Exemplo n.º 1
def restore_specific(files, path, date=None, backend = None, encrypt = True, dest = None):
  global srcdir
  files = [os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in files]
  args = ['--restore'] + files
  start_deja_dup(args=args, waitfor='frmRestore')

  if backend is not None:
    walk_restore_prefs('frmRestore', backend=backend, dest=dest)
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnForward')

  wait_for_finish('frmRestore', 'lblRestoreFromWhen?', 200)
  if date:
    ldtp.comboselect('frmRestore', 'cboDate', date)
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnForward')
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnRestore')

  if encrypt is not None:
    wait_for_encryption('frmRestore', encrypt)

  if len(files) == 1:
    lbl = 'lblYourfilewassuccessfullyrestored'
    lbl = 'lblYourfilesweresuccessfullyrestored'
  wait_for_finish('frmRestore', lbl, 400)

  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnClose')
Exemplo n.º 2
def walk_restore_prefs(dlg, backend, dest):
  if backend == 'file':
    ldtp.comboselect(dlg, 'cboLocation', 'Local Folder')
    wait_for_combo(dlg, 'cboLocation', 'Local Folder') # this menu acts slowly, because of custom widgets
    ldtp.settextvalue(dlg, 'txtFileFolder', dest)
    ldtp.wait(1) # without this, sometimes ldtp moves so fast, deja-dup doesn't notice dest
Exemplo n.º 3
def restore_simple(path, date=None, backend = None, encrypt=True, dest = None):

  if guivisible('frmBackup', 'btnIwanttorestorefilesfromapreviousbackup…'):
    ldtp.click('frmBackup', 'btnIwanttorestorefilesfromapreviousbackup…')
    ldtp.selecttab('frmBackup', 'ptlCategories', 'Overview')
    ldtp.click('frmBackup', 'btnRestore…')


  if backend is not None:
    walk_restore_prefs('frmRestore', backend, dest)  
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnForward')

  wait_for_finish('frmRestore', 'lblRestoreFromWhen?', 200)
  if date:
    ldtp.comboselect('frmRestore', 'cboDate', date)
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnForward')

  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'rbtnRestoretospecificfolder')
  ldtp.comboselect('frmRestore', 'cboRestorefolder', 'Other...')
  # Make sure path ends in '/'
  if path[-1] != '/':
    path += '/'
  ldtp.selectlastrow('dlgChoosedestinationforrestoredfiles', 'tblPlaces') # must switch away from Recent Files view to get txtLocation
  ldtp.wait(1) # give the dlg a second to settle
  ldtp.settextvalue('dlgChoosedestinationforrestoredfiles', 'txtLocation', path)
  ldtp.click('dlgChoosedestinationforrestoredfiles', 'btnOpen')
  ldtp.wait(1) # give the combo a second to settle
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnForward')
  ldtp.wait(1) # give the dlg a second to settle
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnRestore')

  if encrypt is not None:
    wait_for_encryption('frmRestore', encrypt)

  wait_for_finish('frmRestore', 'lblYourfilesweresuccessfullyrestored', 400)
  ldtp.click('frmRestore', 'btnClose')
Exemplo n.º 4
def walk_prefs(backend, dest, includes, excludes):
  if backend == 'file':
    ldtp.selecttab('frmBackup', 'ptlCategories', 'Storage')

    if dest is None:
      dest = get_temp_name('local')
      os.system('mkdir -p %s' % dest)
    elif dest[0] != '/' and dest.find(':') == -1:
      dest = os.getcwd()+'/'+dest

    ldtp.comboselect('frmBackup', 'cboLocation', 'Local Folder')
    wait_for_combo('frmBackup', 'cboLocation', 'Local Folder') # this menu acts slowly, because of custom widgets
    ldtp.settextvalue('frmBackup', 'txtFileFolder', dest)
    ldtp.wait(1) # without this, sometimes ldtp moves so fast, deja-dup doesn't notice dest

  ldtp.selecttab('frmBackup', 'ptlCategories', 'Folders')
  if includes is not None:
    set_file_list('frmBackup', 'tblIncludeList', 'btnIncludeListAdd', 'btnIncludeListRemove', includes)
  if excludes is not None:
    set_file_list('frmBackup', 'tblExcludeList', 'btnExcludeListAdd', 'btnExcludeListRemove', excludes)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def combo_select(self, window_name, component_name, item_name):
        [关键字概要] Select a menu item or list item in a combo box based on name

        :param window_name: 窗口名称

        :param component_name: 组件名称

        :param item_name: menu item or list item

        :return: 1 on success, LdtpExecutionError exception on failure
            self._info('combo select (%s, %s, %s)' %
                       (window_name, component_name, item_name))
            return ldtp.comboselect(window_name, component_name, item_name)
        except LdtpExecutionError:
            raise LdtpExecutionError('combo select failed.')