Exemplo n.º 1
def _map2gclm(spin, lmax, _map, tht, wg, threads=1):
    input _map is (Ntheta,Nphi)-shaped.
    Output vtm is (Ntheta,2 * lmax + 1) shaped, with v[t,lmax + m] = vtm.
    This assume the _map samples uniformly the longitude [0,2pi) with Nphi = _map.shape[1] points.
    tht and wg : colatitude and integration weights (e.g. GL zeroes and weights)

    Here is a trick to save fac of 2 time in map2alm:
    \int dcost f(t) sLlm(t) = int_(upperhalf) f+(t) sLlm + int_(upperhalf) f-(t) sLlm
    where f+,f_ are the symmmetric / antisymmetric part, and the first term non zero only for l-m of the same partity and vice vers.

    vtm = shts.map2vtm(spin, lmax, _map, pfftwthreads=threads)
    vlm = shts.vtm2vlm(spin, tht, vtm * np.outer(wg, np.ones(vtm.shape[1])))
    return shts.util.vlm2alm(vlm)
Exemplo n.º 2
def lens_glm_GLth_sym_timed(spin,
    Same as lens_alm but lens simultnously a North and South colatitude band,
    to make profit of the symmetries of the spherical harmonics.
    assert spin >= 0, spin
    times = {}
    t0 = time.time()
    tGL, wg = gauleg.get_xgwg(lmax_target + 2)
    times['GL points and weights'] = time.time() - t0
    target_nt = 3**1 * 2**(11 + facres
                           )  # on one hemisphere (0.87 arcmin spacing)
    th1s = np.arange(nband) * (np.pi * 0.5 / nband)
    th2s = np.concatenate((th1s[1:], [np.pi * 0.5]))
    Nt = target_nt / nband
    tGL = np.arccos(tGL)
    tGL = np.sort(tGL)
    wg = wg[np.argsort(tGL)]
    times['pol. rot.'] = 0.
    times['vtm2defl2ang'] = 0.
    times['vtmdefl'] = 0.

    def coadd_times(tim):
        for _k, _t in tim.iteritems():
            if _k not in times:
                times[_k] = _t
                times[_k] += _t

    shapes = []
    shapes_d = []

    tGLNs = []
    tGLSs = []
    wgs = []
    # Collects (Nt,Nphi) per band and prepare wisdom
    wisdomhash = str(lmax_target) + '_' + str(nband) + '_' + str(facres +
                                                                 1000) + '.npy'
    assert os.path.exists(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/pyfftw_cache/')
    t0 = time.time()
    print "building and caching FFTW wisdom, this might take a while"
    for ib, th1, th2 in zip(range(nband), th1s, th2s):
        Np = get_Nphi(th1,
                      target_amin=60. * 90. /
                      target_nt)  # same spacing as theta grid
        Np_d = min(get_Nphi(th1, th2, target_amin=180. * 60. / lmax_target),
                   2 * lmax_target)  #Equator point density
        pixN, = np.where((tGL >= th1) & (tGL <= th2))
        pixS, = np.where((tGL >= (np.pi - th2)) & (tGL <= (np.pi - th1)))
        assert np.all(pixN[::-1] == len(tGL) - 1 -
                      pixS), 'symmetry of GL points'
        shapes_d.append((len(pixN), Np_d))
        shapes.append((Nt, Np))
        wgs.append(np.concatenate([wg[pixN], wg[pixS]]))
        print "BAND %s in %s. deflection    (%s x %s) pts " % (ib, nband,
                                                               len(pixN), Np_d)
        print "               interpolation (%s x %s) pts " % (Nt, Np)
        #==== For each block we have the following ffts:
        # (Np_d) complex to complex (deflection map) BACKWARD (vtm2map)
        # (Nt,Np) complex to complex (bicubic prefiltering) BACKWARD (vt2mmap) (4 threads)
        # (Nt) complex to complex (bicubic prefiltering) FORWARD (vt2map)
        # (Np_d) complex to complex  FORWARD (map2vtm)
        # Could rather do a try with FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY
        if not os.path.exists(
                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
                '/pyfftw_cache/' + wisdomhash):
            a = pyfftw.empty_aligned(Np_d, dtype='complex128')
            b = pyfftw.empty_aligned(Np_d, dtype='complex128')
            fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, b, direction='FFTW_FORWARD', threads=1)
            fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, b, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD', threads=1)
            a = pyfftw.empty_aligned(Nt, dtype='complex128')
            b = pyfftw.empty_aligned(Nt, dtype='complex128')
            fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, b, direction='FFTW_FORWARD', threads=1)
            a = pyfftw.empty_aligned((Nt, Np), dtype='complex128')
            b = pyfftw.empty_aligned((Nt, Np), dtype='complex128')
            fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a,
                              axes=(0, 1),

    if not os.path.exists(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/pyfftw_cache/' +
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/pyfftw_cache/' +
            wisdomhash, pyfftw.export_wisdom())
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/pyfftw_cache/' +
    times['pyfftw_caches'] = time.time() - t0
    print "Total number of interpo points: %s = %s ** 2" % (np.sum(
         for s in shapes]), np.sqrt(1. * np.sum([np.prod(s) for s in shapes])))
    print "Total number of deflect points: %s = %s ** 2" % (np.sum([
        np.prod(s) for s in shapes_d
    ]), np.sqrt(1. * np.sum([np.prod(s) for s in shapes_d])))

    glmout = np.zeros(shts.util.lmax2nlm(lmax_target), dtype=np.complex)
    clmout = np.zeros(shts.util.lmax2nlm(lmax_target), dtype=np.complex)
    for ib, th1, th2 in zip(range(nband), th1s, th2s):

