Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_comment_invalidInput(self):
        Simple test cases to ensure that comment doesn't try to operate on bad data.  The comment indicator will take
        anything will return a text string, so even objects and types are valid.  Might need to run additional checks
        fon the indicator in the future.

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            nixcommon.comment('Good text', line_ending=object)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_comment_indicator(self):
        Tests valid input with an alternate type of comment indicator.

        one_liner = 'This is a one-liner.'
        one_liner_commented = "// This is a one-liner.%s" %os.linesep    # comment defaults to os.linesep
        assert nixcommon.comment(one_liner, '//') == one_liner_commented

        multi_liner = 'This is a multi-liner.%sSee how it\'s longer?' %os.linesep
        multi_liner_commented = "// This is a multi-liner.%s// See how it\'s longer?%s" %(os.linesep,os.linesep)
        assert nixcommon.comment(multi_liner, '//') == multi_liner_commented
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_comment_validInput(self):
        Tests average, valid input into the commenter.

        one_liner = 'This is a one-liner.'
        one_liner_commented = "# This is a one-liner.%s" %os.linesep    # comment defaults to os.linesep
        assert nixcommon.comment(one_liner) == one_liner_commented

        multi_liner = 'This is a multi-liner.%sSee how it\'s longer?' %os.linesep
        multi_liner_commented = "# This is a multi-liner.%s# See how it\'s longer?%s" %(os.linesep,os.linesep)
        assert nixcommon.comment(multi_liner) == multi_liner_commented
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_comment_lineEndings(self):
        Tests valid input with different line endings.

        one_liner_crlf = 'This is a one-liner with an alternate line ending.'
        one_liner_crlf_commented = "# This is a one-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\n"
        assert nixcommon.comment(one_liner_crlf, line_ending='\r\n') == one_liner_crlf_commented

        multi_liner_crlf = 'This is a multi-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\nSee how it\'s longer?'
        multi_liner_crlf_commented = "# This is a multi-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\n# See how it\'s " \
        assert nixcommon.comment(multi_liner_crlf, line_ending='\r\n') == multi_liner_crlf_commented
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_comment_indicatorAndLineEndings(self):
        Tests valid input with alternate line endings and comment indicators.

        one_liner_crlf = 'This is a one-liner with an alternate line ending.'
        one_liner_crlf_commented = "// This is a one-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\n"
        assert nixcommon.comment(one_liner_crlf, comment_indicator='//', line_ending='\r\n') == \

        multi_liner_crlf = 'This is a multi-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\nSee how it\'s longer?'
        multi_liner_crlf_commented = "// This is a multi-liner with an alternate line ending.\r\n// See how it\'s "\
        assert nixcommon.comment(multi_liner_crlf, comment_indicator='//', line_ending='\r\n') == \
Exemplo n.º 6
    def writeNTPConf(self, ntp_dict):
        Writes a ntp configuration dictionary to the loaded file.

        :param ntp_dict: NTP configuration dictionary

        import string

        ntp_config = nixcommon.comment("%s -- Generated on %s by %s\n\n" %(self.file, nixcommon.now(),
        for attribute in ntp_dict:
            for values in ntp_dict[attribute]:
                ntp_config += "%s %s\n" %(attribute, string.join(values))
            ntp_config += '\n'

            ntp_config_file = open(self.file, 'wb')
        except IOError:
            raise nixexceptions.FileNotWriteable(self.file)


Exemplo n.º 7
    def touch(self, path_to_file, text = '', header = 'Automatically generated at %s.' %nixcommon.now(), overwrite = False):
        Outputs text to a file on the ESX server.
        :param path_to_file: String with the path to the target file on the server (include the file name).
        :param text: String with text to place in the target file.
        :param header: String with content for a 'comment' header at the top of the file.
        :param overwrite: Boolean.  Allows overwriting an existing file.  Defaults to ``False``.
        if not overwrite:
            def nullHandler(x,y): return
            file_check = 'ls "%s"' %path_to_file
            file_check_info = self._vmwareCommand(file_check, nullHandler)

            print file_check_info + "BOB"

            # This is to broad, it causes 'File exists!' on any error.
            if not file_check_info['return_code'] or file_check_info['stderr'][0].find('No such file or directory') == -1:
                raise FileError('File exits! (%s)' %path_to_file)

        if text:
            touch = 'cat <<EOF > "%s"\n%s\n\n%s\nEOF\n' %(path_to_file, nixcommon.comment(header), text)
            touch = 'touch "%s"' %path_to_file

Exemplo n.º 8
    def write(self, ntp_dict = None):
        Writes a ntp configuration dictionary to the loaded file.

