Exemplo n.º 1
def channel_search(queue, channel_parameters, category, title_year, tecleado):
        search_results = []

        exec "from channels import " + channel_parameters["channel"] + " as module"
        mainlist = module.mainlist(Item(channel=channel_parameters["channel"]))

        for item in mainlist:
            if item.action != "search" or category and item.extra != category:

            for res_item in module.search(item.clone(), tecleado):
                title = res_item.fulltitle

                # If the release year is known, check if it matches the year found in the title
                if title_year > 0:
                    year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4}).*\)', title)
                    if year_match and abs(int(year_match.group(1)) - title_year) > 1:

                # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
                title = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', title)  # Anything within ()
                title = re.sub(r'\[.*\]', '', title)  # Anything within []

                # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
                if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(tecleado, title) > 85:
                    res_item.title = "[COLOR azure]" + res_item.title + "[/COLOR][COLOR orange] su [/COLOR][COLOR green]" + channel_parameters["title"] + "[/COLOR]"


        logger.error("No se puede buscar en: " + channel_parameters["title"])
        import traceback
Exemplo n.º 2
def agruparXcontenido(list_result_canal, categoria):
    global channels_ID_name
    dict_contenidos = {}
    list_result = []

    for i in list_result_canal:
        # Formatear titulo
        i.title = get_title(i)

        # Eliminar tildes y otros caracteres especiales para la key
        import unicodedata
            newKey = i.title.lower().strip().decode("UTF-8")
            newKey = ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', newKey)
                              if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))

            newKey = i.title

        found = False
        for k in dict_contenidos.keys():
            if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(newKey, k) > 85:
                # Si el contenido ya estaba en el diccionario añadirlo a la lista de opciones...
                found = True

        if not found:  # ...sino añadirlo al diccionario
            dict_contenidos[newKey] = [i]

    # Añadimos el contenido encontrado en la lista list_result
    for v in dict_contenidos.values():
        title = v[0].title
        if len(v) > 1:
            # Eliminar de la lista de nombres de canales los q esten duplicados
            canales_no_duplicados = []
            for i in v:
                if not i.channel in canales_no_duplicados:

            if len(canales_no_duplicados) > 1:
                canales = ', '.join([i for i in canales_no_duplicados[:-1]])
                title += " (In %s e %s)" % (canales, canales_no_duplicados[-1])
                title += " (In %s)" % (', '.join(
                    [i for i in canales_no_duplicados]))

            newItem = v[0].clone(channel="novedades",
                                 sub_list=[i.tourl() for i in v],
            newItem = v[0].clone(title=title)

        newItem.text_color = color3

    return sorted(list_result, key=lambda i: i.title.lower())
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.biblioteca do_channels_search")

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
        title_year = 0
    mostra = item.extra[4:]
    tecleado = urllib.quote_plus(mostra)

    itemlist = []

    import os
    import glob
    import imp
    from lib.fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
    import threading
    import Queue
    import time

    master_exclude_data_file = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "resources", "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador master_exclude_data_file=" + master_exclude_data_file)

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.py')
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador channels_path=" + channels_path)

    excluir = ""

    if os.path.exists(master_exclude_data_file):
        logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador Encontrado fichero exclusiones")

        fileexclude = open(master_exclude_data_file, "r")
        excluir = fileexclude.read()
        logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador No encontrado fichero exclusiones")
        excluir = "seriesly\nbuscador\ntengourl\n__init__"

    if config.is_xbmc():
        show_dialog = True

        import xbmcgui
        progreso = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
        progreso.create(NLS_Looking_For % mostra)
        show_dialog = False

    def worker(infile, queue):
        channel_result_itemlist = []
            basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-3]
            # http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html?highlight=imp#module-imp
            obj = imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile)
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador cargado " + basename_without_extension + " de " + infile)
            # item.url contains search type: serie, anime, etc...
            channel_result_itemlist.extend(obj.search(Item(extra=item.url), tecleado))
            for local_item in channel_result_itemlist:
                local_item.title = " [COLOR azure] " + local_item.title + " [/COLOR] [COLOR orange]su[/COLOR] [COLOR green]" + basename_without_extension + "[/COLOR]"
                local_item.viewmode = "list"
            import traceback

    channel_files = [infile for infile in glob.glob(channels_path) if os.path.basename(infile)[:-3] not in excluir]

    result = Queue.Queue()
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(infile, result)) for infile in channel_files]

    start_time = int(time.time())

    for t in threads:
        t.daemon = True  # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread to exit even if there are threads still running

    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)
    completed_channels = 0
    while completed_channels < number_of_channels:

        delta_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
        if len(itemlist) <= 0:
            timeout = None  # No result so far,lets the thread to continue working until a result is returned
        elif delta_time >= TIMEOUT_TOTAL:
            break  # At least a result matching the searched title has been found, lets stop the search
            timeout = TIMEOUT_TOTAL - delta_time  # Still time to gather other results

        if show_dialog:
            progreso.update(completed_channels * 100 / number_of_channels)

            result_itemlist = result.get(timeout=timeout)
            completed_channels += 1
            # Expired timeout raise an exception

        for item in result_itemlist:
            title = item.fulltitle

            # If the release year is known, check if it matches the year found in the title
            if title_year > 0:
                year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4}).*\)', title)
                if year_match and abs(int(year_match.group(1)) - title_year) > 1:

            # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
            title = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', title)  # Anything within ()
            title = re.sub(r'\[.*\]', '', title)  # Anything within []

            # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
            if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(mostra, title) > 85: itemlist.append(item)

    if show_dialog:

    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda item: item.fulltitle)

    return itemlist
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita-master.channels.biblioteca do_channels_search")

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
        title_year = 0
    mostra = item.extra[4:]
    tecleado = urllib.quote_plus(mostra)

    itemlist = []

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", "*.xml")
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita-master.channels.buscador channels_path=" + channels_path)

    channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language")
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita-master.channels.buscador channel_language=" + channel_language)
    if channel_language == "":
        channel_language = "all"
        logger.info("streamondemand-pureita-master.channels.buscador channel_language=" + channel_language)

    if config.is_xbmc():
        show_dialog = True

        import xbmcgui

        progreso = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
        progreso.create(NLS_Looking_For % mostra)
        show_dialog = False

    def worker(infile, queue):
        channel_result_itemlist = []
            basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4]
            # http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html?highlight=imp#module-imp
            obj = imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile[:-4] + ".py")
                "streamondemand-pureita-master.channels.buscador cargado "
                + basename_without_extension
                + " de "
                + infile
            # item.url contains search type: serie, anime, etc...
            channel_result_itemlist.extend(obj.search(Item(extra=item.url), tecleado))
            for local_item in channel_result_itemlist:
                local_item.title = (
                    " [COLOR azure] "
                    + local_item.title
                    + " [/COLOR] [COLOR orange]su[/COLOR] [COLOR green]"
                    + basename_without_extension
                    + "[/COLOR]"
                local_item.viewmode = "list"
            import traceback


    channel_files = glob.glob(channels_path)

    channel_files_tmp = []
    for infile in channel_files:

        basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4]

        channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(basename_without_extension)

