Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, car, angle, x, y):
        # sensor itself
        self.direction_relative_to_car = angle
        self.position_relative_to_car = Point(x, y)
        self.direction = 0
        self.position = Point(0, 0)
        self.sensor_line_id = None

        # connection to car
        self.car = car
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, track, brain, color="red"):
     self.canvas = track.canvas
     self.canvas_shape_id = None
     self.track = track
     self.position = Point(*track.startpoint)
     self.direction = track.startdirection
     self.steeringwheel = 0  # -90 ... left, 0 ... forward, 90 ... right
     self.acceleration = 0  # -10 ... slow down, 0 ... keep, 10 ... speed up
     self.speed = 0
     self.brain = brain
     self.color = color
     self.isalive = True
     self.sensors = []
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update(self):
        '''Update the car status (brain, sensors, position, speed, direction, ...).'''
        if self.isalive:            

            # update speed and direction
            self.speed = self.speed + self.acceleration
            self.direction = (self.direction + self.steeringwheel) % 360 

            # update position
            relativeposition = Point(0, self.speed).rotate(self.direction)
            self.position = self.position.move(relativeposition.x, -relativeposition.y)
            # update sensor  
            for s in self.sensors:

            # check position
            if any([not self.track.intrack(*p) for p in self.points()]):        
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!OUT OF TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="black")
            elif self.track.ingoal(*self.position):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!! WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="blue")
            self.acceleration = 0        
            self.steeringwheel = 0
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: car.py Projeto: wdjpng/CarAI
 def __init__(self, track, brain, level, color="red"):
     self.canvas = track.canvas
     self.canvas_shape_id = None
     self.track = track
     self.position = Point(*track.startpoint)
     self.direction = track.startdirection
     self.steeringwheel = 0  # -90 ... left, 0 ... forward, 90 ... right
     self.acceleration = 0  # -10 ... slow down, 0 ... keep, 10 ... speed up
     self.speed = 0
     self.brain = brain
     self.color = color
     self.isalive = True
     self.sensors = []
     self.totalReward = 0.0
     self.reward = 0.0
     self.level = level
     self.middlePoints = [
         # level 1
         [(100, 535), (100, 100), (700, 100), (700, 500), (200, 500)],
         # level 2
         [(72, 503), (82, 98), (662, 86), (653, 237), (368, 233),
          (358, 336), (643, 343), (636, 464), (203, 488), (205, 191)],
         # level 3
         [(461, 127), (286, 301), (461, 408), (723, 143), (424, 18),
          (84, 295), (486, 562)],
         # level 4
         [(24, 372), (129, 252), (220, 165), (272, 148), (321, 148),
          (386, 195), (429, 270), (446, 337), (481, 391), (532, 405),
          (604, 377), (646, 337), (679, 279), (747, 215)],
         # Level 5
         [(166, 447), (136, 387), (136, 330), (148, 266), (180, 226),
          (223, 196), (285, 171), (352, 141), (436, 136), (510, 144),
          (561, 178), (602, 222), (623, 278), (626, 325), (620, 377),
          (586, 415), (526, 451), (446, 467), (360, 477)],
         # Level 6
         [(152, 448), (144, 295), (166, 177), (236, 125), (342, 97),
          (505, 89), (629, 97), (704, 193), (700, 337), (692, 420),
          (629, 500), (548, 549), (415, 550), (296, 551), (253, 485),
          (252, 414), (268, 338), (296, 250), (370, 217), (428, 202),
          (520, 202), (577, 220), (605, 269), (587, 341), (548, 398),
          (486, 421), (384, 405)]
     self.nextMiddlePoint = self.middlePoints[self.level - 1][0]
     self.nextMiddlePointIndex = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
 def intersections(self, polynom, frompoint, topoint):
     '''Return intersections of the line (frompoint,topoint) with the polynom.'''
     points_of_shape = [Point(x,y) for x,y in [polynom[-1]] + polynom]
     points = []  
     for i in range(0,len(points_of_shape)-1):
         s = Line(frompoint, topoint).intersection(Line(points_of_shape[i], points_of_shape[i+1]))
         if s is not None:
     return points
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: car.py Projeto: wdjpng/CarAI
    def update(self):
        self.reward = 0
        '''Update the car status (brain, sensors, position, speed, direction, ...).'''
        if self.isalive:
            self.totalReward = self.totalReward - 0.1
            self.reward -= 0.1