        :param ntp_dict: NTP configuration dictionary

        from lib import nixcommon
        import string

        if ntp_dict:
            self.config = ntp_dict
        elif not self.config:
            raise NTPConfigDataError('Config not loaded.')

        ntp_config = nixcommon.comment("%s -- Generated on %s by %s\n\n" %(self.file_path, nixcommon.now(),
        for attribute in self.config:
            for values in self.config[attribute]:
                ntp_config += "%s %s\n" %(attribute, string.join(values))
            ntp_config += '\n'


Exemplo n.º 9
    def write(self, config_dict=None):
        Writes the config dictionary to disc.

        from lib import nixcommon

        root_values = ""
        section_data = ""

        # Make sure the config is loaded
        if config_dict:
            self.config = config_dict
        elif not self.config:
            raise SSLConfigError("Config not loaded.")

        config_text = nixcommon.comment(
            "%s -- Generated on %s by %s\n\n" % (self.file_path, nixcommon.now(), nixcommon.whoAmI())
        keys = self.config.keys()

        # Use the dict keys to generate the root and section data
        for key in keys:
            if type(self.config[key]) == str or type(self.config[key]) == unicode:
                root_values += "%s\t= %s\n" % (key, self.config[key])
                section_data += "\n[ %s ]\n" % key
                section_data += "".join(
                    sorted(list("%s\t= %s\n" % (pair_key, self.config[key][pair_key]) for pair_key in self.config[key]))

        config_text += "\n%s\n%s" % (root_values, section_data)

        super(SSLConfigParser, self).write(config_text)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def writeKrb5Conf(self, krb5_dict, comments = ''):
        Writes a Python dictionary back to krb5.conf.  If desired *comments* may be set to a string or list of strings
        which will print comments at the top of the file.

        :param krb5_dict: Dictionary to convert to a Kerberos config file.
        :param comments: String or list of strings to use as a comment at top of the file.

            krb5Conf = open(self.file, 'wb')
        except IOError:
            raise nixexceptions.FileNotWriteable(self.file)

        confTxt = nixcommon.comment("%s -- Generated on %s by %s\n\n%s\n" %(self.file, nixcommon.now(),
                                                                            nixcommon.whoAmI(), comments))
        # Loop through the dictionary, creating text we can write to the file
        for section in krb5_dict:
            confTxt += '[' + section + ']\n'
            for line in krb5_dict[section]:
                lineType = type(krb5_dict[section][line])
                # Multi-line segment
                if lineType == dict:
                    confTxt += '\t' + line + ' = {\n'
                    for multiLine in krb5_dict[section][line]:
                        confTxt += '\t\t' + multiLine + ' = ' + krb5_dict[section][line][multiLine] + '\n'
                    confTxt += '\t}\n'
                # Single-line segment
                elif lineType == str:
                    confTxt += '\t' + line + ' = ' + krb5_dict[section][line] + '\n'
            confTxt += '\n'


Exemplo n.º 11
    def writeKrb5ACL(self, acls, comments = ''):
        Writes a list of tuples consisting of the principal, operation mask and operation target to a Kerberos ACL.
        :param acls: List of tuples (principal, operation_mask, operation_target).
        :param comments: Comments to place at the top of the file.

            krb5ACL = open(self.file, 'wb')
        except IOError:
            raise nixexceptions.FileNotWriteable(self.file)
        aclsTxt = nixcommon.comment("%s -- Generated on %s by %s\n\n%s\n" %(self.file, nixcommon.now(),
                                                                            nixcommon.whoAmI(), comments))
        for (principal, operation_mask, operation_target) in acls:
            aclsTxt += "%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(principal , operation_mask, operation_target)

Exemplo n.º 12
        con.prints('Some applications were not installed by napkginstall!')
    log.info('Writing paths config')
    # Store the paths to their config file
    app_path_file = "%s/conf/paths.py" %NA_ROOT

    # Automated install overwrites by default
    if os.path.exists(app_path_file) and na_run_from:
        log.debug('Automatically overwrote paths file (na_run_from is set)')

    # User is running the script, ask them questions
    elif os.path.exists(app_path_file) and not na_run_from:
        if con.askBoolQuestion('Should I overwrite ' + app_path_file):
            log.debug('Overwrote the paths file at user\'s request')
            log.debug('Kept existing config, at user\'s request')
            con.prints('Ok, keeping your existing file!')

    paths_file = nixcommon.comment("%s -- Generated on %s by %s" %(app_path_file, nixcommon.now(),

    con.prints('Writing path config to %s... ' %app_path_file, no_newline=True)
    nixcommon.createTextFile(app_path_file, "%s\n\n%s" %(paths_file,''.join(app_locations)))
    log.info('PathBuilder complete')