def process_item(processed_items, index): lecture = Lecture() lecture.month = processed_items[0] = processed_items[1] title = '' for position in range(2, index): title += "{} ".format(str(processed_items[position]).lower()) lecture.title = capwords(title.strip()) speaker = '' for position in range(index + 1, len(processed_items)): speaker += "{} ".format(str(processed_items[position]).strip('.').lower().title()) lecture.speaker = speaker.strip() return lecture
def rofi_list_lectures(): lectures = CURRENT_PROJECT.course_info if not lectures: return lectures = lectures.get_lectures() lectures_str = [str(l) for l in lectures] rofi = Rofi(rofi_args=["-i"]) index, key ="Choose a lecture", lectures_str, key4=('Super+o', "Open lecture in Zathura"), key5=('Super+e', "Open tex file in vim"), key6=("Super+n", "Create a new Lecture")) if index == -1: return if key == 4: lectures[index].view().execute() elif key == 5: lectures[index].edit().execute() else: rofi = Rofi(rofi_args=["-i"]) title = rofi.text_entry("Title for lecture: ") lecture = Lecture.create_new(CURRENT_PROJECT_PATH, title) lecture.edit().execute()
def test_swap_lectures(self): pass #Test later, not called in generator at the moment lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey', 4564541, 'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems', 'COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE', 25, 3, 'Electrical and Electronics Engineering', 'Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section, course, lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item, 60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Monday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 = TimetableSlot('Tuesday', Classroom(' A110', 300, 'Libary'), TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Thursday', Classroom('Room C', 67, 'N1'), TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Friday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Monday', lecture, ttslot)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Tuesday', lecture, ttslot1)) self.assertTrue( self.timetable.add_lecture('Thursday', lecture, ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Friday', lecture, ttslot3)) print(self.timetable)
def test_to_list(self): lists = [['Teacher name', ['7333'], '122', True], ['Teacher name', ['2780.2'], 'КВАНТ-КК', True], ['Teacher name', [], '', False]] for (l, init_value) in zip(lists, self.init_values): lecture = Lecture.cell_parser(init_value) self.assertEqual(l, lecture.to_list(teacher_name='Teacher name'))
def test_remove_lecture(self): #test for removing a lecture from a slot that exists and is occupied lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) print(self.timetable) print('--------TEST - REMOVE-------------------After Adding Lecture-----------------') ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) print(self.timetable) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.remove_lecture(ttslot)) print('-----TEST REMOVE-----------------------After removing Lecture---------------') print(self.timetable) #test for removing a lecture from a slot that is empty self.assertFalse(self.timetable.remove_lecture(ttslot)) #test for removing a lecture from a slot that does not exists self.assertFalse(self.timetable.remove_lecture( TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('7:00', '8:00'))))
def test_room_is_free(self): lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 =TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot1)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot3)) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('7:00', '8:00'))) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00'))) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00'))) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00'))) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('12:00', '13:00'))) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('13:00', '14:00'))) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('14:00', '15:00'))) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.room_is_free(Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('15:00', '16:00')))
