Exemplo n.º 1
Twitter module for twiting twits on twitter

# yes, I know they're called "tweets"

import oauth2 as oauth
import time
import urllib, urllib2
import json
import re
import csv
from lib.botconfig import config
from BotModule import BotModule

# Import relevant config 
oauth_token = config.get("twitter", "oauth_token")
oauth_secret = config.get("twitter", "oauth_secret")
consumer_key = config.get("twitter", "consumer_key")
consumer_secret = config.get("twitter", "consumer_secret")
account = config.get("twitter", "account")

base_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1/"

def twit(self, user, channel, args):
    nick = user.split("!", 1)[0]
    if not args:
        self.msg(channel, "{0}: Needs something to twit, yo.".format(nick))
Exemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python

Google weather lookup

Uses the undocumented Google API to fetch current weather data 

from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib2
from lib.botconfig import config
from BotModule import BotModule

default_locale = config.get("weather", "default_locale")
weather_url = "http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather="

def display_weather(self, user, channel, args):
	"""Displayes weather data for given location."""

	location = args if args else default_locale
		weather_data = get_weather(location)
		self.msg(channel, "{location}: {temp}, {condition}".format(**weather_data))
	except InvalidLocale:
		self.msg(channel, "Invalid location")

def get_weather(location):
	if location == "":
Exemplo n.º 3
Twitter module for twiting twits on twitter

# yes, I know they're called "tweets"

import oauth2 as oauth
import time
import urllib, urllib2
import json
import re
import csv
from lib.botconfig import config
from BotModule import BotModule

# Import relevant config
oauth_token = config.get("twitter", "oauth_token")
oauth_secret = config.get("twitter", "oauth_secret")
consumer_key = config.get("twitter", "consumer_key")
consumer_secret = config.get("twitter", "consumer_secret")
account = config.get("twitter", "account")

base_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1/"

def twit(self, user, channel, args):

    nick = user.split("!", 1)[0]

    if not args:
        self.msg(channel, "{0}: Needs something to twit, yo.".format(nick))
Exemplo n.º 4
last.fm module

Adds some last.fm functionality to the bot: registers nicknames, displays
currently playing songs for registered nicknames, compares people

from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import datetime
from lib.database import db
from lib.botconfig import config
from BotModule import BotModule

lfm_url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"
api_key = config.get("lastfm", "api_key")

def register_nickname(self, user, channel, args):
    """ Adds a irc nickname -> last.fm username mapping record to the db"""
    irc_name = user.split("!", 1)[0]
    if not args:
        self.msg(channel, "{0}: Please provide a last.fm username".format())
    # discard everything after the first space - lastfm usernames have no spaces
    args = args.split(" ", 1)[0]
    data = minidom.parse(lfm_call({"user": args, "method": "user.getInfo"}))

    # if status is failed, we weren't able to fetch the profile
    if data.getElementsByTagName(
            "lfm")[0].attributes["status"].value == "failed":
Exemplo n.º 5
last.fm module

Adds some last.fm functionality to the bot: registers nicknames, displays
currently playing songs for registered nicknames, compares people

from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import datetime
from lib.database import db
from lib.botconfig import config
from BotModule import BotModule

lfm_url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"
api_key = config.get("lastfm", "api_key")

def register_nickname(self, user, channel, args):
	""" Adds a irc nickname -> last.fm username mapping record to the db"""
	irc_name = user.split("!", 1)[0]
	if not args:
		self.msg(channel, "{0}: Please provide a last.fm username".format())
	# discard everything after the first space - lastfm usernames have no spaces
	args = args.split(" ",1)[0]
	data = minidom.parse(lfm_call({"user": args, "method": "user.getInfo"}))
	# if status is failed, we weren't able to fetch the profile
	if data.getElementsByTagName("lfm")[0].attributes["status"].value == "failed":
		self.msg(channel, "{0}: Cannot find profile. Is the username correct?".format(irc_name))