Exemplo n.º 1
def return_rdc_data(sim_index=None):
    """Set up the data structures for optimisation using RDCs as base data sets.

    @keyword sim_index: The index of the simulation to optimise.  This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.
    @type sim_index:    None or int
    @return:            The assembled data structures for using RDCs as the base data for optimisation.  These include:
                            - rdc, the RDC values.
                            - rdc_err, the RDC errors.
                            - rdc_weight, the RDC weights.
                            - vectors, the interatomic vectors (pseudo-atom dependent).
                            - rdc_const, the dipolar constants (pseudo-atom dependent).
                            - absolute, the absolute value flags (as 1's and 0's).
                            - T_flags, the flags for T = J+D type data (as 1's and 0's).
                            - j_couplings, the J coupling values if the RDC data type is set to T = J+D.
                            - pseudo_flags, the list of flags indicating if the interatomic data contains a pseudo-atom (as 1's and 0's).
    @rtype:             tuple of (numpy rank-2 float64 array, numpy rank-2 float64 array, numpy rank-2 float64 array, list of numpy rank-3 float64 arrays, list of lists of floats, numpy rank-2 int32 array, numpy rank-2 int32 array, numpy rank-2 float64 array, numpy rank-1 int32 array)

    # Sort out pseudo-atoms first.  This only needs to be called once.

    # Initialise.
    rdc = []
    rdc_err = []
    rdc_weight = []
    unit_vect = []
    rdc_const = []
    absolute = []
    T_flags = []
    j_couplings = []
    pseudo_flags = []

    # The unit vectors, RDC constants, and J couplings.
    for interatom in interatomic_loop():
        # Get the spins.
        spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
        spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

        # RDC checks.
        if not check_rdcs(interatom):

        # Gyromagnetic ratios.
        g1 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
        g2 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

        # Pseudo atoms.
        if is_pseudoatom(spin1) and is_pseudoatom(spin2):
            raise RelaxError("Support for both spins being in a dipole pair being pseudo-atoms is not implemented yet.")
        if is_pseudoatom(spin1) or is_pseudoatom(spin2):
            # Set the flag.

            # Alias the pseudo and normal atoms.
            if is_pseudoatom(spin1):
                pseudospin = spin1
                base_spin = spin2
                pseudospin_id = interatom.spin_id1
                base_spin_id = interatom.spin_id2
                pseudospin = spin2
                base_spin = spin1
                pseudospin_id = interatom.spin_id2
                base_spin_id = interatom.spin_id1

            # Loop over the atoms of the pseudo-atom, storing the data.
            pseudo_unit_vect = []
            pseudo_rdc_const = []
            for spin, spin_id in pseudoatom_loop(pseudospin, return_id=True):
                # Get the corresponding interatomic data container.
                pseudo_interatom = return_interatom(spin_id1=spin_id, spin_id2=base_spin_id)

                # Check.
                if pseudo_interatom == None:
                    raise RelaxError("The interatomic data container between the spins '%s' and '%s' for the pseudo-atom '%s' is not defined." % (base_spin_id, spin_id, pseudospin_id))

                # Add the vectors.
                if is_float(interatom.vector[0]):

                # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
                pseudo_rdc_const.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, pseudo_interatom.r))

            # Reorder the unit vectors so that the structure and pseudo-atom dimensions are swapped.
            pseudo_unit_vect = transpose(array(pseudo_unit_vect, float64), (1, 0, 2))

            # Block append the pseudo-data.

        # Normal atom.
            # Set the flag.

            # Add the vectors.
            if is_float(interatom.vector[0]):

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            rdc_const.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r))

        # Store the measured J coupling.
        if opt_uses_j_couplings():

    # Fix the unit vector data structure.
    num = None
    for rdc_index in range(len(unit_vect)):
        # Convert to numpy structures.
        unit_vect[rdc_index] = array(unit_vect[rdc_index], float64)