        # No busca si es un canal inactivo
        if channel_parameters["active"] != "true":

        # No busca si es un canal excluido de la busqueda global
        if channel_parameters["include_in_global_search"] != "true":

        # No busca si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado
        if channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "false":

        # No busca si el canal es en un idioma filtrado
        if channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language:


    channel_files = channel_files_tmp

    result = Queue.Queue()
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(infile, result)) for infile in channel_files]

    start_time = int(time.time())

    for t in threads:
        t.daemon = (
        )  # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread to exit even if there are threads still running

    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)
    completed_channels = 0
    while completed_channels < number_of_channels:

        delta_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
        if len(itemlist) <= 0:
            timeout = None  # No result so far,lets the thread to continue working until a result is returned
        elif delta_time >= TIMEOUT_TOTAL:
            break  # At least a result matching the searched title has been found, lets stop the search
            timeout = TIMEOUT_TOTAL - delta_time  # Still time to gather other results

        if show_dialog:
            progreso.update(completed_channels * 100 / number_of_channels)

            result_itemlist = result.get(timeout=timeout)
            completed_channels += 1
            # Expired timeout raise an exception

        for item in result_itemlist:
            title = item.fulltitle

            # If the release year is known, check if it matches the year found in the title
            if title_year > 0:
                year_match = re.search("\(.*(\d{4}).*\)", title)
                if year_match and abs(int(year_match.group(1)) - title_year) > 1:

            # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
            title = re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "", title)  # Anything within ()
            title = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", title)  # Anything within []

            # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
            if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(mostra, title) > 85:

    if show_dialog:

    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda item: item.fulltitle)

    return itemlist
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.biblioteca do_channels_search")

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
        title_year = 0
    mostra = item.extra[4:]
    tecleado = urllib.quote_plus(mostra)

    itemlist = []

    import os
    import glob
    import imp
    from lib.fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
    import threading
    import Queue
    import time

    master_exclude_data_file = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(),
                                            "resources", "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador master_exclude_data_file=" +

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.py')
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador channels_path=" +

    excluir = ""

    if os.path.exists(master_exclude_data_file):
            "streamondemand.channels.buscador Encontrado fichero exclusiones")

        fileexclude = open(master_exclude_data_file, "r")
        excluir = fileexclude.read()
            "streamondemand.channels.buscador No encontrado fichero exclusiones"
        excluir = "seriesly\nbuscador\ntengourl\n__init__"

    if config.is_xbmc():
        show_dialog = True

        import xbmcgui
        progreso = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
        progreso.create(NLS_Looking_For % mostra)
        show_dialog = False

    def worker(infile, queue):
        channel_result_itemlist = []
            basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-3]
            # http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html?highlight=imp#module-imp
            obj = imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile)
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador cargado " +
                        basename_without_extension + " de " + infile)
            # item.url contains search type: serie, anime, etc...
                obj.search(Item(extra=item.url), tecleado))
            for local_item in channel_result_itemlist:
                local_item.title = " [COLOR azure] " + local_item.title + " [/COLOR] [COLOR orange]su[/COLOR] [COLOR green]" + basename_without_extension + "[/COLOR]"
                local_item.viewmode = "list"
            import traceback

    channel_files = [
        infile for infile in glob.glob(channels_path)
        if os.path.basename(infile)[:-3] not in excluir

    result = Queue.Queue()
    threads = [
        threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(infile, result))
        for infile in channel_files

    start_time = int(time.time())

    for t in threads:
        t.daemon = True  # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread to exit even if there are threads still running

    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)
    completed_channels = 0
    while completed_channels < number_of_channels:

        delta_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
        if len(itemlist) <= 0:
            timeout = None  # No result so far,lets the thread to continue working until a result is returned
        elif delta_time >= TIMEOUT_TOTAL:
            break  # At least a result matching the searched title has been found, lets stop the search
            timeout = TIMEOUT_TOTAL - delta_time  # Still time to gather other results

        if show_dialog:
            progreso.update(completed_channels * 100 / number_of_channels)

            result_itemlist = result.get(timeout=timeout)
            completed_channels += 1
            # Expired timeout raise an exception

        for item in result_itemlist:
            title = item.fulltitle

            # If the release year is known, check if it matches the year found in the title
            if title_year > 0:
                year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4}).*\)', title)
                if year_match and abs(int(year_match.group(1)) -
                                      title_year) > 1:

            # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
            title = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', title)  # Anything within ()
            title = re.sub(r'\[.*\]', '', title)  # Anything within []

            # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
            if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(mostra, title) > 85: itemlist.append(item)

    if show_dialog:

    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda item: item.fulltitle)

    return itemlist
Exemplo n.º 6
def search_tor_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not (lazylibrarian.USE_TOR):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select(
            'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"'

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            '.': ' ',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': '',
            ':': '',
            ';': ''
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.': ' +', ' + ': ' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(
            formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                            searchterm)  # strip any double white space
            "bookid": bookid,
            "bookName": searchbook[2],
            "authorName": searchbook[1],
            "searchterm": searchterm.strip()

    if not lazylibrarian.KAT:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        #print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'book')

        #if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
                "Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search"
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book, 'general')

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {
                '...': '',
                '.': ' ',
                ' & ': ' ',
                ' = ': ' ',
                '?': '',
                '$': 's',
                ' + ': ' ',
                '"': '',
                ',': '',
                '*': '',
                '(': '',
                ')': '',
                '[': '',
                ']': '',
                '#': '',
                '0': '',
                '1': '',
                '2': '',
                '3': '',
                '4': '',
                '5': '',
                '6': '',
                '7': '',
                '8': '',
                '9': '',
                '\'': '',
                ':': '',
                '!': '',
                '-': '',
                '\s\s': ' ',
                ' the ': ' ',
                ' a ': ' ',
                ' and ': ' ',
                ' to ': ' ',
                ' of ': ' ',
                ' for ': ' ',
                ' my ': ' ',
                ' in ': ' ',
                ' at ': ' ',
                ' with ': ' '
            logger.debug(u'searchterm %s' % book['searchterm'])
            addedCounter = 0

            for tor in resultlist:
                tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(
                        str(tor['tor_title']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ",
                                   tor_Title)  #remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u'torName %s' % tor_Title)

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(
                    book['searchterm'].lower(), tor_Title)
                logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match))

                if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
                    logger.info(u'Found Torrent: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book['bookid']
                    tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' +
                                 book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] +
                    tor_url = tor['tor_url']
                    tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']

                    tor_size_temp = tor[
                        'tor_size']  #Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if tor_size_temp is None:
                        tor_size_temp = 1000
                    tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576,
                                         2)) + ' MB'

                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBsize": tor_size,
                        "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"',
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title,
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(tor_Title + ' at ' +
            if addedCounter == 0:
                logger.info("No torrent's found for " +
                            (book["authorName"] + ' ' +
                             book['bookName']).strip() +
                            ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1

# if not books or books==False:
#     snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
#     for items in snatched:
#         snatch = DownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['tor_prov'], items['tor_title'], items['tor_url'])
#         notifiers.notify_snatch(items['tor_title']+' at '+formatter.now())
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
def search_tor_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not(lazylibrarian.USE_TOR):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHTORBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"', [book['bookid']])
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {'...':'', '.':' ', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', ':':'', ';':''}
        dicSearchFormatting = {'.':' +', ' + ':' '}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + ' ' + book # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE 
        searchterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', searchterm).encode('utf-8')
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", searchterm) # strip any double white space
        searchlist.append({"bookid": bookid, "bookName":searchbook[2], "authorName":searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()})
    if not lazylibrarian.KAT:
        logger.info('No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole')

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist: 
        #print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book,'book')

        #if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
            logger.info("Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search")
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverTorrentSites(book,'general')

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("No result found, Adding book %s to queue " % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {'...':'', '.':' ', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '(':'', ')':'', '[':'', ']':'', '#':'', '0':'', '1':'', '2':'', '3':'', '4':'', '5':'', '6':'', '7':'', '8':'' , '9':'', '\'':'', ':':'', '!':'', '-':'', '\s\s':' ', ' the ':' ', ' a ':' ', ' and ':' ', ' to ':' ', ' of ':' ', ' for ':' ', ' my ':' ', ' in ':' ', ' at ':' ', ' with ':' ' }
            logger.debug(u'searchterm %s' % book['searchterm'])
            addedCounter = 0

            for tor in resultlist:
                tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(tor['tor_title']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+" , " ", tor_Title) #remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u'torName %s' % tor_Title)          

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(book['searchterm'].lower(), tor_Title)
                logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match))
                if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
                    logger.info(u'Found Torrent: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book['bookid']
                    tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
                    tor_url = tor['tor_url']
                    tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']
                    tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  #Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if tor_size_temp is None:
                        tor_size_temp = 1000
                    tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576,2))+' MB'
                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": tor_url}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": tor_prov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBsize": tor_size,
                        "NZBtitle": tor_Title,
                        "Status": "Skipped"
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action('SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]).fetchone()
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, tor_prov, tor_Title, tor_url)
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(tor_Title+' at '+formatter.now()) 
            if addedCounter == 0:
                logger.info("No torrent's found for " + (book["authorName"] + ' ' + book['bookName']).strip() + ". Adding book to queue.")
        counter = counter + 1

   # if not books or books==False:
   #     snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
   #     for items in snatched:
   #         snatch = DownloadMethod(items['bookid'], items['tor_prov'], items['tor_title'], items['tor_url'])
   #         notifiers.notify_snatch(items['tor_title']+' at '+formatter.now()) 
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita.channels.biblioteca do_channels_search")

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
        title_year = 0
    mostra = item.extra[4:]
    tecleado = urllib.quote_plus(mostra)

    itemlist = []

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.xml')
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita.channels.buscador channels_path=" + channels_path)

    channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language")
    logger.info("streamondemand-pureita.channels.buscador channel_language=" + channel_language)
    if channel_language == "":
        channel_language = "all"
        logger.info("streamondemand-pureita.channels.buscador channel_language=" + channel_language)

    if config.is_xbmc():
        show_dialog = True

        import xbmcgui
        progreso = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
        progreso.create(NLS_Looking_For % mostra)
        show_dialog = False

    def worker(infile, queue):
        channel_result_itemlist = []
            basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4]
            # http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html?highlight=imp#module-imp
            obj = imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile[:-4]+".py")
            logger.info("streamondemand-pureita.channels.buscador cargado " + basename_without_extension + " de " + infile)
            # item.url contains search type: serie, anime, etc...
            channel_result_itemlist.extend(obj.search(Item(extra=item.url), tecleado))
            for local_item in channel_result_itemlist:
                local_item.title = " [COLOR azure] " + local_item.title + " [/COLOR] [COLOR orange]su[/COLOR] [COLOR orange]" + basename_without_extension + "[/COLOR]"
                local_item.viewmode = "list"
            import traceback

    channel_files = glob.glob(channels_path)

    channel_files_tmp = []
    for infile in channel_files:

        basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4]

        channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(basename_without_extension)

        # Non cercare se il canale e inattivo
        if channel_parameters["active"] != "true":

        # Non cercare se un canale e escluso dalla ricerca globale
        if channel_parameters["include_in_global_search"] != "true":

        # Non cercare se un canale e per adulti e la modalita adulta disabilitata
        if channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "false":

        # Non cercare se un canale ha il filtro lingua
        if channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language:


    channel_files = channel_files_tmp

    result = Queue.Queue()
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(infile, result)) for infile in channel_files]

    start_time = int(time.time())

    for t in threads:
        t.daemon = True  # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread to exit even if there are threads still running

    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)
    completed_channels = 0
    while completed_channels < number_of_channels:

        delta_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
        if len(itemlist) <= 0:
            timeout = None  # No result so far,lets the thread to continue working until a result is returned
        elif delta_time >= TIMEOUT_TOTAL:
            break  # At least a result matching the searched title has been found, lets stop the search
            timeout = TIMEOUT_TOTAL - delta_time  # Still time to gather other results

        if show_dialog:
            progreso.update(completed_channels * 100 / number_of_channels)

            result_itemlist = result.get(timeout=timeout)
            completed_channels += 1
            # Expired timeout raise an exception

        for item in result_itemlist:
            title = item.fulltitle

            # If the release year is known, check if it matches the year found in the title
            if title_year > 0:
                year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4}).*\)', title)
                if year_match and abs(int(year_match.group(1)) - title_year) > 1:

            # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
            title = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', title)  # Anything within ()
            title = re.sub(r'\[.*\]', '', title)  # Anything within []

            # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
            if fuzz.token_sort_ratio(mostra, title) > 85: itemlist.append(item)

    if show_dialog:

    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda item: item.fulltitle)

    return itemlist
Exemplo n.º 9
def syncCalibreList(col_read=None, col_toread=None, userid=None):
    """ Get the lazylibrarian bookid for each read/toread calibre book so we can map our id to theirs,
        and sync current/supplied user's read/toread or supplied read/toread columns to calibre database.
        Return message giving totals """

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    if not userid:
        cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie
        if cookie and 'll_uid' in cookie.keys():
            userid = cookie['ll_uid'].value
    if userid:
        res = myDB.match(
            'SELECT UserName,ToRead,HaveRead,CalibreRead,CalibreToRead,Perms from users where UserID=?',
            (userid, ))
        if res:
            username = res['UserName']
            if not col_read:
                col_read = res['CalibreRead']
            if not col_toread:
                col_toread = res['CalibreToRead']
            toreadlist = getList(res['ToRead'])
            readlist = getList(res['HaveRead'])
            # suppress duplicates (just in case)
            toreadlist = list(set(toreadlist))
            readlist = list(set(readlist))
            return "Error: Unable to get user column settings for %s" % userid

    if not userid:
        return "Error: Unable to find current userid"

    if not col_read and not col_toread:
        return "User %s has no calibre columns set" % username

