def main(): conf = parse_args(legion.input_args(True)) nbloated = np.array([conf.nx, conf.ny]) nt = np.array([conf.ntx, conf.nty]) init = conf.init n = nbloated - 2 * RADIUS assert np.all(n >= nt), "grid too small" grid = Ispace.create(n + nt * 2 * RADIUS) tiles = Ispace.create(nt) point = Fspace.create(OrderedDict([ ('input', DTYPE), ('output', DTYPE), ])) points = Region.create(grid, point) private = make_private_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) interior = make_interior_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) exterior = make_exterior_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) xm = Region.create([nt[0] * RADIUS, n[1]], point) xp = Region.create([nt[0] * RADIUS, n[1]], point) ym = Region.create([n[0], nt[1] * RADIUS], point) yp = Region.create([n[0], nt[1] * RADIUS], point) pxm_in = make_ghost_x_partition(xm, tiles, n, nt, -1) pxp_in = make_ghost_x_partition(xp, tiles, n, nt, 1) pym_in = make_ghost_y_partition(ym, tiles, n, nt, -1) pyp_in = make_ghost_y_partition(yp, tiles, n, nt, 1) pxm_out = make_ghost_x_partition(xm, tiles, n, nt, 0) pxp_out = make_ghost_x_partition(xp, tiles, n, nt, 0) pym_out = make_ghost_y_partition(ym, tiles, n, nt, 0) pyp_out = make_ghost_y_partition(yp, tiles, n, nt, 0) init = conf.init for r in [points, xm, xp, ym, yp]: for f in ['input', 'output']: legion.fill(r, f, init) tsteps = conf.tsteps tprune = conf.tprune for t in range(tsteps): for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): stencil(private[i], interior[i], pxm_in[i], pxp_in[i], pym_in[i], pyp_in[i], t == tprune) for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): increment(private[i], exterior[i], pxm_out[i], pxp_out[i], pym_out[i], pyp_out[i], t == tsteps - tprune - 1) for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): check(private[i], interior[i], tsteps, init)
def main(): d = Ispace(10) t = 0 for x in d: print(x) t += int(x) assert t == 45 d2 = Ispace([3, 3], [1, 1]) t2 = 0 for x in d2: print(x) t2 += x[0] * x[1] assert t2 == 36
def main_task(): # Create a 2D index space of size 4x4. I = Ispace([4, 4]) # Create a field space with a single field x of type float64. For # interop with C++, we have to choose an explicit field ID here # (in this case, 1). We could leave this out if the code were pure # Python. F = Fspace({'x': (legion.float64, 1)}) # Create a region from I and F and launch two tasks. R = Region(I, F) init_result = init(R) child_result = inc(R, 1) # Check task results: print("init task returned", init_result.get()) assert init_result.get() == 123 print("child task returned", child_result.get()) assert child_result.get() == 42 values = 'abc' for i in IndexLaunch([3]): print('queue %s' % i) hello(i, values[i]) print("main_task done")
def main(): # Create a 2D index space of size 4x4. I = Ispace([4, 4]) # Create a field space with a single field x of type float64. F = Fspace({'x': legion.float64}) # Create a region from I and F. R = Region(I, F) # This could have also been done with the following shortand, and # Legion will automatically create an index space and field space. R2 = Region([4, 4], {'x': legion.float64}) # Fill the field x of region R with an initial value. legion.fill(R, 'x', 101) # Launch two tasks. The second task will depend on the first, # since they both write R. init(R) child_result = inc(R, 1) # Note: when a task runs, it returns a future. To get the value of # the future, you have to block. However, in idiomatic Legion code # it would be more common to pass the future to another task # (without blocking). print("child task returned", child_result) print("child task future contains", child_result.get()) print("main_task done")
def init_partitions(graphs, num_fields): result = [] primary = [] secondary = [] scratch = [] p_scratch = [] dset_max_args = [] fspace = Fspace(dict((str(x), legion.uint8) for x in range(num_fields))) for graph in graphs: colors = Ispace([graph.max_width]) result.append( Region([graph.max_width * graph.output_bytes_per_task], fspace)) primary.append(Partition.equal(result[-1], colors)) for field in fspace.keys(): legion.fill(result[-1], field, 0) num_dsets = c.task_graph_max_dependence_sets(graph) secondary.append([]) dset_max_args.append([]) for dset in range(num_dsets): secondary[-1].append([]) num_args = 0 for arg in range(max_args): secondary[-1][-1].append(Partition.pending(result[-1], colors)) for point in range(graph.max_width): deps = list(task_graph_dependencies(graph, dset, point)) num_args = max(num_args, len(deps)) secondary[-1][-1][-1].union( [point], [primary[-1][deps[arg]]] if arg < len(deps) else []) dset_max_args[-1].append(num_args) if graph.scratch_bytes_per_task > 0: scratch.append( Region([graph.max_width * graph.scratch_bytes_per_task], fspace)) p_scratch.append(Partition.equal(scratch[-1], colors)) index_launch(colors, init_scratch_task, p_scratch[-1][ID]) else: scratch.append(None) p_scratch.append(None) return result, primary, secondary, scratch, p_scratch, dset_max_args