        # Number of vectors.
        if num == None:
            if unit_vect[rdc_index] != None:
                num = len(unit_vect[rdc_index])

        # Check.
        if unit_vect[rdc_index] != None and len(unit_vect[rdc_index]) != num:
            raise RelaxError("The number of interatomic vectors for all no match:\n%s" % unit_vect[rdc_index])

    # Missing unit vectors.
    if num == None:
        raise RelaxError("No interatomic vectors could be found.")

    # Update None entries.
    for i in range(len(unit_vect)):
        if unit_vect[i] == None:
            unit_vect[i] = [[None, None, None]]*num

    # The RDC data.
    for i in range(len(cdp.align_ids)):
        # Alias the ID.
        align_id = cdp.align_ids[i]

        # Skip non-optimised data.
        if not opt_uses_align_data(align_id):

        # Append empty arrays to the RDC structures.

        # Interatom loop.
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

            # RDC checks.
            if not check_rdcs(interatom):

            # T-type data.
            if align_id in interatom.rdc_data_types and interatom.rdc_data_types[align_id] == 'T':

            # Check for J couplings if the RDC data type is T = J+D.
            if T_flags[-1][-1] and not hasattr(interatom, 'j_coupling'):

            # Defaults of None.
            value = None
            error = None

            # Normal set up.
            if align_id in interatom.rdc.keys():
                # The RDC.
                if sim_index != None:
                    value = interatom.rdc_sim[align_id][sim_index]
                    value = interatom.rdc[align_id]

                # The error.
                if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_err') and align_id in interatom.rdc_err.keys():
                    # T values.
                    if T_flags[-1][-1]:
                        error = sqrt(interatom.rdc_err[align_id]**2 + interatom.j_coupling_err**2)

                    # D values.
                        error = interatom.rdc_err[align_id]

            # Append the RDCs to the list.

            # Append the RDC errors.

            # Append the weight.
            if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_weight') and align_id in interatom.rdc_weight.keys():

            # Append the absolute value flag.
            if hasattr(interatom, 'absolute_rdc') and align_id in interatom.absolute_rdc.keys():

    # Convert to numpy objects.
    rdc = array(rdc, float64)
    rdc_err = array(rdc_err, float64)
    rdc_weight = array(rdc_weight, float64)
    absolute = array(absolute, int32)
    T_flags = array(T_flags, int32)
    if not opt_uses_j_couplings():
        j_couplings = None
    pseudo_flags = array(pseudo_flags, int32)

    # Return the data structures.
    return rdc, rdc_err, rdc_weight, unit_vect, rdc_const, absolute, T_flags, j_couplings, pseudo_flags
Exemplo n.º 2
def back_calc(align_id=None):
    """Back calculate the RDC from the alignment tensor and unit bond vectors.

    @keyword align_id:      The alignment tensor ID string.
    @type align_id:         str

    # Check the pipe setup.
    check_pipe_setup(rdc_id=align_id, sequence=True, N=True, tensors=True)

    # Convert the align IDs to an array, or take all IDs.
    if align_id:
        align_ids = [align_id]
        align_ids = cdp.align_ids

    # Add the ID to the RDC IDs, if needed.
    for align_id in align_ids:
        # Init.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'rdc_ids'):
            cdp.rdc_ids = []

        # Add the ID.
        if align_id not in cdp.rdc_ids:

    # The weights.
    weights = ones(cdp.N, float64) / cdp.N

    # Unit vector data structure init.
    unit_vect = zeros((cdp.N, 3), float64)

    # Loop over the interatomic data.
    count = 0
    for interatom in interatomic_loop():
        # Skip containers with no interatomic vectors.
        if not hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):

        # Get the spins.
        spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
        spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

        # Checks.
        if not hasattr(spin1, 'isotope'):
            raise RelaxSpinTypeError(interatom.spin_id1)
        if not hasattr(spin2, 'isotope'):
            raise RelaxSpinTypeError(interatom.spin_id2)