            self.speed = self.speed + self.acceleration
            self.direction = (self.direction + self.steeringwheel) % 360

            relativeposition = Point(0, self.speed).rotate(self.direction)
            self.position = self.position.move(relativeposition.x,

            for s in self.sensors:

            self.distanceToCheckpoint = sqrt(
                (self.position.x - self.nextMiddlePoint[0]) *
                (self.position.x - self.nextMiddlePoint[0]) +
                (self.position.y - self.nextMiddlePoint[1]) *
                (self.position.y - self.nextMiddlePoint[1]))
            if self.distanceToCheckpoint < 100 and self.nextMiddlePointIndex < len(
                    self.middlePoints[self.level - 1]):
                self.nextMiddlePoint = self.middlePoints[self.level - 1][
                self.nextMiddlePointIndex = self.nextMiddlePointIndex + 1
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward + 1
                self.reward = self.reward + 1

            # check position
            if any([not self.track.intrack(*p) for p in self.points()]):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!OUT OF TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward - 10
                self.reward = self.reward - 10
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="black")
            elif self.track.ingoal(*self.position):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!! WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward + 10
                self.reward = self.reward + 10
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="blue")

            self.acceleration = 0
            self.steeringwheel = 0
Exemplo n.º 7
    def measure(self):
        '''Measure distance to goal.'''
        x = self.car.position.x
        y = self.car.position.y
        min_distance = 9999
        min_distance_point_on_midline = None
        min_distance_line_index = None

        midline_lines = [
                 Point(*self.car.track.midline_points[i + 1]))
            for i in range(0,
                           len(self.car.track.midline_points) - 1)

        for i in range(0, len(midline_lines)):
            l = Line(
                Point(x, y),
                Point(x, y).move(*Vector.from_points(
            s = midline_lines[i].intersection(l, treat_as_line_segments=False)
            if s is not None and midline_lines[i].inline(s):
                d = Vector.from_points(Point(x, y), s).length()
                if min_distance > d:
                    min_distance = d
                    min_distance_point_on_midline = s
                    min_distance_line_index = i

            # if outside of line use distance to endpoints
            ad = Vector.from_points(midline_lines[i].a, Point(x, y)).length()
            bd = Vector.from_points(midline_lines[i].b, Point(x, y)).length()
            if min_distance > ad:
                min_distance = ad
                min_distance_point_on_midline = midline_lines[i].a
                min_distance_line_index = i
            if min_distance > bd:
                min_distance = bd
                min_distance_point_on_midline = midline_lines[i].b
                min_distance_line_index = i

        # sum up distances
        distance = Vector.from_points(
        for i in range(min_distance_line_index + 1, len(midline_lines)):
            distance = distance + midline_lines[i].length()

        return distance - 25  # remove length of goal area
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self):
        '''Update the position of the sensor and its measurements.'''
        # update direction
        self.direction = self.car.direction + self.direction_relative_to_car

        # update position
        relativesensor = self.position_relative_to_car.rotate(
        self.position = self.car.position.move(relativesensor.x,

        # update distance & obstacle
        relativeray = Point(0, 1000).rotate(self.direction)
        ray = self.position.move(relativeray.x, -relativeray.y)

        nearest_point_meassured = self.measure(self.car.track.shapes(),
                                               self.position, ray)
        if nearest_point_meassured is None:
            self.distance = 1000
            self.obstacle = None
            self.obstacle, self.distance = nearest_point_meassured
            self.is_obstacle_goal = self.car.track.ingoal(*self.obstacle)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: car.py Projeto: wdjpng/CarAI
 def points(self):
     '''Points of the car shape.'''
     return [(self.position.x + x, self.position.y - y) for x, y in
             [Point(x, y).rotate(self.direction) for x, y in self._shape]]
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: car.py Projeto: wdjpng/CarAI
class Car:
    '''A car.'''
    _shape = [(-10, -15), (-10, 15), (10, 15), (10, -15)]

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.totalReward > other.reward

    def __init__(self, track, brain, level, color="red"):
        self.canvas = track.canvas
        self.canvas_shape_id = None
        self.track = track
        self.position = Point(*track.startpoint)
        self.direction = track.startdirection
        self.steeringwheel = 0  # -90 ... left, 0 ... forward, 90 ... right
        self.acceleration = 0  # -10 ... slow down, 0 ... keep, 10 ... speed up
        self.speed = 0
        self.brain = brain
        self.color = color
        self.isalive = True
        self.sensors = []
        self.totalReward = 0.0
        self.reward = 0.0
        self.level = level
        self.middlePoints = [
            # level 1
            [(100, 535), (100, 100), (700, 100), (700, 500), (200, 500)],
            # level 2
            [(72, 503), (82, 98), (662, 86), (653, 237), (368, 233),
             (358, 336), (643, 343), (636, 464), (203, 488), (205, 191)],
            # level 3
            [(461, 127), (286, 301), (461, 408), (723, 143), (424, 18),
             (84, 295), (486, 562)],
            # level 4
            [(24, 372), (129, 252), (220, 165), (272, 148), (321, 148),
             (386, 195), (429, 270), (446, 337), (481, 391), (532, 405),
             (604, 377), (646, 337), (679, 279), (747, 215)],
            # Level 5
            [(166, 447), (136, 387), (136, 330), (148, 266), (180, 226),
             (223, 196), (285, 171), (352, 141), (436, 136), (510, 144),
             (561, 178), (602, 222), (623, 278), (626, 325), (620, 377),
             (586, 415), (526, 451), (446, 467), (360, 477)],
            # Level 6
            [(152, 448), (144, 295), (166, 177), (236, 125), (342, 97),
             (505, 89), (629, 97), (704, 193), (700, 337), (692, 420),
             (629, 500), (548, 549), (415, 550), (296, 551), (253, 485),
             (252, 414), (268, 338), (296, 250), (370, 217), (428, 202),
             (520, 202), (577, 220), (605, 269), (587, 341), (548, 398),
             (486, 421), (384, 405)]
        self.nextMiddlePoint = self.middlePoints[self.level - 1][0]
        self.nextMiddlePointIndex = 0

    def points(self):
        '''Points of the car shape.'''
        return [(self.position.x + x, self.position.y - y) for x, y in
                [Point(x, y).rotate(self.direction) for x, y in self._shape]]

    def accelerate(self, units):
        '''Accelerate the car about units.'''
        self.acceleration = max(-10, min(10, units))

    def turn(self, units):
        '''Turn the car about units to the left (negative) or right (positive).'''
        self.steeringwheel = max(-90, min(90, units))

    def update(self):
        self.reward = 0
        '''Update the car status (brain, sensors, position, speed, direction, ...).'''
        if self.isalive:
            self.totalReward = self.totalReward - 0.1
            self.reward -= 0.1

            self.speed = self.speed + self.acceleration
            self.direction = (self.direction + self.steeringwheel) % 360

            relativeposition = Point(0, self.speed).rotate(self.direction)
            self.position = self.position.move(relativeposition.x,

            for s in self.sensors:

            self.distanceToCheckpoint = sqrt(
                (self.position.x - self.nextMiddlePoint[0]) *
                (self.position.x - self.nextMiddlePoint[0]) +
                (self.position.y - self.nextMiddlePoint[1]) *
                (self.position.y - self.nextMiddlePoint[1]))
            if self.distanceToCheckpoint < 100 and self.nextMiddlePointIndex < len(
                    self.middlePoints[self.level - 1]):
                self.nextMiddlePoint = self.middlePoints[self.level - 1][
                self.nextMiddlePointIndex = self.nextMiddlePointIndex + 1
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward + 1
                self.reward = self.reward + 1

            # check position
            if any([not self.track.intrack(*p) for p in self.points()]):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!OUT OF TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward - 10
                self.reward = self.reward - 10
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="black")
            elif self.track.ingoal(*self.position):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!! WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.totalReward = self.totalReward + 10
                self.reward = self.reward + 10
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="blue")

            self.acceleration = 0
            self.steeringwheel = 0

    def draw(self):
        '''Draw the car on the canvas.'''
        if self.canvas_shape_id is None:
            self.canvas_shape_id = self.canvas.create_polygon(*self.points(),
                *[item for sublist in self.points() for item in sublist])

        for s in self.sensors:

    def removeFromCanvas(self):

        for sensor in self.sensors:
Exemplo n.º 11
class Track:
    '''Represents the track.'''