        Nt_d, Np_d = shapes_d[ib]
        Nt, Np = shapes[ib]

        t0 = time.time()
        vtm_def = shts.vlm2vtm_sym(1, _th2colat(tGLNs[ib]),
                                   shts.util.alm2vlm(dlm, clm=olm))
        times['vtmdefl'] += time.time() - t0

        #==== gettting deflected positions
        # NB: forward slice to keep theta -> pi - theta correspondance.
        t0 = time.time()
        dmapN = shts.vtm2map(1, vtm_def[:Nt_d, :], Np_d).flatten()
        dmapS = shts.vtm2map(1, vtm_def[slice(Nt_d, 2 * Nt_d), :],

        told = np.outer(tGLNs[ib], np.ones(Np_d)).flatten()
        phiold = np.outer(np.ones(Nt_d),
                          np.arange(Np_d) * (2. * np.pi / Np_d)).flatten()

        tnewN, phinewN = _buildangles((told, phiold), dmapN.real, dmapN.imag)
        tnewS, phinewS = _buildangles(((np.pi - told)[::-1], phiold),
                                      dmapS.real, dmapS.imag)
        del vtm_def
        times['vtm2defl2ang'] += time.time() - t0

        #===== Adding a 10 pixels buffer for new angles to be safely inside interval.
        # th1,th2 is mapped onto pi - th2,pi -th1 so we need to make sure to cover both buffers
        matnewN = np.max(tnewN)
        mitnewN = np.min(tnewN)
        matnewS = np.max(tnewS)
        mitnewS = np.min(tnewS)

        buffN = 10 * (matnewN - mitnewN) / (Nt - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. /
                                                       (Nt - 1))
        buffS = 10 * (matnewS - mitnewS) / (Nt - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. /
                                                       (Nt - 1))
        _thup = min(np.pi - (matnewS + buffS), mitnewN - buffN)
        _thdown = max(np.pi - (mitnewS - buffS), matnewN + buffN)

        #==== these are the theta and limits. It is ok to go negative or > 180

        dphi_patch = (2. * np.pi) / Np * max(np.sin(_thup), np.sin(_thdown))
        dth_patch = (_thdown - _thup) / (Nt - 1)

        print 'input t1,t2 %.3f %.3f in degrees' % (_thup / np.pi * 180,
                                                    _thdown / np.pi * 180.)
        print 'North %.3f and South %.3f buffers in amin' % (
            buffN / np.pi * 180 * 60, buffS / np.pi * 180. * 60.)
        print "cell (theta,phi) in amin (%.3f,%.3f)" % (
            dth_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180, dphi_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180)

        if spin == 0:
            lenN, lenS, tim = lens_band_sym_timed(glm,
                                                  Nt, (tnewN, phinewN),
                                                  (tnewS, phinewS),
            ret = np.zeros((2 * Nt_d, Np_d), dtype=complex)
            ret[:Nt_d, :] = lenN.reshape((Nt_d, Np_d))
            ret[Nt_d:, :] = lenS.reshape((Nt_d, Np_d))
            vtm = shts.map2vtm(spin, lmax_target, ret)
            glmout -= shts.vtm2tlm_sym(
                np.concatenate([tGLNs[ib], tGLSs[ib]]),
                vtm * np.outer(wgs[ib], np.ones(vtm.shape[1])))
            assert 0, 'fix this'
            lenNR, lenNI, lenSR, lenSI, tim = gclm2lensmap_symband_timed(
                Nt, (tnewN, phinewN), (tnewS, phinewS),
            retN = (lenNR + 1j * lenNI).reshape((len(pixN), Np_d))
            retS = (lenSR + 1j * lenSI).reshape((len(pixN), Np_d))
            glm, clm = shts.util.vlm2alm(
                shts.vtm2vlm(spin, tGL,
                             vtm * np.outer(wg, np.ones(vtm.shape[1]))))
            t0 = time.time()
            if rotpol and spin > 0:
                ret[pixN, :] *= polrot(spin, retN.flatten(), tnewN, dmapN.real,
                ret[pixS, :] *= polrot(spin, retS.flatten(), tnewS, dmapS.real,
                times['pol. rot.'] += time.time() - t0

    t0 = time.time()
    print "STATS for lmax tlm %s lmax dlm %s" % (hp.Alm.getlmax(
        glm.size), hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size))
    tot = 0.
    for _k, _t in times.iteritems():
        print '%20s: %.2f' % (_k, _t)
        tot += _t
    print "%20s: %2.f sec." % ('tot', tot)
    return glmout, clmout, ret