Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_dungeon(w, h, difficulty=1):
	level = Level(w, h)

	new_map = [[0 for _ in xrange(h)] for _ in xrange(w)]
	# initialize new_map to noise (0.43% filled)
	for x,y in range2d(w, h):
		if random.random() < 0.43:
			new_map[x][y] = 1

	# apply cellular automation
	for i in xrange(2):
		temp_map = [[0 for _ in xrange(h)] for _ in xrange(w)]
		for x,y in range2d(w, h):
			wall_count = 0
			for i,j in box2d(x-1, y-1, 3, 3):
				if 0 <= i < w and 0 <= j < h:
					wall_count += new_map[i][j]
					# sides = instawall
					wall_count += 3

			if wall_count >= 5:
				temp_map[x][y] = 1

		new_map = temp_map

	# apply changes to actual map
	for x,y in range2d(w, h):
		tile = level.tiles[x][y]
		if new_map[x][y] == 1:
			tile.img = spr.ROCK
			tile.blocking = True
			tile.transparent = False
			tile.img = spr.MUD_FLOOR
			tile.blocking = False
			tile.transparent = True

	# spawn treasures and creatures
	mr = level.get_main_region()

	treasures = random.sample(mr, difficulty)
	for loc in treasures:
		level.add_item(loc, Item(spr.GOLD_NUGGET, name="gold nugget", value=50+difficulty*25))

	mobs = random.sample(mr, difficulty)
	for loc in mobs:
		c = Creature(level, *loc, hp=difficulty*10, maxhp=difficulty*10, name="malicious slime", gold=10+difficulty*5)
		c.min_atk = difficulty
		c.max_atk = difficulty*2

	return level
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_shop(w, h, shop_items):
	level = Level(w, h, is_shop=True)

	for x,y in range2d(w, h):
		t = level.tiles[x][y]
		if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == w-1 or y == h-1:
			t.img = spr.WOOD_WALL
			t.blocking = True
			t.transparent = False
			t.img = spr.WOOD_FLOOR
			t.blocking = False
			t.transparent = True

	for a,b in box2d(2, 2, 5, 5):
		level.add_item((a,b), random.choice(shop_items))
	for a,b in box2d(9, 2, 5, 5):
		level.add_item((a,b), random.choice(shop_items))
	for a,b in box2d(2, 9, 5, 5):
		level.add_item((a,b), random.choice(shop_items))
	for a,b in box2d(9, 9, 5, 5):
		level.add_item((a,b), random.choice(shop_items))

	level.illuminated = True
	return level
Exemplo n.º 3
from my_geom import box2d
from level import Level
from level_generators import generate_dungeon, generate_shop
from objects import Item, Portal
import default_items
import item_actions


town = Level(25, 25, name="town")
well = [generate_dungeon(13+min(12,i), 13+min(12,i), i+1) for i in xrange(100)]
shop = []

town.illuminated = True
town.add_item((12,12), Item(spr.WELL, name="well of doom", holdable=False))

default_items.general = [
	Item(spr.TORCH, name="torch", value=20, luminosity=3),
	Item(spr.LANTERN, name="lantern", value=800, luminosity=5),
	Item(spr.POTION_RED, name="lesser health potion", value=15,
		desc="In[v]oking it will heal 10 HP.",
	Item(spr.SCROLL, name="town portal scroll", value=50,
		desc="In[v]oking it will return the user to town after channeling.",
		action=item_actions.tp_target_to(town, 12, 12),
	Item(spr.ESSENCE, name="luminescent sphere", value=4000, luminosity=999),