Exemplo n.º 1
def draw_text(image, text, horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
              horizontal_justification, vertical_justification, size,
              color='#FFFFFF', orientation=None, font=None):
    """Draws text on an image."""
    image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    if orientation:
        orientation = getattr(Image, orientation)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    if font.strip():
        font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size)
        font = ImageFont.load_default()
        text = text.encode('ascii', 'replace')

    if orientation:
        font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(font, orientation)

    location = calculate_location(
        horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
        horizontal_justification, vertical_justification,
        image.size, draw.textsize(text, font=font))

    # draw
    draw.text(location, text, font=font, fill=color)

    # composite the watermark with the layer
    return image
Exemplo n.º 2
def perspective(image,
        width, height, skew_x, skew_y, offset_x, offset_y,
        left, top, back_color, opacity, resample, crop, transpose):
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if transpose == 'NONE':
        transpose = None
        transpose = getattr(Image, transpose)
        image = image.transpose(imtools.get_reverse_transposition(transpose))
    if opacity != 100 or back_color != '#000000':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    if width != 0:
        width = 1 / width
    if height != 0:
        height = 1 / height
    offset_x = offset_x * width
    offset_y = offset_y * height
    skew_x = math.tan(r(skew_x))
    skew_y = math.tan(r(skew_y))
    matrix = (width, skew_x, offset_x, skew_y, height, offset_y, left, top)
    perspectived = image.transform(image.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, matrix,
    result = imtools.fill_background_color(perspectived,
        HTMLColorToRGBA(back_color, (255 * opacity) / 100))
    if crop:
        result = imtools.auto_crop(result)
    if not (transpose is None):
        result = result.transpose(transpose)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def brightness(image, amount=50):
    """Adjust brightness from black to white
    - amount: -1(black) 0 (unchanged) 1(white)
    - repeat: how many times it should be repeated"""
    if amount == 0:
        return image

    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)

    if amount < 0:
        #fade to black
        im = imtools.blend(
                Image.new(image.mode, image.size, 0),
                -amount / 100.0)
        #fade to white
        im = imtools.blend(
                Image.new(image.mode, image.size,
                    ImageColor.getcolor('white', image.mode)),
                amount / 100.0)
    #fix image transparency mask
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
    return im
Exemplo n.º 4
def draw_text(image,
    """Draws text on an image."""
    image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    if orientation:
        orientation = getattr(Image, orientation)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    if font.strip():
        font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size)
        font = ImageFont.load_default()
        text = text.encode('ascii', 'replace')

    if orientation:
        font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(font, orientation)

    location = calculate_location(horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
                                  vertical_justification, image.size,
                                  draw.textsize(text, font=font))

