Exemplo n.º 1
    def LogRun(ss, dt):
        LogRun adds data from current run to the RunLog table.
        run = ss.TrainEnv.Run.Cur # this is NOT triggered by increment yet -- use Cur
        row = dt.Rows
        dt.SetNumRows(row + 1)

        epclog = ss.TrnEpcLog
        epcix = etable.NewIdxView(epclog)
        # compute mean over last N epochs for run level
        nlast = 1
        if nlast > epcix.Len()-1:
            nlast = epcix.Len() - 1
        epcix.Idxs = epcix.Idxs[epcix.Len()-nlast-1:]

        params = "Std"
        if ss.AvgLGain != 2.5:
            params += "_AvgLGain=%s" % (ss.AvgLGain)
        if ss.InputNoise != 0:
            params += "_InVar=%s" % (ss.InputNoise)

        dt.SetCellFloat("Run", row, float(run))
        dt.SetCellString("Params", row, params)
        dt.SetCellFloat("UniqPats", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "UniqPats")[0])

        runix = etable.NewIdxView(dt)
        spl = split.GroupBy(runix, go.Slice_string(["Params"]))
        split.Desc(spl, "UniqPats")
        ss.RunStats = spl.AggsToTable(etable.AddAggName)

        # note: essential to use Go version of update when called from another goroutine
Exemplo n.º 2
    def LogRun(ss, dt):
        LogRun adds data from current run to the RunLog table.
        run = ss.TrainEnv.Run.Cur # this is NOT triggered by increment yet -- use Cur
        row = dt.Rows
        dt.SetNumRows(row + 1)

        epclog = ss.TstEpcLog
        epcix = etable.NewIdxView(epclog)
        # compute mean over last N epochs for run level
        nlast = 5
        if nlast > epcix.Len()-1:
            nlast = epcix.Len() - 1
        epcix.Idxs = go.Slice_int(epcix.Idxs[epcix.Len()-nlast:])

        params = ss.Learn.name + "_" + ss.Pats.name

        dt.SetCellFloat("Run", row, float(run))
        dt.SetCellString("Params", row, params)
        dt.SetCellFloat("FirstZero", row, float(ss.FirstZero))
        dt.SetCellFloat("SSE", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "SSE")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("AvgSSE", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "AvgSSE")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("PctErr", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "PctErr")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("PctCor", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "PctCor")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("CosDiff", row, agg.Mean(epcix, "CosDiff")[0])

        runix = etable.NewIdxView(dt)
        spl = split.GroupBy(runix, go.Slice_string(["Params"]))
        split.Desc(spl, "FirstZero")
        split.Desc(spl, "PctCor")
        split.Desc(spl, "SSE")
        ss.RunStats = spl.AggsToTable(etable.AddAggName)

        # note: essential to use Go version of update when called from another goroutine
        if ss.RunPlot != 0:
        if ss.RunFile != 0:
            if row == 0:
                dt.WriteCSVHeaders(ss.RunFile, etable.Tab)
            dt.WriteCSVRow(ss.RunFile, row, etable.Tab)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def LogTstEpc(ss, dt):
        row = dt.Rows
        dt.SetNumRows(row + 1)

        trl = ss.TstTrlLog
        tix = etable.NewIdxView(trl)
        epc = ss.TrainEnv.Epoch.Prv  # ?

        # note: this shows how to use agg methods to compute summary data from another
        # data table, instead of incrementing on the Sim
        dt.SetCellFloat("Run", row, float(ss.TrainEnv.Run.Cur))
        dt.SetCellFloat("Epoch", row, float(epc))
        dt.SetCellFloat("SSE", row, agg.Sum(tix, "SSE")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("AvgSSE", row, agg.Mean(tix, "AvgSSE")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("PctErr", row, agg.Mean(tix, "Err")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("PctCor", row, 1 - agg.Mean(tix, "Err")[0])
        dt.SetCellFloat("CosDiff", row, agg.Mean(tix, "CosDiff")[0])

        # note: essential to use Go version of update when called from another goroutine
        if ss.TstEpcPlot != 0: