def autorequest_configure(CurrentUse): money = 0.02 max_cards = 3 card_latest_digits = CurrentUse.parser_p.card_latest_digits if card_latest_digits is None: return '''1)Отправь ровно {} даньку на сбер 2)Через минуты 2 после этого (но не позже, чем через {}) напиши боту \n/реквест.п 1234\n где вместо "1234" 4 последние цифры карты, с которой были отправлены 2 копейки 3)Если все сделано верно, то эта карта будет добавлена в список твоих; При последующих автореквестах будут чекаться переводы с каждой из твоих карт P.S: Нельзя добавить больше {} карт'''.format(money, PAYMENT_VALID_TIME, max_cards) if not card_latest_digits.isdigit() or len(card_latest_digits) != 4: return 'Чето ты со вводом 4 циферок попутал фраерок' g_storage ='', name='sberb_global') u_storage ='u', name='sberb_user') if 'cards' not in u_storage: u_storage['cards'] = [] user_cards = u_storage['cards'] if len(user_cards) >= max_cards: return 'У тя добавлено максимальо возможное ко-во карт.' CurrentUse.send_msg('Погоди немного...') try: operation = sberb.check_transaction(g_storage, money, minuts=PAYMENT_VALID_TIME, card_latest_digits=card_latest_digits) except Exception as exc: notify(exc) return exc if operation is None: return 'Не найдено(Если сделалб все всерно, подожди пару минут и попробуй еще раз.)' used_transactions = g_storage['used_transactions'] # todo auto clear sometimes used_transactions.append(operation['id']) cur_card = {'number': operation['from_card'], 'fio': operation['from_user'], 'op_id': operation['id']} user_cards.append(cur_card) return 'Карта успешно добавлена'
async def update_lp_url(group_id, client_session): group = groups_list[group_id] group['active'] = 0 print('updating lp_url', group_id) req_url = '{id}&access_token={token}&v=5.101'.format( id=abs(group_id), token=group['access_token']) task = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(req_url, client_session)) resp = await asyncio.gather(task) add_data, resp = resp[0] resp = json.loads(resp) try: resp = resp['response'] lp_url = '{server}?act=a_check&key={key}&wait=90&mode=2&ts='.format( **resp) except BaseException as exc: error = resp['error'] error_code = error['error_code'] if error_code == 27: group_obj = group['group_obj'] group_obj.is_blocked = True['is_blocked']) groups_list.pop(group_id) print('Group', group_id, 'is BLOCKED :(') return 0 text = '{}:{}'.format(group_id, get_exc_info()) print(text) notify(text) lp_url = None if not lp_url: return 0 group['ts'] = resp['ts'] group['lp_url'] = lp_url group['active'] = 1 return 1
def get_coupon(payload): rest_id = payload['rest_id'] coupon_code = payload['key'] connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection('') url = '/api/v1/menu/coupons?restaurant={}&code={}'.format(rest_id, coupon_code) connection.request('GET', url, headers=app_headers) response = connection.getresponse() status = response.status resp = # print(coupon_code, resp) if status == 200: try: jsonn = json.loads(resp) except: notify(resp.decode()) jsonn = {} return jsonn elif status == 400: return 0 else: notify( return 0
def token_handle(request): notify(str(json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')))) return HttpResponse('Salamaleykum')
connection.request('POST', '/api/v1/order/getLastOrder', '', app_headers) response = connection.getresponse() try: resp_json = json.loads( break except json.JSONDecodeError: continue queue = resp_json['response']['queue'] pin = resp_json['response']['pin'] status = resp_json['response']['status'] if (time.time() - time_created) > max_time: todel.append(i) notify('Dolgovirus\n' + json.dumps(order)) continue if status == 1 or status == 2: continue todel.append(i) if status in statuses: status_text = statuses[status] else: status_text = 'завершен со статусом {}'.format(status) text = 'Заказ {} {} {}!'.format(queue, pin, status_text) st = notify_user(contact, text)
