def feval_init_population(self, pop_num, n):
     for index in range(pop_num):
         # First point is fixed for all spheres.
         self.pop[index][0][0] = np.pi / 2
         self.pop[index][0][1] = 0
         # The rest of the points are randomly generated.
         for k in range(n - 1):
             u = random.uniform(0, 1)
             self.pop[index][k + 1][0] = np.arccos(2 * u - 1)  # Phi value
             v = random.uniform(0, 1)
             self.pop[index][k + 1][1] = 2 * np.pi * v  # Theta value
         self.feval[index] = coulomb_pot(self.pop, index, n)
 def worst_mem_per_gen(self, pop_num, n):
     for index in range(pop_num):
         self.feval[index] = coulomb_pot(self.pop, index, n)
         self.worst_index = 1
         self.val[1] = self.feval[self.worst_index]
         self.worst_val = self.val[1]
         for index in range(
                 1, pop_num
         ):  # check the remaining members, 0 indexing so start at 1 as not to evaluate against initial worst_val
             self.val[index] = self.feval[index]
             if (self.val[index] >
                     self.worst_val):  # find when val > worst_val
                 self.worst_index = index  # save its location
                 self.worst_val = self.val[index]  # switch worst_val
 def selection(self, pop_num, n):
     for index in range(pop_num):
         self.feval[index] = coulomb_pot(self.new_pop, index, n)
         self.tempval = self.feval[index]  # check cost of competitor
         if (self.tempval < self.val[index]):
             self.pop[index] = self.new_pop[index]
             # replace old vector with new one (for new iteration)
             self.val[index] = self.tempval  # save value in "cost array"
             if (self.tempval < self.best_val):
                 self.best_index = index
                 self.best_val = self.tempval
                 # new best value
                 self.best_mem_current = self.new_pop[
                     self.best_index]  # new best parameter vector ever
                 self.pop[self.best_index] = self.new_pop[self.best_index]
    def pop_sort(self, pop_num, n):
        for index in range(pop_num):
            ## for k = 1:pop_num
            self.feval[index] = coulomb_pot(self.pop, index, n)

        # Sort best 10% of population members to retain into next generation
        pop_retain = int(np.ceil(0.1 * pop_num))
        for index in range(pop_num + 1):
            for index2 in range(pop_num - 1):
                if self.feval[index2] > self.feval[index2 + 1]:
                    self.pop[index2][:][:], self.pop[
                        index2 +
                        1][:][:] = self.pop[index2 +
                                            1][:][:], self.pop[index2][:][:]
                    tempfeval = self.feval[index2]
                    self.feval[index2] = self.feval[index2 + 1]
                    self.feval[index2 + 1] = tempfeval
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    # Declare immutable variables
    n = 12  # number of electrons
    gen_max = 200  # Max number of generations
    pop_num = 500  # number of spheres generated
    coordNum = 2  # Number of coordinates

    best_pot_range = []  # Track best and worst potential for graphs
    worst_pot_range = []

    inputFile = "data/thomsonDataSet.csv"

    # Read in example potentials to compare our results against
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.expanduser(inputFile), sep=',')
    df = df[df["N"].isin([n])]
    referencePot = df["Pot"]
    referenceN = df["N"]

    # Create diff evolution class
    de = diff_evolv_3d(gen_max, pop_num, coordNum, n)
    de.feval_init_population(pop_num, n)
    de.best_mem_current = de.pop[
        de.best_index]  # best member of current iteration

    # Initialize real time plot of best vs worst
    fig1 = plt.figure()
    plt.axis([0, gen_max, float(referencePot), float(de.best_val) * 1.5])

    for gen_num in range(gen_max):
        de.gen_count = de.gen_count + 1

        print("Generation Number: " + str(de.gen_count))
        # create a reference population filled with the best member of the previous generation
        for k in range(pop_num):
            de.best_mem[k] = de.best_mem_current

        # f_weight decreases by gen number, uncomment below to keep constant weight
        if de.gen_count > 10:
            de.f_weight_calulation(gen_num, gen_max)

        if de.switch_var == 0:
            de.mutation(pop_num, n, coordNum)
            de.mutation_jitter(pop_num, n, coordNum)
        de.new_pop = de.trial_pop

        de.pop_reintroduction(pop_num, n)
        de.pop_sort(pop_num, n)

        de.selection(pop_num, n)
        de.worst_mem_per_gen(pop_num, n)

        best_current_potential = coulomb_pot(de.pop, de.best_index, n)
        worst_current_potential = coulomb_pot(de.pop, de.worst_index, n)

        print("Best potential after DE: ")
        print("Best index of current iteration: ")
        print("Worst potential after DE: ")
        print("Best index of current iteration: ")

        de.best_per_gen[de.gen_count - 1] = best_current_potential
        de.worst_per_gen[de.gen_count - 1] = worst_current_potential


        gen_range = pd.Series(np.arange(de.gen_count))

        plt.plot(gen_range, pd.Series(best_pot_range), "b", gen_range,
                 pd.Series(worst_pot_range), "r")

    #Call draw sphere function
    print("Best Potential Found: ")
    print(coulomb_pot(de.pop, de.best_index, n))
    draw_sphere(de.best_mem_current, n)