Exemplo n.º 1
def findMacbyIp(addr, host):
	# Find what the MAC address is associated with the provided IP address
	# If client IP address is on a vlan hosted on a firewall, pull MAC from firewall
	# Currently not fully implemented yet
	'''if (
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr or
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr or
			"10.x.x." in ipAddr
		# Below 2 lines not used; left for future ASA support
		showArp = "show arp | include "
		host = hostCoreASA
		asaClient = True
	# If client IP address is not on a firewall-hosted vlan, pull MAC from Core
		showArp = "show ip arp | include "
		asaClient = False'''

	showArp = "show ip arp | include "
	asaClient = False
	# Set command to run for ARP table lookup
	command = showArp + addr + "\n"
	# Run command, save output to 'result'
	if asaClient:
		result = sfn.runSSHCommandASA(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client IP address is not found on the core switch or the ASA.  Error #301.  Please try again"
		# Split result into list split by newlines
		result = result.splitlines()
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result[-3])
		result = sfn.runSSHCommand(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client IP address is not found in the core network.  Error #302.  Please try again"
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
	# Split result by individual spaces
	result = result.split(" ")
	# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
	if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result[2]):
		print "Client MAC address is not found.  Please try again"
	# Otherwise, return MAC address found from ARP table
		if result[2] == "arp":
			print "Client IP address is identified as on the firewall but cannot be found on it.  Error #303.  Please try again"
			return result[2]
Exemplo n.º 2
def findIpByMac(addr, host):
	# Find what the IP address is associated with the provided MAC address
	showArp = "show ip arp | include "
	command = showArp + addr
	# Run command, save output to 'result'
	result = sfn.runSSHCommand(command, host, creds)

	# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, check a firewall to see if its hosted there
	if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
		# Currently not fully implemented yet
		'''showArp = "show arp | include "
		command = showArp + addr
		host = hostCoreASA
		asaClient = True'''

		if asaClient:
			result = sfn.runSSHCommandASA(command, host, creds)
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result):
			print "Client MAC address is not found on the core switch or internal ASA.  Error #201.  Please try again"

		# Split result into list split by newlines
		result = result.splitlines()
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result[-3])

		# Split result by individual spaces
		result = result.split(" ")
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(result[2]):
			print "Client MAC address is not found.  Error #202.  Please try again"
		# Otherwise, return MAC address found from ARP table
			if result[2] == "arp":
				print "Client IP address is identified as as on the firewall but cannot be found on it.  Error #203.  Please try again"
				return result[1]
		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		result = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
		# Split result by individual spaces
		clientIPAddr = result.split(" ")
		# If MAC address isn't in ARP table, or listed as Incomplete, exit script
		if fn.errorCheckEmptyIncResult(clientIPAddr[0]):
			print "Client IP address is not found.  Please try again"
		# Otherwise, return IP address found from ARP table
			return clientIPAddr[0]
def validatePortProtocolUserInput(input):
    # Loop for each inputted port number and protocol
    for x in input:
        # Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
        x = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(x)
        # Strip any new lines from the input
        x = fn.stripNewline(x)
        # Split string by spaces.  The 1st field is the port, the 2nd field is the protocol
        xList = x.split(" ")
        # Port is xList[0], protocol is xList[1]
        if not ifn.validatePortNumber(
                xList[0]) or not ifn.validatePortProtocol(xList[1]):
            # Port number and protocol isn't valid, return False
            return False
    # All port number and protocol are valid, return True
    return True
def validateIPMaskUserInput(input):
    # Loop for each inputted source IP address and subnet mask
    for x in input:
        # Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
        x = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(x)
        # Strip any new lines from the input
        x = fn.stripNewline(x)
        # Split string by spaces.  The 1st field is the IP address, the 2nd field is the subnet mask
        xList = x.split(" ")
        # IP address is xList[0], subnet mask is xList[1]
        if not ifn.validateIPAddress(xList[0]) or not ifn.validateSubnetMask(
            # IP address or subnet mask isn't valid, return False
            return False
    # All IP addresses and subnet masks are valid, return True
    return True

# Counter for number of source IP's
i = 0

### Section - Sort through all Source IP addresses and subnet masks provided ###

# Loop for each inputted source IP address and subnet mask
for source in sourceInput:
    # Increment counter for number of source IP's submitted
    i += 1

    # Reduce all spacing to just a single space per section
    source = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(source)
    # Split string by spaces.  The 1st field is the IP address, the 2nd field is the subnet mask
    sourceList = source.split(" ")

    # Needed to preserve user provided source in below loop, and be able to change these Cmd varables without affecting original user input
    # IP address
    sourceIPCmd = sourceList[0]
    # Subnet mask
    sourceMaskCmd = sourceList[1]

    # Loop once only in case initial source isn't in ASA routing table, then search for default route
    for k in range(2):
        # Command to check for interface source would originate from
        command = "show route %s | inc via" % (sourceIPCmd)
        # Get result of above command when run on the firewall
        result = nfn.runSSHCommandInSession(command, ssh)
		sshConn.send("terminal length 0\n")
		# Pause to allow command to complete
		# Show all ports currently blocked by STP
		sshConn.send("show spanning-tree blockedports\n")
		# Pause to allow command to complete
		# Set terminal output settings back to default settings
		sshConn.send("terminal length 24\n")
		# Save any command output as 'output'
		output = sshConn.recv(5000)
		# Disconnect from the SSH session

		# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
		output = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(output)
		# Replace all newlines (\r\n) in output with a single space
		output = re.sub(r"\r\n", " ", output)
		# Split result by individual spaces
		output = output.split(" ")
		# Tracking variable for excluding duplicate interface entries in list
		# Intialize/reset as an empty list
		trackList = []
		# For each interface in output, identified by '/', print with no duplicates
		for line in output:
			# '//' detection needed as NX-OS outputs URL's in login banner
			# 'and/or' detection needed in case it is in a login banner (custom fix)
			if ("/" in line or "Po" in line) and not ("//" in line or "and/or" in line):
				# If interface isn't currently in the list (unique interface), add it to list
				if (line not in trackList) and line:
Exemplo n.º 7
	for a in range(0,2):
		showMac = "show mac address-table | include %s" % (macAddr)

		# Run 1st command, save output to 'result'
		result = sfn.runSSHCommand(showMac, host, creds)
		# If outputList is empty, ping IP address from switch and recheck MAC address table (to force it to populate)
		if not result:
			commandPing = "ping " + ipAddr
			sfn.runSSHCommand(commandPing, host, creds)
			a += 1
			# Break from 'for' loop
	# Replace everywhere with multiple spaces with only a single space
	result1 = fn.replaceDoubleSpaces(result)
	# Split result by individual spaces
	outputList = result1.split(" ")

	# Set last index for outputList to 2nd from last if last index is empty
	# Needed for variations in the MAC Address Table output between IOS and IOS-XE/NX-OS
		i = fn.indexLookup(outputList[-1])
	except ValueError:

	iface = outputList[i]

	# if MAC not found on core host/switch, error is thrown here:
	# Traceback (most recent call last):
	#  File "device-lookup.py", line 262, in <module>