    # draw
    draw.text(location, text, font=font, fill=color)

    # composite the watermark with the layer
    return image
Exemplo n.º 5
def perspective(image, width, height, skew_x, skew_y, offset_x, offset_y, left,
                top, back_color, opacity, resample, crop, transpose):
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if transpose == 'NONE':
        transpose = None
        transpose = getattr(Image, transpose)
        image = image.transpose(imtools.get_reverse_transposition(transpose))
    if opacity != 100 or back_color != '#000000':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    if width != 0:
        width = 1 / width
    if height != 0:
        height = 1 / height
    offset_x = offset_x * width
    offset_y = offset_y * height
    skew_x = math.tan(r(skew_x))
    skew_y = math.tan(r(skew_y))
    matrix = (width, skew_x, offset_x, skew_y, height, offset_y, left, top)
    perspectived = image.transform(image.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, matrix,
    result = imtools.fill_background_color(
        perspectived, HTMLColorToRGBA(back_color, (255 * opacity) / 100))
    if crop:
        result = imtools.auto_crop(result)
    if not (transpose is None):
        result = result.transpose(transpose)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def common(image, radius, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    commoned = image.filter(ImageFilter.ModeFilter(radius))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, commoned, amount / 100.0)
    return commoned
Exemplo n.º 7
def maximum(image, radius, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    maximumed = image.filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter(radius))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, maximumed, amount / 100.0)
    return maximumed
Exemplo n.º 8
def median(image, radius, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    medianed = image.filter(ImageFilter.MedianFilter(radius))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, medianed, amount / 100.0)
    return medianed
Exemplo n.º 9
def common(image, radius, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    commoned = image.filter(ImageFilter.ModeFilter(radius))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, commoned, amount / 100.0)
    return commoned
Exemplo n.º 10
def invert(image, amount=100):
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    inverted = ImageChops.invert(image)
    if amount < 100:
        inverted = imtools.blend(image, inverted, amount / 100.0)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
    return inverted
Exemplo n.º 11
def rnk(image, radius, rank=50, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    rank /= 100.0
    r = int((radius * radius - 1) * rank)
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    ranked = image.filter(ImageFilter.RankFilter(radius, r))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, ranked, amount / 100)
    return ranked
Exemplo n.º 12
def rnk(image, radius, rank=50, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    rank /= 100.0
    r = int((radius * radius - 1) * rank)
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    ranked = image.filter(ImageFilter.RankFilter(radius, r))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, ranked, amount / 100)
    return ranked
Exemplo n.º 13
def solarize(image, treshold, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    solarized = image.convert('RGB')
    solarized = ImageOps.solarize(solarized, treshold)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(solarized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, solarized, amount / 100.0)
    return solarized
Exemplo n.º 14
def posterize(image, bits, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    posterized = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
    posterized = ImageOps.posterize(posterized, bits)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(posterized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, posterized, amount / 100.0)
    return posterized
Exemplo n.º 15
def watermark(image, mark, horizontal_offset=None, vertical_offset=None,
        horizontal_justification=None, vertical_justification=None,
        orientation=None, method=None, opacity=100):
    """Adds a watermark to an image."""
    if image.mode == 'P':
        image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    layer = generate_layer(image.size, mark, method,
        horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
        horizontal_justification, vertical_justification,
        orientation, opacity)
    return Image.composite(layer, image, layer)
Exemplo n.º 16
def watermark(image, mark, horizontal_offset=None, vertical_offset=None,
        horizontal_justification=None, vertical_justification=None,
        orientation=None, method=None, opacity=100):
    """Adds a watermark to an image."""
    if image.mode == 'P':
        image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    layer = generate_layer(image.size, mark, method,
        horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
        horizontal_justification, vertical_justification,
        orientation, opacity)
    return Image.composite(layer, image, layer)
Exemplo n.º 17
def posterize(image, bits, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    posterized = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
    posterized = ImageOps.posterize(posterized, bits)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(posterized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, posterized, amount / 100.0)
    return posterized
Exemplo n.º 18
def solarize(image, treshold, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    solarized = image.convert('RGB')
    solarized = ImageOps.solarize(solarized, treshold)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(solarized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, solarized, amount / 100.0)
    return solarized
Exemplo n.º 19
def draw_text(image, text, horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
              horizontal_justification, vertical_justification, size, opacity, hallo,
              cache = {}, color='#FFFFFF', orientation=None, font=None):
    """Draws text on an image."""
    image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    img_size = image.size

    mask_layer = Image.new('L',img_size, '#FFFFFF')
    color_layer = Image.new('RGB',img_size, color)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask_layer)

    if orientation:
        orientation = getattr(Image, orientation)

    if font.strip():
        font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size)
        font = ImageFont.load_default()
        text = text.encode('ascii', 'replace')

    if orientation:
        font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(font, orientation)

    location = calculate_location(
        horizontal_offset, vertical_offset,
        horizontal_justification, vertical_justification,
        image.size, draw.textsize(text, font=font))

