Exemplo n.º 1
class InstalledDesktopsFacts(Model):
    The model includes fact about installe
    topic = SystemFactsTopic
    gnome_installed = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    kde_installed = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
class IpaInfo(Model):
    topic = SystemFactsTopic

    has_client_package = fields.Boolean()
    is_client_configured = fields.Boolean()

    has_server_package = fields.Boolean()
    is_server_configured = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 3
class SELinuxFacts(Model):
    topic = SystemFactsTopic

    runtime_mode = fields.Nullable(
        fields.StringEnum(['enforcing', 'permissive']))
    static_mode = fields.StringEnum(['enforcing', 'permissive', 'disabled'])
    enabled = fields.Boolean()
    policy = fields.StringEnum(['targeted', 'minimum', 'mls'])
    mls_enabled = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 4
class SELinux(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    # FIXME: fixme properly regarding the issue:
    # # https://github.com/oamg/leapp-repository/issues/20
    runtime_mode = fields.Nullable(
        fields.StringEnum(['enforcing', 'permissive']))
    static_mode = fields.StringEnum(['enforcing', 'permissive', 'disabled'])
    enabled = fields.Boolean()
    policy = fields.String()
    mls_enabled = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 5
class XFSPresence(Model):
    A generic message reporting mountpoints with XFS using ftype = 0
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    present = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    """ XFS is used on at least one mountpoint """

    without_ftype = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    """ At least one mountpoint is using XFS with ftype=0 """

    mountpoints_without_ftype = fields.List(fields.String(), default=[])
    """ List of mountpoints that have ftype=0 """
Exemplo n.º 6
class OpenSshConfig(Model):
    OpenSSH server configuration.

    This model contains the first effective configuration option specified
    in the configuration file or a list of all the options specified
    in all the conditional blocks used throughout the file.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    permit_root_login = fields.List(fields.Model(OpenSshPermitRootLogin))
    """ All PermitRootLogin directives. """
    use_privilege_separation = fields.Nullable(fields.StringEnum(['sandbox',
    """ Value of the UsePrivilegeSeparation directive, if present. Removed in RHEL 8. """
    protocol = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    """ Value of the Protocols directive, if present. Removed in RHEL 8. """
    ciphers = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    """ Value of the Ciphers directive, if present. Ciphers separated by comma. """
    macs = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    """ Value of the MACs directive, if present. """
    modified = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    """ True if the configuration file was modified. """
    deprecated_directives = fields.List(fields.String())
    """ Configuration directives that were deprecated in the new version of openssh. """
Exemplo n.º 7
class HybridImage(Model):
    Model used for instructing Leapp to convert "grubenv" symlink
    into a regular file in case of hybrid (BIOS/EFI) images using BIOS
    on Azure.
    topic = SystemFactsTopic
    detected = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 8
class VsftpdConfig(Model):
    Model representing some aspects of a vsftpd configuration file.

    The attributes representing the state of configuration options are nullable, so that
    they can represent the real state of the option in the file: if an option is set to "YES"
    in the configuration file, the corresponding attribute is set to True; if the option
    is set to NO, the attribute is set to False; if the option is not present in the config
    file at all, the attribute is set to None.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    path = fields.String()
    """Path to the vsftpd configuration file"""
    strict_ssl_read_eof = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    """Represents the state of the strict_ssl_read_eof option in the config file"""
    tcp_wrappers = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    """Represents the state of the tcp_wrappers option in the config file"""
Exemplo n.º 9
class RepositoryData(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    name = fields.String()
    baseurl = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    metalink = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    mirrorlist = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    enabled = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    additional_fields = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
Exemplo n.º 10
class SSSDConfig8to9(Model):
    SSSD configuration that is related to the upgrade process.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    enable_files_domain_set = fields.Boolean()
    True if [sssd]/enable_files_domain is explicitly set.

    explicit_files_domain = fields.Boolean()
    True if a domain with id_provider=files exist.

    pam_cert_auth = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 11
class AllFieldTypesModel(Model):
    topic = ModelTestTopic
    float_field = fields.Float(default=3.14, required=True)
    number_int_field = fields.Number(default=1.2, required=True)
    number_float_field = fields.Number(default=2, required=True)
    integer_field = fields.Integer(default=1, required=True)
    str_field = fields.String(default='string', required=True)
    unicode_field = fields.String(default=u'Unicode string', required=True)
    date_field = fields.DateTime(default=datetime.utcnow(), required=True)
    bool_field = fields.Boolean(default=True, required=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
class AuthselectDecision(Model):
    Confirmation of changes suggested in Authselect model.