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryiEWt3RN0RLTKYqY7", "Accept": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "X-Xsrftoken": item['xsrftoken'], "DNT": "1", "Referer": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" } burp0_data = "------WebKitFormBoundaryiEWt3RN0RLTKYqY7\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"resume\"\r\n\r\n" + res_id + "\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryiEWt3RN0RLTKYqY7\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"undirectable\"\r\n\r\ntrue\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryiEWt3RN0RLTKYqY7--\r\n" status = 0 for i in range(100): req = "", headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, data=burp0_data) status = req.status_code if status == 200: break time.sleep(1) return status == 200 for item in TOUCH_LIST: status = touch(item) if status != 200: notify("Can't touch resume " + item['res_id'])
if status == 200: try: jsonn = json.loads(resp) except: notify(resp.decode()) jsonn = {} return jsonn elif status == 400: return 0 else: notify( return 0 easy_threading = EasyThreading(get_coupon, concurrent) for i in range(latest_code + 1, latest_code + 1 + count_to_check): payload = {'key': i, 'rest_id': rest_id} easy_threading.add_payload(payload) resps = easy_threading.finish() for code, resp in resps.items(): if not resp: continue notify(json.dumps(resp, ensure_ascii=False)) if code > latest_code: latest_code = code open('latest_code.txt', 'w').write(str(latest_code))
def process_exception(self, request, exception): exc_info = get_exc_info() message = exc_info notify(message) return None
def group_add(access_token, CurrentUse=None): # todo get latest chat id need_perms = ['photos', 'docs', 'messages', 'manage', 'wall'] sess = VkApi(token=access_token) try: perms = sess.method('groups.getTokenPermissions') except: return 0, 'Неверный токен' have_perms = set() for perm in perms['permissions']: have_perms.add(perm['name']) for perm in need_perms: if perm not in have_perms: return 0, 'Необходимые права токена: ' + ', '.join(need_perms) group = sess.method('groups.getById', {'fields': 'description'})[0] group_id = group['id'] try: group_obj = ConnectedGroup.objects.get(id=-group_id) return 0, 'Эта группа уже есть в базе данных' except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass payload = { 'group_id': group_id, 'enabled': 1, 'api_version': 5.87, 'message_new': 1, 'group_change_settings': 1, } # todo all to 0? try: result = sess.method('groups.setLongPollSettings', payload) except: result = 0 if not result: return 0, 'Не удалось изменить настройки Long Poll сервера' payload = { 'group_id': group_id, 'messages': 1, 'bots_add_to_chat': 1, 'bots_capabilities': 1, 'bots_start_button': 1, 'v': 5.101 } try: result = sess.method('groups.setSettings', payload) except: result = 0 if not result: return 0, 'Не удалось включить функции бота' secret = randomString(16) owner = CurrentUse.user group_obj = ConnectedGroup(id=-group_id, access_token=access_token, secret=secret, owner=owner) time.sleep(1) r = _send_startup_event(group_id, secret) notify('Добавлена новая группа\n{}'.format( abs(group_id))) return 1, '1'
def notifys(CurrentUse): n = notify(CurrentUse.text) return n
response = agr_handlers[agr_level](response) return response try: sess = VkApi(token=VK_MY_TOKEN) exec_stack = ExecuteStack(sess) payload = {'user_ids': uid, 'fields': 'online'} is_online = sess.method('users.get', payload)[0]['online'] if is_online and (time.time() - storage['latest_send']) > SEND_TIMEOUT: storage['latest_send'] = time.time() actions = gen_actions() for action in actions: exec_stack.add(action['method'], action['payload'], additional=action['callback']) resps = exec_stack.finish() for resp, callback in resps: if callback: callback(resp) storage['current_notifies'] += 1 if storage['current_notifies'] == 1: storage['current_first'] = time.time() except: notify('sanya_sleep error\n' + get_exc_info())