Exemplo n.º 1
def get_processes():
        Uses the Platform APIs to pull all processes matching the criteria defined in the
            config file.
    # Get the start and end times
    # Start time comes from the datbase's last_pull time
    last_pull = convert_time(db.last_pull())
    buffer_time = 30 * 60  # 30 minutes
    start_time = convert_time(last_pull - buffer_time)

    # End time is the 'upper' of available span
    available_span = cb.get_available_span()
    end_time = convert_time(available_span['upper'])

    # Build the query based on start/end_time and process reputation from configs
    query = '(process_start_time:[{0} TO {1}])'.format(start_time, end_time)

    if 'reputation_filter' in config['CarbonBlack']:
        if config['CarbonBlack']['reputation_filter'] != '':
            filters = config['CarbonBlack']['reputation_filter'].split(',')
            filters = ' OR process_reputation:'.join(filters)
            query = '{0} AND (process_reputation:{1})'.format(query, filters)

    # Submit the query and get a list of processes unique by hash
    processes = cb.get_processes(query, db)

    # Update the last pull time

    return processes
Exemplo n.º 2
def take_action(cb_event, zs_report):
        Takes action on endpoints and processes with hashes that returned malicious results from
          Zscaler's sandbox.

            cb_event: The processes that was identified to have the malicious hash
            zs_report: The report of the hash from Zscaler's sandbox
            The actions are enabled or disabled in the config file.
            watchlist: Adds the hash to a watchlist
            webhook: Triggers a HTTP POST to a URL with the process, report and hash
            script: Executes a script
            isolate: Isolates the endpoint
            policy: Changes the device to the policy specified

    # Populate actions with either None or the action defined
    actions = {}
    for action in config['actions']:
        if config['actions'][action] == '':
            actions[action] = None
            actions[action] = config['actions'][action]

    log.debug(json.dumps(zs_report, indent=4))

    # Create/update watchlist feed
    if 'watchlist' in actions and actions['watchlist'] is not None:
        md5 = cb_event['md5']

        # Shorten vaiables
        Status = zs_report['Summary']['Status']
        Category = zs_report['Summary']['Category']
        FileType = zs_report['Summary']['FileType']
        StartTime = zs_report['Summary']['StartTime']
        Duration = zs_report['Summary']['Duration']
        Type = zs_report['Classification']['Type']
        Category = zs_report['Classification']['Category']
        Score = zs_report['Classification']['Score']
        DetectedMalware = zs_report['Classification']['DetectedMalware']

        # Build the Report arguments
        timestamp = convert_time(convert_time('now'))
        title = '{} - {} - {}'.format(md5, Type, Category)
        description = ' # '.join([
            'Status: {}', 'Category: {}', 'FileType: {}', 'StartTime: {}',
            'Duration: {}', 'Type: {}', 'Category: {}', 'Score: {}',
            'DetectedMalware: {}'
        ]).format(Status, Category, FileType, StartTime, Duration, Type,
                  Category, Score, DetectedMalware)

        severity = int(int(Score) / 10)
        if severity == 0:
            severity = 1

        url = '{}/{}'.format(config['Zscaler']['url'], '#insights/web')
        tags = [Type, Category, FileType]

        # Get the feed ready
        if cb.iocs is None:
            cb.iocs = []

        # If the feed has already been pulled, it is cached in cb.feed
        if cb.feed is None:
            # Get the feed
            feed = cb.get_feed(feed_name=actions['watchlist'])

            # If the feed doesn't exist, create it
            if feed is None:
                summary = 'MD5 indicators that tested positive in Zscaler Sandbox for one of \
                           the following: {0}'.format(
                feed = cb.create_feed(actions['watchlist'],
                                      config['Zscaler']['url'], summary)

        # If IOC is not tracked in watchlist, add it
        if md5 not in cb.iocs:
            # Build the Report. cb.create_report caches the new reports in cb.new_reports
            cb.create_report(timestamp, title, description, severity, url,
                             tags, md5)

    # Send data to webhook
    if 'webhook' in actions and actions['webhook'] is not None:
        url = actions['webhook']
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        body = {'cb_event': cb_event, 'zs_report': zs_report}
        requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=body)

    # Run a script
    if 'script' in actions and actions['script'] is not None:
        log.info('[APP.PY] Running Script')
        device_id = str(cb_event['device_id'])
        process_id = str(cb_event['pid'])
        script_cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        stdin = stdout = subprocess.PIPE

        # We only want to run the script once per process
        if device_id not in script_queue:
            script_queue[device_id] = []

        if process_id not in script_queue[device_id]:
            # Replace elements
            script = config['actions']['script']
            script = script.replace('{device_id}', device_id)
            script = script.replace('{command}', 'kill')
            script = script.replace('{argument}', process_id)
            script = script.split(' ')

            cmd = [os.path.join(script_cwd, script[0])]
            args = script[1:]

            log.info('[APP.PY] {0} {0}'.format(cmd, args))

            # !!! do i need stdout and stdin?
            log.info('[APP.PY] Running action script: {0} {1}'.format(
                cmd, args))
            subprocess.Popen(cmd + args, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin)

    # Isolate endpoint
    if 'isolate' in actions and actions['isolate'].lower() in ['true', '1']:

    # Change device's policy
    if 'policy' in actions and actions['policy'] is not None:
        cb.update_policy(cb_event['device_id'], actions['policy'])
Exemplo n.º 3
def take_action(email, sha256, cb_processes):
        comment coming soon...

