def handle(self, req): req.wmi = False # Will be set to True by `WikingManagementInterface' if needed. preview_mode_param = req.param(self._PREVIEW_MODE_PARAM) if preview_mode_param is not None: req.set_cookie(self._PREVIEW_MODE_COOKIE, preview_mode_param == '1' and '1' or None) wiking.module.CachedTables.reload_info(req) wiking.module.Config.configure(req) modname = self._resolve_modname(req) if modname: return req.forward(wiking.module(modname)) else: try: return super(Application, self).handle(req) except wiking.Forbidden: # The parent method raises Forbidden when there are no menu items to redirect to. if req.check_roles(Roles.CONTENT_ADMIN): # Give the administrator some hints on a fresh install. if wiking.module.Pages.empty(req): return wiking.Document( title=_("Welcome to Wiking CMS"), content=lcg.Container((lcg.p("There are currently no pages."), lcg.p("/?action=insert", _("Create a new page"))))), ) elif not self.preview_mode(req): req.message(_("There are no published pages. " "You need to switch to the Preview mode " "to be able to access the unpublished pages."), req.WARNING) raise
def _result_item(self, item): sample = item.sample() link =, label=item.title(), descr=sample,) if sample is None: result_item = lcg.p((link,)) else: result_item = lcg.dl(((link, sample),)) return result_item
def bottom_bar_right_content(self, req): """Return the content displayed on the right side of the bottom bar above the page footer. Any content acceptable by 'lcg.coerce()' may be returned. """ return lcg.join(('/privacy-policy', _("Privacy policy")), self._accessibility_statement_link(req)), separator=' \u2022 ')
def footer_content(self, req): """Return the content displayed in page footer as 'lcg.Content' element(s). Any content acceptable by 'lcg.coerce()' may be returned. """ return lcg.p(_("Contact:"), ' ',"mailto:" + wiking.cfg.webmaster_address, wiking.cfg.webmaster_address))
def spec_link(spec_name, title=None): if title is None: try: view_spec = resolver.get(spec_name, 'view_spec') except pytis.util.ResolverError as e: title = spec_name else: title = view_spec.title() return'help:spec/%s' % spec_name, title)
def _result_item(self, item): sample = item.sample() link = item.uri(), label=item.title(), descr=sample, ) if sample is None: result_item = lcg.p((link, )) else: result_item = lcg.dl(((link, sample), )) return result_item
def handle(self, req): req.wmi = False # Will be set to True by `WikingManagementInterface' if needed. preview_mode_param = req.param(self._PREVIEW_MODE_PARAM) if preview_mode_param is not None: req.set_cookie(self._PREVIEW_MODE_COOKIE, preview_mode_param == '1' and '1' or None) wiking.module.CachedTables.reload_info(req) wiking.module.Config.configure(req) if req.unresolved_path: try: modname = self._mapping[req.unresolved_path[0]] except KeyError: modname = 'Pages' else: # Consume the unresolved path if it was in static mapping or # leave it for further resolution when passing to Pages. del req.unresolved_path[0] elif req.param('action'): if req.param('_manage_cms_panels') == '1': modname = 'Panels' else: modname = 'Pages' else: try: return super(Application, self).handle(req) except wiking.Forbidden: # The parent method raises Forbidden when there are no menu items to redirect to. if req.check_roles(Roles.CONTENT_ADMIN): # Give the administrator some hints on a fresh install. if wiking.module.Pages.empty(req): raise wiking.Abort(_("Welcome to Wiking CMS"), lcg.Container((lcg.p("There are currently no pages."), lcg.p("/?action=insert", _("Create a new page")))))) elif not self.preview_mode(req): req.message(_("There are no published pages. " "You need to switch to the Preview mode " "to be able to access the unpublished pages."), req.WARNING) raise return req.forward(wiking.module(modname))
def _content(self, lang): import wiking import wiking.cms def descr(option): content = [lcg.em(option.description())] doc = option.documentation() if doc: content.append(lcg.p(doc)) content.append(lcg.p("*Default value:*", formatted=True)) content.append(lcg.PreformattedText(option.default_string())) return content import lcg # Initial text is taken from configuration module docstring. intro = lcg.Parser().parse(lcg.unindent_docstring(wiking.cfg.__doc__)) # Construct sections according to module and subsections with the config options sections = [ lcg.Section(title=title, content=[ lcg.Section(title="Option '%s'" %,, descr=o.description(), content=descr(o)) for o in cfg.options(sort=True) if o.visible() ]) for title, cfg in (("Wiking Configuration Options", wiking.cfg), ("Wiking CMS Configuration Options", wiking.cms.cfg)) ] overview = [ lcg.Section(title=section.title() + " Overview", content=lcg.ul( lcg.coerce((,, ": ", s.descr())) for s in section.sections())) for section in sections ] return dict(content=intro + overview + sections)
def _breadcrumbs(self, context): links = [ for n in context.node().path()[1:]] # Translators: A label followed by location information in webpage navigation return _("You are here:") + ' ' + lcg.concat(links, separator=' / ')
def _powered_by_wiking(self, req): import wiking # Translators: Website idiom. This is followed by information on the underlying software # tools. Means: This website runs on [...this and that software...]. return (_("Powered by"), ' ','', 'Wiking'), ' ', wiking.__version__)