    if hallo:
        x,y = img_size
        blurred_id = BLURED_ID % (x,y)
        if blurred_id in cache:
			hallo_mask_layer = cache[blurred_id]
            hallo_mask_layer = Image.new('L',img_size, '#FFFFFF')
            draw_hallo = ImageDraw.Draw(hallo_mask_layer)
            draw_hallo.text(location, text, font=font, fill=255-opacity)
            n = 0
            while n < size/10:
            	hallo_mask_layer = hallo_mask_layer.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
            	draw_hallo.text(location, text, font=font, fill=255-opacity)
            	n += 1
            cache[blurred_id] = hallo_mask_layer
        hallo_color_layer = Image.new('RGB',img_size, color)
        hallo_color_layer = ImageChops.invert(hallo_color_layer)
        image = Image.composite(image,hallo_color_layer,hallo_mask_layer)
    draw.text(location, text, font=font, fill=255-opacity)
    # composite the watermark with the layer
    return Image.composite(image,color_layer,mask_layer)
Exemplo n.º 20
def equalize(image, amount=100):
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        equalized = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
        equalized = image
    equalized = ImageOps.equalize(equalized)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(equalized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        equalized = imtools.blend(image, equalized, amount / 100.0)
    return equalized
Exemplo n.º 21
def equalize(image, amount=100):
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        equalized = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
        equalized = image
    equalized = ImageOps.equalize(equalized)
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(equalized, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        equalized = imtools.blend(image, equalized, amount / 100.0)
    return equalized
Exemplo n.º 22
def autocontrast(image, amount=100.0, cutoff=0):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1
    - repeat: how many times it should be repeated"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if imtools.has_transparency(image):
        im = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
        im = image
    contrasted = ImageOps.autocontrast(im, cutoff)
    if imtools.has_transparency(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(contrasted, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, contrasted, amount / 100.0)
    return contrasted
Exemplo n.º 23
def autocontrast(image, amount=100.0, cutoff=0):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1
    - repeat: how many times it should be repeated"""
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    if imtools.has_transparency(image):
        im = imtools.remove_alpha(image)
        im = image
    contrasted = ImageOps.autocontrast(im, cutoff)
    if imtools.has_transparency(image):
        imtools.put_alpha(contrasted, imtools.get_alpha(image))
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, contrasted, amount / 100.0)
    return contrasted
Exemplo n.º 24
def tile(image, direction):
    if image.mode == 'P':
        image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    result = Image.new(image.mode, get_dimensions(image, direction))
    paste(result, image, (0, 0))

    if direction == BOTH:
        x_mirror(image, result)
        y_mirror(image, result)
        xy_mirror(image, result)
    if direction == HORIZONTAL:
        x_mirror(image, result)
    if direction == VERTICAL:
        y_mirror(image, result)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 25
def tile(image, direction):
    if image.mode == 'P':
        image = convert_safe_mode(image)
    result = Image.new(image.mode, get_dimensions(image, direction))
    paste(result, image, (0, 0))

    if direction == BOTH:
        x_mirror(image, result)
        y_mirror(image, result)
        xy_mirror(image, result)
    if direction == HORIZONTAL:
        x_mirror(image, result)
    if direction == VERTICAL:
        y_mirror(image, result)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 26
def effect(image, filter, amount=100, repeat=1):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1
    - repeat: how many times it should be repeated"""
    filter = getattr(ImageFilter, filter)
    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)
    for i in range(repeat):
        filtered = image.filter(filter)
        if imtools.has_alpha(image) and \
           filter in [ImageFilter.CONTOUR, ImageFilter.EMBOSS]:
        if amount < 100:
            image = imtools.blend(image, filtered, amount / 100.0)
            image = filtered
    return image
Exemplo n.º 27
def brightness(image, amount=50):
    """Adjust brightness from black to white
    - amount: -1(black) 0 (unchanged) 1(white)
    - repeat: how many times it should be repeated"""
    if amount == 0:
        return image

    image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)

    if amount < 0:
        #fade to black
        im = imtools.blend(image, Image.new(image.mode, image.size, 0),
                           -amount / 100.0)
        #fade to white
        im = imtools.blend(
            Image.new(image.mode, image.size,
                      ImageColor.getcolor('white', image.mode)),
            amount / 100.0)
    #fix image transparency mask
    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
    return im
Exemplo n.º 28
def make_grid(image,