    # check user columns exist in calibre and create if not
    res = calibredb('custom_columns')
    columns = res[0].split('\n')
    custom_columns = []
    for column in columns:
        if column:
            custom_columns.append(column.split(' (')[0])

    if col_read not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_read, col_read, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added
    if col_toread not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column',
                          [col_toread, col_toread, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added

    nomatch = 0
    readcol = ''
    toreadcol = ''
    map_ctol = {}
    map_ltoc = {}
    if col_read:
        readcol = '*' + col_read
    if col_toread:
        toreadcol = '*' + col_toread

    calibre_list = calibreList(col_read, col_toread)
    if not isinstance(calibre_list, list):
        # got an error message from calibredb
        return '"%s"' % calibre_list

    for item in calibre_list:
        if toreadcol and toreadcol in item or readcol and readcol in item:
            authorname, authorid, added = addAuthorNameToDB(item['authors'],
            if authorname:
                if authorname != item['authors']:
                        "Changed authorname for [%s] from [%s] to [%s]" %
                        (item['title'], item['authors'], authorname))
                    item['authors'] = authorname
                bookid = find_book_in_db(authorname, item['title'])
                if not bookid:
                    searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (item['title'], authorname)
                    results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                    if results:
                        result = results[0]
                        if result['author_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                and result['book_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                                "Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" %
                                (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                 result['authorname'], result['bookname']))
                            bookid = result['bookid']
                if bookid:
                    # NOTE: calibre bookid is always an integer, lazylibrarian bookid is a string
                    # (goodreads could be used as an int, but googlebooks can't as it's alphanumeric)
                    # so convert all dict items to strings for ease of matching.
                    map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                    map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                        'Calibre Book [%s] by [%s] is not in lazylibrarian database'
                        % (item['title'], authorname))
                    nomatch += 1
                    'Calibre Author [%s] not matched in lazylibrarian database'
                    % (item['authors']))
                nomatch += 1

    # Now check current users lazylibrarian read/toread against the calibre library, warn about missing ones
    # which might be books calibre doesn't have, or might be minor differences in author or title

    for idlist in [("Read", readlist), ("To_Read", toreadlist)]:
        booklist = idlist[1]
        for bookid in booklist:
            cmd = "SELECT AuthorID,BookName from books where BookID=?"
            book = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid, ))
            if not book:
                logger.error('Error finding bookid %s' % bookid)
                cmd = "SELECT AuthorName from authors where AuthorID=?"
                author = myDB.match(cmd, (book['AuthorID'], ))
                if not author:
                    logger.error('Error finding authorid %s' %
                    match = False
                    for item in calibre_list:
                        if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName'] and item[
                                'title'] == book['BookName']:
                            logger.debug("Exact match for %s [%s]" %
                                         (idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                            match = True
                    if not match:
                        high = 0
                        highname = ''
                        highid = ''
                        for item in calibre_list:
                            if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName']:
                                n = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(
                                    item['title'], book['BookName'])
                                if n > high:
                                    high = n
                                    highname = item['title']
                                    highid = item['id']

                        if high > 95:
                                "Found ratio match %s%% [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                (high, highname, idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(highid)] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(highid)
                            match = True

                    if not match:
                            "No match for %s %s by %s in calibre database, closest match %s%% [%s]"
                            % (idlist[0], book['BookName'],
                               author['AuthorName'], high, highname))
                        nomatch += 1

    logger.debug("BookID mapping complete, %s match %s, nomatch %s" %
                 (username, len(map_ctol), nomatch))

    # now sync the lists
    if userid:
        last_read = []
        last_toread = []
        calibre_read = []
        calibre_toread = []

        cmd = 'select SyncList from sync where UserID=? and Label=?'
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_read))
        if res:
            last_read = getList(res['SyncList'])
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_toread))
        if res:
            last_toread = getList(res['SyncList'])

        for item in calibre_list:
            if toreadcol and toreadcol in item and item[
                    toreadcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                        "Calibre to_read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid"
                        % (item['authors'], item['title']))
            if readcol and readcol in item and item[readcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                        "Calibre read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                        (item['authors'], item['title']))

        logger.debug("Found %s calibre read, %s calibre toread" %
                     (len(calibre_read), len(calibre_toread)))
        logger.debug("Found %s lazylib read, %s lazylib toread" %
                     (len(readlist), len(toreadlist)))

        added_to_ll_toread = list(set(toreadlist) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_ll_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(toreadlist))
        added_to_ll_read = list(set(readlist) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_ll_read = list(set(last_read) - set(readlist))
        logger.debug("lazylibrarian changes to copy to calibre: %s %s %s %s" %
                     (len(added_to_ll_toread), len(removed_from_ll_toread),
                      len(added_to_ll_read), len(removed_from_ll_read)))

        added_to_calibre_toread = list(set(calibre_toread) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_calibre_toread = list(
            set(last_toread) - set(calibre_toread))
        added_to_calibre_read = list(set(calibre_read) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_calibre_read = list(set(last_read) - set(calibre_read))
            "calibre changes to copy to lazylibrarian: %s %s %s %s" %
            (len(added_to_calibre_toread), len(removed_from_calibre_toread),
             len(added_to_calibre_read), len(removed_from_calibre_read)))

        calibre_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_calibre_read:
            if item not in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in added_to_calibre_toread:
            if item not in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_read:
            if item in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_toread:
            if item in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        if calibre_changes:
            myDB.action('UPDATE users SET ToRead=?,HaveRead=? WHERE UserID=?',
                        (', '.join(toreadlist), ', '.join(readlist), userid))
        ll_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], 'true'],
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" %
                            (col_toread, item))
        for item in removed_from_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" %
                            (col_toread, item))

        for item in added_to_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_read, map_ltoc[item], 'true'],
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" %
                            (col_read, item))

        for item in removed_from_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom',
                                         [col_read, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" %
                            (col_read, item))

        # store current sync list as comparison for next sync
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_read}
        newValueDict = {
            "Date": str(time.time()),
            "Synclist": ', '.join(readlist)
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_toread}
        newValueDict = {
            "Date": str(time.time()),
            "Synclist": ', '.join(toreadlist)
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        msg = "%s sync updated: %s calibre, %s lazylibrarian" % (
            username, ll_changes, calibre_changes)
    return msg
Exemplo n.º 10
        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book['searchterm'])

            dictrepl = {'...': '', '.': ' ', ' & ': ' ', ' = ': ' ', '?': '', '$': 's', ' + ': ' ', '"': '', ',': '', '*': '', '(': '', ')': '', '[': '', ']': '', '#': '', '0': '', '1': '', '2': '', '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', '9': '', '\'': '', ':': '', '!': '', '-': '', '\s\s': ' ', ' the ': ' ', ' a ': ' ', ' and ': ' ', ' to ': ' ', ' of ': ' ', ' for ': ' ', ' my ': ' ', ' in ': ' ', ' at ': ' ', ' with ': ' '}
            logger.debug(u'searchterm %s' % book['searchterm'])
            addedCounter = 0

            for tor in resultlist:
                tor_Title = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(tor['tor_title']).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                tor_Title = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", tor_Title)  # remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u'torName %s' % tor_Title)

