Exemplo n.º 1
class LearningAgentTest( unittest.TestCase ):

    def setUp( self ):
        '''Set up the dependencies for the test execution'''

        # Construct an InputReader and FeatureExtractor for dependency injection
        self.mInputReader = InputReader( testFile )
        self.mFeatureExtractor = LendingClubFeatureExtractor( self.mInputReader,
                                                              filterFile )

        # Push our local test data into the FeatureExtractor
        self.mFeatureExtractor.setTrainingData( g_testArray )

        # Now, construct the class under test with the FeatureExtractor
        self.mLearningAgent = DummyLearningAgentImpl( self.mFeatureExtractor )

    def test_getTrainingData( self ):
        '''Test getTrainingData() function returns correct data'''
        np.testing.assert_array_equal( self.mLearningAgent.getTrainingData(),
                                       g_testArray )

    def test_sampleSlice( self ):
        '''Test sampleSlice() function correctly splits test and train data'''
        # Configure the data to be split evenly for the test
        self.mLearningAgent.sampleSlice( 0.5 )

        # Get the target feature index
        m_yIdx = self.mFeatureExtractor.listIdx( 'loan_status' )

        # Slice boundary
        mBnd = ceil( len(g_testArray) / 2 )
        # Generate X_train test array checksum
        m_X_train_sum = np.sum( g_testArray[:mBnd] )
        m_X_train_sum = m_X_train_sum - np.sum( g_testArray[:mBnd, m_yIdx] )

        # Verify sums match w/in some small tolerance
        self.assertTrue( fabs( m_X_train_sum - 
                               np.sum( self.mLearningAgent.X_train ) < 0.001 ) )

        # Generate X_test test array checksum
        m_X_test_sum = np.sum( g_testArray[mBnd:] )
        m_X_test_sum = m_X_test_sum - np.sum( g_testArray[mBnd:, m_yIdx] )
        # Verify sums match w/in some small tolerance
        self.assertTrue( fabs( m_X_test_sum - 
                               np.sum( self.mLearningAgent.X_test ) < 0.001 ) )

        # Generate y_train array checksum
        m_y_train_sum = np.sum( g_testArray[:mBnd, m_yIdx] )

        # Verify sums match w/in some small tolerance
        self.assertTrue( fabs( m_y_train_sum - 
                               np.sum( self.mLearningAgent.y_train ) < 0.001 ) )

        # Generate y_test array checksum
        m_y_test_sum = np.sum( g_testArray[mBnd:, m_yIdx] )

        # Verify sums match w/in some small tolerance
        self.assertTrue( fabs( m_y_test_sum - 
                               np.sum( self.mLearningAgent.y_test ) < 0.001 ) )

    def test_standardizeSamples( self ):
        Test standardizeSamples() function calculates mean and deviation and 
        applies it properly to all samples of a given feature
        Note: Just testing the first feature here

        # Configure the data to be split evenly for the test
        self.mLearningAgent.sampleSlice( 0.5 )

        # Calculate average and standard deviation
        mSum = sum( self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0] )
        mAvg = mSum / len( self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0] )
        mStdDev = sum( np.square( np.subtract( 
            self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0], mAvg ) ) )
        mStdDev = sqrt( fabs( 
            mStdDev / len( self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0] ) ) )

        # Apply calculated average and standard deviation to samples
        mNorm = np.divide( np.subtract( self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0],
                                        mAvg ), mStdDev )

        # Execute LearningAgent implementation

        # Assert local calculation matches with LearningAgent implementation
        self.assertTrue( fabs( sum(
            np.subtract( mNorm, self.mLearningAgent.X_train[:, 0] ) ) )
                         < 0.001 )

    def test_shuffleSamples( self ):
        '''Test shuffleSamples() function shuffles samples correctly'''
        # Initialize random number generator w/ known seed
        np.random.seed( 1 )

        # Generate index list
        m_indices = np.random.permutation( len( g_testArray ) )

        # Make LearningAgent call w/ the same seed
        self.mLearningAgent.shuffleSamples( 1 )

        # Assert data is shuffled as expected
        np.testing.assert_array_equal( g_testArray[m_indices], 
                                       self.mLearningAgent.trainingData )