    total = 0
    author = ''
    book = ''
    audio_file = ''
    abridged = ''
    for f in os.listdir(makeBytestr(r)):
        f = makeUnicode(f)
        if is_valid_booktype(f, booktype='audiobook'):
            cnt += 1
            audio_file = f
                audio_path = os.path.join(r, f)
                performer = ''
                composer = ''
                albumartist = ''
                book = ''
                title = ''
                track = 0
                total = 0
                if TinyTag.is_supported(audio_path):
                    id3r = TinyTag.get(audio_path)
                    performer = id3r.artist
                    composer = id3r.composer
                    albumartist = id3r.albumartist
                    book = id3r.album
                    title = id3r.title
                    track = id3r.track
                    total = id3r.track_total

                    track = check_int(track, 0)
                    total = check_int(total, 0)

                    if performer:
                        performer = performer.strip()
                    if composer:
                        composer = composer.strip()
                    if book:
                        book = book.strip()
                    if albumartist:
                        albumartist = albumartist.strip()

                if composer:  # if present, should be author
                    author = composer
                elif performer:  # author, or narrator if composer == author
                    author = performer
                elif albumartist:
                    author = albumartist
                if author and book:
                    parts.append([track, book, author, f])
                if not abridged:
                    for tag in [book, title, albumartist, performer, composer]:
                        if tag and 'unabridged' in tag.lower():
                            abridged = 'Unabridged'
                if not abridged:
                    for tag in [book, title, albumartist, performer, composer]:
                        if tag and 'abridged' in tag.lower():
                            abridged = 'Abridged'

            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("tinytag %s %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)))
                if not abridged:
                    if audio_file and 'unabridged' in audio_file.lower():
                        abridged = 'Unabridged'
                if not abridged:
                    if audio_file and 'abridged' in audio_file.lower():
                        abridged = 'Abridged'

    logger.debug("%s found %s audiofile%s" % (exists['BookName'], cnt, plural(cnt)))

    if cnt == 1 and not parts:  # single file audiobook with no tags
        parts = [[1, exists['BookName'], exists['AuthorName'], audio_file]]

    if cnt != len(parts):
        logger.warn("%s: Incorrect number of parts (found %i from %i)" % (exists['BookName'], len(parts), cnt))
        return book_filename

    if total and total != cnt:
        logger.warn("%s: Reported %i parts, got %i" % (exists['BookName'], total, cnt))
        return book_filename

    # check all parts have the same author and title
    if len(parts) > 1:
        for part in parts:
            if part[1] != book:
                logger.warn("%s: Inconsistent title: [%s][%s]" % (exists['BookName'], part[1], book))
                return book_filename
            if part[2] != author:
                logger.warn("%s: Inconsistent author: [%s][%s]" % (exists['BookName'], part[2], author))
                return book_filename

    # do we have any track info (value is 0 if not)
    if parts[0][0] == 0:
        tokmatch = ''
        # try to extract part information from filename. Search for token style of part 1 in this order...
        for token in [' 001.', ' 01.', ' 1.', ' 001 ', ' 01 ', ' 1 ', '01']:
            if tokmatch:
            for part in parts:
                if token in part[3]:
                    tokmatch = token
        if tokmatch:  # we know the numbering style, get numbers for the other parts
            cnt = 0
            while cnt < len(parts):
                cnt += 1
                if tokmatch == ' 001.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt).zfill(3)
                elif tokmatch == ' 01.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                elif tokmatch == ' 1.':
                    pattern = ' %s.' % str(cnt)
                elif tokmatch == ' 001 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt).zfill(3)
                elif tokmatch == ' 01 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                elif tokmatch == ' 1 ':
                    pattern = ' %s ' % str(cnt)
                    pattern = '%s' % str(cnt).zfill(2)
                # standardise numbering of the parts
                for part in parts:
                    if pattern in part[3]:
                        part[0] = cnt

    parts.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    # check all parts are present
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < len(parts):
        if parts[cnt][0] != cnt + 1:
            logger.warn("%s: No part %i found" % (exists['BookName'], cnt + 1))
            return book_filename
        cnt += 1

    if abridged:
        abridged = ' (%s)' % abridged
    # if we get here, looks like we have all the parts needed to rename properly
    seriesinfo = nameVars(bookid, abridged)
    dest_path = seriesinfo['FolderName']
    dest_dir = lazylibrarian.DIRECTORY('Audio')
    dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_path)
    if rename and r != dest_path:
            dest_path = safe_move(r, dest_path)
            r = dest_path
        except Exception as why:
            if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
                logger.error('Unable to create directory %s: %s' % (dest_path, why))

    if playlist:
            playlist = open(os.path.join(r, 'playlist.ll'), 'w')
        except Exception as why:
            logger.error('Unable to create playlist in %s: %s' % (r, why))
            playlist = None

    for part in parts:
        pattern = seriesinfo['AudioFile']
        pattern = pattern.replace(
            '$Part', str(part[0]).zfill(len(str(len(parts))))).replace(
            '$Total', str(len(parts)))
        pattern = ' '.join(pattern.split()).strip()
        pattern = pattern + os.path.splitext(part[3])[1]
        if playlist:
            if rename:
                playlist.write(pattern + '\n')
                playlist.write(part[3] + '\n')
        if rename:
            n = os.path.join(r, pattern)
            o = os.path.join(r, part[3])
            if o != n:
                    n = safe_move(o, n)
                    if part[0] == 1:
                        book_filename = n  # return part 1 of set
                    logger.debug('%s: audioProcess [%s] to [%s]' % (exists['BookName'], o, n))
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error('Unable to rename [%s] to [%s] %s %s' % (o, n, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
    if playlist:
    return book_filename