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                tor_Title_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(book['searchterm'].lower(), tor_Title)
                logger.debug("Torrent Title Match %: " + str(tor_Title_match))

                if (tor_Title_match > match_ratio):
                    logger.debug(u'Found Torrent: %s' % tor['tor_title'])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book['bookid']
                    tor_Title = (book["authorName"] + ' - ' + book['bookName'] + ' LL.(' + book['bookid'] + ')').strip()
                    tor_url = tor['tor_url']
                    tor_prov = tor['tor_prov']

                    tor_size_temp = tor['tor_size']  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if tor_size_temp is None:
                        tor_size_temp = 1000
                    tor_size = str(round(float(tor_size_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + ' MB'
Exemplo n.º 11
def search_nzb_book(books=None, mags=None):
    if not (lazylibrarian.USE_NZB):
    # rename this thread
    threading.currentThread().name = "SEARCHNZBBOOKS"
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    searchlist = []
    searchlist1 = []

    if books is None:
        # We are performing a backlog search
        searchbooks = myDB.select('SELECT BookID, AuthorName, Bookname from books WHERE Status="Wanted"')

        # Clear cache
        if os.path.exists(".ProviderCache"):
            for f in os.listdir(".ProviderCache"):
                os.unlink("%s/%s" % (".ProviderCache", f))

        # Clearing throttling timeouts
        t = SimpleCache.ThrottlingProcessor()
        # The user has added a new book
        searchbooks = []
        if books != False:
            for book in books:
                searchbook = myDB.select(
                    'SELECT BookID, AuthorName, BookName from books WHERE BookID=? AND Status="Wanted"',
                for terms in searchbook:

    for searchbook in searchbooks:
        bookid = searchbook[0]
        author = searchbook[1]
        book = searchbook[2]

        dic = {
            "...": "",
            ".": " ",
            " & ": " ",
            " = ": " ",
            "?": "",
            "$": "s",
            " + ": " ",
            '"': "",
            ",": "",
            "*": "",
            ":": "",
            ";": "",
        dicSearchFormatting = {".": " +", " + ": " "}

        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dic))
        book = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(book, dic))

        # TRY SEARCH TERM just using author name and book type
        author = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(author, dicSearchFormatting))
        searchterm = author + " " + book  # + ' ' + lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE
        searchterm = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", searchterm).encode("utf-8")
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\(.*?\)", "", searchterm).encode("utf-8")
        searchterm = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", searchterm)  # strip any double white space
            {"bookid": bookid, "bookName": searchbook[2], "authorName": searchbook[1], "searchterm": searchterm.strip()}

    if not lazylibrarian.SAB_HOST and not lazylibrarian.NZB_DOWNLOADER_BLACKHOLE:
        logger.info("No download method is set, use SABnzbd or blackhole")

    # TODO - Move the newznab test to providers.py
    if not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB and not lazylibrarian.NEWZNAB2 and not lazylibrarian.USENETCRAWLER:
        logger.info("No providers are set. try use NEWZNAB.")

    counter = 0
    for book in searchlist:
        # print book.keys()
        resultlist = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, "book")

        # if you can't find teh book specifically, you might find under general search
        if not resultlist:
            logger.info("Searching for type book failed to find any books...moving to general search")
            resultlist = providers.IterateOverNewzNabSites(book, "general")

        if not resultlist:
            logger.debug("Adding book %s to queue." % book["searchterm"])

            dictrepl = {
                "...": "",
                ".": " ",
                " & ": " ",
                " = ": " ",
                "?": "",
                "$": "s",
                " + ": " ",
                '"': "",
                ",": "",
                "*": "",
                "(": "",
                ")": "",
                "[": "",
                "]": "",
                "#": "",
                "0": "",
                "1": "",
                "2": "",
                "3": "",
                "4": "",
                "5": "",
                "6": "",
                "7": "",
                "8": "",
                "9": "",
                "'": "",
                ":": "",
                "!": "",
                "-": "",
                "\s\s": " ",
                " the ": " ",
                " a ": " ",
                " and ": " ",
                " to ": " ",
                " of ": " ",
                " for ": " ",
                " my ": " ",
                " in ": " ",
                " at ": " ",
                " with ": " ",
            logger.debug(u"searchterm %s" % book["searchterm"])
            addedCounter = 0

            for nzb in resultlist:
                nzbTitle = formatter.latinToAscii(formatter.replace_all(str(nzb["nzbtitle"]).lower(), dictrepl)).strip()
                nzbTitle = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", nzbTitle)  # remove extra whitespace
                logger.debug(u"nzbName %s" % nzbTitle)

                match_ratio = int(lazylibrarian.MATCH_RATIO)
                nzbTitle_match = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(book["searchterm"].lower(), nzbTitle)
                logger.debug("NZB Title Match %: " + str(nzbTitle_match))

                if nzbTitle_match > match_ratio:
                    logger.info(u"Found NZB: %s" % nzb["nzbtitle"])
                    addedCounter = addedCounter + 1
                    bookid = book["bookid"]
                    nzbTitle = (book["authorName"] + " - " + book["bookName"] + " LL.(" + book["bookid"] + ")").strip()
                    nzburl = nzb["nzburl"]
                    nzbprov = nzb["nzbprov"]
                    nzbdate_temp = nzb["nzbdate"]
                    nzbsize_temp = nzb["nzbsize"]  # Need to cater for when this is NONE (Issue 35)
                    if nzbsize_temp is None:
                        nzbsize_temp = 1000
                    nzbsize = str(round(float(nzbsize_temp) / 1048576, 2)) + " MB"
                    nzbdate = formatter.nzbdate2format(nzbdate_temp)

                    controlValueDict = {"NZBurl": nzburl}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "NZBprov": nzbprov,
                        "BookID": bookid,
                        "NZBdate": nzbdate,
                        "NZBsize": nzbsize,
                        "NZBtitle": nzbTitle,
                        "Status": "Skipped",
                    myDB.upsert("wanted", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                    snatchedbooks = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT * from books WHERE BookID=? and Status="Snatched"', [bookid]
                    if not snatchedbooks:
                        snatch = DownloadMethod(bookid, nzbprov, nzbTitle, nzburl)
                        notifiers.notify_snatch(nzbTitle + " at " + formatter.now())
            if addedCounter == 0:
                    "No nzb's found for "
                    + (book["authorName"] + " " + book["bookName"]).strip()
                    + ". Adding book to queue."
        counter = counter + 1

    if not books or books == False:
        snatched = searchmag.searchmagazines(mags)
        for items in snatched:
            snatch = DownloadMethod(items["bookid"], items["nzbprov"], items["nzbtitle"], items["nzburl"])
            notifiers.notify_snatch(items["nzbtitle"] + " at " + formatter.now())
    logger.info("Search for Wanted items complete")
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.biblioteca do_channels_search")

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
    except Exception:
        title_year = 0
    mostra = item.extra[4:]
    tecleado = urllib.quote_plus(mostra)

    itemlist = []

    import os
    import glob
    import imp
    from lib.fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
    import threading
    import Queue

    master_exclude_data_file = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "resources", "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador master_exclude_data_file=" + master_exclude_data_file)