def test_all_slots(self): lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey', 4564541, 'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems', 'COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE', 25, 3, 'Electrical and Electronics Engineering', 'Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section, course, lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item, 60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Monday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 = TimetableSlot('Tuesday', Classroom(' A110', 300, 'Libary'), TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Thursday', Classroom('Room C', 67, 'N1'), TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Friday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) ttslot4 = TimetableSlot('Monday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) #print(self.timetable) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Monday', lecture, ttslot)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Tuesday', lecture, ttslot1)) self.assertTrue( self.timetable.add_lecture('Thursday', lecture, ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Friday', lecture, ttslot3)) print("############ Testing All Slots##############################") slots = self.timetable.all_slots() for slot in slots: print(slot)
def __init__(self, lectures: List[Lecture], agenda: List[str] = []): self.schedule = {} self.agenda = agenda def is_course_in_agenda(lecture: Lecture, agenda: List[str]): if not agenda: return True for course in agenda: if lecture.course.lower().find(course.lower()) >= 0: return True else: return False for hour in hours: self.schedule[hour] = [] filtered = [ Lecture( course=l.course,, begin=l.begin.replace(hour=hour.hour, minute=hour.minute), end=l.end.replace(hour=(hour + timedelta(hours=1)).hour),, ) for l in lectures if l.begin.hour <= hour.hour < l.end.hour and is_course_in_agenda(l, self.agenda) ] for day in range(0, 5): day_lectures = list(filter(lambda l: == day, filtered)) self.schedule[hour].append(day_lectures)
def getPendingCount(lector): """Vrátí počet nevyřízených zadání""" lectures = Lecture.getAll(lector) ids = [ str(lecture.lecture_id) for lecture in lectures ] if len(ids) == 0: return 0 c = query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM assigments WHERE (state = ?) AND lecture_id IN (%s)' % (",".join(ids)) , (Model.STATE_LOCKED,) ) return c.fetchone()["cnt"]
def get_lectures(self): lectures = [] for root, dir_names, file_names in walk( path.join(self.project_root, "lectures")): for name in file_names: if name.endswith(".tex") and not name.startswith("preamble"): lectures.append(Lecture(path.join(root, name))) lectures.sort(key=lambda x:, reverse=True) return lectures
def test_move_lecture(self): #test for moving lecture from a slot that is occupied #first create a new lecture and then add it to a slot lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) print(self.timetable) print('---------------------------After Adding Lecture-----------------') ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) print(self.timetable) #test for moving lecture from a slot that is not occupied self.assertFalse(self.timetable.move_lecture(TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')), TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('14:00', '15:00')))) print('---------------------After attempting wrong move-------------------') print(self.timetable) #test for moving lecture to a slot that is not occupied self.assertTrue(self.timetable.move_lecture(TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')), TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) )) print('------------------------------After moving lecture (unoccupied)-------------------------') print(self.timetable) #test for moving lecture to a slot that is occupied with free as True ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.move_lecture(TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')), TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) )) print(self.timetable) #test for moving lecture to a slot that is not occupied with free as False #test for moving a lecture back to itself #test for moving from a slot that does not exits self.assertFalse(self.timetable.move_lecture(TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '10:00')), TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) )) #test for moving to a slot that does not exits self.assertFalse(self.timetable.move_lecture(TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')), TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '12:00')) ))
def getPending(lector): """Vrátí nevyřízená zadání""" lectures = Lecture.getAll(lector) ids = [ str(lecture.lecture_id) for lecture in lectures ] if len(ids) == 0: raise StopIteration c = query('SELECT * FROM assigments WHERE (state = ?) AND lecture_id IN (%s) ORDER BY changed ASC' % (",".join(ids)) , (Model.STATE_LOCKED,) ) for row in c.fetchall(): yield Model(row)
def getForLector(lector): """Vrátí zadaná cvičení """ lectures = Lecture.getAll(lector) ids = [ str(lecture.lecture_id) for lecture in lectures ] if len(ids) == 0: raise StopIteration c = query('SELECT * FROM assigments WHERE (NOT state = ?) AND lecture_id IN (%s)' % (",".join(ids)) , (Model.STATE_NEW,) ) for row in c.fetchall(): yield Model(row)
