Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, raw=None):  # pragma: no cover
     self._ofs = OpaqueFieldList(self.OF_ORDER)
     self._iof_idx = None
     self._hof_idx = None
     self.interfaces = []
     self.mtu = None
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, raw=None):  # pragma: no cover
     self._ofs = OpaqueFieldList(self.OF_ORDER)
     self._iof_idx = None  # type: Optional[int]
     self._hof_idx = None  # type: Optional[int]
     self.interfaces = []  # type: List[Tuple[ASMarking, int]]
     self.mtu = None  # type: Optional[int]
Exemplo n.º 3
def _of_list_setup():
    order = ["up", "down", "core"]
    inst = OpaqueFieldList(order)
    inst._labels = {
        "up": ["up0", "up1", "up2"],
        "down": [],
        "core": ["core0"],
    return inst
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_basic(self):
     order = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
     inst = OpaqueFieldList(order)
     ofs = []
     for i in range(5):
         of = create_mock(["pack"])
         of.pack.return_value = bytes([i])
     inst._labels = {
         "a": ofs[:2],
         "b": [],
         "c": [ofs[2]],
         "d": ofs[3:],
     # Call
     ntools.eq_(inst.pack(), bytes(range(5)))
     # Tests
     for of in ofs:
Exemplo n.º 5
class SCIONPath(Serializable):
    NAME = "SCIONPath"
    A_IOF = "A_segment_iof"
    A_HOFS = "A_segment_hofs"
    B_IOF = "B_segment_iof"
    B_HOFS = "B_segment_hofs"
    C_IOF = "C_segment_iof"
    C_HOFS = "C_segment_hofs"

    def __init__(self, raw=None):  # pragma: no cover
        self._ofs = OpaqueFieldList(self.OF_ORDER)
        self._iof_idx = None
        self._hof_idx = None
        self.interfaces = []
        self.mtu = None

    def _parse(self, raw):
        data = Raw(raw, self.NAME)
        if data:
            # Parse first segment
            a_iof = self._parse_iof(data, self.A_IOF)
            self._parse_hofs(data, self.A_HOFS, a_iof.hops)
        if data:
            # Parse second segment
            b_iof = self._parse_iof(data, self.B_IOF)
            self._parse_hofs(data, self.B_HOFS, b_iof.hops)
        if data:
            # Parse third segment
            assert not a_iof.shortcut
            c_iof = self._parse_iof(data, self.C_IOF)
            self._parse_hofs(data, self.C_HOFS, c_iof.hops)

    def _parse_iof(self, data, label):
        Parse a raw :any:`InfoOpaqueField`.

        :param Raw data: Raw instance.
        :param str label: OF label.
        iof = InfoOpaqueField(data.pop(InfoOpaqueField.LEN))
        self._ofs.set(label, [iof])
        return iof

    def _parse_hofs(self, data, label, count):
        Parse raw :any:`HopOpaqueFields`\s.

        :param Raw data: Raw instance.
        :param str label: OF label.
        :param int count: Number of HOFs to parse.
        hofs = []
        for _ in range(count):
        self._ofs.set(label, hofs)

    def from_values(cls,
                    c_hofs=None):  # pragma: no cover
        inst = cls()
        inst._set_ofs(inst.A_IOF, a_iof)
        inst._set_ofs(inst.A_HOFS, a_hofs)
        inst._set_ofs(inst.B_IOF, b_iof)
        inst._set_ofs(inst.B_HOFS, b_hofs)
        inst._set_ofs(inst.C_IOF, c_iof)
        inst._set_ofs(inst.C_HOFS, c_hofs)
        return inst

    def pack(self):  # pragma: no cover
        raw = self._ofs.pack()
        assert len(raw) == len(self)
        return raw

    def _set_ofs(self, label, value):
        Set an OF label to the given value.

        :param str label: The OF label.
        :param value:
            Can be ``None``, a single Opaque Field, or a list of Opaque Fields.
        if value is None:
            data = []
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            data = value
            data = [value]
        self._ofs.set(label, data)

    def _init_of_idxs(self):
        self._iof_idx = 0
        self._hof_idx = 0
        if not len(self._ofs):
        iof = self.get_iof()
        if iof.peer:
            hof = self._ofs.get_by_idx(1)
            if hof.xover:
                self._hof_idx += 1

    def get_of_idxs(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Get current InfoOpaqueField and HopOpaqueField indexes.

        :return: Tuple (int, int) of IOF index and HOF index, respectively.
        return self._iof_idx, self._hof_idx

    def set_of_idxs(self, iof_idx, hof_idx):  # pragma: no cover
        """Set current InfoOpaqueField and HopOpaqueField indexes."""
        self._iof_idx = iof_idx
        self._hof_idx = hof_idx