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.py')
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador channels_path=" + channels_path)

    excluir = ""

    if os.path.exists(master_exclude_data_file):
        logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador Encontrado fichero exclusiones")

        fileexclude = open(master_exclude_data_file, "r")
        excluir = fileexclude.read()
        logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador No encontrado fichero exclusiones")
        excluir = "seriesly\nbuscador\ntengourl\n__init__"

    if config.is_xbmc():
        show_dialog = True

        import xbmcgui
        progreso = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
        progreso.create(NLS_Looking_For % mostra)
        show_dialog = False

    def worker(infile, queue):
        channel_result_itemlist = []
            basename_without_extension = os.path.basename(infile)[:-3]
            # http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html?highlight=imp#module-imp
            obj = imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile)
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.buscador cargado " + basename_without_extension + " de " + infile)
            # item.url contains search type: serie, anime, etc...
            channel_result_itemlist.extend(obj.search(Item(extra=item.url), tecleado))
            for local_item in channel_result_itemlist:
                local_item.title = " [COLOR azure] " + local_item.title + " [/COLOR] [COLOR orange]su[/COLOR] [COLOR green]" + basename_without_extension + "[/COLOR]"
                local_item.viewmode = "list"
            import traceback

    channel_files = [infile for infile in glob.glob(channels_path) if os.path.basename(infile)[:-3] not in excluir]

    result = Queue.Queue()
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(infile, result)) for infile in channel_files]

    for t in threads:

    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)

    local_itemlist = []
    for index, t in enumerate(threads):
        percentage = index * 100 / number_of_channels
        if show_dialog:
            progreso.update(percentage, NLS_Looking_For % mostra)

    for item in local_itemlist:
        title = item.fulltitle

        # Check if the found title matches the release year
        year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4})\)', title)
        if year_match:
            found_year = int(year_match.group(1))
            title = title[:year_match.start()] + title[year_match.end():]
            if title_year > 0 and abs(found_year - title_year) > 1:

        # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
        title = re.sub(r'\(\d\.\d\)', '', title)  # Rating, es: (8.4)
        title = re.sub(r'(?i) (film|streaming|ITA)', '', title)  # Common keywords in titles
        title = re.sub(r'[\[(](HD|B/N)[\])]', '', title)  # Common keywords in titles, es. [HD], (B/N), etc.
        title = re.sub(r'(?i)\[/?COLOR[^\]]*\]', '', title)  # Formatting keywords

        # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
        fuzzy = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(mostra, title)
        if fuzzy <= 85:


    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda item: item.fulltitle)

    if show_dialog:

    return itemlist
Exemplo n.º 13
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database do_channels_search " + item.extra)

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
    except Exception:
        title_year = 0
    title_search = item.extra[4:]

    import glob
    import imp
    from lib.fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

    master_exclude_data_file = os.path.join( config.get_runtime_path() , "resources", "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database master_exclude_data_file=" + master_exclude_data_file)

    exclude_data_file = os.path.join( config.get_data_path() , "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database exclude_data_file=" + exclude_data_file)

    channels_path = os.path.join( config.get_runtime_path() , "channels" , '*.py' )
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database channels_path=" + channels_path)

    channels_excluded = "seriesly\nbuscador\ntengourl\n__init__\n"

    for path in [master_exclude_data_file, exclude_data_file]:
        if os.path.exists(path):
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database found exclusion file %s" % path)

            fileexclude = open(path, "r")
            channels_excluded += fileexclude.read()
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database not found exclusion file %s" % path)

        import xbmcgui
        progress_dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        progress_dialog.create(NLS_Looking_For % item.title)
        show_dialog = True
        show_dialog = False

    channel_files = glob.glob(channels_path)
    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)

    itemlist = []
    channels_successfull = ''
    for index, infile in enumerate(channel_files):
        if progress_dialog.iscanceled():
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database channels search aborted")

        basename = os.path.basename(infile)[:-3]
        if basename in channels_excluded:
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database excluded channel %s" % basename)
            if show_dialog:
                progress_dialog.update(index * 100 / number_of_channels,
                    NLS_Searching_In % basename,
                    NLS_Found_So_Far % (len(itemlist), channels_successfull))

                obj = imp.load_source(basename, infile)
                logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database loaded %s from %s" % (basename, infile))

                # Please note that python threads cannot be stopped, therefore, if the channel is
                # taking too long, the threading allows the calling process to continue but not
                # to kill the channel thread. The runaway channel will continue to execute and
                # eventually terminate later. OK, it takes resources, but better to consume some
                # additional resources than blocking the KODI GUI altogether.
                from threading import Thread

                class ChannelThread(Thread):
                    def __init__(self, channel_obj, search_terms):
                        self._channel_obj = channel_obj
                        self._search_terms = search_terms
                        self._return = []

                    def run(self):
                        self._return = self._channel_obj.search(Item(), self._search_terms)

                    def join(self, timeout=0):
                        Thread.join(self, timeout)
                        if Thread.is_alive(self) and timeout > 0:
                            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database forgetting channel %s because is taking more than %s seconds" % (basename, timeout))
                        return self._return

                logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database searching in channel %s for '%s'" % (basename, title_search))
                channel_thread = ChannelThread(obj, title_search.replace(' ', '+'))
                # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread can exit even if there are daemon threads still running
                channel_thread.daemon = True
                channel_result_itemlist = channel_thread.join(60)

                for item in channel_result_itemlist:
                    title = item.fulltitle

                    # Check if the found title matches the release year
                    year_match = re.search('\(.*(\d{4})\)', title)
                    if year_match:
                        found_year = int(year_match.group(1))
                        title = title[:year_match.start()] + title[year_match.end():]
                        if title_year > 0 and abs(found_year - title_year) > 1:
                            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' doesn't match the searched title '%s' %d (delta year is %d)" \
                                % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, abs(found_year - title_year)))

                    # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
                    title = re.sub(r'\(\d\.\d\)', '', title)                    # Rating, es: (8.4)
                    title = re.sub(r'(?i) (film|streaming|ITA)', '', title)     # Common keywords in titles
                    title = re.sub(r'[\[(](HD|B/N)[\])]', '', title)            # Common keywords in titles, es. [HD], (B/N), etc.
                    title = re.sub(r'(?i)\[/?COLOR[^\]]*\]', '', title)         # Formatting keywords

                    # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
                    fuzzy = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(title_search, title)
                    if  fuzzy <= 85:
                            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' doesn't match the searched title '%s' %d (title fuzzy comparision is %d)" \
                                % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, fuzzy))