        # Single vector.
        if is_float(interatom.vector[0]):
            vectors = [interatom.vector]
            vectors = interatom.vector

        # Gyromagnetic ratios.
        g1 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
        g2 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

        # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
        dj = 3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r)

        # Unit vectors.
        for c in range(cdp.N):
            unit_vect[c] = vectors[c] / norm(vectors[c])

        # Initialise if necessary.
        if not hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_bc'):
            interatom.rdc_bc = {}

        # Calculate the RDCs.
        for id in align_ids:
            # The signed value.
            interatom.rdc_bc[id] = ave_rdc_tensor(dj, unit_vect, cdp.N, cdp.align_tensors[get_tensor_index(align_id=id)].A, weights=weights)

            # T values.
            if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_data_types') and align_id in interatom.rdc_data_types and interatom.rdc_data_types[align_id] == 'T':
                if not hasattr(interatom, 'j_coupling'):
                    raise RelaxNoJError

                interatom.rdc_bc[id] += interatom.j_coupling

            # The absolute value.
            if hasattr(interatom, 'absolute_rdc') and id in interatom.absolute_rdc.keys() and interatom.absolute_rdc[id]:
                interatom.rdc_bc[id] = abs(interatom.rdc_bc[id])

        # Increment the counter.
        count += 1

    # No RDCs calculated.
    if not count:
        warn(RelaxWarning("No RDCs have been back calculated, probably due to missing bond vector information."))
Exemplo n.º 3
def q_factors(spin_id=None):
    """Calculate the Q-factors for the RDC data.

    @keyword spin_id:   The spin ID string used to restrict the Q-factor calculation to a subset of all spins.
    @type spin_id:      None or str

    # Check the pipe setup.

    # No RDCs, so no Q factors can be calculated.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'rdc_ids') or not len(cdp.rdc_ids):
        warn(RelaxWarning("No RDC data exists, Q factors cannot be calculated."))

    # Q-factor dictonaries.
    cdp.q_factors_rdc = {}
    cdp.q_factors_rdc_norm2 = {}

    # Loop over the alignments.
    for align_id in cdp.rdc_ids:
        # Init.
        D2_sum = 0.0
        sse = 0.0

        # Interatomic data loop.
        dj = None
        N = 0
        interatom_count = 0
        rdc_data = False
        rdc_bc_data = False
        norm2_flag = True
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Increment the counter.
            interatom_count += 1

            # Data checks.
            if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc') and align_id in interatom.rdc:
                rdc_data = True
            if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_bc') and align_id in interatom.rdc_bc:
                rdc_bc_data = True
            j_flag = False
            if hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_data_types') and align_id in interatom.rdc_data_types and interatom.rdc_data_types[align_id] == 'T':
                j_flag = True
                if not hasattr(interatom, 'j_coupling'):
                    raise RelaxNoJError

            # Skip containers without RDC data.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'rdc') or not hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_bc') or not align_id in interatom.rdc or interatom.rdc[align_id] == None or not align_id in interatom.rdc_bc or interatom.rdc_bc[align_id] == None:

            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

            # Sum of squares.
            sse = sse + (interatom.rdc[align_id] - interatom.rdc_bc[align_id])**2

            # Sum the RDCs squared (for one type of normalisation).
            if j_flag:
                D2_sum = D2_sum + (interatom.rdc[align_id] - interatom.j_coupling)**2
                D2_sum = D2_sum + interatom.rdc[align_id]**2

            # Gyromagnetic ratios.
            g1 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
            g2 = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

            # Skip the 2Da^2(4 + 3R)/5 normalised Q factor if pseudo-atoms are present.
            if  norm2_flag and (is_pseudoatom(spin1) or is_pseudoatom(spin2)):
                warn(RelaxWarning("Pseudo-atoms are present, skipping the Q factor normalised with 2Da^2(4 + 3R)/5."))
                norm2_flag = False

