Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_command(args, path, options, exclude, require):
    :type args: EnvironmentConfig
    :type path: str
    :type options: dict[str, int]
    :type exclude: list[str]
    :type require: list[str]
    :rtype: list[str]
    options['--color'] = 1

    cmd = [path]
    cmd += list(filter_options(args, sys.argv[1:], options, exclude, require))
    cmd += ['--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no']

    if args.requirements:
        cmd += ['--requirements']

    if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
        cmd = create_shell_command(cmd)
    elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig):
        if args.base_branch:
            cmd += ['--base-branch', args.base_branch]

    return cmd
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_command(args, path, options, exclude, require):
    :type args: EnvironmentConfig
    :type path: str
    :type options: dict[str, int]
    :type exclude: list[str]
    :type require: list[str]
    :rtype: list[str]
    options['--color'] = 1

    cmd = [path]
    cmd += list(filter_options(args, sys.argv[1:], options, exclude, require))
    cmd += ['--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no']

    if args.requirements:
        cmd += ['--requirements']

    if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
        cmd = create_shell_command(cmd)
    elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig):
        if args.base_branch:
            cmd += ['--base-branch', args.base_branch]

    return cmd
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_command(args, path, options, exclude, require):
    :type args: EnvironmentConfig
    :type path: str
    :type options: dict[str, int]
    :type exclude: list[str]
    :type require: list[str]
    :rtype: list[str]
    options['--color'] = 1

    cmd = [path]

    # Force the encoding used during delegation.
    # This is only needed because ansible-test relies on Python's file system encoding.
    # Environments that do not have the locale configured are thus unable to work with unicode file paths.
    # Examples include FreeBSD and some Linux containers.
    cmd = ['/usr/bin/env', 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'] + cmd

    cmd += list(filter_options(args, sys.argv[1:], options, exclude, require))
    cmd += ['--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no']

    if args.requirements:
        cmd += ['--requirements']

    if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
        cmd = create_shell_command(cmd)
    elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig):
        if args.base_branch:
            cmd += ['--base-branch', args.base_branch]

    return cmd
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_command(args, python_interpreter, install_root, content_root,
                     options, exclude, require):
    :type args: EnvironmentConfig
    :type python_interpreter: str | None
    :type install_root: str
    :type content_root: str
    :type options: dict[str, int]
    :type exclude: list[str]
    :type require: list[str]
    :rtype: list[str]
    options['--color'] = 1

    cmd = [os.path.join(install_root, 'bin/ansible-test')]

    if python_interpreter:
        cmd = [python_interpreter] + cmd

    # Force the encoding used during delegation.
    # This is only needed because ansible-test relies on Python's file system encoding.
    # Environments that do not have the locale configured are thus unable to work with unicode file paths.
    # Examples include FreeBSD and some Linux containers.
    env_vars = dict(

    env_args = ['%s=%s' % (key, env_vars[key]) for key in sorted(env_vars)]

    cmd = ['/usr/bin/env'] + env_args + cmd

    cmd += list(filter_options(args, sys.argv[1:], options, exclude, require))
    cmd += ['--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no']

    if args.requirements:
        cmd += ['--requirements']

    if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
        cmd = create_shell_command(cmd)
    elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig):
        if args.base_branch:
            cmd += ['--base-branch', args.base_branch]

    return cmd
Exemplo n.º 5
def delegate_remote(args, exclude, require, integration_targets):
    :type args: EnvironmentConfig
    :type exclude: list[str]
    :type require: list[str]
    :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget]
    parts = args.remote.split('/', 1)

    platform = parts[0]
    version = parts[1]

    core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args,
    success = False
    raw = False

    if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
        use_httptester = args.httptester
        raw = args.raw
        use_httptester = args.httptester and any(
            'needs/httptester/' in target.aliases
            for target in integration_targets)

    if use_httptester and not docker_available():
            'Assuming --disable-httptester since `docker` is not available.')
        use_httptester = False

    httptester_id = None
    ssh_options = []


        if use_httptester:
            httptester_id, ssh_options = start_httptester(args)


        if platform == 'windows':
            # Windows doesn't need the ansible-test fluff, just run the SSH command
            manage = ManageWindowsCI(core_ci)
            cmd = ['powershell.exe']
        elif raw:
            manage = ManagePosixCI(core_ci)
            cmd = create_shell_command(['bash'])
            options = {
                '--remote': 1,

            python_interpreter = get_python_interpreter(
                args, get_remote_completion(), args.remote)
            cmd = generate_command(args, python_interpreter,
                                   'ansible/bin/ansible-test', options,
                                   exclude, require)

            if httptester_id:
                cmd += ['--inject-httptester']

            if isinstance(args, TestConfig):
                if args.coverage and not args.coverage_label:
                    cmd += [
                        'remote-%s-%s' % (platform, version)

            if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig):
                if not args.allow_destructive:

            # remote instances are only expected to have a single python version available
            if isinstance(args, UnitsConfig) and not args.python:
                cmd += ['--python', 'default']

            manage = ManagePosixCI(core_ci)

        python_version = get_python_version(args, get_remote_completion(),

        if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig):
            cloud_platforms = get_cloud_providers(args)

            for cloud_platform in cloud_platforms:
                ssh_options += cloud_platform.get_remote_ssh_options()

            manage.ssh(cmd, ssh_options)
            success = True
            download = False

            if platform != 'windows':
                download = True

            if isinstance(args, ShellConfig):
                if args.raw:
                    download = False

            if download:
                    'rm -rf /tmp/results && cp -a ansible/test/results /tmp/results && chmod -R a+r /tmp/results'
                manage.download('/tmp/results', 'test')
        if args.remote_terminate == 'always' or (args.remote_terminate
                                                 == 'success' and success):

        if httptester_id:
            docker_rm(args, httptester_id)