def main(): print_once('Running') conf = parse_args(legion.input_args(True)) nbloated = np.array([conf.nx, conf.ny]) nt = np.array([conf.ntx, conf.nty]) init = conf.init n = nbloated - 2*RADIUS assert np.all(n >= nt), "grid too small" grid = Ispace(n + nt*2*RADIUS) tiles = Ispace(nt) point = Fspace(OrderedDict([ ('input', DTYPE), ('output', DTYPE), ])) points = Region(grid, point) private = make_private_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) interior = make_interior_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) exterior = make_exterior_partition(points, tiles, n, nt) xm = Region([nt[0]*RADIUS, n[1]], point) xp = Region([nt[0]*RADIUS, n[1]], point) ym = Region([n[0], nt[1]*RADIUS], point) yp = Region([n[0], nt[1]*RADIUS], point) pxm_in = make_ghost_x_partition(xm, tiles, n, nt, -1) pxp_in = make_ghost_x_partition(xp, tiles, n, nt, 1) pym_in = make_ghost_y_partition(ym, tiles, n, nt, -1) pyp_in = make_ghost_y_partition(yp, tiles, n, nt, 1) pxm_out = make_ghost_x_partition(xm, tiles, n, nt, 0) pxp_out = make_ghost_x_partition(xp, tiles, n, nt, 0) pym_out = make_ghost_y_partition(ym, tiles, n, nt, 0) pyp_out = make_ghost_y_partition(yp, tiles, n, nt, 0) init = conf.init for r in [points, xm, xp, ym, yp]: for f in ['input', 'output']: legion.fill(r, f, init) tsteps = conf.tsteps + 2 * conf.tprune tprune = conf.tprune trace = Trace() for t in range(tsteps): if t == tprune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) start_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() with trace: if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(tiles, stencil, private[ID], interior[ID], pxm_in[ID], pxp_in[ID], pym_in[ID], pyp_in[ID], False) index_launch(tiles, increment, private[ID], exterior[ID], pxm_out[ID], pxp_out[ID], pym_out[ID], pyp_out[ID], False) else: for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): stencil(private[i], interior[i], pxm_in[i], pxp_in[i], pym_in[i], pyp_in[i], False) for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): increment(private[i], exterior[i], pxm_out[i], pxp_out[i], pym_out[i], pyp_out[i], False) if t == tsteps - tprune - 1: legion.execution_fence(block=True) stop_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(tiles, check, private[ID], interior[ID], tsteps, init) else: for i in IndexLaunch(tiles): check(private[i], interior[i], tsteps, init) print_once('ELAPSED TIME = %7.3f s' % ((stop_time - start_time)/1e9))
def main(): print_once('Running') conf = read_config().get() zone = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('zxp_x', legion.float64), ('zxp_y', legion.float64), ('zx_x', legion.float64), ('zx_y', legion.float64), ('zareap', legion.float64), ('zarea', legion.float64), ('zvol0', legion.float64), ('zvolp', legion.float64), ('zvol', legion.float64), ('zdl', legion.float64), ('zm', legion.float64), ('zrp', legion.float64), ('zr', legion.float64), ('ze', legion.float64), ('zetot', legion.float64), ('zw', legion.float64), ('zwrate', legion.float64), ('zp', legion.float64), ('zss', legion.float64), ('zdu', legion.float64), ('zuc_x', legion.float64), ('zuc_y', legion.float64), ('z0tmp', legion.float64), ('znump', legion.uint8), ])) point = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('px0_x', legion.float64), ('px0_y', legion.float64), ('pxp_x', legion.float64), ('pxp_y', legion.float64), ('px_x', legion.float64), ('px_y', legion.float64), ('pu0_x', legion.float64), ('pu0_y', legion.float64), ('pu_x', legion.float64), ('pu_y', legion.float64), ('pap_x', legion.float64), ('pap_y', legion.float64), ('pf_x', legion.float64), ('pf_y', legion.float64), ('pmaswt', legion.float64), ('has_bcx', legion.bool_), ('has_bcy', legion.bool_), ])) side = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('mapsz', legion.int1d), ('mapsp1', legion.int1d), ('mapsp1_r', legion.uint8), ('mapsp2', legion.int1d), ('mapsp2_r', legion.uint8), ('mapss3', legion.int1d), ('mapss4', legion.int1d), ('sareap', legion.float64), ('sarea', legion.float64), ('svolp', legion.float64), ('svol', legion.float64), ('ssurfp_x', legion.float64), ('ssurfp_y', legion.float64), ('smf', legion.float64), ('sfp_x', legion.float64), ('sfp_y', legion.float64), ('sft_x', legion.float64), ('sft_y', legion.float64), ('sfq_x', legion.float64), ('sfq_y', legion.float64), ('exp_x', legion.float64), ('exp_y', legion.float64), ('ex_x', legion.float64), ('ex_y', legion.float64), ('elen', legion.float64), ('carea', legion.float64), ('cevol', legion.float64), ('cdu', legion.float64), ('cdiv', legion.float64), ('ccos', legion.float64), ('cqe1_x', legion.float64), ('cqe1_y', legion.float64), ('cqe2_x', legion.float64), ('cqe2_y', legion.float64), ])) zones = Region([], zone) points = Region([], point) sides = Region([conf.ns], side) assert conf.seq_init or conf.par_init, 'enable one of sequential or parallel initialization' if conf.seq_init: colorings = read_input_sequential(zones, points, sides, conf).get() assert conf.par_init partitions = read_partitions(zones, points, sides, conf).get() pieces = Ispace([conf.npieces]) zones_part = create_partition(True, zones, partitions.rz_all_p, pieces) points_part = create_partition(True, points, partitions.rp_all_p, [2]) private = points_part[0] ghost = points_part[1] private_part = create_partition(True, private, partitions.rp_all_private_p, pieces) ghost_part = create_partition(False, ghost, partitions.rp_all_ghost_p, pieces) shared_part = create_partition(True, ghost, partitions.rp_all_shared_p, pieces) sides_part = create_partition(True, sides, partitions.rs_all_p, pieces) if conf.par_init: if _constant_time_launches: c = Future(conf, value_type=config) index_launch(pieces, initialize_topology, c, ID, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], shared_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID]) else: for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): initialize_topology(conf, i, zones_part[i], private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i]) if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(pieces, init_pointers, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID]) index_launch(pieces, init_mesh_zones, zones_part[ID]) index_launch(pieces, calc_centers_full, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_volumes_full, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, init_side_fracs, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID]) index_launch(pieces, init_hydro, zones_part[ID], conf.rinit, conf.einit, conf.rinitsub, conf.einitsub, conf.subregion[0], conf.subregion[1], conf.subregion[2], conf.subregion[3]) index_launch(pieces, init_radial_velocity, private_part[ID], conf.uinitradial) index_launch(pieces, init_radial_velocity, shared_part[ID], conf.uinitradial) else: for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_pointers(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_mesh_zones(zones_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_centers_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_volumes_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_side_fracs(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_hydro(zones_part[i], conf.rinit, conf.einit, conf.rinitsub, conf.einitsub, conf.subregion[0], conf.subregion[1], conf.subregion[2], conf.subregion[3]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_radial_velocity(private_part[i], conf.uinitradial) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_radial_velocity(shared_part[i], conf.uinitradial) cycle = 0 cstop = conf.cstop + 2 * conf.prune time = 0.0 dt = Future(conf.dtmax, legion.float64) dthydro = conf.dtmax while cycle < cstop and time < conf.tstop: if cycle == conf.prune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) start_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(pieces, init_step_points, private_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, init_step_points, shared_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, init_step_zones, zones_part[ID], True) dt = calc_global_dt(dt, conf.dtfac, conf.dtinit, conf.dtmax, dthydro, time, conf.tstop, cycle) index_launch(pieces, adv_pos_half, private_part[ID], dt, True) index_launch(pieces, adv_pos_half, shared_part[ID], dt, True) index_launch(pieces, calc_centers, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_volumes, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_char_len, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_rho_half, zones_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, sum_point_mass, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_state_at_half, zones_part[ID], conf.gamma, conf.ssmin, dt, True) index_launch(pieces, calc_force_pgas_tts, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], conf.alfa, conf.ssmin, True) index_launch(pieces, qcs_zone_center_velocity, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, qcs_corner_divergence, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, qcs_qcn_force, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], conf.gamma, conf.q1, conf.q2, True) index_launch(pieces, qcs_force, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, qcs_vel_diff, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], conf.q1, conf.q2, True) index_launch(pieces, sum_point_force, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, apply_boundary_conditions, private_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, apply_boundary_conditions, shared_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, adv_pos_full, private_part[ID], dt, True) index_launch(pieces, adv_pos_full, shared_part[ID], dt, True) index_launch(pieces, calc_centers_full, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_volumes_full, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], True) index_launch(pieces, calc_work, zones_part[ID], private_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], sides_part[ID], dt, True) index_launch(pieces, calc_work_rate_energy_rho_full, zones_part[ID], dt, True) future = index_launch(pieces, calc_dt_hydro, zones_part[ID], dt, conf.dtmax, conf.cfl, conf.cflv, True, reduce='min') dthydro = conf.dtmax dthydro = min_task(dthydro, future) else: for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_step_points(private_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_step_points(shared_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_step_zones(zones_part[i], True) dt = calc_global_dt(dt, conf.dtfac, conf.dtinit, conf.dtmax, dthydro, time, conf.tstop, cycle) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_half(private_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_half(shared_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_centers(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_volumes(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_char_len(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_rho_half(zones_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): sum_point_mass(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_state_at_half(zones_part[i], conf.gamma, conf.ssmin, dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_force_pgas_tts(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], conf.alfa, conf.ssmin, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): qcs_zone_center_velocity(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): qcs_corner_divergence(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): qcs_qcn_force(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], conf.gamma, conf.q1, conf.q2, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): qcs_force(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): qcs_vel_diff(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], conf.q1, conf.q2, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): sum_point_force(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): apply_boundary_conditions(private_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): apply_boundary_conditions(shared_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_full(private_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_full(shared_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_centers_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_volumes_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_work(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_work_rate_energy_rho_full(zones_part[i], dt, True) futures = [] for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): futures.append( calc_dt_hydro(zones_part[i], dt, conf.dtmax, conf.cfl, conf.cflv, True)) dthydro = conf.dtmax dthydro = min(dthydro, *list(map(lambda x: x.get(), futures))) cycle += 1 time += dt.get() if cycle == cstop - conf.prune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) stop_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() if conf.seq_init: validate_output_sequential(zones, points, sides, conf) else: print_once("Warning: Skipping sequential validation") print_once("ELAPSED TIME = %7.3f s" % ((stop_time - start_time) / 1e9))