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            if norm2_flag:
                dj_new = 3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r)
                if dj != None and dj_new != dj:
                    warn(RelaxWarning("The dipolar constant is not the same for all RDCs, skipping the Q factor normalised with 2Da^2(4 + 3R)/5."))
                    norm2_flag = False
                    dj = dj_new

            # Increment the number of data sets.
            N = N + 1

        # Warnings (and then exit).
        if not interatom_count:
            warn(RelaxWarning("No interatomic data containers have been used in the calculation, skipping the RDC Q factor calculation."))
        if not rdc_data:
            warn(RelaxWarning("No RDC data can be found for the alignment ID '%s', skipping the RDC Q factor calculation for this alignment." % align_id))
        if not rdc_bc_data:
            warn(RelaxWarning("No back-calculated RDC data can be found for the alignment ID '%s', skipping the RDC Q factor calculation for this alignment." % align_id))

        # Normalisation factor of 2Da^2(4 + 3R)/5.
        if norm2_flag:
            D = dj * cdp.align_tensors[cdp.align_ids.index(align_id)].A_diag
            Da = 1.0/3.0 * (D[2, 2] - (D[0, 0]+D[1, 1])/2.0)
            Dr = 1.0/3.0 * (D[0, 0] - D[1, 1])
            if Da == 0:
                R = nan
                R = Dr / Da
            norm = 2.0 * (Da)**2 * (4.0 + 3.0*R**2)/5.0
            if Da == 0.0:
                norm = 1e-15

            # The Q-factor for the alignment.
            cdp.q_factors_rdc[align_id] = sqrt(sse / N / norm)

            cdp.q_factors_rdc[align_id] = 0.0

        # The second Q-factor definition.
        cdp.q_factors_rdc_norm2[align_id] = sqrt(sse / D2_sum)

    # The total Q-factor.
    cdp.q_rdc = 0.0
    cdp.q_rdc_norm2 = 0.0
    for id in cdp.q_factors_rdc:
        cdp.q_rdc = cdp.q_rdc + cdp.q_factors_rdc[id]**2
    for id in cdp.q_factors_rdc_norm2:
        cdp.q_rdc_norm2 = cdp.q_rdc_norm2 + cdp.q_factors_rdc_norm2[id]**2
    cdp.q_rdc = sqrt(cdp.q_rdc / len(cdp.q_factors_rdc))
    cdp.q_rdc_norm2 = sqrt(cdp.q_rdc_norm2 / len(cdp.q_factors_rdc_norm2))
    def rdc_analysis(self):
        """Perform the RDC part of the analysis."""

        # Redirect STDOUT to a log file.
        if self.log:
            sys.stdout = open(self.results_dir+sep+"logs" + sep + "RDC_%s_analysis.log" % self.rdc_name, 'w')

        # The dipolar constant.
        d = 0.0
        if self.bond_length != None:
            d = 3.0 / (2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g13C, g1H, self.bond_length)

        # Create a directory for the save files.
        dir = self.results_dir + sep + "RDC_%s_results" % self.rdc_name

        # Loop over the configurations.
        for config in self.configs:
            # Print out.
            print("\n"*10 + "# Set up for config " + config + " #" + "\n")

            # Open the results files.
            out = open(self.results_dir+sep+"Q_factors_" + config, 'w')
            out_sorted = open(self.results_dir+sep+"Q_factors_" + config + "_sorted", 'w')
            out.write("%-20s%20s%20s\n" % ("# Ensemble", "RDC_Q_factor(pales)", "RDC_Q_factor(standard)"))
            out_sorted.write("%-20s%20s\n" % ("# Ensemble", "RDC_Q_factor(pales)"))

            # Create the data pipe.
            self.interpreter.pipe.create("rdc_analysis_%s" % config, "N-state")

            # Read the first structure.
            self.interpreter.structure.read_pdb("ensembles_superimposed" + sep + config + "0.pdb", dir=self.results_dir, set_mol_name=config, set_model_num=list(range(1, self.num_models+1)))

