Exemplo n.º 1
def cover(p0: Perception, action: int, p1: Perception, time: int,
          cfg: Configuration) -> Classifier:
    Covering - creates a classifier that anticipates a change correctly.
    The reward of the new classifier is set to 0 to prevent *reward bubbles*
    in the environmental model.

    p0: Perception
        previous perception
    action: int
        chosen action
    p1: Perception
        current perception
    time: int
        current epoch
    cfg: Configuration
        algorithm configuration class

        new classifier
    # In paper it's advised to set experience and reward of newly generated
    # classifier to 0. However in original code these values are initialized
    # with defaults 1 and 0.5 correspondingly.
    new_cl = Classifier(action=action, experience=0, reward=0, cfg=cfg)
    new_cl.tga = time
    new_cl.talp = time

    new_cl.specialize(p0, p1)

    return new_cl
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_should_specialize(self, cfg):
        # given
        p0 = Perception([random.random()] * 2, oktypes=(float, ))
        p1 = Perception([random.random()] * 2, oktypes=(float, ))
        cl = Classifier(cfg=cfg)

        # when
        cl.specialize(p0, p1)

        # then
        for condition_ubr, effect_ubr in zip(cl.condition, cl.effect):
            assert condition_ubr.lower_bound == condition_ubr.upper_bound
            assert effect_ubr.lower_bound == effect_ubr.upper_bound
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_should_specialize(self, cfg):
        # given
        p0 = Perception(np.random.random(2), oktypes=(float, ))
        p1 = Perception(np.random.random(2), oktypes=(float, ))
        cl = Classifier(cfg=cfg)

        # when
        cl.specialize(p0, p1)

        # then
        enc_p0 = list(map(cfg.encoder.encode, p0))
        enc_p1 = list(map(cfg.encoder.encode, p1))

        for i, (c_ubr, e_ubr) in enumerate(zip(cl.condition, cl.effect)):
            assert c_ubr.lower_bound <= enc_p0[i] <= c_ubr.upper_bound
            assert e_ubr.lower_bound <= enc_p1[i] <= e_ubr.upper_bound