Exemplo n.º 1
    async def asyncSetUp(self):
        await super().asyncSetUp()
        self.conf = TranscodeConfig()
        self.conf.volume_analysis_time = 0  # disable it as the test file isn't very good here
        self.analyzer = VideoFileAnalyzer(self.conf)
        file_ogg = self.make_name("ogg", ".ogg")
        self.video_file_ogg = str(file_ogg)
        if not file_ogg.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libtheora -q:v 4 -c:a libvorbis -q:a 4 ' \
                      f'-c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_ogg}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_ogg.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        file_webm = self.make_name("webm", ".webm")
        self.video_file_webm = str(file_webm)
        if not file_webm.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 36 -b:v 0 -cpu-used 2 ' \
                      f'-c:a libopus -b:a 128k -c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_webm}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_webm.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: check_video.py <path to video file>", file=sys.stderr)


    video_file = sys.argv[1]
    conf = TranscodeConfig()
    analyzer = VideoFileAnalyzer(conf)
        asyncio.run(process_video(analyzer, video_file))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: check_video.py <path to video file>", file=sys.stderr)


    video_file = sys.argv[1]
    conf = TranscodeConfig()
    analyzer = VideoFileAnalyzer(conf)
    if sys.version_info < (3, 8) and platform.system() == "Windows":
        # TODO: remove after we move to requiring Python 3.8
        asyncio.run(process_video(analyzer, video_file))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemplo n.º 4
class TranscodeValidation(ClaimTestCase):
    def make_name(self, name, extension=""):
        path = pathlib.Path(self.video_file_name)
        return path.parent / f"{path.stem}_{name}{extension or path.suffix}"

    async def asyncSetUp(self):
        await super().asyncSetUp()
        self.conf = TranscodeConfig()
        self.conf.volume_analysis_time = 0  # disable it as the test file isn't very good here
        self.analyzer = VideoFileAnalyzer(self.conf)
        self.assertTrue((await self.analyzer.status()
                         )["available"])  # ensure ffmpeg path detected
        file_ogg = self.make_name("ogg", ".ogg")
        self.video_file_ogg = str(file_ogg)
        if not file_ogg.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libtheora -q:v 4 -c:a libvorbis -q:a 4 ' \
                      f'-c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_ogg}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_ogg.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        file_webm = self.make_name("webm", ".webm")
        self.video_file_webm = str(file_webm)
        if not file_webm.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 36 -b:v 0 -cpu-used 2 ' \
                      f'-c:a libopus -b:a 128k -c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_webm}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_webm.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

    async def test_should_work(self):
        new_file_name, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_name)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_name, new_file_name)
        new_file_name, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_ogg)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_ogg, new_file_name)
        new_file_name, spec = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_webm)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_webm, new_file_name)
        self.assertEqual(spec["width"], 1280)
        self.assertEqual(spec["height"], 720)
        self.assertEqual(spec["duration"], 16)

    async def test_volume(self):
        self.conf.volume_analysis_time = 200
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "lower than prime"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False,

    async def test_container(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_container", ".avi")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, "Container format is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_video_codec(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_video_codec_1")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:v libx265 -preset superfast "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception,
                                    "Video codec is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "faststart flag was not used"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_max_bit_rate(self):
        self.conf.video_bitrate_maximum = 100
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, "The bit rate is above the configured maximum"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False,

    async def test_video_format(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_video_format_1")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:v libx264 ' \
                      f'-vf format=yuv444p "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, "pixel format does not match the approved"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_audio_codec(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_audio_codec_1", ".mkv")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:a pcm_s16le "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute_ffmpeg(command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception,
                                    "Audio codec is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file, _ = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_extension_choice(self):

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")
        self.assertEqual(extension, "ogv")

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")
        self.assertEqual(extension, "webm")

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libx264 -crf 23")
        self.assertEqual("mp4", extension)

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libvpx-vp9 -crf 23")
        self.assertEqual("webm", extension)