            # Load all spins as the sequence.

            # Create the pseudo-atoms.
            for i in range(len(self.pseudo)):
                self.interpreter.spin.create_pseudo(spin_name=self.pseudo[i][0], members=self.pseudo[i][1], averaging="linear")

            # Read the RDC data.
            self.interpreter.rdc.read(align_id=self.rdc_file, file=self.rdc_file, spin_id1_col=self.rdc_spin_id1_col, spin_id2_col=self.rdc_spin_id2_col, data_col=self.rdc_data_col, error_col=self.rdc_error_col)

            # Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
            if self.bond_length != None:
                self.interpreter.interatom.set_dist(spin_id1='@C*', spin_id2='@H*', ave_dist=self.bond_length)
                self.interpreter.interatom.set_dist(spin_id1='@C*', spin_id2='@Q*', ave_dist=self.bond_length)
                self.interpreter.interatom.read_dist(file=self.bond_length_file, spin_id1_col=1, spin_id2_col=2, data_col=3)

            # Set the nuclear isotope.
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='13C', spin_id='@C*')
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@H*')
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@Q*')

            # Set up the model.

            # Print out.
            print("\n"*2 + "# Set up complete #" + "\n"*10)

            # Loop over each ensemble.
            q_factors = []
            for ens in range(self.num_ens):
                # Print out the ensemble to both the log and screen.
                if self.log:
                    sys.stdout.write(config + repr(ens) + "\n")
                sys.stderr.write(config + repr(ens) + "\n")

                # Delete the old structures.

                # Read the ensemble.
                self.interpreter.structure.read_pdb("ensembles_superimposed" + sep + config + repr(ens) + ".pdb", dir=self.results_dir, set_mol_name=config, set_model_num=list(range(1, self.num_models+1)))

                # Get the positional information, then load the CH vectors.
                if self.bond_length != None:
                    self.interpreter.interatom.set_dist(spin_id1='@C*', spin_id2='@H*', ave_dist=self.bond_length)
                    self.interpreter.interatom.read_dist(file=self.bond_length_file, spin_id1_col=1, spin_id2_col=2, data_col=3)

                # Minimisation.
                self.interpreter.minimise("simplex", constraints=False)

                # Store and write out the Q-factors.
                q_factors.append([cdp.q_rdc, ens])
                out.write("%-20i%20.15f%20.15f\n" % (ens, cdp.q_rdc, cdp.q_rdc_norm2))

                # Calculate the alignment tensor in Hz, and store it for reference.
                cdp.align_tensor_Hz = d * cdp.align_tensors[0].A
                cdp.align_tensor_Hz_5D = d * cdp.align_tensors[0].A_5D

                # Save the state.
                self.interpreter.results.write(file="%s_results_%s" % (config, ens), dir=dir, force=True)

            # Sort the NOE violations.

            # Write the data.
            for i in range(len(q_factors)):
                out_sorted.write("%-20i%20.15f\n" % (q_factors[i][1], q_factors[i][0]))
Exemplo n.º 5
# Load the spins.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.load_spins', spin_id='@N', ave_pos=False)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.load_spins', spin_id='@H', ave_pos=False)

# Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.define', spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', direct_bond=True)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.set_dist', spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', ave_dist=NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.unit_vectors', ave=True)

# Set the nuclear isotope.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spin.isotope', isotope='15N', spin_id='@N')
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spin.isotope', isotope='1H', spin_id='@H')

# The dipolar constant.
const = 3.0 / (2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g15N, g1H, NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC)

# The tensor.
tensor = 'A'
self._execute_uf(uf_name='align_tensor.init', tensor=tensor, params=(4.724/const,  11.856/const, 0, 0, 0), align_id=tensor, param_types=2)

