Exemplo n.º 1
def remove_story(step, title):
    for projectstory_form in world.browser.find_by_css('.dynamic-projectstory_set'):
        projectstory_id = projectstory_form['id']
        if world.option_selected_by_text("%s-story" % projectstory_id, title):
            world.browser.check("%s-DELETE" % projectstory_id)
            return True

    raise ElementDoesNotExist, "Could not find associated story with title %s" % title
Exemplo n.º 2
def change_story_weight(step, title, weight):
    for projectstory_form in world.browser.find_by_css('.dynamic-projectstory_set'):
        projectstory_id = projectstory_form['id']
        if world.option_selected_by_text("%s-story" % projectstory_id, title):
            world.browser.fill("%s-weight" % projectstory_id, weight)
            return True

    raise ElementDoesNotExist, "Could not find associated story with title %s" % title