    def __init__(self, canvas : tkinter.Canvas, draw_midline: bool, midline_points: list((int,int))):
        self.canvas = canvas   
        self.draw_midline = draw_midline
        self.midline_points = midline_points
        self.track_width = 35
        self.points = []
        self.lines = []
        self.startpoint = None
        self.startdirection = None
        self.endpoint = None
        self.endarea_points = None
        self.track_canvas_id = None
        self.goal_canvas_id = None
        self.midline_canvas_ids = None

    def level(cls, canvas : tkinter.Canvas, draw_midline: bool, level_number : int):
        '''Return the track of the specified level.'''
        levels = [
            # level 1
            [(100,535), (100,100),(700,100), (700,500), (200, 500)],
            # level 2            
            [(72,503), (82,98), (662,86), (653,237), (368,233), (358,336), (643,343), (636,464), (203,488), (205,191)],
            # level 3
            [(461,127), (286,301), (461,408), (723,143), (424,18), (84,295), (486,562)],            
            # level 4
            [(24,372), (129,252), (220,165), (272,148), (321,148), (386,195), (429,270), (446,337), (481,391), (532,405), (604,377), (646,337), (679,279), (747,215)],            
            # Level 5
            [(166,447), (136,387), (136,330), (148,266), (180,226), (223,196), (285,171), (352,141), (436,136), (510,144), (561,178), (602,222), (623,278), (626,325), (620,377), (586,415), (526,451), (446,467), (360,477)],
            # Level 6
            [(152,448), (144,295), (166,177), (236,125), (342,97), (505,89), (629,97), (704,193), (700,337), (692,420), (629,500), (548,549), (415,550), (296,551), (253,485), (252,414), (268,338), (296,250), (370,217), (428,202), (520,202), (577,220), (605,269), (587,341), (548,398), (486,421), (384,405)]
        return Track(canvas, draw_midline, levels[level_number-1])

    def calculate_points(self,midline_points):
        '''Calculate the track shape, goal and start point based on the provided midline points.'''
        inner_lines = []
        outer_lines = []

        # create inner/outer lines
        for i in range(0, len(midline_points)-1):
            a = Point(*midline_points[i])
            b = Point(*midline_points[i+1])
            v = Vector.from_points(a, b)
            left_vector = v.normal_vector(direction='left').normalize().multiply(self.track_width)
            right_vector = v.normal_vector(direction='right').normalize().multiply(self.track_width)
            outer_line = Line(a.move(left_vector.x, left_vector.y), b.move(left_vector.x, left_vector.y))
            inner_line = Line(a.move(right_vector.x, right_vector.y), b.move(right_vector.x, right_vector.y))
        self.lines = outer_lines + [Line(inner_lines[-1].b, outer_lines[-1].b)] + list(reversed(inner_lines)) + [Line(inner_lines[0].a, outer_lines[0].a)]

        # intersect lines        
        lines_points = []        
        for i in range(0, len(self.lines) - 1):
            l1 = self.lines[i]
            l2 = self.lines[i+1]
            s = l1.intersection(l2, treat_as_line_segments=False)

        # points of track        
        self.points = [self.lines[0].a] + lines_points + [self.lines[-1].b]

        # start point (25 from start)
        self.startpoint = Point(*Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[0]), Point(*midline_points[1])).normalize().multiply(25)).move(*midline_points[0])        