# The temperature.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.temperature', id=tensor, temp=298)

# The frequency.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.frequency', id=tensor, frq=900.0 * 1e6)

# One state model.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.select_model', model='fixed')
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.number_of_states', N=1)
Exemplo n.º 6
# Load the spins.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.load_spins', spin_id='@N', ave_pos=False)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.load_spins', spin_id='@H', ave_pos=False)

# Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.define', spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', direct_bond=True)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.set_dist', spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', ave_dist=NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC)
self._execute_uf(uf_name='interatom.unit_vectors', ave=True)

# Set the nuclear isotope.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spin.isotope', isotope='15N', spin_id='@N')
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spin.isotope', isotope='1H', spin_id='@H')

# The dipolar constant.
const = 3.0 / (2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('15N'), periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H'), NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC)

# The tensor.
tensor = 'A'
self._execute_uf(uf_name='align_tensor.init', tensor=tensor, params=(4.724/const,  11.856/const, 0, 0, 0), align_id=tensor, param_types=2)

# The temperature.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.temperature', id=tensor, temp=298)

# The frequency.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.frequency', id=tensor, frq=900.0 * 1e6)

# One state model.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.select_model', model='fixed')
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.number_of_states', N=1)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def rdc_analysis(self):
        """Perform the RDC part of the analysis."""

        # Redirect STDOUT to a log file.
        if self.log:
            sys.stdout = open(
                self.results_dir + sep + "logs" + sep +
                "RDC_%s_analysis.log" % self.rdc_name, 'w')

        # The dipolar constant.
        d = 0.0
        if self.bond_length != None:
            d = 3.0 / (2.0 * pi) * dipolar_constant(
                periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H'), self.bond_length)

        # Create a directory for the save files.
        dir = self.results_dir + sep + "RDC_%s_results" % self.rdc_name

        # Loop over the configurations.
        for config in self.configs:
            # Print out.
            print("\n" * 10 + "# Set up for config " + config + " #" + "\n")

            # Open the results files.
            out = open(self.results_dir + sep + "Q_factors_" + config, 'w')
            out_sorted = open(
                self.results_dir + sep + "Q_factors_" + config + "_sorted",
            out.write("%-20s%20s%20s\n" % ("# Ensemble", "RDC_Q_factor(pales)",
            out_sorted.write("%-20s%20s\n" %
                             ("# Ensemble", "RDC_Q_factor(pales)"))

            # Create the data pipe.
            self.interpreter.pipe.create("rdc_analysis_%s" % config, "N-state")

            # Read the first structure.
                "ensembles_superimposed" + sep + config + "0.pdb",
                set_model_num=list(range(1, self.num_models + 1)))

            # Load all spins as the sequence.

            # Create the pseudo-atoms.
            for i in range(len(self.pseudo)):

            # Read the RDC data.

            # Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
            if self.bond_length != None:

            # Set the nuclear isotope.
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='13C', spin_id='@C*')
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@H*')
            self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@Q*')

            # Set up the model.

            # Print out.
            print("\n" * 2 + "# Set up complete #" + "\n" * 10)

            # Loop over each ensemble.
            q_factors = []
            for ens in range(self.num_ens):
                # Print out the ensemble to both the log and screen.
                if self.log:
                    sys.stdout.write(config + repr(ens) + "\n")
                sys.stderr.write(config + repr(ens) + "\n")

                # Delete the old structures.

                # Read the ensemble.
                    "ensembles_superimposed" + sep + config + repr(ens) +
                    set_model_num=list(range(1, self.num_models + 1)))

                # Get the positional information, then load the CH vectors.
                if self.bond_length != None:

                # Minimisation.
                self.interpreter.minimise.execute("simplex", constraints=False)

                # Store and write out the Q factors.
                q_factors.append([cdp.q_rdc_norm_squared_sum, ens])
                out.write("%-20i%20.15f%20.15f\n" %
                          (ens, cdp.q_rdc_norm_squared_sum,