                    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' matches the searched title '%s' %d (title fuzzy comparision is %d)" \
                        % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, fuzzy))

                    item.title = "[COLOR orange][%s][/COLOR] %s" % (basename, item.title)
                    item.fulltitle = title # Use the clean title for sorting
                    item.viewmode = "list"

                    if basename not in channels_successfull:
                        if len(channels_successfull): channels_successfull += ', '
                        channels_successfull += basename

                import traceback

    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda Item: fuzz.token_sort_ratio(title_search, item.fulltitle), reverse=True)

    if show_dialog:

    return itemlist
Exemplo n.º 14
def syncCalibreList(col_read=None, col_toread=None, userid=None):
    """ Get the lazylibrarian bookid for each read/toread calibre book so we can map our id to theirs,
        and sync current/supplied user's read/toread or supplied read/toread columns to calibre database.
        Return message giving totals """

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    username = ''
    readlist = []
    toreadlist = []
    if not userid:
        cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie
        if cookie and 'll_uid' in list(cookie.keys()):
            userid = cookie['ll_uid'].value
    if userid:
        res = myDB.match('SELECT UserName,ToRead,HaveRead,CalibreRead,CalibreToRead,Perms from users where UserID=?',
        if res:
            username = res['UserName']
            if not col_read:
                col_read = res['CalibreRead']
            if not col_toread:
                col_toread = res['CalibreToRead']
            toreadlist = getList(res['ToRead'])
            readlist = getList(res['HaveRead'])
            # suppress duplicates (just in case)
            toreadlist = list(set(toreadlist))
            readlist = list(set(readlist))
            return "Error: Unable to get user column settings for %s" % userid

    if not userid:
        return "Error: Unable to find current userid"

    if not col_read and not col_toread:
        return "User %s has no calibre columns set" % username

    # check user columns exist in calibre and create if not
    res = calibredb('custom_columns')
    columns = res[0].split('\n')
    custom_columns = []
    for column in columns:
        if column:
            custom_columns.append(column.split(' (')[0])

    if col_read not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_read, col_read, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added
    if col_toread not in custom_columns:
        added = calibredb('add_custom_column', [col_toread, col_toread, 'bool'])
        if "column created" not in added[0]:
            return added

    nomatch = 0
    readcol = ''
    toreadcol = ''
    map_ctol = {}
    map_ltoc = {}
    if col_read:
        readcol = '*' + col_read
    if col_toread:
        toreadcol = '*' + col_toread

    calibre_list = calibreList(col_read, col_toread)
    if not isinstance(calibre_list, list):
        # got an error message from calibredb
        return '"%s"' % calibre_list

    for item in calibre_list:
        if toreadcol and toreadcol in item or readcol and readcol in item:
            authorname, authorid, added = addAuthorNameToDB(item['authors'], refresh=False, addbooks=False)
            if authorname:
                if authorname != item['authors']:
                    logger.debug("Changed authorname for [%s] from [%s] to [%s]" %
                                 (item['title'], item['authors'], authorname))
                    item['authors'] = authorname
                bookid, mtype = find_book_in_db(authorname, item['title'], ignored=False, library='eBook')
                if bookid and mtype == "Ignored":
                    logger.warn("Book %s by %s is marked Ignored in database, importing anyway" %
                                (item['title'], authorname))
                if not bookid:
                    searchterm = "%s <ll> %s" % (item['title'], authorname)
                    results = search_for(unaccented(searchterm))
                    if results:
                        result = results[0]
                        if result['author_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO'] \
                                and result['book_fuzz'] > lazylibrarian.CONFIG['MATCH_RATIO']:
                            logger.debug("Found (%s%% %s%%) %s: %s" % (result['author_fuzz'], result['book_fuzz'],
                                                                       result['authorname'], result['bookname']))
                            bookid = result['bookid']
                if bookid:
                    # NOTE: calibre bookid is always an integer, lazylibrarian bookid is a string
                    # (goodreads could be used as an int, but googlebooks can't as it's alphanumeric)
                    # so convert all dict items to strings for ease of matching.
                    map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                    map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                    logger.warn('Calibre Book [%s] by [%s] is not in lazylibrarian database' %
                                (item['title'], authorname))
                    nomatch += 1
                logger.warn('Calibre Author [%s] not matched in lazylibrarian database' % (item['authors']))
                nomatch += 1

    # Now check current users lazylibrarian read/toread against the calibre library, warn about missing ones
    # which might be books calibre doesn't have, or might be minor differences in author or title

    for idlist in [("Read", readlist), ("To_Read", toreadlist)]:
        booklist = idlist[1]
        for bookid in booklist:
            cmd = "SELECT AuthorID,BookName from books where BookID=?"
            book = myDB.match(cmd, (bookid,))
            if not book:
                logger.error('Error finding bookid %s' % bookid)
                cmd = "SELECT AuthorName from authors where AuthorID=?"
                author = myDB.match(cmd, (book['AuthorID'],))
                if not author:
                    logger.error('Error finding authorid %s' % book['AuthorID'])
                    match = False
                    high = 0
                    highname = ''
                    for item in calibre_list:
                        if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName'] and item['title'] == book['BookName']:
                            logger.debug("Exact match for %s [%s]" % (idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(item['id'])] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(item['id'])
                            match = True
                    if not match:
                        highid = ''
                        for item in calibre_list:
                            if item['authors'] == author['AuthorName']:
                                n = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(item['title'], book['BookName'])
                                if n > high:
                                    high = n
                                    highname = item['title']
                                    highid = item['id']

                        if high > 95:
                            logger.debug("Found ratio match %s%% [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                         (high, highname, idlist[0], book['BookName']))
                            map_ctol[str(highid)] = str(bookid)
                            map_ltoc[str(bookid)] = str(highid)
                            match = True

                    if not match:
                        logger.warn("No match for %s %s by %s in calibre database, closest match %s%% [%s]" %
                                    (idlist[0], book['BookName'], author['AuthorName'], high, highname))
                        nomatch += 1

    logger.debug("BookID mapping complete, %s match %s, nomatch %s" % (username, len(map_ctol), nomatch))

    # now sync the lists
    if not userid:
        msg = "No userid found"
        last_read = []
        last_toread = []
        calibre_read = []
        calibre_toread = []

        cmd = 'select SyncList from sync where UserID=? and Label=?'
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_read))
        if res:
            last_read = getList(res['SyncList'])
        res = myDB.match(cmd, (userid, col_toread))
        if res:
            last_toread = getList(res['SyncList'])

        for item in calibre_list:
            if toreadcol and toreadcol in item and item[toreadcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                    logger.warn("Calibre to_read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                                (item['authors'], item['title']))
            if readcol and readcol in item and item[readcol]:  # only if True
                if str(item['id']) in map_ctol:
                    logger.warn("Calibre read book %s:%s has no lazylibrarian bookid" %
                                (item['authors'], item['title']))

        logger.debug("Found %s calibre read, %s calibre toread" % (len(calibre_read), len(calibre_toread)))
        logger.debug("Found %s lazylib read, %s lazylib toread" % (len(readlist), len(toreadlist)))

        added_to_ll_toread = list(set(toreadlist) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_ll_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(toreadlist))
        added_to_ll_read = list(set(readlist) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_ll_read = list(set(last_read) - set(readlist))
        logger.debug("lazylibrarian changes to copy to calibre: %s %s %s %s" % (len(added_to_ll_toread),
                     len(removed_from_ll_toread), len(added_to_ll_read), len(removed_from_ll_read)))

