Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
 global extension

# Processing command line arguments

 argnum = len(sys.argv)
 if (argnum != 2) & (argnum != 3):
  print "Make Header - C to C++ tools - Scriptet.com"
  print "This tool generates or updates header files from .c files"
  print "(Don't use it with C++ file please)"
  print "Usage:  python mkheader.py csource"
  print "   or:  python mkheader.py pattern"
  print "   or:  python mkheader.py @prjfile"
  print "   or as above plus new header file extension (default .hpp)"
  print "   ex:  python mkheader.py filename.c h  (to update a .h file"
  print "pattern uses * as wildcard code to match a set of files"

 cfile = sys.argv[1]

 # use either default extension of given one

 extension = lexer.hpp
 if argnum == 3:
   extension = sys.argv[2]
   print extension

 # if the argument starts with @, this is a list of file
 # otherwise this is a main file

 if cfile[0] == '@':
  # Processing a project file (a simple list of C source files)
  project = cfile[1:]
  print "Processing project file", project
  flist = lexer.readproject(project)
  for f in flist:
  # Processing a file or a list matching a pattern
  path, name = os.path.split(cfile)
  if path == "": path = os.getcwd()
  #print path, name
  liste = os.listdir(path)

  # scanning the list of sources and processing each one

  for fname in liste:
   if not os.path.isfile(fname): continue
   if pattern.matching(name, fname, FALSE) == TRUE:
    f = os.path.join(path, fname)
 return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
 global shortened

 argnum = len(sys.argv)
 if argnum != 2:
  print "Make Class - C to C++ tools - Scriptet.com"
  print "Make a class from a .cpp header file: a file = a class"
  print "Usage:  mkclass headerfile"
  print "   or:  mkclass pattern   (uses the * wildcard code)"
  print "   or:  mkclass @filelist"

 cfile = sys.argv[1]
 hlist = []

 # Below, I make the list of headers

 if cfile[0] == '@':
   # Making a list from the project (a simple list of C source files)
   project = cfile[1:]
   print "mkclass - processing the list of files", project
   hlist = lexer.readproject(project)

   # Makeing a list of the single file
   if not '*' in cfile:
     # Make a list of files matching a pattern
     path, name = os.path.split(cfile)
     if path == "": path = os.getcwd()
     dlist = os.listdir(path)
     for fname in dlist:
       if not os.path.isfile(fname): continue
       if pattern.matching(name, fname, FALSE) == TRUE:
         f = os.path.join(path, fname)

 # Now processing each header file
 # filename with .c extension are converted to .h
 # otherwise processed as is

 for f in hlist:
   node, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
   if lexer.oscase(ext) == ".c":
     f = node + ".hpp"
 return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
  global hpplist    # List of .hpp files
  global dclass     # Dictionnary of classes and members/methods
  global counter
  param = sys.argv
  if len(param) != 2:
    print "mkdict - C to C++ tools by D.G. Sureau"
    print "usage:    mkdict headerfile.hpp"
    print "   or:    mkdict @headerlist"
    print "          create of overwrite c2cpp.dict"

  counter = 0

  hfile = param[1]        # header or list
  hlist = []

  if hfile[0] == '@':
    # Processing a header list
    project = hfile[1:]
    hlist = lexer.readproject(project)
    # Processing a file or a list matching a pattern

  # Building the directory of each class with members and methods
  for classfile in hlist:

  dictfile = "c2cpp.dic"
  df = open(dictfile, "wb")
  keys = dclass.keys()
  for k in keys:
   l  = dclass[k]
   df.write("class " + k + ':' + "\n")
   print l
   for v in l:
     print v
     if v is not None:
       df.write(' ' + v + "\n")
  print dictfile, "created"
  return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
  global hpplist    # List of .hpp files
  global clist      # List of c files (project)
  global hpp        # New .hpp header
  global cpp        # New .cpp source file
  global dclass     # Dictionnary of classes and members/methods
  global fclass
  global counter
  global classfile
  param = sys.argv
  lenparam = len(param)
  if (lenparam < 2) | (lenparam > 3):
    print """
Make Cpp - C to C++ tools - Scriptet.com
Converts global variables to static attributes.
Transforms function calls to method calls.
usage:    mkcpp srcfile.c headerfile.hpp
   or:    mkcpp srcfile.c
   or:    mkcpp @srclist @headerlist
srclist is the file created by the -l option or by mklist.py
headerlist is the file created by the -a optio or by allhead.py    
previous .cpp and .hpp files will be overwritten

  hpp = []
  newhpp = []
  ccode = []
  cppcode = []
  counter = 0

  cfile = param[1]        # c source or list
  if lenparam == 3:
    hfile = param[2]        # header or list
    node, dummy = os.path.splitext(cfile)
    hfile = node + ".hpp"
  clist = []
  hlist = []

  if cfile[0] == '@':
    # Processing a project file (a simple list of C source files)
    project = cfile[1:]
    clist = lexer.readproject(project)
    # Processing a file or a list matching a pattern

  if hfile[0] == '@':
    # Processing a header list
    project = hfile[1:]
    hlist = lexer.readproject(project)
    # Processing a file or a list matching a pattern

  # Building the directory of each class with members and methods
  print "mkcpp - building the directory of classes"

  for classfile in hlist:
    if not os.path.exists(classfile):
      print classfile, "not found"
    #print "Adding", classfile

  # the main function is not member of a class
  # this string allows to pass through further processing
  fclass["main"] = "$$$"
  dclass["main"] = "$$$"

  # Moving var. declarations and changing functions into methods
  for c in clist:
    if not os.path.exists(c):
      print c, "not found"
  return 0