    # Populate actions with either None or the action defined
    actions = {}
    for action in config['actions']:
        if config['actions'][action] == '':
            actions[action] = None
            actions[action] = config['actions'][action]

    # The watchlist action should only be run once per hash, not per process
    # Create/update watchlist feed
    if 'watchlist' in actions and actions['watchlist'] is not None:
        # The threats are in an array. We need to figure out which one
        #   represents the hash being processed
        for threat in email['threatsInfoMap']:
            if threat['threat'] == sha256:

        # Build the Report arguments
        timestamp = convert_time(convert_time('now'))
        title = '{} {} {}: {}'.format(threat['threatStatus'],
                                      threat['threatType'], sha256)

        description = 'A description can go here.'

        severity = email['malwareScore'] if email['malwareScore'] != 0 else 1

        url = threat['threatUrl']
        tags = [
            threat['threatStatus'], threat['threatType'],

        # Get the feed ready
        if cb.iocs is None:
            cb.iocs = []

        # If the feed has already been pulled, it is cached in cb.feed
        if cb.feed is None:
            # Get the feed
            feed = cb.get_feed(feed_name=actions['watchlist'])

            # If the feed doesn't exist, create it
            if feed is None:
                summary = 'SHA256 indicators that tested positive in Proofpoint'
                feed = cb.create_feed(actions['watchlist'],
                                      'https://www.proofpoint.com', summary)

        # If IOC is not tracked in watchlist, add it
        if sha256 not in cb.iocs:
            # Build the Report. cb.create_report caches the new reports in cb.new_reports
            cb.create_report(timestamp, title, description, severity, url,
                             tags, sha256)

    # The rest of the actions we want to run once per process, not per hash
    # Save a list of devices so we don't run the action on a device twice
    for process in cb_processes:
        device_id = int(process['device_id'])
        process_guid = process['process_guid']

        records = db.get_record(process_guid=process_guid)

        if records is not None:

        # Send data to webhook
        if 'webhook' in actions and actions['webhook'] is not None:
            url = actions['webhook']
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
            body = {'email': email, 'sha256': sha256, 'process': process}
            requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=body)

        # Run a script
        if 'script' in actions and actions['script'] is not None:
            process_pid = process['process_pid'][0]

        # Isolate endpoint
        if 'isolate' in actions and str2bool(actions['isolate']):

        # Change device's policy
        if 'policy' in actions and actions['policy'] is not None:
            cb.update_policy(device_id, actions['policy'])

        db.add_record(device_id, process_guid, sha256)
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_events(events):
        Loops through CBTH processes or CBD events. If a hash is found in the database or from Zscaler
        then it passes the event and ZS Sandbox report to the take_action() method.

            events: A list of process or event objects

        Output: None

    report_cache = {}

    for event in events:

        # Sometimes CBD is missing the MD5. Not much we can do about it, so skip these.
        if 'md5' not in event:
            event['md5'] = None

        if event['md5'] is None:
            log.debug('[APP.PY] Missing MD5: {0}'.format(
                json.dumps(event, indent=4)))

        # Check to see if we know about this file in the database
        db_record = db.get_file(md5=event['md5'])

        # If we don't know about it
        if db_record is None:
            # Check to see if Zscaler knows about the file

            if event['md5'] in report_cache:
                zs_report = report_cache[event['md5']]
                zs_report = zs.get_report(event['md5'])
                report_cache[event['md5']] = zs_report

            # If Zscaler does know about it
            if zs_report not in [None, False]:
                zs_type = zs_report['Classification']['Type']
                # Add the file to the database

                # If Zscaler says it is bad
                if zs_type in zs.bad_types:
                    take_action(event, zs_report)

            elif zs_report is None:

        # If we do know about the file
            timestamp = db_record[0][1]
            status = db_record[0][4]
            now = datetime.strptime(convert_time('now'),
            date_added = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
            difference = now - date_added
            hours = difference.seconds / 60 / 60
            days = hours / 24
            cache_time = int(config['Zscaler']['unknown_cache'])

            # If the last report is more than `unknown_cache` days, check again
            if days >= cache_time:
                zs_report = zs.get_report(event['md5'])
                zs_type = zs_report['Classification']['Type']
                db.update_file(event['md5'], event['sha256'], zs_type)

            if status in zs.bad_types:
                zs_report = zs.get_report(event['md5'])
                take_action(event, zs_report)
Exemplo n.º 5
def init():
        Initialze all of the objects for use in the integration

        Inputs: None

            config: A dictionary of the settings loaded from config.conf
            db: An object with everything needed for this script to work with sqlite3
            cb: An object with everything needed for this script to work with CarbonBlack Cloud
            pp: An object with everything needed for this script to work with Proofpoint SIEM endpoints

    global config, db, cb, pp

    # Get setting from config.ini
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # Configure logging
                    format='[%(asctime)s] <pid:%(process)d> %(message)s',
        '\n\n[APP.PY] Sarted Proofpoint Connector for VMware Carbon Black Cloud'

    # Configure CLI input arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        'Fetch events for messages delivered in the specified time period which contained a known threat'
                        help='Set the last pull time in ISO8601 format')
    # parser.add_argument('--start-time', help='Set the start time in ISO8601 format')
    # parser.add_argument('--end-time', help='Set the end time in ISO8601 format')
        'Output the current GMT time in ISO8601 format. Does not pull any data.'
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.now:
        print('Current time GMT in ISO8601 format: {0}'.format(

    # Init database
    db = Database(config, log)

    if args.last_pull:

    # Init CarbonBlackCloud
    cb = CarbonBlackCloud(config, log)

    # Init Proofpoint
    pp = Proofpoint(config, log)

    return config, cb, pp