                # Calculate the alignment tensor in Hz, and store it for reference.
                cdp.align_tensor_Hz = d * cdp.align_tensors[0].A
                cdp.align_tensor_Hz_5D = d * cdp.align_tensors[0].A_5D

                # Save the state.
                self.interpreter.results.write(file="%s_results_%s" %
                                               (config, ens),

            # Sort the NOE violations.

            # Write the data.
            for i in range(len(q_factors)):
                out_sorted.write("%-20i%20.15f\n" %
                                 (q_factors[i][1], q_factors[i][0]))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _calculate_rdc(self):
        """Calculate the averaged RDC for all states."""

        # Open the output files.
        if self.ROT_FILE:
            rot_file = open_write_file('rotations', dir=self.save_path, compress_type=1, force=True)

        # Printout.
        sys.stdout.write("\n\nRotating %s states for the RDC:\n\n" % locale.format("%d", self.N**self.MODES, grouping=True))

        # Turn off the relax interpreter echoing to allow the progress meter to be shown correctly.

        # Set up some data structures for faster calculations.
        interatoms = []
        vectors = []
        d = []
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Nothing to do.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):

            # Initialise the RDC structure (as a 1D numpy.float128 array for speed and minimising truncation artifacts).
            interatom.rdc = {}
            for tag in self._tensors:
                interatom.rdc[tag] = zeros(1, float128)

            # Pack the interatomic containers and vectors.

            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(spin_id=interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(spin_id=interatom.spin_id2)

            # Gyromagnetic ratios.
            g1 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
            g2 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            d.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r))

        # Repackage the data for speed.
        vectors = transpose(array(vectors, float64))
        d = array(d, float64)
        num_interatoms = len(vectors)

        # Store the alignment tensors.
        A = []
        for i in range(len(self._tensors)):

        # Loop over each position.
        for global_index, mode_indices in self._state_loop():
            # The progress meter.

            # Total rotation matrix (for construction of the frame order matrix).
            total_R = eye(3)

            # Data initialisation.
            new_vect = vectors

            # Loop over each motional mode.
            for motion_index in range(self.MODES):
                # Generate the distribution specific rotation.
                self.rotation(mode_indices[motion_index], motion_index=motion_index)

                # Rotate the NH vector.
                new_vect = dot(self.R, new_vect)

                # Decompose the rotation into Euler angles and store them.
                if self.ROT_FILE:
                    a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(self.R)
                    rot_file.write('Mode %i:  %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n' % (motion_index, a, b, g))

                # Contribution to the total rotation.
                total_R = dot(self.R, total_R)

            # Loop over each alignment.
            for i in range(len(self._tensors)):
                # Calculate the RDC as quickly as possible.
                rdcs = d * tensordot(transpose(new_vect), tensordot(A[i], new_vect, axes=1), axes=1)

                # Store the values.
                for j in range(len(interatoms)):
                    interatoms[j].rdc[self._tensors[i]][0] += rdcs[j, j]

            # The frame order matrix component.
            self.daeg += kron_prod(total_R, total_R)

        # Print out.

        # Frame order matrix averaging.
        self.daeg = self.daeg / self.N**self.MODES

        # Write out the frame order matrix.
        file = open(self.save_path+sep+'frame_order_matrix', 'w')
        print_frame_order_2nd_degree(self.daeg, file=file, places=8)

        # Reactive the interpreter echoing.

        # Average the RDC and write the data.
        for tag in self._tensors:
            # Average.
            for interatom in interatomic_loop():
                interatom.rdc[tag] = interatom.rdc[tag][0] / self.N**self.MODES

            # Save.
            self.interpreter.rdc.write(align_id=tag, file='rdc_%s.txt'%tag, dir=self.save_path, force=True)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _calculate_rdc(self):
        """Calculate the averaged RDC for all states."""

