Exemplo n.º 1
def make_chunks(physiological_file_id, config_file, verbose):
    Call the function create_chunks_for_visualization of the Physiology class on
    the PhysiologicalFileID provided as argument to this function.

    :param physiological_file_id: PhysiologicalFileID of the file to chunk
     :type physiological_file_id: int
    :param config_file: path to the config file with database connection information
     :type config_file: str
    :param verbose    : flag for more printing if set
     :type verbose    : bool

    # database connection
    db = Database(config_file.mysql, verbose)

    # grep config settings from the Config module
    data_dir = db.get_config('dataDirBasepath')

    # making sure that there is a final / in data_dir
    data_dir = data_dir if data_dir.endswith('/') else data_dir + "/"

    # load the Physiological object
    physiological = Physiological(db, verbose)

    # create the chunked dataset
    if physiological.grep_file_path_from_file_id(physiological_file_id):
        print('Chunking physiological file ID ' + str(physiological_file_id))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def register_raw_data(self):
        Registers raw EEG data and related files into the following tables:
            - physiological_file
            - physiological_parameter_file
            - physiological_electrode
            - physiological_channel
            - physiological_task_event

        # insert EEG file
        inserted_eeg = self.fetch_and_insert_eeg_file()
        eeg_file_id = inserted_eeg['file_id']
        eeg_file_path = inserted_eeg['eeg_path']

        # insert related electrode, channel and event information
        electrode_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_electrode_file(eeg_file_id)
        channel_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_channel_file(eeg_file_id)
        event_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_event_file(eeg_file_id)

        # grep the path to the fdt file is present in
        # physiological_parameter_file for that PhysiologicalFileID
        physiological = Physiological(self.db, self.verbose)
        results = physiological.grep_parameter_value_from_file_id(
            eeg_file_id, 'fdt_file')
        fdt_file_path = results['Value'] if results else None

        # archive all files in a tar ball for downloading all files at once
        files_to_archive = (self.data_dir + eeg_file_path, )
        if electrode_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   electrode_file_path, )
        if fdt_file_path:  # add the fdt file path to the tuple if present
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   fdt_file_path, )
        if event_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   event_file_path, )
        if channel_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   channel_file_path, )
        archive_rel_name = os.path.splitext(eeg_file_path)[0] + ".tgz"
        self.create_and_insert_archive(files_to_archive, archive_rel_name,

        # create data chunks for React visualization in
        # data_dir/bids_import/bids_dataset_name_BIDSVersion_chunks directory