def getSilent(lector): """Vrátí zadání, která nepotřebují vyřídit""" lectures = Lecture.getAll(lector) ids = [ str(lecture.lecture_id) for lecture in lectures ] if len(ids) == 0: raise StopIteration c = query('SELECT * FROM assigments WHERE (NOT state = ?) AND lecture_id IN (%s) ORDER BY state ASC, generated DESC' % (",".join(ids)) , (Model.STATE_LOCKED,) ) for row in c.fetchall(): yield Model(row)
def list(): """Seznam aktivních cvičení, na které se student může přihlásit""" usr = getUser() # zjistíme v jaké jsme skupině grp = usr.getGroup() #todo: assert group != None lectures = Lecture.getAvailable( grp.lector ) return template("assigments_student", {"lectures" : lectures, } )
def get_speakers(): if 'lecture_id' in request.args: _lecture_id = int(request.args['lecture_id']) _lecture = Lecture.get(_lecture_id) if _lecture: _speaker = _lecture.speaker if _speaker: return jsonify({'speaker': _speaker, 'lecture': _lecture}) else: abort(404) else: abort(404) return jsonify({'speakers': speakers})
def get_lecture(c): weekday = int(c["giorno"]) - 1 day = first_day + timedelta(days=weekday) b_hours, b_minutes = map(int, c["ora_inizio"].split(":")) e_hours, e_minutes = map(int, c["ora_fine"].split(":")) return Lecture( course=c["nome_insegnamento"], room=c["codice_aula"], begin=day.replace(hour=b_hours, minute=b_minutes), end=day.replace(hour=e_hours, minute=e_minutes), day=weekday, )
def test_first_fit(self): lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) print('----------------First Fit-----------------------------') print(self.timetable.first_fit(lecture))
def test_add_lecture(self): #test for the case of adding a lecture to a slot that is free with free parameter lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) print(self.timetable) print('---------------------------After Adding Lecture-----------------') ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) print(self.timetable) #test for the case of adding a lecture to a slot that is not free with free parameter lecturer = Lecturer('Selasi Agbemenu',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Linear Electronics','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) print('---------------------------After Adding Lecture to Occupied---------') ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) print(self.timetable) #test for adding a lecture to slot that is not in the timetable print('---------------------------After Adding Lecture to Occupied---------') ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('6:00', '7:00')) self.assertFalse(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) print(self.timetable)
def test_timetableslot(self): lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) self.assertEqual(self.timetable.timetableslot(,ttslot.time_slot),ttslot) ttslot1 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) self.assertEqual(self.timetable.timetableslot(,ttslot1.time_slot),ttslot1)
def list(): """Seznam aktivních cvičení, na které se student může přihlásit""" usr = getUser() # zjistíme v jaké jsme skupině grp = usr.getGroup() #todo: assert group != None lectures = Lecture.getAvailable(grp.lector) return template("assigments_student", { "lectures": lectures, })
def parse_days(day): lectures = day.find_all('font', attrs={'size': '1'}) daily_lectures = [] for lecture in lectures: lecture_raw = lecture.find('b').get_text() newstr = lecture_raw.replace('-', '') attrs = newstr.split() if (str(attrs[3]) == 'LAB') or (str(attrs[3]) == 'TUT'): attrs[3] = attrs[3] + '-' + attrs[4] attrs[4] = attrs[5] lecture_attr = Lecture(attrs[0], attrs[1], attrs[2], attrs[3], attrs[4]) daily_lectures.append(lecture_attr) return daily_lectures
def processLecture(self,lectureTr): columns = lectureTr.findAll("td") serierNumber = columns[0] date = columns[3] title = columns[4] try: serierInt = int(serierNumber.text) except ValueError: return if "Re:" in title.text: return else : lecture = Lecture() url = title.find('a') = url.attrs['href'] try: dateAndTitle = (title.text.split('[')[1]).split("]") if len(dateAndTitle[0]) != 5: return = dateAndTitle[0] lecture.title = dateAndTitle[1] self.lectures.append(lecture) except IndexError: return
def show(lecture_id): """Zobrazení a odevzdávání zadání """ usr = getUser() lec = Lecture.get(lecture_id) if not lec: return HTTPError(404, "Cvičení nebylo nalezeno") if not lec.isActive(): msg("Cvičení není aktivní", "error") redirect("/assigments") assigment = Assigment.getUnique(lecture_id, usr.login) if not assigment: assigment = Assigment.create(lec.lecture_id, lec.generate(), usr.login) msg("Cvičení bylo vygenerováno", "success") if request.method == 'POST' and request.files.response: try: assigment.respond( msgTxt = "Řešení bylo úspěšně odesláno" if request.is_xhr: return HTTPResponse({ "type": "success", "msg": msgTxt }) msg(msgTxt, "success") except Exception as e: msgTxt = "Chyba při odesílání řešení - %s" % e if request.is_xhr: return HTTPResponse({ "type": "error", "msg": msgTxt }) msg(msgTxt, "error") redirect(request.path) return template("assigments_show", { "assigment": assigment, "lecture": lec })
def test_add_lecture(self): pass lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey', 4564541, 'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems', 'COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE', 25, 3, 'Electrical and Electronics Engineering', 'Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section, course, lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item, 60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Monday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 = TimetableSlot('Tuesday', Classroom(' A110', 300, 'Libary'), TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Thursday', Classroom('Room C', 67, 'N1'), TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Friday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) ttslot4 = TimetableSlot('Monday', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) print(self.timetable) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Monday', lecture, ttslot)) self.assertTrue( self.timetable.timetableslot('Monday',, ttslot1.time_slot).is_occupied, True) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Tuesday', lecture, ttslot1)) self.assertTrue( self.timetable.add_lecture('Thursday', lecture, ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture('Friday', lecture, ttslot3)) print( '############################### Add Lecture ############################' ) print(self.timetable) self.timetable.timetable['Monday'].remove_time_table_slot( Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'), TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) print( '####################################################################' ) print(self.timetable) self.timetable.timetable['Monday'].move_lecture(ttslot, ttslot4) print(self.timetable.timetable) self.assertNotEqual(self.timetable.timetable['Monday'], self.timetable.timetable['Tuesday'])
def df_parser(teacher_df): """ Парсит входные данные из листа с занятиями преподавателя и возвращает объект типа Преподаватель :param: pd.DataFrame :return: Teacher """ teacher = Teacher() teacher._df = teacher_df teacher._dates = [] teacher._pairs = {} months = [ 'сентября', 'октября', 'ноября', 'декабря', 'января', 'февраля', 'марта', 'апреля', 'мая', 'июня', 'июля', 'августа' ] for col_num in teacher._df.columns: dates = [] selected_rows = [] rows_num = len(teacher._df.index) + 1 for row_num, row in teacher._df.iterrows(): cell = row[col_num] try: if cell.split(' ')[1] in months: dates.append(cell) selected_rows.append(row_num + 1) except: pass teacher._dates += dates selected_rows.append(rows_num) for i, date in enumerate(dates): pairs_df = teacher._df[col_num][ selected_rows[i]:selected_rows[i + 1] - 1] pairs = pairs_df.replace(, '') teacher._pairs[date] = [ Lecture.cell_parser(pair) for pair in pairs ] for date in teacher._pairs: teacher._pairs[date] = Teacher.parse_pairs(teacher._pairs[date]) return teacher
def setup_database_contents(): if not Speaker.query.all(): print 'speakers db rebuilt' for s in Speaker.get(): db.session.add(s) db.session.commit() if not Lecture.query.all(): print 'lectures db rebuilt' for l in Lecture.get(): db.session.add(l) db.session.commit() if not Sponsor.query.all(): print 'sponsors db rebuilt' for l in Sponsor.get(): db.session.add(l) db.session.commit()
def show(lecture_id): """Zobrazení a odevzdávání zadání """ usr = getUser() lec = Lecture.get( lecture_id ); if not lec: return HTTPError(404, "Cvičení nebylo nalezeno") if not lec.isActive(): msg("Cvičení není aktivní", "error") redirect("/assigments"); assigment = Assigment.getUnique( lecture_id, usr.login ) if not assigment: assigment = Assigment.create( lec.lecture_id, lec.generate(), usr.login ) msg("Cvičení bylo vygenerováno", "success") if request.method == 'POST' and request.files.response: try: assigment.respond( ) msgTxt = "Řešení bylo úspěšně odesláno"; if request.is_xhr: return HTTPResponse({"type": "success", "msg": msgTxt}); msg(msgTxt ,"success") except Exception as e: msgTxt = "Chyba při odesílání řešení - %s" % e if request.is_xhr: return HTTPResponse({"type": "error", "msg": msgTxt}); msg(msgTxt, "error") redirect(request.path) return template("assigments_show", {"assigment" : assigment, "lecture": lec } )