        # start direction
        startvector = Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[0]), Point(*midline_points[1])).normalize()
        self.startdirection =  startvector.angle(Vector(0,1))
        self.startdirection = -(180-self.startdirection) if startvector.x <= 0 else 180 - self.startdirection
        # end polynom
        end_vector = Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[-1]), Point(*midline_points[-2])).normalize()        
        end_vector_left = end_vector.normal_vector(direction='left').multiply(self.track_width*0.80)
        end_vector_right = end_vector.normal_vector(direction='right').multiply(self.track_width*0.80)
        self.endpoint = Point(*end_vector.multiply(25)).move(*midline_points[-1])
        self.endarea_points = [

    def shapes(self):
        '''Return the shapes that are used for the track.'''
        return [self.points, self.endarea_points]

    def intrack(self, x, y):       
        '''Return True if point (x,y) is within track.''' 
        return self.track_canvas_id in self.canvas.find_overlapping(x,y,x,y)

    def ingoal(self, x, y):
        '''Return True if point (x,y) is within goal.'''
        return self.goal_canvas_id in self.canvas.find_overlapping(x,y,x,y)
    def intersections(self, polynom, frompoint, topoint):
        '''Return intersections of the line (frompoint,topoint) with the polynom.'''
        points_of_shape = [Point(x,y) for x,y in [polynom[-1]] + polynom]
        points = []  
        for i in range(0,len(points_of_shape)-1):
            s = Line(frompoint, topoint).intersection(Line(points_of_shape[i], points_of_shape[i+1]))
            if s is not None:
        return points

    def draw(self):       
        '''Draw the track.''' 
        if self.track_canvas_id is None:
            self.track_canvas_id = self.canvas.create_polygon(*[p.astuple() for p in self.points], fill="cornsilk2")  

        if self.midline_canvas_ids is None and self.draw_midline:
            self.midline_canvas_ids = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.midline_points)-1):
                self.midline_canvas_ids.append(self.canvas.create_line(*self.midline_points[i], *self.midline_points[i+1], fill="cornsilk4", dash=(6,6), width=1))

        if self.goal_canvas_id is None:
            self.goal_canvas_id = self.canvas.create_polygon(*self.endarea_points, fill="gray50")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def calculate_points(self,midline_points):
        '''Calculate the track shape, goal and start point based on the provided midline points.'''
        inner_lines = []
        outer_lines = []

        # create inner/outer lines
        for i in range(0, len(midline_points)-1):
            a = Point(*midline_points[i])
            b = Point(*midline_points[i+1])
            v = Vector.from_points(a, b)
            left_vector = v.normal_vector(direction='left').normalize().multiply(self.track_width)
            right_vector = v.normal_vector(direction='right').normalize().multiply(self.track_width)
            outer_line = Line(a.move(left_vector.x, left_vector.y), b.move(left_vector.x, left_vector.y))
            inner_line = Line(a.move(right_vector.x, right_vector.y), b.move(right_vector.x, right_vector.y))
        self.lines = outer_lines + [Line(inner_lines[-1].b, outer_lines[-1].b)] + list(reversed(inner_lines)) + [Line(inner_lines[0].a, outer_lines[0].a)]

        # intersect lines        
        lines_points = []        
        for i in range(0, len(self.lines) - 1):
            l1 = self.lines[i]
            l2 = self.lines[i+1]
            s = l1.intersection(l2, treat_as_line_segments=False)

        # points of track        
        self.points = [self.lines[0].a] + lines_points + [self.lines[-1].b]

        # start point (25 from start)
        self.startpoint = Point(*Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[0]), Point(*midline_points[1])).normalize().multiply(25)).move(*midline_points[0])        

        # start direction
        startvector = Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[0]), Point(*midline_points[1])).normalize()
        self.startdirection =  startvector.angle(Vector(0,1))
        self.startdirection = -(180-self.startdirection) if startvector.x <= 0 else 180 - self.startdirection
        # end polynom
        end_vector = Vector.from_points(Point(*midline_points[-1]), Point(*midline_points[-2])).normalize()        
        end_vector_left = end_vector.normal_vector(direction='left').multiply(self.track_width*0.80)
        end_vector_right = end_vector.normal_vector(direction='right').multiply(self.track_width*0.80)
        self.endpoint = Point(*end_vector.multiply(25)).move(*midline_points[-1])
        self.endarea_points = [
Exemplo n.º 13
class Sensor:
    '''Sensor that measures the distance to the edge of roadway.'''

