Exemplo n.º 1
 def key_imp(self):
     """Allows for the importing of a PyNaCl style key"""
     from getpass import getpass
     from lib.crypto_env import GPG_env
     cType = GPG_env()
     gpg, hDir = cType.env()
     pPass = getpass('Private Key Password?')
     with open('%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir, 'r') as key:
         pObj = gpg.decrypt_file(key, passphrase=pPass)
     return pObj.data
Exemplo n.º 2
	def key_imp(self):
		"""Allows for the importing of a PyNaCl style key"""
		from getpass import getpass
		from lib.crypto_env import GPG_env
		cType = GPG_env()
		gpg, hDir = cType.env()
		pPass = getpass('Private Key Password?')
		with open('%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir, 'r') as key:
			pObj = gpg.decrypt_file(key, passphrase = pPass)
		return pObj.data
Exemplo n.º 3
	def key_save(self, privKey):
		"""Allows for the saving of a PyNaCl style key"""
		import os.path
		from getpass import getpass
		from lib.crypto_env import GPG_env
		cType = GPG_env()
		gpg, hDir = cType.env()

		## Ensure we aren't overwriting a previous key...
		if os.path.isfile('%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir):
			print '%s/pKey.gpg currently exists!\nPlease rename or move this key before continuing\n' % hDir
			pPass = getpass('Private Key Password?\n')
			foo = gpg.encrypt(privKey, armor = False, encrypt = False, output = '%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir, passphrase = pPass, symmetric = True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def key_select(self):
        """Environment Setup"""
        import base64, nacl.utils, zlib
        from lib.keys import PyNaCl_keys
        from nacl.public import PrivateKey, PublicKey, Box
        pynacl = PyNaCl_keys()
        kChoice = raw_input(
            '[G]enerate a Private Key or [I]mport a Private Key?\n')
        if (kChoice == 'g' or kChoice == 'G'):
            privObj, privKey = pynacl.key_gen()
            kSave = raw_input('\nSave the key? [y/N]\n')
            if (kSave == 'y' or kSave == 'Y'):
                print ''
            print '\nYour Public Key is:\n%s' % pynacl.key_exp(privObj)
        elif (kChoice == 'i' or kChoice == 'I'):
            print ''
            from lib.crypto_env import GPG_env
            cType = GPG_env()
            plainKey = pynacl.key_imp()
            plainObj = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(plainKey))
            privObj = PrivateKey(plainObj)
            print '\nYour Public Key is:\n%s' % pynacl.key_exp(privObj)

        ## Import partner public key
        partner_plain = raw_input(
            '\nEnter Plaintext Public Key of Chat Partner:\n')
        print ''

        ## Can probably enclose this within PublicKey()
        partner_obj = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(partner_plain))
        partner_enc = PublicKey(partner_obj)

        ## Create a box for chat
        return Box(privObj, partner_enc), privObj, partner_enc
Exemplo n.º 5
    def key_save(self, privKey):
        """Allows for the saving of a PyNaCl style key"""
        import os.path
        from getpass import getpass
        from lib.crypto_env import GPG_env
        cType = GPG_env()
        gpg, hDir = cType.env()

        ## Ensure we aren't overwriting a previous key...
        if os.path.isfile('%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir):
            print '%s/pKey.gpg currently exists!\nPlease rename or move this key before continuing\n' % hDir
            pPass = getpass('Private Key Password?\n')
            foo = gpg.encrypt(privKey,
                              output='%s/pKey.gpg' % hDir,