def test_remove_all(self): #test for the case of adding a lecture to a slot that is free with free parameter lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 =TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot1)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot3)) print('---------------------------After Adding Lectures-----------------') print(self.timetable) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.remove_all()) print('---------------------------After Removing Lectures-----------------') print(self.timetable)
def test_occupied_slots(self): #if all slots are empty return an empty lists self.assertEqual([],self.timetable.occupied_slots()) print(self.timetable.occupied_slots()) lecturer = Lecturer('Benjamin Kommey',4564541,'Mr') course = Course('Embedded Systems','COE 361') section = Section('ED CoE',25,3,'Electrical and Electronics Engineering','Computer Engineering') c_item = CurriculumItem(section,course,lecturer) lecture = Lecture(c_item,60) ttslot = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('8:00', '9:00')) ttslot1 =TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('9:00', '10:00')) ttslot2 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('10:00', '11:00')) ttslot3 = TimetableSlot('Mon', Classroom('LT ', 45, 'PBOO2'),TimeSlot('11:00', '12:00')) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot1)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot2)) self.assertTrue(self.timetable.add_lecture(lecture,ttslot3)) self.assertEqual([ttslot,ttslot1,ttslot2,ttslot3],self.timetable.occupied_slots())
def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() session = Session(DatabaseTest.connection) semester = Semester('WS', 2017) s1 = Student('Max', 'Mustermann', '*****@*****.**') s2 = Student('Maike', 'Musterfrau', '*****@*****.**') l1 = Lecturer('Jack', 'Johnson', '*****@*****.**', 'male') l2 = Lecturer('Jacky', 'Johnsons', '*****@*****.**', 'female') lecture = Lecture(title='Learn this', tutorial=False, lecturer=l2, semester=semester) lecture2 = Lecture(title='Learn this too', tutorial=False, lecturer=l1, semester=semester) lecture.participants = [s1, s2] lecture2.participants = [s1] session.add_all([semester, s1, s2, l1, l2, lecture, lecture2]) TestLecture.lecture = lecture session.commit() session.close()
def test_groups(self): groups = [['7333'], ['2780.2'], []] for (groups, init_value) in zip(groups, self.init_values): lecture = Lecture.cell_parser(init_value) self.assertEqual(groups, lecture.get_groups())
def getLecture(self): from lecture import Lecture return Lecture.get( self.lecture_id )
def test_entry_value(self): for init_value in self.init_values: lecture = Lecture.cell_parser(init_value) self.assertEqual(init_value, lecture.get_full_value())
def test_types(self): types = ['ПЗ', 'ПЗ', ''] for (tp, init_value) in zip(types, self.init_values): lecture = Lecture.cell_parser(init_value) self.assertEqual(tp, lecture.get_type())
""" Sets the GUI label With the vars `self.song_dict["name"]`, `self.song_dict["descr"]` and `self.song_dict["parsed_trans"]`. """ text = "<b>" text += ptp.escape_pango_chars(self.song_dict["name"]) text += "</b> <i>" text += ptp.escape_pango_chars(self.song_dict["descr"]) text += "</i> " text += self.song_dict["parsed_trans"] self.song_label.set_text(text) self.song_label.set_use_markup(True) if __name__ == "__main__": from window import Window from lecture import Lecture lecture = Lecture() window = Window() song = { "name": "song_title", "descr": "song_descr", "trans": ["1", "", "s"] } lecture.add_song_to_list(SongListItem(song)) window.set_content(lecture) Gtk.main()
def test_names(self): names = ['Безопасность ОС', '2780', ''] for (name, init_value) in zip(names, self.init_values): lecture = Lecture.cell_parser(init_value) self.assertEqual(name, lecture.get_name())
def test_get_pairs_dict(self): pairs_list = [{ '11 сентября': [ Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser( 'Безопасность ОС:\nПЗ-15 ауд. 122\nгр. 7334'), Lecture.cell_parser(''), ] }, { '02 октября': [ Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser( 'Безопасность ОС: \nлаб.раб-1 ауд. 122\nгр. 7334'), Lecture.cell_parser( 'Безопасность ОС: \nсем.-1 ауд. 209\nгр. 7334'), ] }, { '06 ноября': [ Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser(''), Lecture.cell_parser(''), ] }] for (pairs, df) in zip(pairs_list, self.init_dataframes): teacher = Teacher.df_parser(df) self.assertEqual(pairs, teacher.get_pairs_dict())
def get_lecture(lecture_id): lecture = Lecture.get(lecture_id) if not lecture: abort(404) return jsonify({'lecture': lecture})