    If confirmed is True, the changes will be applied on RHEL-8 machine.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    confirmed = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 13
class SpamassassinFacts(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    spamc_ssl_argument = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    SSL version specified by the --ssl option in the spamc config file, or None
    if no value is given.

    spamd_ssl_version = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    SSL version specified by the --ssl-version in the spamassassin sysconfig file,
    or None if no value is given.

    service_overriden = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 14
class RHSMInfo(Model):
    Subscription-manager details required for the inplace upgrade.
    topic = RHSMTopic

    release = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    """ Release the subscription-manager is set to. """
    attached_skus = fields.List(fields.String(), default=[])
    """ SKUs the current system is attached to. """
    available_repos = fields.List(fields.String(), default=[])
    """ Repositories that are available to the current system through the subscription-manager. """
    enabled_repos = fields.List(fields.String(), default=[])
    """ Repositories that are enabled on the current system through the subscription-manager. """
    existing_product_certificates = fields.List(fields.String(), default=[])
    """ Product certificates that are currently installed on the system. """
    sca_detected = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    """ Info about whether SCA manifest was used or not. """
Exemplo n.º 15
class OpenSshConfig(Model):
    OpenSSH server configuration.

    This model contains the first effective configuration option specified
    in the configuration file or a list of all the options specified
    in all the conditional blocks used throughout the file.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    permit_root_login = fields.List(fields.Model(OpenSshPermitRootLogin))
    use_privilege_separation = fields.Nullable(fields.StringEnum(['sandbox',
    protocol = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    ciphers = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    macs = fields.Nullable(fields.String())

    modified = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
Exemplo n.º 16
class FirewalldGlobalConfig(Model):
    The model contains firewalld global configuration. The configuration is
    usually located at /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf.
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    # Defaults for RHEL-9.
    defaultzone = fields.String(default='public')
    cleanuponexit = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    cleanupmodulesonexit = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    lockdown = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    ipv6_rpfilter = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    individualcalls = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    logdenied = fields.String(default='off')
    firewallbackend = fields.String(default='nftables')
    flushallonreload = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    rfc3964_ipv4 = fields.Boolean(default=True)

    # These have been removed in RHEL-9.
    allowzonedrifting = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 17
class Authselect(Model):
    Suggested changes that will convert the system to authselect.

    This model describes the authselect call that can be used to convert
    existing configuration into a equivalent or similar configuration
    that is generated by authselect.
    topic = SystemFactsTopic

    profile = fields.Nullable(fields.String(default=None))
    Suggested authselect profile name.

    features = fields.List(fields.String())
    Suggested authselect profile features.

    confirm = fields.Boolean(default=True)
Exemplo n.º 18
class CupsChangedFeatures(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    interface = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if interface scripts are used, False otherwise

    digest = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if Digest/BasicDigest directive values are used, False otherwise

    include = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if Include directive is used, False otherwise

    certkey = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if ServerKey/ServerCertificate directives are used, False otherwise

    env = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if PassEnv/SetEnv directives are used, False otherwise

    printcap = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    True if PrintcapFormat directive is used, False otherwise

    include_files = fields.List(fields.String(),
Exemplo n.º 19
class SelinuxRelabelDecision(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    set_relabel = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 20
class AcmeStorageInfo(Model):
    topic = SystemFactsTopic

    has_kernel_module = fields.Boolean()
    has_device = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 21
class SwitchToBLS(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic
    answer = fields.Boolean(default=False, required=True)
Exemplo n.º 22
class SCTPConfig(Model):
    topic = SCTPConfigTopic
    wanted = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 23
class XFSPresence(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    present = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    without_ftype = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 24
class FirewallStatus(Model):
    topic = SystemFactsTopic

    enabled = fields.Boolean()
    active = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 25
class SelinuxPermissiveDecision(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    set_permissive = fields.Boolean()
Exemplo n.º 26
class MultipathConfig(Model):
    """Model representing information about a multipath configuration file"""
    topic = SystemInfoTopic

    pathname = fields.String()
    """Config file path name"""

    default_path_checker = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    config_dir = fields.Nullable(fields.String())
    """Values of path_checker and config_dir in the defaults section.
       None if not set"""

    default_retain_hwhandler = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    default_detect_prio = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    default_detect_checker = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    reassign_maps = fields.Nullable(fields.Boolean())
    """True if retain_attached_hw_handler, detect_prio, detect_path_checker,
       or reassign_maps is set to "yes" in the defaults section. False
       if set to "no". None if not set."""

    hw_str_match_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    ignore_new_boot_devs_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    new_bindings_in_boot_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    unpriv_sgio_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    detect_path_checker_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    overrides_hwhandler_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    overrides_pg_timeout_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    queue_if_no_path_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    all_devs_section_exists = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    """True if hw_str_match, ignore_new_boot_devs, new_bindings_in_boot,
       detect_path_checker, or unpriv_sgio is set in any section,
       if queue_if_no_path is included in the features line in any
       section or if hardware_handler or pg_timeout is set in the
       overrides section. False otherwise"""

    all_devs_options = fields.List(fields.Model(MultipathConfigOption),
    """options in an all_devs device configuration section to be converted to
Exemplo n.º 27
class CustomTargetRepository(TargetRepositoryBase):
    name = fields.String()
    baseurl = fields.String()
    enabled = fields.Boolean(default=True)
Exemplo n.º 28
class BrlttyMigrationDecision(Model):
    topic = SystemInfoTopic
    migrate_file = fields.String()
    migrate_bt = fields.Boolean()
    migrate_espeak = fields.Boolean()