    # Check if there is any work to do.
    if grid == (1, 1):
        return image

    # Because of layer support photo size can be different
    # from image layer size
    if old_size is None:
        old_size = image.size

    # Unpack grid
    cols, rows = grid

    # Scaling down?
    if scale:
        # Keep the same number of pixels in the result
        s = sqrt(cols * rows)
        old_size = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x / s), old_size))
        # To scale down we need to make the image processing safe.
        image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)\
            .resize(old_size, getattr(Image, 'ANTIALIAS'))

    dx, dy = old_size
    dx += col_line_width
    dy += row_line_width
    new_size = cols * dx - col_line_width, rows * dy - row_line_width

    # The main priority is that the new_canvas has the same mode as the image.

    # Palette images
    if image.mode == 'P':

        if 0 < line_opacity < 255:
            # transparent lines require RGBA
            image = imtools.convert(image, 'RGBA')

            if 'transparency' in image.info and line_opacity == 0:
                # Make line color transparent for images
                # with transparency.
                line_color_index = image.info['transparency']
                palette = None
                line_color_index, palette = imtools.fit_color_in_palette(
            if line_color_index != -1:
                new_canvas = Image.new('P', new_size, line_color_index)
                imtools.put_palette(new_canvas, image, palette)
                # Convert to non palette image (RGB or RGBA)
                image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)

    # Non palette images
    if image.mode != 'P':

        line_color = ImageColor.getcolor(line_color, image.mode)
        if imtools.has_alpha(image):
            # Make line color transparent for images
            # with an alpha channel.
            line_color = tuple(list(line_color)[:-1] + [line_opacity])
        new_canvas = Image.new(image.mode, new_size, line_color)

    # Paste grid
    for x in range(cols):
        for y in range(rows):
            pos = (x * dx, y * dy)
            imtools.paste(new_canvas, image, pos, force=True)

    return new_canvas
Exemplo n.º 29
def make_grid(image, grid, col_line_width=0, row_line_width=0,
        line_color='#FFFFFF', line_opacity=0, old_size=None, scale=True):

    # Check if there is any work to do.
    if grid == (1, 1):
        return image

    # Because of layer support photo size can be different
    # from image layer size
    if old_size is None:
        old_size = image.size

    # Unpack grid
    cols, rows = grid

    # Scaling down?
    if scale:
        # Keep the same number of pixels in the result
        s = sqrt(cols * rows)
        old_size = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x / s), old_size))
        # To scale down we need to make the image processing safe.
        image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)\
            .resize(old_size, getattr(Image, 'ANTIALIAS'))

    dx, dy = old_size
    dx += col_line_width
    dy += row_line_width
    new_size = cols * dx - col_line_width, rows * dy - row_line_width

    # The main priority is that the new_canvas has the same mode as the image.

    # Palette images
    if image.mode == 'P':

        if 0 < line_opacity < 255:
            # transparent lines require RGBA
            image = imtools.convert(image, 'RGBA')

            if 'transparency' in image.info and line_opacity == 0:
                # Make line color transparent for images
                # with transparency.
                line_color_index = image.info['transparency']
                palette = None
                line_color_index, palette = imtools.fit_color_in_palette(
            if line_color_index != -1:
                new_canvas = Image.new('P', new_size, line_color_index)
                imtools.put_palette(new_canvas, image, palette)
                # Convert to non palette image (RGB or RGBA)
                image = imtools.convert_safe_mode(image)

    # Non palette images
    if image.mode != 'P':

        line_color = ImageColor.getcolor(line_color, image.mode)
        if imtools.has_alpha(image):
            # Make line color transparent for images
            # with an alpha channel.
            line_color = tuple(list(line_color)[:-1] + [line_opacity])
        new_canvas = Image.new(image.mode, new_size, line_color)

    # Paste grid
    for x in range(cols):
        for y in range(rows):
            pos = (x * dx, y * dy)
            imtools.paste(new_canvas, image, pos, force=True)

    return new_canvas