    def reverse(self):
        """Reverse the direction of the path."""
        if not len(self._ofs):
            # Empty path doesn't need reversal.
        iof_label = self._ofs.get_label_by_idx(self._iof_idx)
        swap_iof, swap_hof = None, None
        # Determine which IOF/HOFs need to be swapped, if any.
        if self._ofs.count(self.C_IOF):
            swap_iof, swap_hof = self.C_IOF, self.C_HOFS
        elif self._ofs.count(self.B_IOF):
            swap_iof, swap_hof = self.B_IOF, self.B_HOFS
        # Do the swap as needed.
        if swap_iof:
            self._ofs.swap(self.A_IOF, swap_iof)
            self._ofs.swap(self.A_HOFS, swap_hof)
        # Reverse IOF flags.
        for label in self.IOF_LABELS:
        # Reverse HOF lists.
        for label in self.HOF_LABELS:
        # Update IOF index:
        # - (1) For paths with a single segment, just get the index of the
        #   original label.
        # - (2) For paths with 2 segments, get the index of the opposite label.
        # - (3) For paths with 3 segments, if the initial label was at either
        #   end, use (2), otherwise use (1), as the current label didn't get
        #   swapped.
        if swap_iof and iof_label == self.A_IOF:
            iof_idx = self._ofs.get_idx_by_label(swap_iof)
        elif swap_iof and iof_label == swap_iof:
            iof_idx = self._ofs.get_idx_by_label(self.A_IOF)
            iof_idx = self._ofs.get_idx_by_label(iof_label)
        # Update the HOF index by simply subtracting it from the total number of
        # OFs.
        self.set_of_idxs(iof_idx, len(self._ofs) - self._hof_idx)

    def get_hof_ver(self, ingress=True):
        """Return the :any:`HopOpaqueField` needed to verify the current HOF."""
        iof = self.get_iof()
        hof = self.get_hof()
        if not hof.xover or (iof.shortcut and not iof.peer):
            # For normal hops on any type of segment, or cross-over hops on
            # non-peer shortcut hops, just use next/prev HOF.
            return self._get_hof_ver_normal(iof)
        if iof.peer:
            # Peer shortcut paths have two extra HOFs; 1 for the peering
            # interface, and another from the upstream interface, used for
            # verification only.
            ingress_up = {
                (True, True): +2,
                (True, False): +1,
                (False, True): -1,
                (False, False): -2
            # Non-peer shortcut paths have an extra HOF above the last hop, used
            # for verification of the last hop in that segment.
            ingress_up = {
                (True, True): None,
                (True, False): -1,
                (False, True): +1,
                (False, False): None
        # Map the local direction of travel and the IOF up flag to the required
        # offset of the verification HOF (or None, if there's no relevant HOF).
        offset = ingress_up[ingress, iof.up_flag]
        if offset is None:
            return None
        return self._ofs.get_by_idx(self._hof_idx + offset)

    def _get_hof_ver_normal(self, iof):
        # If this is the last hop of an Up path, or the first hop of a Down
        # path, there's no previous HOF to verify against.
        if (iof.up_flag and self._hof_idx == self._iof_idx + iof.hops) or (
                not iof.up_flag and self._hof_idx == self._iof_idx + 1):
            return None
        # Otherwise use the next/prev HOF based on the up flag.
        offset = 1 if iof.up_flag else -1
        return self._ofs.get_by_idx(self._hof_idx + offset)

    def get_iof(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Get current :any:`InfoOpaqueField`."""
        if self._iof_idx is None:
            return None
        return self._ofs.get_by_idx(self._iof_idx)

    def get_hof(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Get current :any:`HopOpaqueField`."""
        if self._hof_idx is None:
            return None
        return self._ofs.get_by_idx(self._hof_idx)

    def inc_hof_idx(self):
        Increment the HOF idx to next routing HOF.

        Skip VERIFY_ONLY HOFs, as they are not used for routing.
        Also detect when there are no HOFs left in the current segment, and
        switch to the next segment, before restarting.
        iof = self.get_iof()
        while True:
            self._hof_idx += 1
            if (self._hof_idx - self._iof_idx) > iof.hops:
                # Switch to the next segment
                self._iof_idx = self._hof_idx
                iof = self.get_iof()
                # Continue looking for a routing HOF
            hof = self.get_hof()
            if not hof.verify_only:

    def get_fwd_if(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Return the interface to forward the current packet to."""
        if not len(self._ofs):
            return 0
        iof = self.get_iof()
        hof = self.get_hof()
        if iof.up_flag:
            return hof.ingress_if
        return hof.egress_if

    def get_as_hops(self):
        total = 0
        segs = 0
        peer = False
        for l in self.IOF_LABELS:
            res = self._ofs.get_by_label(l)
            if not res:
            peer |= res[0].peer
            total += self._get_as_hops(res[0])
            segs += 1
        if not peer:
            total -= segs - 1
        return total

    def _get_as_hops(self, iof):  # pragma: no cover
        if not iof.shortcut:
            return iof.hops
        if not iof.peer:
            return iof.hops - 1
        return iof.hops - 2

    def is_on_last_segment(self):  # pragma: no cover
        label = self._ofs.get_label_by_idx(self._hof_idx)
        if label == self.A_HOFS:
            return self._ofs.count(self.B_HOFS) == 0
        elif label == self.B_HOFS:
            return self._ofs.count(self.C_HOFS) == 0
            return True

    def compare_interfaces(self, other):  # pragma: no cover
        if not self.interfaces or other.interfaces:
            return False
        return self.interfaces == other.interfaces

    def __len__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Return the path length in bytes."""
        return len(self._ofs) * OpaqueField.LEN

    def __str__(self):
        s = []
        s.append("<SCION-Path(%sB)>" % len(self))

        for name, iof_label, hofs_label in (
            ("A", self.A_IOF, self.A_HOFS),
            ("B", self.B_IOF, self.B_HOFS),
            ("C", self.C_IOF, self.C_HOFS),
            iof = self._ofs.get_by_label(iof_label)
            if not iof:
            s.append("  <%s-Segment>" % name)
            s.append("    %s" % iof[0])
            for of in self._ofs.get_by_label(hofs_label):
                s.append("    %s" % of)
            s.append("  </%s-Segment>" % name)
        return "\n".join(s)

    def __eq__(self, other):  # pragma: no cover
        return self.interfaces == other.interfaces