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libtheora")
        self.assertEqual("ogv", extension)

    async def test_no_ffmpeg(self):
        self.conf.ffmpeg_path = "I don't really exist/"
        self.analyzer._env_copy.pop("PATH", None)
        await self.analyzer.status(reset=True)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "Unable to locate"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False,

    async def test_dont_recheck_ffmpeg_installation(self):

        call_count = 0

        original = self.daemon._video_file_analyzer._verify_ffmpeg_installed

        def _verify_ffmpeg_installed():
            nonlocal call_count
            call_count += 1
            return original()

        self.daemon._video_file_analyzer._verify_ffmpeg_installed = _verify_ffmpeg_installed
        self.assertEqual(0, call_count)
        await self.daemon.jsonrpc_status()
        self.assertEqual(1, call_count)
        # counter should not go up again
        await self.daemon.jsonrpc_status()
        self.assertEqual(1, call_count)

        # this should force rechecking the installation
        await self.daemon.jsonrpc_ffmpeg_find()
        self.assertEqual(2, call_count)
Exemplo n.º 5
class TranscodeValidation(ClaimTestCase):
    def make_name(self, name, extension=""):
        path = pathlib.Path(self.video_file_name)
        return path.parent / f"{path.stem}_{name}{extension or path.suffix}"

    async def asyncSetUp(self):
        await super().asyncSetUp()
        self.conf = TranscodeConfig()
        self.conf.volume_analysis_time = 0  # disable it as the test file isn't very good here
        self.analyzer = VideoFileAnalyzer(self.conf)
        file_ogg = self.make_name("ogg", ".ogg")
        self.video_file_ogg = str(file_ogg)
        if not file_ogg.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libtheora -q:v 4 -c:a libvorbis -q:a 4 ' \
                      f'-c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_ogg}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_ogg.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        file_webm = self.make_name("webm", ".webm")
        self.video_file_webm = str(file_webm)
        if not file_webm.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 36 -b:v 0 -cpu-used 2 ' \
                      f'-c:a libopus -b:a 128k -c:s copy -c:d copy "{file_webm}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_webm.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

    async def test_should_work(self):
        new_file_name = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_name)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_name, new_file_name)
        new_file_name = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_ogg)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_ogg, new_file_name)
        new_file_name = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, False, self.video_file_webm)
        self.assertEqual(self.video_file_webm, new_file_name)

    async def test_volume(self):
        self.conf.volume_analysis_time = 200
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "lower than prime"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False,

    async def test_container(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_container", ".avi")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, "Container format is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_video_codec(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_video_codec_1")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:v libx265 -preset superfast "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception,
                                    "Video codec is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "faststart flag was not used"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_video_format(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_video_format_1")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:v libx264 ' \
                      f'-vf format=yuv444p "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                Exception, "pixel format does not match the approved"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_audio_codec(self):
        file_name = self.make_name("bad_audio_codec_1", ".mkv")
        if not file_name.exists():
            command = f'-i "{self.video_file_name}" -c copy -map 0 -c:a pcm_s16le "{file_name}"'
            with MeasureTime(f"Creating {file_name.name}"):
                output, code = await self.analyzer._execute("ffmpeg", command)
                self.assertEqual(code, 0, output)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception,
                                    "Audio codec is not in the approved list"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False, file_name)

        fixed_file = await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(
            True, True, file_name)

    async def test_extension_choice(self):

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")
        self.assertEqual(extension, "ogg")

        scan_data = await self.analyzer._get_scan_data(True,
        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(scan_data, "")
        self.assertEqual(extension, "webm")

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libx264 -crf 23")
        self.assertEqual("mp4", extension)

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libvpx-vp9 -crf 23")
        self.assertEqual("webm", extension)

        extension = self.analyzer._get_best_container_extension(
            "", "libtheora")
        self.assertEqual("ogg", extension)

    async def test_no_ffmpeg(self):
        self.conf.ffmpeg_folder = "I don't really exist/"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "Unable to locate"):
            await self.analyzer.verify_or_repair(True, False,