    # measured values
    distance = 1000
    obstacle = None
    is_obstacle_goal = False

    def __init__(self, car, angle, x, y):
        # sensor itself
        self.direction_relative_to_car = angle
        self.position_relative_to_car = Point(x, y)
        self.direction = 0
        self.position = Point(0, 0)
        self.sensor_line_id = None

        # connection to car
        self.car = car

    def update(self):
        '''Update the position of the sensor and its measurements.'''
        # update direction
        self.direction = self.car.direction + self.direction_relative_to_car

        # update position
        relativesensor = self.position_relative_to_car.rotate(
        self.position = self.car.position.move(relativesensor.x,

        # update distance & obstacle
        relativeray = Point(0, 1000).rotate(self.direction)
        ray = self.position.move(relativeray.x, -relativeray.y)

        nearest_point_meassured = self.measure(self.car.track.shapes(),
                                               self.position, ray)
        if nearest_point_meassured is None:
            self.distance = 1000
            self.obstacle = None
            self.obstacle, self.distance = nearest_point_meassured
            self.is_obstacle_goal = self.car.track.ingoal(*self.obstacle)

    def draw(self):
        '''Draw the sensor.'''
        if self.sensor_line_id is None:
            if self.obstacle is not None:
                self.sensor_line_id = self.car.canvas.create_line(
                    *self.position, *self.obstacle, fill="orange", dash=(1, 1))
        elif self.obstacle is not None:
            self.car.canvas.coords(self.sensor_line_id, *self.position,
                fill="blue" if self.is_obstacle_goal else "orange")

    def measure(self, shapes, frompoint, topoint):
        '''Measure the distance from point frompoint to the first intersection of line (frompoint,topoint) with shapes.'''
        nearest_point = (None, None)
        for shape in shapes:
            points = self.car.track.intersections(shape, frompoint, topoint)
            points = [(p, frompoint.distance(p)) for p in points
                      if p is not None]
            points.sort(key=lambda p: p[1])  # by distance
            if len(points) > 0:
                if nearest_point[1] is None or nearest_point[1] > points[0][1]:
                    nearest_point = points[0]
        return nearest_point if nearest_point[1] is not None else None

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"(sensor position on car: {self.position}, distance: {self.distance})"
Exemplo n.º 14
class Car:    
    '''A car.'''  
    _shape = [(-10,-15),(-10,15), (10,15), (10,-15)]
    def __init__(self, track, brain, color="red"):   
        self.canvas = track.canvas 
        self.canvas_shape_id = None    
        self.track = track
        self.position = Point(*track.startpoint)
        self.direction = track.startdirection
        self.steeringwheel = 0 # -90 ... left, 0 ... forward, 90 ... right
        self.acceleration = 0 # -10 ... slow down, 0 ... keep, 10 ... speed up
        self.speed = 0
        self.brain = brain        
        self.color = color
        self.isalive = True
        self.sensors = []
        self.isInGoal = False

    def points(self):        
        '''Points of the car shape.'''
        return [(self.position.x + x, self.position.y - y) for x,y in [Point(x,y).rotate(self.direction) for x,y in self._shape]]

    def accelerate(self, units):
        '''Accelerate the car about units.'''
        self.acceleration = max(-10, min(10, units))        

    def turn(self, units):     
        '''Turn the car about units to the left (negative) or right (positive).'''   
        self.steeringwheel = max(-90, min(90, units))

    def update(self):
        '''Update the car status (brain, sensors, position, speed, direction, ...).'''
        if self.isalive:            

            # update speed and direction
            self.speed = self.speed + self.acceleration
            self.direction = (self.direction + self.steeringwheel) % 360 

            # update position
            relativeposition = Point(0, self.speed).rotate(self.direction)
            self.position = self.position.move(relativeposition.x, -relativeposition.y)
            # update sensor  
            for s in self.sensors:

            # check position
            if any([not self.track.intrack(*p) for p in self.points()]):        
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!OUT OF TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="black")
            elif self.track.ingoal(*self.position):
                #print("!!!!!!!!!!!!! WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                self.isalive = False
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_shape_id, fill="blue")
            self.acceleration = 0        
            self.steeringwheel = 0

    def draw(self):
        '''Draw the car on the canvas.'''
        if self.canvas_shape_id is None:
            self.canvas_shape_id = self.canvas.create_polygon(*self.points(), fill=self.color)
            self.canvas.coords(self.canvas_shape_id, *[item for sublist in self.points() for item in sublist])
        for s in self.sensors: