Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: zensec/sqlmap
 def engine_start(self):
     if os.path.exists("sqlmap.py"):
         self.process = Popen(["python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN)
     elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "sqlmap.py")):
         self.process = Popen(["python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, cwd=os.getcwd(), close_fds=not IS_WIN)
         self.process = Popen(["sqlmap", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: everping/w3af
 def engine_start(self):
     if os.path.exists("sqlmap.py"):
         self.process = Popen(["python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN)
     elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "sqlmap.py")):
         self.process = Popen(["python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, cwd=os.getcwd(), close_fds=not IS_WIN)
         self.process = Popen(["sqlmap", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)], shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: charl1/sqlmap
def scan_start(taskid):
    Launch a scan
    global tasks
    global procs
    global pipes

    if taskid not in tasks:
        abort(500, "Invalid task ID")

    # Initialize sqlmap engine's options with user's provided options
    # within the JSON request
    for key, value in request.json.items():
        tasks[taskid][key] = value

    # Overwrite output directory (oDir) value to a temporary directory
    tasks[taskid].oDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmap-")

    # Launch sqlmap engine in a separate thread
    logger.debug("starting a scan for task ID %s" % taskid)

    pipes[taskid] = os.pipe()

    # Provide sqlmap engine with the writable pipe for logging
    tasks[taskid]["fdLog"] = pipes[taskid][1]

    # Launch sqlmap engine
    procs[taskid] = execute("python sqlmap.py --pickled-options %s" % base64pickle(tasks[taskid]), shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False)

    return jsonize({"success": True})
Exemplo n.º 4
 def engine_start(self):
     self.process = Popen([
         "python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options",
                          close_fds=not IS_WIN)
Exemplo n.º 5
def setDynamicMarkings(markings):
    Save information retrieved about dynamic markings to the
    session file.

    condition = (
        (not kb.resumedQueries
         or (kb.resumedQueries.has_key(conf.url)
             and not kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Dynamic markings"))))

    if condition:
        dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][Dynamic markings][%s]\n" %
                          (conf.url, None, None, base64pickle(markings)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def setInjection(inj):
    Save information retrieved about injection place and parameter in the
    session file.

    condition = ( not kb.resumedQueries
                  or ( kb.resumedQueries.has_key(conf.url) and
                  not kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Injection data"))
                  or ( kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Injection data")
                  and intersect(base64unpickle(kb.resumedQueries[conf.url]["Injection data"][:-1]).data.keys(),\
                    inj.data.keys()) != inj.data.keys()
                ) )

    if condition:
            "[%s][%s][%s][Injection data][%s]\n" %
            (conf.url, inj.place, safeFormatString(
                conf.parameters[inj.place]), base64pickle(inj)))
def scan_start(taskid):
    Launch a scan
    global tasks
    global procs
    global pipes

    if taskid not in tasks:
        abort(500, "Invalid task ID")

    # Initialize sqlmap engine's options with user's provided options
    # within the JSON request
    for key, value in request.json.items():
        tasks[taskid][key] = value

    # Overwrite output directory (oDir) value to a temporary directory
    tasks[taskid].oDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmap-")

    # Launch sqlmap engine in a separate thread
    logger.debug("starting a scan for task ID %s" % taskid)

    pipes[taskid] = os.pipe()

    # Provide sqlmap engine with the writable pipe for logging
    tasks[taskid]["fdLog"] = pipes[taskid][1]

    # Launch sqlmap engine
    procs[taskid] = execute("python sqlmap.py --pickled-options %s" %

    return jsonize({"success": True})
Exemplo n.º 8
def scan_start(taskid):
    Launch a scan
    global tasks
    global procs

    if taskid not in tasks:
        abort(500, "Invalid task ID")

    # Initialize sqlmap engine's options with user's provided options, if any
    for key, value in request.json.items():
        tasks[taskid][key] = value

    # Overwrite output directory value to a temporary directory
    tasks[taskid].oDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapoutput-")

    # Launch sqlmap engine in a separate thread
    logger.debug("starting a scan for task ID %s" % taskid)

    # Launch sqlmap engine
    procs[taskid].child = execute("python sqlmap.py --pickled-options %s" % base64pickle(tasks[taskid]), shell=True, stdin=PIPE)

    return jsonize({"success": True})
Exemplo n.º 9
 def engine_start(self):
     self.process = Popen(["python", "sqlmap.py", "--pickled-options", base64pickle(self.options)],
                          shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN)
Exemplo n.º 10
def direct(query, content=True):
    output = None
    select = True
    query = agent.payloadDirect(query)

    if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and query.startswith("SELECT ") and " FROM " not in query:
        query = "%s FROM DUAL" % query

    for sqlTitle, sqlStatements in SQL_STATEMENTS.items():
        for sqlStatement in sqlStatements:
            if query.lower().startswith(sqlStatement) and sqlTitle != "SQL SELECT statement":
                select = False

    if select and not query.upper().startswith("SELECT "):
        query = "SELECT " + query

    logger.log(9, query)

    if not select:
        output = timeout(func=conf.dbmsConnector.execute, args=(query,), duration=conf.timeout, default=None)
    elif conf.hostname in kb.resumedQueries and query in kb.resumedQueries[conf.hostname] and "sqlmapoutput" not in query and "sqlmapfile" not in query:
            output = base64unpickle(kb.resumedQueries[conf.hostname][query][:-1])
            output = timeout(func=conf.dbmsConnector.select, args=(query,), duration=conf.timeout, default=None)

        infoMsg = "resumed from file '%s': " % conf.sessionFile
        infoMsg += "%s..." % getUnicode(output, UNICODE_ENCODING)[:20]
        output = timeout(func=conf.dbmsConnector.select, args=(query,), duration=conf.timeout, default=None)

    if output is None or len(output) == 0:
        return None
    elif content:
        if conf.hostname not in kb.resumedQueries or ( conf.hostname in kb.resumedQueries and query not in kb.resumedQueries[conf.hostname] ):
            dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][%s][%s]\n" % (conf.hostname, kb.injection.place, conf.parameters[kb.injection.place], query, base64pickle(output)))

        if len(output) == 1:
            if len(output[0]) == 1:
                out = list(output)[0][0]
                if isinstance(out, str):
                    out = utf8decode(out)
                return getUnicode(out, UNICODE_ENCODING)
                return list(output)
            return output
        for line in output:
            if line[0] in (1, -1):
                return True
                return False
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: magerx/Eagle
from lib.core.convert import base64pickle

print base64pickle({'url':'','data':'name=123'})
Exemplo n.º 12
 def engine_start(self):
     self.process = Popen("python sqlmap.py --pickled-options %s" % base64pickle(self.options),
                          shell=True, stdin=PIPE, close_fds=False)
Exemplo n.º 13
from lib.core.convert import base64pickle

print base64pickle({'url': '', 'data': 'name=123'})
Exemplo n.º 14
def setDynamicMarkings(markings):
    Save information retrieved about dynamic markings to the
    session file.

    condition = (
                  ( not kb.resumedQueries
                  or ( kb.resumedQueries.has_key(conf.url) and
                  not kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Dynamic markings")
                  ) )

    if condition:
        dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][Dynamic markings][%s]\n" % (conf.url, None, None, base64pickle(markings)))
Exemplo n.º 15
def setInjection(inj):
    Save information retrieved about injection place and parameter in the
    session file.

        condition = ( not kb.resumedQueries
                    or ( kb.resumedQueries.has_key(conf.url) and
                    not kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Injection data"))
                    or ( kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].has_key("Injection data")
                    and intersect(base64unpickle(kb.resumedQueries[conf.url]["Injection data"][:-1]).data.keys(),\
                        inj.data.keys()) != inj.data.keys()
                    ) )
    except AttributeError:
        warnMsg = "there were some changes in data model "
        warnMsg += "preventing normal resume of previously stored "
        warnMsg += "injection data. please use the --flush-session "
        warnMsg += "to have it fixed"

        condition = False

    if condition:
        dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][Injection data][%s]\n" % (conf.url, inj.place, safeFormatString(conf.parameters[inj.place]), base64pickle(inj)))