def test_plot_area(self): """ Test the get_available_width() and get_available_height() functions. They should return the material width and height minus the padding around the outside. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_padding(35,0,35,0) # should be default but to make sure assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-70
def test_align_center_x(self): """ Makes sure the graphic is centered correctly in the x direction""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_padding(35,0,35,0) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_align_center_x(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() log.debug("Checking position...") assert round(plot.get_position()[0],10) == round((90*12-plot.graphic.get_width())/2,10), "%s != %s" % (round(plot.get_position()[0],10),round((90*12-plot.graphic.get_width())/2,10)) assert round(plot.get_position()[1],10) == 0, "%s != %s" % (round(plot.get_position()[1],10),0)
def temp_get_devices_2(self): """ Test set_copies() and set_rotation(90) should stack along x axis.""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(4) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close()
def test_material_size_limited(self): """Test that the material is sized correctly when limited=True""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.parse("arrow.svg")) plot.set_padding(35, 0, 35, 0) h = 170.563 log.debug(" %s should = %s" % (round(plot.get_material_height(limited=True), 3), h + 70)) assert round(plot.get_material_height(limited=True), 3) == h + 70 w = 333.469 log.debug(" %s should = %s" % (round(plot.get_material_width(limited=True), 3), w)) assert round(plot.get_material_width(limited=True), 3) == w
def test_material_size_limited(self): """Test that the material is sized correctly when limited=True""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.parse("arrow.svg")) plot.set_padding(35,0,35,0) h = 170.563 log.debug(" %s should = %s" %(round(plot.get_material_height(limited=True),3),h+70)) assert round(plot.get_material_height(limited=True),3) == h+70 w = 333.469 log.debug(" %s should = %s" %(round(plot.get_material_width(limited=True),3),w)) assert round(plot.get_material_width(limited=True),3) == w
def temp_get_devices_2(self): """ Test set_copies() and set_rotation(90) should stack along x axis.""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(4) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close()
def test_set_copies(self): """ Test set_copies(7) with no rotation should stack along y axis.""" plot = Plot(90 * 12 * 16, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("fat-giraffes.svg"))) plot.set_copies(40) # two horizontal stacks and one extra f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml())
def test_graphic_rotation(self): """ Test that the graphic is rotated and plot automatically updated. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.parse("arrow.svg")) h = plot.graphic.get_height() w = plot.graphic.get_width() plot.graphic.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert round(plot.get_width(), 10) == round(h, 10), "they should be rotated" assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round(w, 10)
def test_set_copies(self): """ Test set_copies(7) with no rotation should stack along y axis.""" plot = Plot(90*12*16,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("fat-giraffes.svg"))) plot.set_copies(40) # two horizontal stacks and one extra f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml())
def set_shorter(self, trial): self.shorter_trial.setText( self.shorter_trial_data = trial self.shorter = TimingData() self.shorter.parse_csv(self.shorter_trial_data.result) self.shorter_plot = Plot(self.shorter) self.shorter_plot.color = 'blue' self.shorter_plot.label = self.plotter.add_plot(self.shorter_plot) self.shorter_trial_edit.setEnabled(True) self.update_plot_settings_view()
def test_set_graphic(self): """ Test set_graphic() and get_preview_xml() """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(), 10) # why does it need rounding???
def test_set_graphic(self): """ Test set_graphic() and get_preview_xml() """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(),10) # why does it need rounding???