        # Open the output files.
        if self.ROT_FILE:
            rot_file = open_write_file('rotations', dir=self.save_path, compress_type=1, force=True)

        # Printout.
        sys.stdout.write("\n\nRotating %s states for the RDC:\n\n" % locale.format("%d", self.N**self.MODES, grouping=True))

        # Turn off the relax interpreter echoing to allow the progress meter to be shown correctly.

        # Set up some data structures for faster calculations.
        interatoms = []
        vectors = []
        d = []
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Nothing to do.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):

            # Initialise the RDC structure (as a 1D numpy.float128 array for speed and minimising truncation artifacts).
            interatom.rdc = {}
            for tag in self._tensors:
                interatom.rdc[tag] = zeros(1, float128)

            # Pack the interatomic containers and vectors.

            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

            # Gyromagnetic ratios.
            g1 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
            g2 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            d.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r))

        # Repackage the data for speed.
        vectors = transpose(array(vectors, float64))
        d = array(d, float64)
        num_interatoms = len(vectors)

        # Store the alignment tensors.
        A = []
        for i in range(len(self._tensors)):

        # Loop over each position.
        for global_index, mode_indices in self._state_loop():
            # The progress meter.

            # Total rotation matrix (for construction of the frame order matrix).
            total_R = eye(3)

            # Data initialisation.
            new_vect = vectors

            # Loop over each motional mode.
            for motion_index in range(self.MODES):
                # Generate the distribution specific rotation.
                self.rotation(mode_indices[motion_index], motion_index=motion_index)

                # Rotate the NH vector.
                new_vect = dot(self.R, new_vect)

                # Decompose the rotation into Euler angles and store them.
                if self.ROT_FILE:
                    a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(self.R)
                    rot_file.write('Mode %i:  %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n' % (motion_index, a, b, g))

                # Contribution to the total rotation.
                total_R = dot(self.R, total_R)

            # Loop over each alignment.
            for i in range(len(self._tensors)):
                # Calculate the RDC as quickly as possible.
                rdcs = d * tensordot(transpose(new_vect), tensordot(A[i], new_vect, axes=1), axes=1)

                # Store the values.
                for j in range(len(interatoms)):
                    interatoms[j].rdc[self._tensors[i]][0] += rdcs[j, j]

            # The frame order matrix component.
            self.daeg += kron_prod(total_R, total_R)

        # Print out.

        # Frame order matrix averaging.
        self.daeg = self.daeg / self.N**self.MODES

        # Write out the frame order matrix.
        file = open(self.save_path+sep+'frame_order_matrix', 'w')
        print_frame_order_2nd_degree(self.daeg, file=file, places=8)

        # Reactive the interpreter echoing.

        # Average the RDC and write the data.
        for tag in self._tensors:
            # Average.
            for interatom in interatomic_loop():
                interatom.rdc[tag] = interatom.rdc[tag][0] / self.N**self.MODES

            # Save.
            self.interpreter.rdc.write(align_id=tag, file='rdc_%s.txt'%tag, dir=self.save_path, force=True)
Exemplo n.º 10

# Path of the files.
str_path = status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'shared_data'+sep+'structures'

# The data pipe.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='pipe.create', pipe_name='pcs_back_calc', pipe_type='N-state')

# Load the structures.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.read_pdb', file='trunc_ubi_pcs.pdb', dir=str_path)

# Load the proton spins.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='structure.load_spins', spin_id='@H')

# The dipolar constant.
const = 3.0 / (2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('15N'), periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H'), NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC)

# The tensor.
tensor = 'A'
align_id = tensor
self._execute_uf(uf_name='align_tensor.init', tensor=tensor, params=(4.724/const,  11.856/const, 0, 0, 0), align_id=align_id, param_types=2)

# The temperature.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.temperature', id=align_id, temp=298)

# The frequency.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='spectrometer.frequency', id=align_id, frq=900.0 * 1e6)

# One state model.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.select_model', model='fixed')
self._execute_uf(uf_name='n_state_model.number_of_states', N=1)