Exemplo n.º 1
def delete(path):
   Delete a file.
   @param path A string containing a file path.
   @return True for success, False for failure.
    if (php.is_file(path)):
        return p.unlink(path)
Exemplo n.º 2
def delete(path):
   Delete a file.
   @param path A string containing a file path.
   @return True for success, False for failure.
  if (php.is_file(path)):
    return p.unlink(path)
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_include(type_, plugin_, name = None):
   Load a plugin include file.
   @param type
     The include file's type (file extension).
   @param plugin
     The plugin to which the include file belongs.
   @param name
     Optionally, specify the file name. If not set, the plugin's name is used.
  if (php.empty(name)):
    name = plugin_
  file = './' +  drupal_get_path('plugin', plugin)  + "/name.type"
  if (php.is_file(file)):
    php.require_once( file )
    return file
    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_include(type_, plugin_, name=None):
   Load a plugin include file.
   @param type
     The include file's type (file extension).
   @param plugin
     The plugin to which the include file belongs.
   @param name
     Optionally, specify the file name. If not set, the plugin's name is used.
    if (php.empty(name)):
        name = plugin_
    file = './' + drupal_get_path('plugin', plugin) + "/name.type"
    if (php.is_file(file)):
        return file
        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
             watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory does not exist.', \
               {'%directory' : directory}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
         return False
 # Check to see if the directory is writable.
 if (not php.is_writable(directory._)):
             and not php.chmod(directory, 0775)):
         form_set_error(form_item, t('The directory %directory is not writable', \
           {'%directory' : directory._}))
         watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory is not writable, ' + \
           'because it does not have the correct permissions set.', \
           {'%directory' : directory._}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
         return False
 if ((file_directory_path() == directory._ or \
     file_directory_temp() == directory._) and \
     not php.is_file("directory/.htaccess")):
     htaccess_lines = \
       "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\n" + \
       "Options None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks"
     fp = fopen("directory/.htaccess", 'w')
     if (fp and fputs(fp, htaccess_lines)):
         chmod(directory._ + '/.htaccess', 0664)
         variables = {'%directory' : directory._, \
           '!htaccess' : '<br />' + php.nl2br(check_plain(htaccess_lines))}
         form_set_error(form_item, t("Security warning: " + \
           "Couldn't write + htaccess file. " + \
           "Please create a .htaccess file in your " + \
           "%directory directory which contains the following lines: " + \
           "<code>!htaccess</code>", variables))
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_directory(directory, mode = 0, form_item = None):
   Check that the directory exists and is writable + Directories need to
   have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc.
   @param directory A string containing the name of a directory path.
   @param mode A Boolean value to indicate if the directory should be created
     if it does not exist or made writable if it is read-only.
   @param form_item An optional string containing the name of a form item that
     any errors will be attached to + This is useful for settings forms that
     require the user to specify a writable directory + If it can't be made to
     work, a form error will be set preventing them from saving the settings.
   @return False when directory not found, or True when directory exists.
  directory._ = php.rtrim(directory._, '/\\')
  # Check if directory exists.
  if (not php.is_dir(directory._)):
    if ((mode & FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) and mkdir(directory._) != False):
      chmod(directory._, 0775); # Necessary for non-webserver users.
      if (form_item):
        form_set_error(form_item, \
          t('The directory %directory does not exist.', \
          {'%directory' : directory._}))
        watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory does not exist.', \
          {'%directory' : directory}, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return False
  # Check to see if the directory is writable.
  if (not php.is_writable(directory._)):
    if ((mode & FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS) and not php.chmod(directory, 0775)):
      form_set_error(form_item, t('The directory %directory is not writable', \
        {'%directory' : directory._}))
      watchdog('file system', 'The directory %directory is not writable, ' + \
        'because it does not have the correct permissions set.', \
        {'%directory' : directory._}, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
      return False
  if ((file_directory_path() == directory._ or \
      file_directory_temp() == directory._) and \
      not php.is_file("directory/.htaccess")):
    htaccess_lines = \
      "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\n" + \
      "Options None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks"
    fp = fopen("directory/.htaccess", 'w')
    if (fp and fputs(fp, htaccess_lines)):
      chmod(directory._ + '/.htaccess', 0664)
      variables = {'%directory' : directory._, \
        '!htaccess' : '<br />' + php.nl2br(check_plain(htaccess_lines))}
      form_set_error(form_item, t("Security warning: " + \
        "Couldn't write + htaccess file. " + \
        "Please create a .htaccess file in your " + \
        "%directory directory which contains the following lines: " + \
        "<code>!htaccess</code>", variables))
      watchdog('security', "Security warning: Couldn't write " + \
        ".htaccess file. Please create a .htaccess file in " + \
        "your %directory directory which contains the " + \
        "following lines: <code>not htaccess</code>", \
        variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR)
  return True