def test_graphic_rotation(self): """ Test that the graphic is rotated and plot automatically updated. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.parse("arrow.svg")) h = plot.graphic.get_height() w = plot.graphic.get_width() plot.graphic.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert round(plot.get_width(),10) == round(h,10), "they should be rotated" assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(w,10)
def test_plot_area(self): """ Test the get_available_width() and get_available_height() functions. They should return the material width and height minus the padding around the outside. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_padding(35, 0, 35, 0) # should be default but to make sure assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 70
def regresionCurve(self): dlg = Plot(accept=True) x = self.curvaDestilacion.column(0) T = self.curvaDestilacion.column(1, Temperature) dlg.addData(x, T, color="black", ls="None", marker="s", mfc="red") parameters, r2 = curve_Predicted(x, T) xi = arange(0, 1, 0.01) Ti = [_Tb_Predicted(parameters, x_i) for x_i in xi] dlg.addData(xi, Ti, color="black", lw=0.5) # Add equation formula to plot txt = r"$\frac{T-T_{o}}{T_{o}}=\left[\frac{A}{B}\ln\left(\frac{1}{1-x}" txt += r"\right)\right]^{1/B}$" To = Temperature(parameters[0]) txt2 = "\n\n\n$T_o=%s$" % To.str txt2 += "\n$A=%0.4f$" % parameters[1] txt2 += "\n$B=%0.4f$" % parameters[2] txt2 += "\n$r^2=%0.6f$" % r2, T[-1], txt, size="14", va="top", ha="left"), T[-1], txt2, size="10", va="top", ha="left") if dlg.exec_(): self.curveParameters = parameters self.checkStatusCurve()
def test_weedline_padding(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 35 padding only changes the width and height of the bbox by +=2*padding. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(6) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) pad = 35 plot.set_weedline_padding(pad) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 7, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 7" %(len(plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()) == [0,bbox[1]+2*pad,35,bbox[3]+2*pad], "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ([0,bbox[1]+35,35,bbox[3]+35],map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()))
def test_weedline(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 0 padding doesn't change the bbox. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(7) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 8, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 8" %(len(plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()) == map(lambda x: round(x,10),bbox), "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % (bbox,plot.get_bounding_box())
def test_align_center_y_2(self): """ Makes sure the graphic is centered correctly in the y direction""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_padding(35, 0, 35, 0) plot.set_copies(7) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) h = plot.graphic.get_height() * 5 + 4 * plot.get_spacing()[1] plot.set_align_center_y(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() log.debug("Checking position...") assert round( plot.get_position()[0], 10) == 0, "%s != %s" % (round(plot.get_position()[0], 10), 0) assert round(plot.get_position()[1], 10) == round( (90 * 12 - 70 - h) / 2, 10), "%s != %s" % (round( plot.get_position()[1], 10), round((90 * 12 - 70 - h) / 2, 10))
def test_set_graphic_2(self): """ Test set_graphic() and setting a new graphic after one has already been set. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s_1.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(), 10) # why does it need rounding??? plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("fat-giraffes.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s_2.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert round(plot.get_width(), 10) == round(plot.graphic.get_width(), 10) assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(), 10) # why does it need rounding???
def test_set_copies_3(self): """ Test set_copies() and get_preview_xml() should stack 7 along the x axis. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(7) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 7 assert plot.get_stack_size_y() == 5, "Stack size: %s" % plot.get_stack_size_y() assert round(plot.get_width(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_width()*2 + spacing[0],10) assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height()*5+spacing[1]*4,10)
def test_set_copies_2(self): """ Test set_copies(7) with no rotation should stack along y axis.""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(7) # two horizontal stacks and one extra f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 7 assert plot.get_stack_size_x() == 3, "Stack size: %s" % plot.get_stack_size_x() assert round(plot.get_width(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_width()*3 + spacing[0]*2,10) assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height()*3+spacing[1]*2,10)
def test_weedline_padding(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 35 padding only changes the width and height of the bbox by +=2*padding. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(6) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) pad = 35 plot.set_weedline_padding(pad) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 7, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 7" % (len( plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()) == [ 0, bbox[1] + 2 * pad, 35, bbox[3] + 2 * pad ], "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ([ 0, bbox[1] + 35, 35, bbox[3] + 35 ], map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()))
def test_set_padding(self): """ Test the set_padding() """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_padding(35, 0, 35, 0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 70 plot.set_padding(top=30) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 65 plot.set_padding(right=30) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 - 30 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 65 plot.set_padding(left=17.3) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 - 30 - 17.3 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 65 plot.set_padding(bottom=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 - 30 - 17.3 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 30 plot.set_padding(top=35, right=0, bottom=35, left=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4 - 70 plot.set_padding(top=0, right=0, bottom=0, left=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90 * 12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90 * 12 * 4
def test_set_copies_3(self): """ Test set_copies() and get_preview_xml() should stack 7 along the x axis. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(7) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 7 assert plot.get_stack_size_y( ) == 5, "Stack size: %s" % plot.get_stack_size_y() assert round(plot.get_width(), 10) == round(plot.graphic.get_width() * 2 + spacing[0], 10) assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round( plot.graphic.get_height() * 5 + spacing[1] * 4, 10)
def test_set_copies_2(self): """ Test set_copies(7) with no rotation should stack along y axis.""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(7) # two horizontal stacks and one extra f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 7 assert plot.get_stack_size_x( ) == 3, "Stack size: %s" % plot.get_stack_size_x() assert round(plot.get_width(), 10) == round( plot.graphic.get_width() * 3 + spacing[0] * 2, 10) assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round( plot.graphic.get_height() * 3 + spacing[1] * 2, 10)
import sys import os import logging dirname = os.path.dirname sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))))) from lxml import etree from lib.plot import Plot logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) plot = Plot(90*12*16,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("tests/fat-giraffes.svg"))) plot.set_copies(40) # two horizontal stacks and one extra #f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") #f.write(plot.get_preview_xml())
def McCabe(self, LK=0, HK=1): A = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[LK].nombre B = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[HK].nombre P = self.kwargs["entrada"].P Psat = dict() Psat[A] = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[LK].Pv Psat[B] = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[HK].Pv Tsat = dict() for i, s in enumerate(Psat.keys()): Tsat[s] = lambda P, s=s: fsolve(lambda T: Psat[s](T)-P,self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[i].Tb)[0] T = linspace(Tsat[A](P),Tsat[B](P)) x = lambda T: (P-Psat[B](T))/(Psat[A](T)-Psat[B](T)) y = lambda T: x(T)*Psat[A](T)/P xB = 1-self.kwargs["HKsplit"] xF = self.kwargs["entrada"].fraccion[LK] xD = self.kwargs["LKsplit"] Tbub = fsolve(lambda T:x(T) - xF,T[25]) yF = y(Tbub) if self.kwargs["R"]: R=self.kwargs["R"] else: Eslope = (xD-yF)/(xD-xF) Rmin = Eslope/(1-Eslope) R=self.kwargs["R_Rmin"]*Rmin zF = xD-R*(xD-xF)/(R+1) Sslope = (zF-xB)/(xF-xB) S = 1/(Sslope-1) xP = xD yP = xD dialog=Plot()"pychemqt", "x-y Diagram for") + "{:s}/{:s} P={:s}".format(A,B,P.str), size="x-large")"pychemqt", "Liquid Mole Fraction")+" {:s}".format(A), size="x-large")"pychemqt", "Vapor Mole Fraction")+" {:s}".format(B), size="x-large"),1.0,21)),1.0,20)) dialog.addData([0,1],[0,1],'b--') dialog.addData(map(x,T),map(y,T)) dialog.addData([xB,xB],[0,xB],'r--') dialog.addData(xB,xB,'ro',ms=5) dialog.addText(xB+0.005,0.02,'xB = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xB))) dialog.addData([xF,xF,xF],[0,xF,yF],'r--') dialog.addData([xF,xF],[xF,yF],'ro',ms=5) dialog.addText(xF+0.005,0.02,'xF = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xF))) dialog.addData([xD,xD],[0,xD],'r--') dialog.addData(xD,xD,'ro',ms=5) dialog.addText(xD-0.005,0.02,'xD = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xD)), ha="right") dialog.addData([xD,xF],[xD,yF],'r--') dialog.addData([xD,xF],[xD,zF],'r-') dialog.addData([xB,xF],[xB,xB + (S+1)*(xF-xB)/S],'r-') nTray = 0 while xP > xB: nTray += 1 Tdew = fsolve(lambda T:y(T) - yP, T[25]) xQ = xP xP = x(Tdew) dialog.addData([xQ,xP],[yP,yP],'r') dialog.addData(xP,yP,'ro',ms=5) dialog.addText(xP-0.03,yP,nTray) yQ = yP yP = min([xD - (R/(R+1))*(xD-xP),xB + ((S+1)/S)*(xP-xB)]) dialog.addData([xP,xP],[yQ,yP],'r') nTray -= 1 dialog.addText(0.1,0.90,'Rmin = {:0.2f}'.format(float(Rmin)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1,0.85,'R = {:0.2f}'.format(float(R)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1,0.80,'S = {:0.2f}'.format(float(S)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1,0.75,'nTrays = {:d}'.format(int(nTray)), size="large") dialog.exec_()
def event_file_selected(self, file_name): new_data = TimingData() new_data.load_from_csv(file_name) new_plot = Plot(new_data) self.data_source_model.add_data(new_plot) self.data_source_table.resizeColumnsToContents()
def McCabe(self, LK=0, HK=1): A = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[LK].nombre B = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[HK].nombre P = self.kwargs["entrada"].P Psat = dict() Psat[A] = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[LK].Pv Psat[B] = self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[HK].Pv Tsat = dict() for i, s in enumerate(Psat.keys()): Tsat[s] = lambda P, s=s: fsolve( lambda T: Psat[s] (T) - P, self.kwargs["entrada"].componente[i].Tb)[0] T = linspace(Tsat[A](P), Tsat[B](P)) x = lambda T: (P - Psat[B](T)) / (Psat[A](T) - Psat[B](T)) y = lambda T: x(T) * Psat[A](T) / P xB = 1 - self.kwargs["HKsplit"] xF = self.kwargs["entrada"].fraccion[LK] xD = self.kwargs["LKsplit"] Tbub = fsolve(lambda T: x(T) - xF, T[25]) yF = y(Tbub) if self.kwargs["R"]: R = self.kwargs["R"] else: Eslope = (xD - yF) / (xD - xF) Rmin = Eslope / (1 - Eslope) R = self.kwargs["R_Rmin"] * Rmin zF = xD - R * (xD - xF) / (R + 1) Sslope = (zF - xB) / (xF - xB) S = 1 / (Sslope - 1) xP = xD yP = xD dialog = Plot() QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "x-y Diagram for") + "{:s}/{:s} P={:s}".format(A, B, P.str), size="x-large") QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Liquid Mole Fraction") + " {:s}".format(A), size="x-large") QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Vapor Mole Fraction") + " {:s}".format(B), size="x-large"), 1.0, 21)), 1.0, 20)) dialog.addData([0, 1], [0, 1], 'b--') dialog.addData(list(map(x, T)), list(map(y, T))) dialog.addData([xB, xB], [0, xB], 'r--') dialog.addData(xB, xB, 'ro', ms=5) dialog.addText(xB + 0.005, 0.02, 'xB = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xB))) dialog.addData([xF, xF, xF], [0, xF, yF], 'r--') dialog.addData([xF, xF], [xF, yF], 'ro', ms=5) dialog.addText(xF + 0.005, 0.02, 'xF = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xF))) dialog.addData([xD, xD], [0, xD], 'r--') dialog.addData(xD, xD, 'ro', ms=5) dialog.addText(xD - 0.005, 0.02, 'xD = {:0.3f}'.format(float(xD)), ha="right") dialog.addData([xD, xF], [xD, yF], 'r--') dialog.addData([xD, xF], [xD, zF], 'r-') dialog.addData([xB, xF], [xB, xB + (S + 1) * (xF - xB) / S], 'r-') nTray = 0 while xP > xB: nTray += 1 Tdew = fsolve(lambda T: y(T) - yP, T[25]) xQ = xP xP = x(Tdew) dialog.addData([xQ, xP], [yP, yP], 'r') dialog.addData(xP, yP, 'ro', ms=5) dialog.addText(xP - 0.03, yP, nTray) yQ = yP yP = min([ xD - (R / (R + 1)) * (xD - xP), xB + ((S + 1) / S) * (xP - xB) ]) dialog.addData([xP, xP], [yQ, yP], 'r') nTray -= 1 dialog.addText(0.1, 0.90, 'Rmin = {:0.2f}'.format(float(Rmin)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1, 0.85, 'R = {:0.2f}'.format(float(R)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1, 0.80, 'S = {:0.2f}'.format(float(S)), size="large") dialog.addText(0.1, 0.75, 'nTrays = {:d}'.format(int(nTray)), size="large") dialog.exec_()
def test_set_padding(self): """ Test the set_padding() """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_padding(35,0,35,0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-70 plot.set_padding(top=30) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-65 plot.set_padding(right=30) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12-30 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-65 plot.set_padding(left=17.3) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12-30-17.3 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-65 plot.set_padding(bottom=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12-30-17.3 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-30 plot.set_padding(top=35,right=0,bottom=35,left=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4-70 plot.set_padding(top=0,right=0,bottom=0,left=0) assert plot.get_available_width() == 90*12 assert plot.get_available_height() == 90*12*4
def test_set_copies(self): """ Test set_copies() and set_rotation(90) should stack along x axis.""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(4) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 4 assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(), 10) == round( plot.graphic.get_height() * 4 + spacing[1] * 3, 10)
def test_set_graphic_2(self): """ Test set_graphic() and setting a new graphic after one has already been set. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s_1.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(),10) # why does it need rounding??? plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("fat-giraffes.svg"))) f = open("out/plot_%s_2.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert round(plot.get_width(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_width(),10) assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height(),10) # why does it need rounding???
def test_set_position(self): """ Test set_position()""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg")))"Checking position 0,0...") assert map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position()) == [0,0], "Got %s" % map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position())"OK")"Checking position 50,0...") plot.set_position(50,0) assert map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position()) == [50,0], "Got %s" % map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position())"OK")"Checking position 13.2,459...") plot.set_position(13.2,459) assert map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position()) == [13.2,459], "Got %s" % map(lambda x:round(x,10),plot.get_position())"OK") f = open("out/plot_%s_1.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close()
def test_set_copies(self): """ Test set_copies() and set_rotation(90) should stack along x axis.""" plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_copies(4) plot.set_rotation(90) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() spacing = plot.get_spacing() assert len(plot._data) == 4 assert plot.get_width() == plot.graphic.get_width() assert round(plot.get_height(),10) == round(plot.graphic.get_height()*4+spacing[1]*3,10)
def test_weedline(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 0 padding doesn't change the bbox. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(7) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 8, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 8" % (len( plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()) == map( lambda x: round(x, 10), bbox), "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ( bbox, plot.get_bounding_box())
import sys import os import logging dirname = os.path.dirname sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))))) from lxml import etree from lib.plot import Plot logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) plot = Plot(90 * 12 * 16, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("tests/fat-giraffes.svg"))) plot.set_copies(40) # two horizontal stacks and one extra #f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") #f.write(plot.get_preview_xml())
def test_set_position(self): """ Test set_position()""" plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg")))"Checking position 0,0...") assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position()) == [ 0, 0 ], "Got %s" % map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position())"OK")"Checking position 50,0...") plot.set_position(50, 0) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position()) == [ 50, 0 ], "Got %s" % map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position())"OK")"Checking position 13.2,459...") plot.set_position(13.2, 459) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position()) == [ 13.2, 459 ], "Got %s" % map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_position())"OK") f = open("out/plot_%s_1.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close()