        added_to_calibre_toread = list(set(calibre_toread) - set(last_toread))
        removed_from_calibre_toread = list(set(last_toread) - set(calibre_toread))
        added_to_calibre_read = list(set(calibre_read) - set(last_read))
        removed_from_calibre_read = list(set(last_read) - set(calibre_read))
        logger.debug("calibre changes to copy to lazylibrarian: %s %s %s %s" % (len(added_to_calibre_toread),
                     len(removed_from_calibre_toread), len(added_to_calibre_read), len(removed_from_calibre_read)))

        calibre_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_calibre_read:
            if item not in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in added_to_calibre_toread:
            if item not in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian marked %s as to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_read:
            if item in readlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        for item in removed_from_calibre_toread:
            if item in toreadlist:
                logger.debug("Lazylibrarian removed %s from to_read" % item)
                calibre_changes += 1
        if calibre_changes:
            myDB.action('UPDATE users SET ToRead=?,HaveRead=? WHERE UserID=?',
                        (', '.join(toreadlist), ', '.join(readlist), userid))
        ll_changes = 0
        for item in added_to_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], 'true'], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" % (col_toread, item))
        for item in removed_from_ll_toread:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_toread, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" % (col_toread, item))

        for item in added_to_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_read, map_ltoc[item], 'true'], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to set calibre %s true for %s" % (col_read, item))

        for item in removed_from_ll_read:
            if item in map_ltoc:
                res, err, rc = calibredb('set_custom', [col_read, map_ltoc[item], ''], [])
                if rc:
                    msg = "calibredb set_custom error: "
                    if err:
                        logger.error(msg + err)
                    elif res:
                        logger.error(msg + res)
                        logger.error(msg + str(rc))
                    ll_changes += 1
                logger.warn("Unable to clear calibre %s for %s" % (col_read, item))

        # store current sync list as comparison for next sync
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_read}
        newValueDict = {"Date": str(time.time()), "Synclist": ', '.join(readlist)}
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"UserID": userid, "Label": col_toread}
        newValueDict = {"Date": str(time.time()), "Synclist": ', '.join(toreadlist)}
        myDB.upsert("sync", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        msg = "%s sync updated: %s calibre, %s lazylibrarian" % (username, ll_changes, calibre_changes)
    return msg
Exemplo n.º 15
def do_channels_search(item):
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database do_channels_search " + item.extra)

        title_year = int(item.extra[0:4])
    except Exception:
        title_year = 0
    title_search = item.extra[4:]

    import glob
    import imp
    from lib.fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

    master_exclude_data_file = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "resources", "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database master_exclude_data_file=" + master_exclude_data_file)

    exclude_data_file = os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "sodsearch.txt")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database exclude_data_file=" + exclude_data_file)

    channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", "*.py")
    logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database channels_path=" + channels_path)

    channels_excluded = "seriesly\nbuscador\ntengourl\n__init__\n"

    for path in [master_exclude_data_file, exclude_data_file]:
        if os.path.exists(path):
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database found exclusion file %s" % path)

            fileexclude = open(path, "r")
            channels_excluded += fileexclude.read()
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database not found exclusion file %s" % path)

        import xbmcgui

        progress_dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        progress_dialog.create(NLS_Looking_For % item.title)
        show_dialog = True
        show_dialog = False

    channel_files = glob.glob(channels_path)
    number_of_channels = len(channel_files)

    itemlist = []
    channels_successfull = ""
    for index, infile in enumerate(channel_files):
        if progress_dialog.iscanceled():
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database channels search aborted")

        basename = os.path.basename(infile)[:-3]
        if basename in channels_excluded:
            logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database excluded channel %s" % basename)
            if show_dialog:
                    index * 100 / number_of_channels,
                    NLS_Searching_In % basename,
                    NLS_Found_So_Far % (len(itemlist), channels_successfull),

                obj = imp.load_source(basename, infile)
                logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database loaded %s from %s" % (basename, infile))

                # Please note that python threads cannot be stopped, therefore, if the channel is
                # taking too long, the threading allows the calling process to continue but not
                # to kill the channel thread. The runaway channel will continue to execute and
                # eventually terminate later. OK, it takes resources, but better to consume some
                # additional resources than blocking the KODI GUI altogether.
                from threading import Thread

                class ChannelThread(Thread):
                    def __init__(self, channel_obj, search_terms):
                        self._channel_obj = channel_obj
                        self._search_terms = search_terms
                        self._return = []

                    def run(self):
                        self._return = self._channel_obj.search(Item(), self._search_terms)

                    def join(self, timeout=0):
                        Thread.join(self, timeout)
                        if Thread.is_alive(self) and timeout > 0:
                                "streamondemand.channels.database forgetting channel %s because is taking more than %s seconds"
                                % (basename, timeout)
                        return self._return

                    "streamondemand.channels.database searching in channel %s for '%s'" % (basename, title_search)
                channel_thread = ChannelThread(obj, title_search.replace(" ", "+"))
                # NOTE: setting dameon to True allows the main thread can exit even if there are daemon threads still running
                channel_thread.daemon = True
                channel_result_itemlist = channel_thread.join(60)

                for item in channel_result_itemlist:
                    title = item.fulltitle

                    # Check if the found title matches the release year
                    year_match = re.search("\(.*(\d{4})\)", title)
                    if year_match:
                        found_year = int(year_match.group(1))
                        title = title[: year_match.start()] + title[year_match.end() :]
                        if title_year > 0 and abs(found_year - title_year) > 1:
                                "streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' doesn't match the searched title '%s' %d (delta year is %d)"
                                % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, abs(found_year - title_year))

                    # Clean up a bit the returned title to improve the fuzzy matching
                    title = re.sub(r"\(\d\.\d\)", "", title)  # Rating, es: (8.4)
                    title = re.sub(r"(?i) (film|streaming|ITA)", "", title)  # Common keywords in titles
                    title = re.sub(r"[\[(](HD|B/N)[\])]", "", title)  # Common keywords in titles, es. [HD], (B/N), etc.
                    title = re.sub(r"(?i)\[/?COLOR[^\]]*\]", "", title)  # Formatting keywords

                    # Check if the found title fuzzy matches the searched one
                    fuzzy = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(title_search, title)
                    if fuzzy <= 85:
                            "streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' doesn't match the searched title '%s' %d (title fuzzy comparision is %d)"
                            % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, fuzzy)

                        "streamondemand.channels.database %s: '%s' matches the searched title '%s' %d (title fuzzy comparision is %d)"
                        % (basename, item.fulltitle, title_search, title_year, fuzzy)

                    item.title = "[COLOR orange][%s][/COLOR] %s" % (basename, item.title)
                    item.fulltitle = title  # Use the clean title for sorting
                    item.viewmode = "list"

                    if basename not in channels_successfull:
                        if len(channels_successfull):
                            channels_successfull += ", "
                        channels_successfull += basename

                import traceback


    itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda Item: fuzz.token_sort_ratio(title_search, item.fulltitle), reverse=True)

    if show_dialog:

    return itemlist