def main(): conf = parse_args(legion.input_args(True)) assert conf.num_pieces % conf.pieces_per_superpiece == 0, "pieces should be evenly distributed to superpieces" conf.shared_nodes_per_piece = int( math.ceil(conf.nodes_per_piece * conf.pct_shared_nodes / 100.0)) print( "circuit settings: loops=%d prune=%d pieces=%d (pieces/superpiece=%d) nodes/piece=%d (nodes/piece=%d) wires/piece=%d pct_in_piece=%d seed=%d" % (conf.num_loops, conf.prune, conf.num_pieces, conf.pieces_per_superpiece, conf.nodes_per_piece, conf.shared_nodes_per_piece, conf.wires_per_piece, conf.pct_wire_in_piece, conf.random_seed)) num_pieces = conf.num_pieces num_superpieces = conf.num_pieces // conf.pieces_per_superpiece num_circuit_nodes = num_pieces * conf.nodes_per_piece num_circuit_wires = num_pieces * conf.wires_per_piece node = Fspace.create( OrderedDict([ ('node_cap', legion.float32), ('leakage', legion.float32), ('charge', legion.float32), ('node_voltage', legion.float32), ])) wire = Fspace.create( OrderedDict([ ('in_ptr', legion.int64), ('in_ptr_r', legion.uint8), ('out_ptr', legion.int64), ('out_ptr_r', legion.uint8), ('inductance', legion.float32), ('resistance', legion.float32), ('wire_cap', legion.float32), ] + [('current_%d' % i, legion.float32) for i in range(10)] + [('voltage_%d' % i, legion.float32) for i in range(9)])) all_nodes = Region.create([num_circuit_nodes], node) all_wires = Region.create([num_circuit_wires], wire) node_size = np.dtype(list( map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].numpy_type), node.field_types.items())), align=True).itemsize wire_size = np.dtype(list( map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].numpy_type), wire.field_types.items())), align=True).itemsize print("Circuit memory usage:") print(" Nodes : %10d * %4d bytes = %12d bytes" % (num_circuit_nodes, node_size, num_circuit_nodes * node_size)) print(" Wires : %10d * %4d bytes = %12d bytes" % (num_circuit_wires, wire_size, num_circuit_wires * wire_size)) total = ((num_circuit_nodes * node_size) + (num_circuit_wires * wire_size)) print(" Total %12d bytes" % total) snpp = conf.shared_nodes_per_piece pnpp = conf.nodes_per_piece - conf.shared_nodes_per_piece pps = conf.pieces_per_superpiece num_shared_nodes = num_pieces * snpp privacy_coloring = Region.create([2], {'rect': legion.rect1d}) np.copyto(privacy_coloring.rect, np.array([(num_shared_nodes, num_circuit_nodes - 1), (0, num_shared_nodes - 1)], dtype=privacy_coloring.rect.dtype), casting='no') privacy_part = Partition.create_by_restriction(privacy_coloring, [2], np.eye(1), [1], disjoint_complete) all_nodes_part = Partition.create_by_image(all_nodes, privacy_part, 'rect', [2], disjoint_complete) all_private = all_nodes_part[0] all_shared = all_nodes_part[1] launch_domain = Ispace.create([num_superpieces]) private_part = Partition.create_by_restriction( all_private, launch_domain, np.eye(1) * pnpp * pps, Domain.create([pnpp * pps], [num_shared_nodes]), disjoint_complete) shared_part = Partition.create_by_restriction(all_shared, launch_domain, np.eye(1) * snpp * pps, [snpp * pps], disjoint_complete) wires_part = Partition.create_equal(all_wires, launch_domain) ghost_ranges = Region.create([num_superpieces], OrderedDict([('rect', legion.rect1d)])) ghost_ranges_part = Partition.create_equal(ghost_ranges, launch_domain) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): init_piece(int(i), conf[0], ghost_ranges_part[i], private_part[i], shared_part[i], all_shared, wires_part[i]) ghost_part = Partition.create_by_image(all_shared, ghost_ranges_part, 'rect', launch_domain) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): init_pointers(private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) steps = conf.steps prune = conf.prune num_loops = conf.num_loops + 2 * prune for j in range(num_loops): for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): calculate_new_currents(j == prune, steps, private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): distribute_charge(private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): update_voltages(j == num_loops - prune - 1, private_part[i], shared_part[i])
def main(): print_once('Running') conf = parse_args(legion.input_args(True)) assert conf.num_pieces % conf.pieces_per_superpiece == 0, "pieces should be evenly distributed to superpieces" conf.shared_nodes_per_piece = int( math.ceil(conf.nodes_per_piece * conf.pct_shared_nodes / 100.0)) print_once( "circuit settings: loops=%d prune=%d pieces=%d (pieces/superpiece=%d) nodes/piece=%d (nodes/piece=%d) wires/piece=%d pct_in_piece=%d seed=%d" % (conf.num_loops, conf.prune, conf.num_pieces, conf.pieces_per_superpiece, conf.nodes_per_piece, conf.shared_nodes_per_piece, conf.wires_per_piece, conf.pct_wire_in_piece, conf.random_seed)) num_pieces = conf.num_pieces num_superpieces = conf.num_pieces // conf.pieces_per_superpiece num_circuit_nodes = num_pieces * conf.nodes_per_piece num_circuit_wires = num_pieces * conf.wires_per_piece node = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('node_cap', legion.float32), ('leakage', legion.float32), ('charge', legion.float32), ('node_voltage', legion.float32), ])) wire = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('in_ptr', legion.int64), ('in_ptr_r', legion.uint8), ('out_ptr', legion.int64), ('out_ptr_r', legion.uint8), ('inductance', legion.float32), ('resistance', legion.float32), ('wire_cap', legion.float32), ] + [('current_%d' % i, legion.float32) for i in range(WIRE_SEGMENTS)] + [('voltage_%d' % i, legion.float32) for i in range(WIRE_SEGMENTS - 1)])) all_nodes = Region([num_circuit_nodes], node) all_wires = Region([num_circuit_wires], wire) node_size = np.dtype(list( map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].numpy_type), node.field_types.items())), align=True).itemsize wire_size = np.dtype(list( map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].numpy_type), wire.field_types.items())), align=True).itemsize print_once("Circuit memory usage:") print_once(" Nodes : %10d * %4d bytes = %12d bytes" % (num_circuit_nodes, node_size, num_circuit_nodes * node_size)) print_once(" Wires : %10d * %4d bytes = %12d bytes" % (num_circuit_wires, wire_size, num_circuit_wires * wire_size)) total = ((num_circuit_nodes * node_size) + (num_circuit_wires * wire_size)) print_once(" Total %12d bytes" % total) snpp = conf.shared_nodes_per_piece pnpp = conf.nodes_per_piece - conf.shared_nodes_per_piece pps = conf.pieces_per_superpiece num_shared_nodes = num_pieces * snpp privacy_coloring = Region([2], {'rect': legion.rect1d}) np.copyto(privacy_coloring.rect, np.array([(num_shared_nodes, num_circuit_nodes - 1), (0, num_shared_nodes - 1)], dtype=privacy_coloring.rect.dtype), casting='no') privacy_part = Partition.restrict(privacy_coloring, [2], np.eye(1), [1], disjoint_complete) all_nodes_part = Partition.image(all_nodes, privacy_part, 'rect', [2], disjoint_complete) all_private = all_nodes_part[0] all_shared = all_nodes_part[1] launch_domain = Ispace([num_superpieces]) private_part = Partition.restrict(all_private, launch_domain, np.eye(1) * pnpp * pps, Domain([pnpp * pps], [num_shared_nodes]), disjoint_complete) shared_part = Partition.restrict(all_shared, launch_domain, np.eye(1) * snpp * pps, [snpp * pps], disjoint_complete) wires_part = Partition.equal(all_wires, launch_domain) ghost_ranges = Region([num_superpieces], OrderedDict([('rect', legion.rect1d)])) ghost_ranges_part = Partition.equal(ghost_ranges, launch_domain) if _constant_time_launches: c = Future(conf[0], value_type=Config) index_launch(launch_domain, init_piece, ID, c, ghost_ranges_part[ID], private_part[ID], shared_part[ID], all_shared, wires_part[ID]) else: for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): init_piece(i, conf[0], ghost_ranges_part[i], private_part[i], shared_part[i], all_shared, wires_part[i]) ghost_part = Partition.image(all_shared, ghost_ranges_part, 'rect', launch_domain) if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(launch_domain, init_pointers, private_part[ID], shared_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], wires_part[ID]) else: for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): init_pointers(private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) steps = conf.steps prune = conf.prune num_loops = conf.num_loops + 2 * prune trace = Trace() for j in range(num_loops): if j == prune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) start_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() with trace: if _constant_time_launches: index_launch(launch_domain, calculate_new_currents, False, steps, private_part[ID], shared_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], wires_part[ID]) index_launch(launch_domain, distribute_charge, private_part[ID], shared_part[ID], ghost_part[ID], wires_part[ID]) index_launch(launch_domain, update_voltages, False, private_part[ID], shared_part[ID]) else: for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): calculate_new_currents(False, steps, private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): distribute_charge(private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], wires_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(launch_domain): update_voltages(False, private_part[i], shared_part[i]) if j == num_loops - prune - 1: legion.execution_fence(block=True) stop_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() sim_time = (stop_time - start_time) / 1e9 print_once('ELAPSED TIME = %7.3f s' % sim_time) # Compute the floating point operations per second num_circuit_nodes = conf.num_pieces * conf.nodes_per_piece num_circuit_wires = conf.num_pieces * conf.wires_per_piece # calculate currents operations = num_circuit_wires * (WIRE_SEGMENTS * 6 + (WIRE_SEGMENTS - 1) * 4) * conf.steps # distribute charge operations += (num_circuit_wires * 4) # update voltages operations += (num_circuit_nodes * 4) # multiply by the number of loops operations *= conf.num_loops # Compute the number of gflops gflops = (1e-9 * operations) / sim_time print_once("GFLOPS = %7.3f GFLOPS" % gflops)
def main(): print_once('Running') conf = read_config().get() zone = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('zxp_x', legion.float64), ('zxp_y', legion.float64), ('zx_x', legion.float64), ('zx_y', legion.float64), ('zareap', legion.float64), ('zarea', legion.float64), ('zvol0', legion.float64), ('zvolp', legion.float64), ('zvol', legion.float64), ('zdl', legion.float64), ('zm', legion.float64), ('zrp', legion.float64), ('zr', legion.float64), ('ze', legion.float64), ('zetot', legion.float64), ('zw', legion.float64), ('zwrate', legion.float64), ('zp', legion.float64), ('zss', legion.float64), ('zdu', legion.float64), ('zuc_x', legion.float64), ('zuc_y', legion.float64), ('z0tmp', legion.float64), ('znump', legion.uint8), ])) point = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('px0_x', legion.float64), ('px0_y', legion.float64), ('pxp_x', legion.float64), ('pxp_y', legion.float64), ('px_x', legion.float64), ('px_y', legion.float64), ('pu0_x', legion.float64), ('pu0_y', legion.float64), ('pu_x', legion.float64), ('pu_y', legion.float64), ('pap_x', legion.float64), ('pap_y', legion.float64), ('pf_x', legion.float64), ('pf_y', legion.float64), ('pmaswt', legion.float64), ('has_bcx', legion.bool_), ('has_bcy', legion.bool_), ])) side = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('mapsz', legion.int1d), ('mapsp1', legion.int1d), ('mapsp1_r', legion.uint8), ('mapsp2', legion.int1d), ('mapsp2_r', legion.uint8), ('mapss3', legion.int1d), ('mapss4', legion.int1d), ('sareap', legion.float64), ('sarea', legion.float64), ('svolp', legion.float64), ('svol', legion.float64), ('ssurfp_x', legion.float64), ('ssurfp_y', legion.float64), ('smf', legion.float64), ('sfp_x', legion.float64), ('sfp_y', legion.float64), ('sft_x', legion.float64), ('sft_y', legion.float64), ('sfq_x', legion.float64), ('sfq_y', legion.float64), ('exp_x', legion.float64), ('exp_y', legion.float64), ('ex_x', legion.float64), ('ex_y', legion.float64), ('elen', legion.float64), ('carea', legion.float64), ('cevol', legion.float64), ('cdu', legion.float64), ('cdiv', legion.float64), ('ccos', legion.float64), ('cqe1_x', legion.float64), ('cqe1_y', legion.float64), ('cqe2_x', legion.float64), ('cqe2_y', legion.float64), ])) span = Fspace( OrderedDict([ ('start', legion.int64), ('stop', legion.int64), ('internal', legion.bool_), ])) zones = Region([], zone) points = Region([], point) sides = Region([conf.ns], side) assert conf.par_init, 'parallel initialization required' old_seq_init = conf.seq_init if conf.seq_init: print('Warning: Sequential initialization not supported, skipping') # Since we aren't actually doing sequential intialization, we # have to turn this off or the verification in parallel # initialization will fail. conf.seq_init = False assert conf.par_init partitions = read_partitions(zones, points, sides, conf).get() conf.nspans_zones = partitions.nspans_zones conf.nspans_points = partitions.nspans_points pieces = Ispace([conf.npieces]) zones_part = create_partition(True, zones, partitions.rz_all_p, pieces) points_part = create_partition(True, points, partitions.rp_all_p, [2]) private = points_part[0] ghost = points_part[1] private_part = create_partition(True, private, partitions.rp_all_private_p, pieces) ghost_part = create_partition(False, ghost, partitions.rp_all_ghost_p, pieces) shared_part = create_partition(True, ghost, partitions.rp_all_shared_p, pieces) sides_part = create_partition(True, sides, partitions.rs_all_p, pieces) zone_spans = Region([conf.npieces * conf.nspans_zones], span) zone_spans_part = Partition.equal(zone_spans, pieces) private_spans = Region([conf.npieces * conf.nspans_points], span) private_spans_part = Partition.equal(private_spans, pieces) shared_spans = Region([conf.npieces * conf.nspans_points], span) shared_spans_part = Partition.equal(shared_spans, pieces) side_spans = Region([conf.npieces * conf.nspans_zones], span) side_spans_part = Partition.equal(side_spans, pieces) for region in [zone_spans, private_spans, shared_spans, side_spans]: for field in ['start', 'stop']: legion.fill(region, field, 0) if old_seq_init: # FIXME: These fields are actually never used, fill them here # just to avoid validation errors later. legion.fill(points, 'pap_x', 0) legion.fill(points, 'pap_y', 0) legion.fill(sides, 'svolp', 0) legion.fill(sides, 'svol', 0) legion.fill(sides, 'ssurfp_x', 0) legion.fill(sides, 'ssurfp_y', 0) if conf.par_init: for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): initialize_topology(conf, int(i), zones_part[i], private_part[i], shared_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): initialize_spans(conf, int(i), zone_spans_part[i], private_spans_part[i], shared_spans_part[i], side_spans_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_pointers(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], side_spans_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_mesh_zones(zones_part[i], zone_spans_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_centers_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], side_spans_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_volumes_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], side_spans_part[i], True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_side_fracs(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], side_spans_part[i]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_hydro(zones_part[i], zone_spans_part[i], conf.rinit, conf.einit, conf.rinitsub, conf.einitsub, conf.subregion[0], conf.subregion[1], conf.subregion[2], conf.subregion[3]) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_radial_velocity(private_part[i], private_spans_part[i], conf.uinitradial) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): init_radial_velocity(shared_part[i], shared_spans_part[i], conf.uinitradial) cycle = 0 cstop = conf.cstop + 2 * conf.prune time = 0.0 dt = Future(conf.dtmax, legion.float64) dthydro = conf.dtmax while cycle < cstop and time < conf.tstop: if cycle == conf.prune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) start_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() dt = calc_global_dt(dt, conf.dtfac, conf.dtinit, conf.dtmax, dthydro, time, conf.tstop, cycle) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_half(private_part[i], private_spans_part[i], dt, True, False) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_half(shared_part[i], shared_spans_part[i], dt, True, False) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_everything(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], zone_spans_part[i], side_spans_part[i], conf.alfa, conf.gamma, conf.ssmin, dt, conf.q1, conf.q2, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_full(private_part[i], private_spans_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): adv_pos_full(shared_part[i], shared_spans_part[i], dt, True) for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): calc_everything_full(zones_part[i], private_part[i], ghost_part[i], sides_part[i], zone_spans_part[i], side_spans_part[i], dt, True) futures = [] for i in IndexLaunch(pieces): futures.append( calc_dt_hydro(zones_part[i], zone_spans_part[i], dt, conf.dtmax, conf.cfl, conf.cflv, True, False)) dthydro = conf.dtmax dthydro = min(dthydro, *list(map(lambda x: x.get(), futures))) cycle += 1 time += dt.get() if cycle == conf.cstop - conf.prune: legion.execution_fence(block=True) stop_time = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_nanos() if old_seq_init: validate_output_sequential(zones, points, sides, conf) else: print_once("Warning: Skipping sequential validation") print_once("ELAPSED TIME = %7.3f s" % ((stop_time - start_time) / 1e9))